War of Resistance

Chapter 354 Battle

Chapter 354 Battle

Help train an army to defend the city?This is a very tempting decision. Anyway, isn't Zhiyituan also gathering for training now?By the way, it doesn't seem too difficult.

"Yes, yes, but Mr. Chen, how large an army do you want me to help you train?" Zhang Tianhai asked with a smile.

Theoretically speaking, such things as helping to train the city defense troops belong to the task of his city defense commander. I am afraid that the size of the army is large-what do you want to help people train so many troops?Is it dissatisfaction with the party and the country?

"Commander Zhang, don't worry, the old man won't make things difficult for you, just one battalion! We can't defend the city if we have too few troops, and if we have too many troops, the higher-ups won't be at ease..." Chen Dazhi said with a long sigh.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I will do my best, but Mr. Chen, please take more care of recruiting troops. For Zhang's Zhiyi regiment, just send out instructors to help with training. How about it?"

Chen Dazhi thought for a while and said, "Let's do it like this. But when the time comes, your City Defense Command will stamp the old man's side, and indicate that this battalion belongs to the establishment of the City Defense Command."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. Although Zhang's Zhiyi Regiment is a reinforced regiment, it is still relatively limited in size. Adding another cavalry company is already beyond the range of tolerance. If it is taken away That battalion of yours is overstaffed." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, a regiment with four fully staffed infantry battalions is already very good, not to mention the reinforcement of the artillery battalion.

"Commander Zhang really is a quick-talking person, happy." After seeing Zhang Tianhai agreeing to his request, Chen Dazhi also burst into a smile, even showing the three or four remaining teeth in his mouth , looks very funny.

"Okay, that Zhang won't bother me any more. Farewell!" After taking a sip of tea, Zhang Tianhai stood up and cupped his fists.

"That's good. Commander Zhang, the old man will figure out a way to deal with the matter of your cavalry company. The next thing we need to do is to train our Lanling soldiers, and Commander Zhang will be bothered." Chen Dazhi also got up and clasped his fists.

"Farewell!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai strode away, even with a smile on his face.


After leaving the Lanling county government, Zhang Tianhai went straight back to his city defense headquarters.

"Hey, Zhang Yulin, did you pick up a treasure today? Why are you so happy?" As soon as he returned to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai ran into Guo Qiliang who was just about to go out.

"It's okay, okay." Zhang Tianhai responded with a smile, and then strode back to his office, still whistling, not generally happy.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's appearance, Guo Qiliang's curiosity was immediately hooked, and he hurriedly said to the staff around him: "You wait for me here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Guo Qiliang ran after Zhang Tianhai. He was also wearing a wool coat, and he looked very high-end, but his figure was not as tall as Zhang Tianhai, so he was not as tall as Zhang Tianhai. So pretty.

"Hey, why did the Chief of Staff go?" Wang Rui, who was already the staff officer of Zhiyi Regiment, asked.

"That's needless to say? I must have gone to the group seat to learn about the gossip. You don't know, the chief of staff and the head of our regiment are classmates in the military academy, and they are both from the No.30 Sixth Division. The relationship is solid." Xu Xun said.

"Just do what you need to do, and don't talk about the chief's business." Gu Shi'an, the chief of staff of the regiment, frowned. He is also from the seventh phase of Whampoa, and he also doesn't like being gossiped by these subordinates.

"Yes, sir!" Xu Xun pretended to be serious.

But after Guo Qiliang followed Zhang Tianhai into the regiment headquarters, he immediately asked, "Tell me, what makes you happy."

"Let me tell you this, the cavalry company of our regiment is having a show." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Where does our regiment still have money to recruit soldiers and horses? Are you crazy?" Guo Qiliang said with his eyes widened. As the chief of staff, one of his responsibilities is also to manage the logistics department. The regiment has no money. He knew it in his heart.

"Let me tell you, we don't need our money to recruit troops. This money was provided by the Lanling County Government." Zhang Tianhai took out his cup and said, pouring himself a cup of hot water.

