War of Resistance

Chapter 355: The Fall of Bengbu

Chapter 355: The Fall of Bengbu
Bullets swirled and flew over the heads of both sides, like the season when a meteor shower broke out, but this "meteor shower" was extremely ugly, because it symbolized death.

The rifles or machine guns in the hands of the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army were roaring, and the guys in the hands of the little devils were not firesticks, not to mention that they were also reinforced with grenadiers and infantry artillery.

The fighting in the east of Bengbu City was extremely fierce. Under the command of Major General Akiyama Yoshiyoshi, the Sixth Infantry Brigade of the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army launched a desperate onslaught!

"What's the matter with you (clash)!!" Akiyama Yoshihito held his command saber covered with cherry blossoms, and the word "武" on the handle of the saber, which symbolized the code name of the Ninth Division, was particularly conspicuous.

Countless soldiers of the Sixth Brigade of the Japanese Army were screaming and charging desperately.

Seeing this scene, Akiyama Yoshiyoshi's fleshy face suddenly twitched -- he enjoyed this feeling very much, as if the day to be promoted to division commander was tomorrow.

"Your Excellency, Commander of the Brigade, if there is no accident, Bengbu will be captured tomorrow! Congratulations! Congratulations! Your Excellency, Commander of the Brigade, is prosperous!" said Fuji Inueyoshi, the leader of the No.30 Fifth Regiment, who was beside him with a full face. .

"Yoxi, the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Regiment are attacking with all their might. I believe there will be a result soon. Mr. Fuji, your mission is to prevent a single Chinese army from escaping the encirclement!" Akiyama Yoshihito said excitedly .

"Hay!" Fuji Inesue Kichiri bowed his head and responded, as if he was complacent because he had paid a suitable flattery.

The battle was still going on, bullets and grenadier shells were still flying in the sky or hitting the ground, and then blasted a burst of mud.

The battlefield was full of gunpowder, and Akiyama Yoshiyoshi watched this scene through the binoculars, but the smile in his eyes was already revealed, and he felt that he had already won the battle.

"Yoxi~ The [-]th Regiment is worthy of being the elite troops of our empire, and it is really good at fighting." Seeing the captain of the [-]th Regiment, Isa Kazuo, who is leading the onslaught, Akiyama Yoshiyono nodded with satisfaction.

Compared to Akiyama Yoshiyoshi's pride, the face of Mou Zhongheng (Heng), the commander of the [-]th Division, was as black as a charcoal head.

"Master, why don't you order a retreat! If the fight continues like this, the [-]th Brigade will be wiped out." Chief of Staff He Jianbin suggested to Mou Zhongheng.

Mou Zhongheng nodded and said: "I want to retreat, but not at this time. It's not dark yet. To retreat at this time is to make a living target for the enemy. The frontline troops must last until dark! Wait until dark, and then issue orders." Retreat order."

As for why the retreat order was issued after dark, the reason is very simple. Originally, the brothers were holding on to the front line and not retreating because they still had a sigh of relief in their hearts. To vent.

Therefore, Mou Zhongheng had to give the order to retreat and break through after dark. If he vented his anger, the battle would be lost.


It was night, and the remnants of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division withdrew from Bengbu overnight to guard the north bank of the Huaihe River.

Bengbu fell.

At the same time, a charity dinner was going on in Lanling City.

Kelaiju is the most well-known restaurant in Lanling City at this time. After all, not only the cooks here are good at cooking, but also the relatively expensive consumption discourages most consumers. Generally, it is the famous talents in Lanling City. Will come and go here.

But today's Kelaiju is a little different. Today, there are guards standing outside Kelaiju with live ammunition. These guards are very well equipped with light and heavy machine guns. At a glance, all of them are state-of-the-art. .

As far as these soldiers are concerned, apart from the soldiers of Commander Zhang, how can there be other troops with such excellent equipment and such a murderous state?
This dinner was jointly posted by Lanling County Magistrate Chen Dazhi and Lanling City Defense Commander Zhang Tianhai, and the guests were invited to these prominent figures in Lanling City.

In order to let these prominent figures see the strength of Zhiyituan, Zhang Tianhai not only selected [-] strong and well-built soldiers from the army as guards on duty, but also directly sent a group of The battalion's machine gun company and spy company were pulled out, which can be said to be of extremely high specifications.

Sure enough, the people who were invited could be said to have a lot of face after seeing the reception of this standard. How many people among the wealthy businessmen can receive such treatment?Of course, except for those business consortiums that took money to support the armed uprising.

The people present were basically able to speak in Lanling County, but whether they were political officials or business owners, they all had one characteristic, that is, they were rich!
Now that the front of the Japanese army is gradually approaching, the merchants and rich merchants in Lanling originally planned to go back to the countryside to avoid the disaster of war.After all, the goal in this city is the biggest. If the Japanese army wants to take Lanling, the first thing they need to attack is Lanling County.

It wasn't until Zhang Tianhai arrived with the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third war zone that the restlessness in the city gradually stabilized—after all, Zhang Tianhai's regiment of the first regiment had a strong army, and this was the first regiment in the city. People can see it.

Not only are there many soldiers, but there are also many weapons, which are not like the poor haha ​​of the Northwest Army, whose weapons are very simple.

After all, the industry in the city is the most valuable, and no businessman would want to give up the industry in the city.

How do you say something?

If there is a 20.00% profit, the capital will be ready to move; if there is a 50.00% profit, the capital will take risks; if there is a [-]% profit, the capital will dare to risk hanging; Without profits, capital dares to trample on all laws in the world!
People at this time will not give up their lives for this little money, but this also reflects the nature of capital merchants. They will not give up lightly until the last moment.

After all, no one's money comes from strong winds, especially in troubled times, money is a must.

Although it is said that having a gun is the grass head king, but it is also true that having money can make Motui ghosts.

This evening, Chen Dazhi and others had arrived, but Zhang Tianhai hadn't arrived yet. This was a private discussion between the two of them—these rich households in the city must be given a sense of deterrence, so that they can feel at ease about this army.

"Hello, County Magistrate Chen."

"Hello, County Magistrate Chen."

"Hello, County Magistrate Chen."

After entering the restaurant, many wealthy households saw Chen Dazhi and hurried forward to say hello. After all, he is also the county magistrate, right?

"Everyone, just sit down and find a seat quickly. You can't let people say that the old man is very old, and he can't even greet anyone." Although Chen Dazhi looks a little old, his conduct in the world is still undiminished .


There was roaring laughter all around, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

At this time, a rich man who was acquainted with Chen Dazhi came forward and asked: "Mr. Chen, I see that the names of you and Commander Zhang of Chengfang are written on the invitation card. Why didn't you see this Commander? I heard that Yes, this Commander is very young, not yet 28, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"You'll know in a while, Commander Zhang has urgent business to deal with, so he'll be here later." Chen Dazhi stroked his beard lightly, but his eyes were already in the arc of a smile.

It's no wonder that these merchants were curious. Among the people who greeted the first regiment directly under the third war zone that day, there were only a very small number of merchants. After all, they were busy liquidating their belongings at that time.

In addition, since Zhang Tianhai entered the city, he has lived in seclusion and rarely left the gate of the city defense headquarters. It is normal for them not to know each other.

Just when everyone was expressing their curiosity about the young and mysterious Commander Zhang, there was a loud shout outside the door: "Commander Zhang of the City Defense Command is here!!"

Just before hearing the voice outside, another voice came: "Salute!!"


PS: The first update is here.

Some book friends are asking, when will the war start?Xiongying just wants to say yes, when the line is paved, since the war will start, please rest assured.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Muzi for reading a bimonthly monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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