War of Resistance

Chapter 353: Expanding the Army?

Chapter 353: Expanding the Army?

"County Chen, Commander Zhang of City Defense is here." As soon as Zhang Tianhai entered the gate of the county government, a staff member rushed to inform Chen Dazhi.

"Oh? Commander Zhang? This is a rare visitor, hurry up to meet him." Chen Dazhi said in his old and vicissitudes voice.

Before Chen Dazhi walked out, a young and hearty voice came from outside the door: "You don't have to greet me, Mr. Chen, it's too much work, I can't bear it."

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was wearing a military uniform and a woolen overcoat, and he was holding a whip in his white command gloves. He was already tall, so he looked extraordinarily heroic.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai, Chen Dazhi hurriedly said, "Quick, quick, Commander Zhang is here to invite you."

Although the city defense commander of a county is only at the rank of colonel, that is, at the regimental level, he is a position with military power in his hands, which is quite powerful. In some places, the city defense commander can even hold down the county magistrate.

The size of the county government compound is smaller than that of the city defense command. After all, the city defense command needs to garrison troops, and the county government does not need to live in ice, at most it is only needed in emergencies.

The decoration of Chen Dazhi's county magistrate's office is also very simple, there is even no decoration at all, except for the brick and concrete structure, the wall is only coated with a layer of putty, and there are not many bells and whistles.

After entering the office, Chen Dazhi began to invite Zhang Tianhai to sit down, and kept saying, "Remember, Commander Zhang is the first time to visit my county government compound, right? This is a rare visitor."

"That's right! After all, Chief of Staff Guo and Deputy Commander Zhou are in charge of the garrison business and training business. I've been coordinating the work of the whole regiment recently, such as political training work, etc. So I didn't visit Mr. Chen. This sudden visit is really unexpected, I don't think Mr. Chen is to blame." Zhang Tianhai sat down with a smile and said.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Chen Dazhi also smiled and said: "No, no, Commander Zhang is young and promising, and the first regiment directly under the third theater is the essence of our army. Funa. How can this old man be so ignorant of current affairs? This old man thinks that although his old eyes are a little hazy, he can still see people and things clearly."

"Thanks to Mr. Chen, Zhang has received strong support from the county government since he took office as the city defense commander of Lanling County. If Zhang doesn't do something practical, he will be ashamed of the people of Lanling." Zhang Tianhai didn't use military salutes. Instead, treat him with a clasped fist. After all, the other party is not a soldier, and his position is considered equal, so a military salute is not appropriate.

"Thank you Commander Zhang for your hard work, please drink tea." Chen Dazhi said, it was his secretary who had brought a cup of hot tea.

Since Liu Houming was appointed concurrently as the commander of the spy company, Zhang Tianhai didn't have any entourage and adjutant by his side at this time, and even his guards were just the squad under the county government compound.

"Thank you Chen for getting old." Zhang Tianhai took off the pair of command gloves in his hand, took a sip of some warm tea.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's hesitant appearance while drinking tea, Chen Dazhi spoke first: "Commander Zhang is busy with a lot of work, so compared to coming here in person this time, he must have encountered a problem, right?"

After hearing Chen Dazhi's words, Zhang Tianhai finally relaxed. After all, he could solve the problem of how to speak: "Mr. Chen really has a pair of wise eyes, and the ancients never deceive me. An old man in a family is like a treasure. Indeed, Mr. Zhang If you don’t want to go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, you have encountered a difficult situation at this time.”

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's appearance as a bachelor, Chen Dazhi also knew that Zhang Tianhai was not the kind of person who steals, rapes, cheats, and seeks for cheap. He must be able to say this for business.

In addition to this period of time, since the first regiment directly under the third war zone was stationed in Lanling, it has never committed any crimes against the common people. The gendarmerie under it is not ordinary hardworking.

Whenever there is any behavior that violates military discipline, it will be punished immediately.

It is precisely because the military discipline of the first regiment directly under the third theater is very strict, so the common people also love this army. For a while, the fish and water conditions between the army and the people are fully reflected.

"Since this is the case, Commander Zhang might as well say that as long as it is within the scope of the old man's ability, the old man will never refuse. He must try his best to help him." Chen Dazhi said generously. The eyes of ten years of world affairs.

"To be honest, I really can't say this, and it may embarrass Mr. Chen." Zhang Tianhai said.

Chen Dazhi is not the kind of stingy person, since he wants to be generous, he should be generous to the end: "Commander Zhang, but it's okay, now that the Japanese invaders are gradually approaching Lanling, there is nothing more important than the overall situation of the War of Resistance. Commander Zhang's army is also a tiger and ben army that came out of Shanghai and Nanjing. Commander Zhang, let's just say it, don't be polite."

Seeing that Chen Dazhi's demeanor and tone did not seem to be fake, Zhang Tianhai was not polite: "It's like this, my third theater is directly under the first regiment, and it was originally fighting in Central China. Whether it is Songhu The battlefield is still the Nanjing battlefield, and the battles are mainly in the mountains or in the city, and I have never fought in the plains."

Zhang Tianhai paused, and then said: "My third theater is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment. I went north to Shandong to fight. Although the equipment is well equipped, there is still a fatal flaw, that is, the mobile force is not enough, and it is still lacking. I once called Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth war zone, but the commander told me that the frontline war is tight, and let me raise my own food and pay."

"Mr. Chen, you have also seen that my reinforced regiment is fully loaded, and there is no room for empty pay. If we form a cavalry team again, we will have to deduct the pay of the officers and soldiers." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile. , "Those brothers under Mr. Zhang are all good soldiers who were killed on the battlefield. As far as the national disaster pay they get, if Mr. Zhang withholds it again, he will really be inhuman."

"I understand, Commander Zhang wants to expand the army, but he is suffering from military expenditures, right?" Chen Dazhi said.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said: "Indeed, Zhang's unit is extremely short of mobile forces, especially the cavalry unit. The mules and horses in my regiment are basically in the logistics and transportation units and the artillery battalion, so they really don't have the ability to attack quickly. So Suddenly, Zhang had the desire to form a cavalry company, hoping to strengthen the mobility of our troops."

Chen Dazhi thought for a while, and said, "May I ask if the firearms of Commander Zhang are sufficient?"

"Since Mr. Chen asked, Mr. Zhang should tell Mr. Chen about it! Mr. Zhang captured a lot of Japanese military equipment on the front line, which is enough to form a Japanese equipment battalion. It is only because of the problem of the establishment of our army that there is no such thing. Set up the Japanese Weapon Battalion." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Okay, this matter can be left to the old man, but the old man has an unfeeling request, I don't know if Commander Zhang can help?" Chen Dazhi stroked his beard lightly.

"Since Mr. Chen is so generous, how can Mr. Zhang be so stingy? Mr. Chen just said it's okay." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"The old man can just speak bluntly." Chen Dazhi narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his beard lightly, "Since the arrival of Commander Zhang's first regiment directly under the third war zone, the city defense of Lanling was a blank sheet of paper, without any problems. Basics. Since the arrival of Commander Zhang's troops, the defense of Lanling City has looked decent."

Chen Dazhi paused, and continued to say in his old and hoarse voice: "Commander Zhang's troops are strong and strong, and the military discipline of the troops is the best I have seen in decades. I believe that Commander Zhang's troops will be the best when they go to the battlefield." That's great, just in time for this old man to hear that Commander Zhang is also training soldiers, so I want Commander Zhang to help Lanling County train a team of Lanling children to defend the city!"


PS: The first update is here!The second is later!
Thank you Qidian book friend Youbaoshan Zhenren for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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