War of Resistance

Chapter 357 Unexpected

Chapter 357 Unexpected
Next is the donation site.

The donation scene is not as vulgar as directly taking out money, but about how much each person donates, and then the bookkeeper takes a small notebook to write it down.

"Mihang Wang's family in the east of the city, donate three hundred oceans!"

"Zhaoji rice line in the west of the city, donate 350 yuan!"

"Liji Silk Village in the south of the city, donate 800 oceans!"


The notes are recording bit by bit, recording the approximate amount of money donated by people.

However, no matter how much it is, the money is the hard work of Lanling merchants and politicians.

By the end of the dinner, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. They were full of tea and food, and drank a lot of Lanling Shaojiu, which can be said to be a pleasure for the guests.

After the dinner, Zhang Tianhai did not directly return to the army, and Chen Dazhi did not directly return to the government. After the two returned to the backstage, they began to calculate how much money they had.

It’s not like I don’t know, but I’m surprised that it’s nearly 2 yuan. Not to mention a battalion plus a company, even if it’s a regiment’s strength, it’s already built.

"Commander Zhang, this is only so much money. This old man asked Mr. Bookkeeper to prepare an extra record, so that Commander Zhang can take it back to the staff." Chen Dazhi said.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, whatever. Zhang will take it back to the City Defense Command, and wait for Chief of Staff Guo and Deputy Chief Zhou to discuss it together."

"Yes." Chen Dazhi nodded.


After Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, but he didn't take a break either, so he called Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie directly, smelling of alcohol, to hold a leadership group meeting.

Soon, Zhou Fangjie appeared at the regiment headquarters. He was always so swift and decisive in his work. He said, "Tuan Zuo, what's the good thing about calling us here in such a hurry?"

"Now, it's not just about helping to train the city defense troops. Let alone a cavalry company, we can build a cavalry battalion!" Zhang Tianhai said excitedly.

"What? Cavalry battalion?!" Guo Qiliang, who had just entered Zhang Tianhai's office, opened his throat and asked, obviously shocked.

"Yes, you heard that right, it's the cavalry battalion. Take a look at this dinner, how much money did we and the county government get together?" Zhang Tianhai directly handed the paper with the money written on it to Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie. people.

"I'm a good boy, [-] oceans? This is not a battalion. If you don't count the guns, a reinforced infantry regiment can make it up." Guo Qiliang said with a face full of surprise.

"So, this time, we won't lose money. Let's be more generous and directly set up a cavalry battalion. The scale of the cavalry battalion should not be too large. About 300 people are enough. If there are more people, our current military expenditure is enough to support I'm sorry." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, but the smell of alcohol has not dissipated, and his body is still full of alcohol.

"No way, with so much money, let's build a cavalry battalion with more than 300 people?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"These money should be spent on the construction of the Lanling City Defense Battalion, and find ways to expand and recruit them." Zhang Tianhai said directly, "The staff will help them come up with a plan. All the Japanese weapons and guns will be given to the brothers in the Lanling City Defense Battalion. Our cavalry battalion will equip the horses first, and then equip the sabers!"

"Tuan Zuo, if we give them all our seized Japanese weapons and guns, wouldn't that be a good idea? These guns and ammunition were brought back from the Nanjing battlefield." Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly. Dao, the identity of "Fine Butler" is online again...

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said: "They are all anti-Japanese teams, so don't worry too much about them. Our firearms are also rusted in the warehouse. It's better to give them to practice. In their hands, maybe And kill a few little devils."

"But what about the equipment of our cavalry battalion? Is it only equipped with a saber?" Zhou Fangjie frowned and said, it seemed that he felt sorry for his batch of equipment.

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "The cavalry battalion? Let's not say that this cavalry battalion was sent by the people of Lanling, but we can wait until the cavalry battalion becomes combat-ready before we go into battle? Let me tell you, Lao Zhou, let's wait No, our regiment is the elite of the fifth theater, and now the German weapon division is basically gone, leaving only our regiment with a fully equipped German weapon unit. It is impossible for the theater to let us rust here."

"Hey, it's fate..." Zhou Fangjie said with a sigh.

Zhang Tianhai said with a bitter smile: "Why did the commander of the war zone transfer us to Lanling? I believe you know it without telling me. It is probably because he is ready to support the Northwest Army Pang Bingxun at any time. Now Pang Bingxun's No.40 Army is in Mengyin and LY. stationed, and its vanguard troops have already joined the local militia and fought the Japanese army in Mengyin, our cavalry battalion will at most be recruited after it is full, and then put on airs, and it will not be so easy to really fight."

"So, at this stage, our main force is still the infantry battalion and the artillery unit. Once there is a war, as long as we annihilate the two squadrons of the Japanese army, our cavalry battalion will have everything, so there is no need to worry too much." Zhang Tianhai said He patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder, motioning him to relax.

"Okay, let's do it like this, you are right, group seat." Zhou Fangjie responded, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: No wonder he became the head of the strengthening group at a young age. There are many things. , what you see is farther than yourself...

"Old Guo, I will leave it to you for the next reorganization plan. Anyway, on the premise of ensuring the size of our cavalry battalion, try to help their city defense force in Lanling County to make it better." Zhang Tianhai looked towards Guo Qiliang said.

"No problem. I'll do it now. Before the regular meeting tomorrow morning, I'll work out this plan for you to review." Guo Qiliang said with a smile. His slight smile means that all the staff members of the staff department have to work overtime Yes, especially the three staff officers who were transferred to the training team.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "That's fine, that's the preliminary opinion, let's implement it according to this! The meeting is adjourned!"

"Yes!" Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang responded in unison. After the meeting is over, it's time to go about your own business.

Zhang Tianhai, who smelled of alcohol, didn't go back to his room, but knocked on Zheng Man's door.

Well, there's always something about that in drunk men.

"Here, who is it?" Zheng Man's voice came from inside the door.

"I, Zhang Yulin." Zhang Tianhai, who smelled a little drunk, said.

The door opened, and Zheng Man saw Zhang Tianhai, who smelled of alcohol all over his body, and couldn't help but blame him: "You just went to that banquet, why did you drink so much alcohol. Come in, it's cold outside."

After entering the door, it was really warm inside, and a pot of fire was burning vigorously.

After Zhang Tianhai entered, he sat by the fire, took off his woolen coat, and put it on the dressing table beside him.


PS: Today's first update is delivered. This chapter is a little short, but it's okay. The chapter tonight is a [-]-word chapter.Let's wait and see!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very, very handsome, and SteveKarl’s monthly pass is one each!
(End of this chapter)

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