"Huh? Is there such a good thing? I'm afraid they have made some demands, right? It's impossible for such a good thing to happen." With Guo Qiliang's intelligence, he can naturally imagine it.

"Yes, but Mr. Chen, the magistrate of Lanling County, also made a request that is not too much." Zhang Tianhai picked up his glass and took a sip of water.

"What request?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"Old Chen asked us to help them train a battalion of officers and soldiers in the name of the City Defense Command. This battalion is organized by the Lanling City Defense Command, that's all." Zhang Tianhai looked at Guo Qiliang and said.

"It seems that this ginger is old and spicy. I know we have to be transferred sooner or later. Before we leave, it seems like a good deal to help them train a battalion of troops to defend the city." Guo Qiliang said with a smile.

"Don't laugh too. When you come back at night, you will only transfer some veterans and some backbones from the troops directly under the regiment headquarters to help them train. You have to help them train. This time, the training team will also transfer two or three from your staff. A staff officer to assist in the training of the city defense battalion." As for Guo Qiliang, an old man, Zhang Tianhai did not intend to play around with him.

"Ah? Still need to be transferred? My staff here is just enough." Guo Qiliang was obviously unwilling. After all, the whole regiment is now training and reorganizing, and their staff department has a heavy task. It is not a good thing to transfer two or three people away at once.

"Don't worry about it so much. This city defense battalion is also an anti-Japanese team. Therefore, we need to recruit some elite backbones to help them train and form as soon as possible. Train them well, but they will be used to attack the Japanese army..." Zhang Tianhai Looking out of the window into the distance, his eyes are deep.

"But..." Guo Qiliang said.

But he was interrupted by Zhang Tianhai before he finished speaking: "Don't worry, carry out the order! Let's tie up our belts and work hard, and help them set up their airs. It will be more difficult to fight against Japan in the future." strength."

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's tone was so firm, Guo Qiliang stood at attention and saluted, "Yes, sir!"

"You go about your business first, I just saw that you are going to go out." Zhang Tianhai issued a eviction order, obviously looking like he wanted to be complacent.

"Yes!" Guo Qiliang said helplessly.


Compared with the success of the Zhiyi Regiment, the life of the 680th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the First Army is very difficult. The Japanese army is already launching a fierce attack.

"Fight! Kill them, these bastard little Japanese!!" The commanders at the grassroots level were shouting, and many of them had Northeast accents. After all, they used to be officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army's trump card First Army!

The bullets cut through the air in front of them one by one, and the high-speed air friction made their temperature extremely high, and the bullets were already shining brightly!

"Ding! Puff~!"

A [-]-block bullet hit the helmet of a brother from the Northeast Army. The bullet shattered his helmet and penetrated his head. A trace of blood slowly flowed from his neck behind his head, soaking it He took off his gray-blue military uniform, and then slowly.

Then this brother from the Northeast Army fell heavily to the ground. Maybe he was still thinking about killing the enemy before he died, but he never recalled the happiness of his childhood in the Northeast.

He was the most valiant warrior, yet he fell on the battlefield in Huainan. In the end, even after he died, he couldn't return to the land in the northeast. Perhaps at this moment, he should be a lonely wandering soul...

"Gang Zier!!" The comrades around him called his name, it was a heart-piercing cry.

Seeing Gangzi lying in a pool of blood, Jin Ju felt pain in his heart. He watched Gangzi enter the Northeast Army and taught him how to shoot, saying that Gangzi was not his half brother. Too much.

But can he be sad?It is impossible for him to vent his emotions at this moment, because the ferocious Japanese troops in front of him are launching a fierce attack, and he must hold this position!
Because, this is the order of the regiment, and the Northeast has been lost, which is an eternal pain in the hearts of their Northeast Army.This time, they couldn't retreat without a fight. They had to fight to the end and fight to the end.

Fight for the Chinese nation, fight for the recovery of your hometown, and fight to drive away these evil invaders!


PS: The second update is here!Well, it's still on, hehe.

Thank you Qidian book friends for having a monthly pass for Baoshan real person!
Go to bed early, everyone, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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