Chapter 358

I saw Zheng Man grabbed Zhang Tianhai's woolen coat, and then hung his woolen coat on a simple shelf on the side with a hanger, and kept saying: "Look at you, every day, it's okay to drink What are you doing with so much wine? You won’t hide for a while?”

Seeing Zheng Man's babbling appearance, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but chuckle, and said, "I don't know when you, a fox fairy, came down to earth for me, Zhang Yulin. Look at you, just once When I first met you, you were like that vixen full of dangers, which is both lovable and awe-inspiring. Hehe, I never thought that you would have such a cute side."

Zheng Man didn't say anything, just glared at Zhang Tianhai, took off his shoes and kicked the latter lightly, and said, "Hurry up, go wash your face and go to bed. Don't drink so much wine next time, you still have to It's a regular meeting."

"All right, all right, long live my daughter-in-law." Zhang Tianhai, who was full of nonsense, went out, and he looked unusually happy in that state.

Looking at the back of Zhang Tianhai going out to the firewood room, Zheng Man had a complicated expression and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, a burst of acid reflux came up, and another burst of retching, but no one noticed in the room That's all.

After a while, Zhang Tianhai came back after washing. He didn't forget to turn off the light when he came in, and it was dark all around.

He sneaked into Zheng Man's bed, only to find that the beauty in his arms was sobbing.

"Xiao Man, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Tianhai comforted Zheng Man softly, but he wondered if he had offended her.

"It's nothing..." Zheng Man turned around and pressed against his chest, sobbing continuously.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and it seemed that he didn't make her angry or wronged her, so the only possibility is that someone made her wronged.

"Did someone offend you? Who is it? Just tell me, I'll kill him!" Zhang Tianhai said angrily. He finally understood Wu Sangui's feeling of being a confidante in anger at the time, and it was probably the same. Bar……

"Zhang Yulin, will you marry me?" Zheng Man sobbed softly.

"What's wrong with you today? Who stimulated you?" Zhang Tianhai gently stroked her long hair and asked tenderly.

Zheng Man raised his head, looked at Zhang Tianhai with those beautiful eyes that were still wet from tears, shook his head, and said: "No one has wronged me, I just want to ask you, will you marry me?"

Looking into Zheng Man's eyes, Zhang Tianhai nodded firmly and said, "Yes."

After hearing these words, Zheng Man hugged Zhang Tianhai's neck tightly, buried her head in his chest, and said softly, "I'm pregnant with your baby."

Although Zhang Tianhai drank too much, his ears were still working. When he heard the news, his whole body trembled a little. He asked, "Is what you said true? You can't lie to me..."

Zheng Man said softly in that voice as thin as a mosquito: "Well, I didn't lie to you. You are going to be a father."

"You're going to be a father" these five words, like a bomb, exploded in Zhang Tianhai's mind at once - his mind went blank for a moment, followed by a burst of great ecstasy.

The huge surprise made him couldn't help but grabbed Zheng Man and kissed him, and he kept saying: "Honey, you are so great. I'm going to be a father, I'm going to be a father..."

For Zhang Tianhai, who has been a man for two lifetimes but has never had any experience as a father, this news has to be said to be a huge surprise. This news can even be said to be more exciting than his being appointed as the head of the Zhiyi Regiment...

This news made Zhang Tianhai more determined to marry Zheng Man and even protect their future.

That night, Zhang Tianhai had many strange dreams, about his future with Zheng Man, and about the memory of the former owner of his current body, and also "dreamed" about Zhang Tianhai's current body biological father.

Only in the dream did Zhang Tianhai know that his father in this life, named Zhang Fuhan, was an ordinary teacher who couldn't be more ordinary. age.

In the dream, the two brothers Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Tiannan were hung up and spanked because they were naughty when they were young.

It's a pity that the time of dreaming is always very short, as if the dawn has arrived in an instant.

Zhang Tianhai, who was still snoring and sleeping, was woken up by Zheng Man: "Get up, hurry up and brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. In addition to holding a regular meeting today, you also have to inspect the training situation of the troops..."

"Oh... patrolling troops..." Zhang Tianhai opened his eyes in a daze, but those eyes stayed on Zheng Man who was still dressed, as if he didn't want to leave anymore.

The ancients did not deceive me, Ruanrou Township is a tomb of heroes, no wonder the kings are unwilling to go to court early... Zhang Tianhai couldn't help sighing in his heart.


However, the sigh is the sigh, and the things that should be done must be completed.

