Chapter 356
With this "salute", all the guards downstairs stood at attention and saluted.

And the person responsible for shouting this "salute" is Liu Houming, the person in charge of this security operation.

Liu Houming has been with Zhang Tianhai for such a long time, and the tacit understanding must be perfect, so Zhang Tianhai asked Liu Houming to be the person in charge of this security operation.

Regarding this operation, Zhang Tianhai didn't have too much nonsense, and said directly to Liu Houming: "This is also a face-saving operation, and you must do it well. You must give Lanling's fathers and people a must Make a good impression and let them see what the elite of our city defense forces look like."

After hearing these words, Liu Houming finally understood what Tuan Zuo wanted to do. To put it bluntly, wasn't it just for show?
Liu Houming is also a smart person, so he took advantage of the afternoon to immediately order the troops to arrange the surroundings of the restaurant, and came up with a good way for the regiment leader to salute when he came in.

Zhang Tianhai came in all the way, and the guards standing on both sides kept standing at attention and saluting. With this ostentation, if Zhang Tianhai didn’t know that Zhang Tianhai was just a small city defense commander, he would have thought he was at least an army commander, or the commander-in-chief of the group army. What kind of level?

For these merchants in Lanling City who have not seen much of the world, since Commander Zhang is the city defense commander of Lanling and the highest-ranking military officer in Lanling County, he should enjoy this kind of honor.

The headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third war zone is well-equipped, but it has never done anything wrong to the common people. The merchants and wealthy households in Lanling County have long heard of it, and even experienced it themselves, so their current behavior towards Zhang Tianhai is Not objectionable.

"Hello, Commander Zhang!"

"Hello, Commander Zhang!"

"Hello, Commander Zhang!"

After reaching the second floor, almost everyone was saying hello to Zhang Tianhai.

For this, Zhang Tianhai clasped his fists one by one to express his gratitude, and then walked towards Chen Dazhi.

"Old Chen, Mr. Zhang has important military affairs, so he came late. Don't blame Mr. Chen." Zhang Tianhai said to Chen Dazhi, pretending to smile wryly.

I saw Chen Dazhi looked at Zhang Tianhai, with a light in his eyes that only the two of them could understand, and said: "Commander Zhang has worked hard and made great achievements, and he has been training for the war of resistance. Divide up."

After finishing speaking, Chen Dazhi said to Zhang Tianhai, "Commander Zhang, please."

"Old Chen, please go first." Zhang Tianhai said very politely, after all, this image of respecting the old and loving the young needs to be established.

After Chen Dazhi sat down, Zhang Tianhai stood up and cupped his fists and said to the people in front of him, "Everyone, please take your seats too!"

After the guests were seated, the dishes were served, and there were not many dishes. They were probably some of the more famous local side dishes, about five or six dishes, and an average of one dish per person. Very good.

At the same time, there were also some famous local wines, Lanling Shaodao Wine, and the aroma of the wine filled the entire second floor.

After drinking for three rounds, Chen Dazhi finally got to the point.

He stood up trembling slightly, holding a sippy cup in his hand, and said, "My compatriots, all the leaders of Lanling County. It is a great honor for me to drink a glass of thin wine with you here today." , It is really a pleasure to see these leaders of our Lanling County sitting together and chatting about life."

"However, there may not be many opportunities for this." Chen Dazhi sighed, "Now that the Japanese invaders are heading south, they are already close to Mengyin. Even if the Japanese invaders lose Mengyin, they will soon regain it. Now that the war is approaching, Lanling seems to be at peace, but in fact it is in danger. Inviting everyone to gather here today is actually to let everyone contribute to Lanling County."

"Major Chen, if you have something to do, just say hello. Little Japan is now heading south. We also want to do something for Lanling and Shandong." At the banquet, a tall businessman got up and said.

"That's right. Boss Li is right. We have long wanted to do something for Lanling, but we don't have these opportunities." Someone immediately echoed off the court.

"Mr. Chen, if you have something to say, just say it. As long as our Lanling Chamber of Commerce can help, there will be nothing wrong."

"Yeah, I've wanted to help with something for a long time."


Everyone at the banquet responded one after another, and the main theme generally revolved around wanting to help and do something.

Chen Dazhi raised his hand and pressed down, motioning everyone to keep silent, and then said: "Okay, I have received your wishes. Next, I will talk about this matter."

Chen Dazhi cleared his throat, and said: "In Lanling City, Commander Zhang's Third War Zone is currently stationed directly under the First Regiment. It is very peaceful now, but people must be prepared for danger in times of peace. Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region. Commander Zhang’s First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone is the essence of the national army, and sooner or later it will go to the battlefield to fight Little Japan.”

"Now Commander Zhang's troops are stationed in Lanling for training, so the old man has an idea, want to recruit some soldiers from Lanling as Lanling's city defense force, so that even if Commander Zhang's troops are transferred, Lanling will not be able to defend the city." It will not fall into the predicament of being unguarded. This unit will be trained by Commander Zhang.

Everyone has seen Commander Zhang's troops, how strict the military discipline is, and Commander Zhang is a high-achieving student who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. Don't worry, I don't know what you think? "After speaking, Chen Dazhi looked at everyone.

"Since the county magistrate Chen is concerned about Lanling, everything starts from Lanling. County magistrate Chen, you can decide. We have the money to contribute, and we have the ability to contribute." Someone responded on the spot.

Then, there was a lot of response.

"Thank you for your support." Chen Dazhi stood up and cupped his fists in thanks.

"The county magistrate Chen's words are wrong. How can there be eggs in a full nest? How can the skin be attached? Although Li has a little bit of family property, he is willing to help Lanling City and the people of Lanling!" The tall businessman stood up again and said.

"I am willing to help Lanling and the people of Lanling!"

"I would too!"

"In addition, Commander Zhang also encountered a difficult problem, which also requires everyone to do their best. I hope everyone can help, just as Commander Zhang is willing to send someone to help us train in Lanling County free of charge. It's the same as the defenders." Chen Dazhi said bluntly.

"Commander Zhang, but it's okay, the Lanling Chamber of Commerce will do its best to help." The boss Li said just now, and it seems that he is one of the principals of the Lanling Chamber of Commerce.

"Zhang's troops came from places like the Shanghai and Nanjing battlefields. Zhang's troops might be okay in the Central China battlefield, but in the vast North China battlefield, they seem to be a bit lacking in mobility, so Zhang wants to fight between the troops. It is difficult to set up a cavalry company in the middle of the country, but due to insufficient military expenses." Zhang Tianhai got up and said.

At this moment, at the banquet, a middle-aged man in a brown suit stood up, clasped his fists to Zhang Tianhai and said, "Since Commander Zhang has decided to help me train the city defense force in Lanling County for free, and Commander Zhang's The army is an anti-Japanese army, and I, the Lanling Chamber of Commerce, will definitely help you to the end. Please rest assured, Commander Zhang!"

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai finally let go of most of his heart: the matter of the cavalry is settled.


PS: This is to make up for yesterday, and there are two updates tonight.

Thank you Qidian book friend Piao Piao Heixue for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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