Two hours later, Zhang Tianhai, who was already fully dressed, was sitting in the meeting room of the regiment headquarters drinking tea.

On the white porcelain cup in Zhang Tianhai's hand, there is a green bamboo painted on it, and beside it is a poem written in traditional characters: insist on the green hills and not let go, the roots are originally in the broken rocks.Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind from east to west, north and south.

This is Zheng Xie's "Bamboo and Stone", a very artistic poem.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps outside the conference room. Zhang Tianhai looked up and saw that it was the Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang.

At this time, Guo Qiliang was holding a document in a blue folder with a blue sky and white sun badge printed on it.

"Last night, I worked hard all night, and finally arranged this plan." Guo Qiliang yawned uncontrollably after finishing speaking. The two dark circles on his face are not so obvious...

Zhang Tianhai looked through the document carefully, and said, "The plan is very reasonable. After the regular meeting, I will give your staff a day off and let you have a good rest."

"Stop making trouble, if we all take a day off, there will be no one left behind in our regiment headquarters." Guo Qiliang said with a wry smile.

"It's not a big problem. Send the deputy battalion commanders of the four battalions back and each of them will be on duty for six hours, and you will have your vacation." Zhang Tianhai was not joking. During the training period, the staff department had the hardest work. , Every day is overloaded with work, and more than a dozen people are working day and night.

Zhang Tianhai saw all of this. Whether it was in other combat units of the army, the officers could at least guarantee a one-day vacation every Monday, but the staff department did not.

Of course, there is no way around this. The staff department can be said to be the brain of a regiment. Most of the decision-making plans come from here, and it begins to coordinate the training, work and rest, logistics and other aspects of the entire regiment. But it's not easy.

Guo Qiliang thought for a while, and said: "Well, it seems reasonable, so you can do it!"

After finishing speaking, Guo Qiliang sat on the position of Zhang Tianhai's deputy and fell asleep. After all, it is good to rest for a while.

Before everyone came, Zhang Tianhai once again looked at the document plan that Guo Qiliang and the staff of the staff department had prepared overnight.

Guo Qiliang deserves to be a very qualified chief of staff. The above is very clear. The first page above is about the construction of the city defense battalion, but the city defense battalion has been organized into two battalions from one battalion.

The two battalions of the City Defense Battalion are not two battalions in the designation, but only one battalion in the designation, but the other troops are hidden in the name of the company directly under the City Defense Command. The first regiment directly under the three theaters is somewhat similar.

Hmm... it's more than similar, it's almost the same in technique...

The designations of the three companies directly under the City Defense Command are the wartime military police company, the order police company, and the combat readiness mobilization company.

The number of people in each company is 120, but the actual number is 140. These three companies have 420 people, plus the city defense battle battalion, there are nearly 900 people.

Looking at the plan in this document, Zhang Tianhai is quite satisfied. There are more than 900 people, not too many, not too few, and it is more than enough to guard a Lanling. no more.

Leaving aside the question of whether Lanling can support more troops, let’s say that if the Japanese army marched southward, if they reached Lanling, a city that could not be defended by 900 people would not be able to defend it with 2000 people.

Don’t forget that the main problem is the lack of firearms. At that time, the equipment brought back by the first battalion was only a few hundred human guns. In addition, the gendarmerie company had replaced more than 100 rifles, and the guns given to them were only 300. That's all.

There are more than 300 people with guns, but they are relatively limited, and the remaining guns can only be figured out by themselves. It is impossible to hand over the guns and ammunition used by the regiment to the soldiers of the city defense battalion.

Zhang Yulin's soldiers couldn't just go to the battlefield with two fire sticks.

Open the following plan, which is about the establishment of the cavalry battalion directly under the first regiment. The cavalry battalion has three cavalry companies under its jurisdiction. Each cavalry company, including the company commander, has a total establishment of 121 people. There are three platoons with 40 people in each platoon; each platoon has three combat squads with 12 people in each squad.

In addition to the personnel, there is also a sentence below: Except for officers above the company commander, each cavalry battalion is equipped with a saber as standard, plus a [-]-style rifle, which is currently owed [-] rifles; you can equip a saber first Train with the horse first.

This plan can be said to be very clear, and it has considered the actual situation from various factors.

The last page is about the establishment of a cavalry battalion and the budget for training the troops directly under the Lanling City Defense Command, which is also marked very reasonably.


PS: The update has been added, and the [-]-word chapter is here. Good night everyone!
Thank you Qidian book friend Baiboshui 598 and Dugou old fisherman for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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