Chapter 359

This day's regular meeting will be held at ten o'clock in the morning as usual.

This regular meeting was required by Zhang Tianhai to be held on time every day. The purpose was to report the progress of the training of the troops below in a timely manner.

Today's report was also completed very quickly. Generally speaking, it was about some problems that occurred during the training of the troops, etc. Generally speaking, it went relatively smoothly.

After the report was over, Zhang Tianhai said: "Today, apart from the specific report, the regiment headquarters has another important decision to announce, that is, our regiment will establish a cavalry battalion."

As soon as the news came out, everyone couldn't help being stunned, and then there was a lot of discussion, all of which were: Why did the army expand again?

It is really no wonder that the military chiefs of the Zhiyi Regiment were so stunned. The expansion of the Zhiyi Regiment was too fast. Counting from November, when the Nanjing Defense War began and the establishment of the regiment, less than three months had passed. The four infantry battalions of the regiment are not only fully staffed, but even the troops directly under the regiment headquarters have been expanded a lot. Not long ago, an artillery battalion was strengthened, and now a cavalry battalion is needed.

It has only been two and a half months, and so many soldiers have been produced. If the cavalry battalion is counted, their reinforced regiment will be terrible.

Not only is there a complete range of arms, but the ratio of light and heavy machine guns is extremely high. It can be said that, except for the engineering company and the tank company, the Zhiyi Regiment has all the arms that should have.

Such a configuration of arms, coupled with the proportion of combat troops, is almost a brigade.

Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it is the cavalry battalion. After our regiment entered the North China Plain, it showed many shortcomings, such as the lack of mobility and so on. At this point, It can only be improved by establishing cavalry battalions."

Everyone on the field was silent. After all, no one can change the decision made by the regiment, and one more cavalry battalion is a good thing for the first regiment directly under the entire third theater.

"Since you have no objections, in the next few days, in addition to training the troops, we also need to assist Deputy Chief Zhou and Chief of Staff Guo to establish a cavalry battalion. Now that the war is approaching, this work is the top priority. Please pay attention to it. Do you understand?" Zhang Tianhai stood up and gave the final order.

"Yes! Group seats!" Everyone stood up and responded, very neatly, with such a spirited appearance, they felt refreshed just looking at them.

"That's it, the meeting is over!" Zhang Tianhai announced.

After the meeting adjourned, Zhang Tianhai disappeared, and Xu Sangou, the leader of the platoon of guards with the regiment, did not know where he went.

At noon on the same day, that is, at noon on February [-]nd.

Mengyin County, which was supposed to be bustling, was lonely. It was already approaching the end of the New Year, and the Chinese New Year would be a few days away. The whole thing should be lively.

However, Mengyin County could not be reorganized. The war of the Japanese army came again, and the houses bombarded by the bombardment left only broken walls and ruins. Except for the intact ones, the other houses have long been destroyed.

It wasn't because it was Mafawu's division that it didn't collapse, but the house that wasn't destroyed could serve as the division.

Ma Fawu is the commander of the No.30 Ninth Division of the National Revolutionary Army Army, and belongs to the battle order of the No.40 Army under the Pang Bingxun Third Army Corps. It can be said that he is the most trustworthy person in the Pang Bingxun Army Commander.

Ma Fawu followed Pang Bingxun from the beginning to today, and four of the five regiments of Pang Bingxun's army are directly commanded by him, and the remaining regiment belongs to the special agent regiment directly under the army.

Unlike other senior military officers who pay great attention to hair style and appearance, Ma Fawu has a big bright bald head, um, the kind with nearly one hundred watts.At this time, he was drawing a graph line in front of the table, and the Japanese Itagaki Division was pressing hard, which put him under considerable pressure.

As Pang Bingxun's most trusted person, and also the most powerful general in the No.40 Army except Pang Bingxun, who is also the commander, Ma Fawu was naturally appointed as the former enemy commander of the Third Army, including the 115th Brigade All armed forces within and within Mengyin County.

As for the special task force directly under the 116th Brigade and the Legion, they stayed in the rear of LY, as a reserve force to support Mengyin and other places at any time.

Pang Bingxun is famous for his ability to avoid the most important and preserve his strength. His fighting style is particularly light and eclectic, and this Mengyin battle is no exception. He does not intend to use Mengyin as the decisive battlefield. He must use part of his troops Involving and depleting the enemy's offensive vigor has achieved the purpose of exhausting the enemy and knowing the specific situation of the enemy's troops.

"Master, there is an urgent report from the front line. The Japanese forward troops have crossed Lujiagou, and about two regiments have rushed towards our Mengyin County. Now the militia troops have organized layers of resistance, but it is not expected to last long. .” A staff officer ran in to report to Mafa Wuhui.

Ma Fawu immediately found the location of Lujiagou on the map, glanced at it, and then said: "We have already crossed Lujiagou. It seems that the main force of the Japanese army will have to approach Mengyin City in less than two hours. Order all troops, Get ready for battle now!"

"Yes, sir!" The staff officer responded.

"Master, with this little force, can we withstand the attack of the two Japanese regiments?" Zhu Jialin, the commander of the 115th brigade, obviously lacked confidence.

Ma Fa gritted his teeth tightly and said: "If you can't stand it, you have to. Don't forget what is the meaning of our stay in Mengyin. Officer Pang has already issued an order. If anyone dares to disobey the order and retreat or evacuate without authorization, They will all be shot. Don’t forget the fate of Han Fuqu, chairman of SD Province and deputy commander of the third war zone. Even such high-ranking generals can be shot, let alone us shrimp soldiers and crab generals.”

Before Zhu Jialin could speak, Ma Fawu gave a serious warning: "The commander of the legion has treated me with great kindness, so what if he repays it with death? But if we implicate Commander Pang because of our ineffective combat, then He deserves death. Listen, before receiving the order to retreat, anyone who dares to retreat lightly, or retreat without authorization, I will be the first to kill him!"

"Yes! Sir!" The 115th brigade commander Zhu Jialin, deputy brigade commander Huang Shuxun and others stood at attention and saluted, but in their hearts they had made up their minds to fight the war to the end, and all the officers were ready to die. Not to mention them.

"Let's continue the battle!" Ma Fawu said, "What do you think about the follow-up progress of this battle?"

I saw Zhu Jialin picked up a pencil, clicked on the map and said: "Teacher, look, we are now living in Mengyin, and the main force of our Third Army is in the LY area. We will join the local militia and count our casualties." The total number of people is just two regiments. But the two regiments of our 115th Brigade are not alone."

Zhu Jialin first drew a circle on LY on the map, and then drew a circle on Lanling near LY, and then said: "The nearest LY to us is the Secret Service Regiment of our Third Army and the 116th Brigade. Counting the legion headquarters and the troops directly under the military headquarters, there are more than three regiments in total.

In addition, there is also the security team of Zhang Liyuan, commissioner of the Shandong Third Inspector's Office, stationed in LY City. Zhang Yuanli's security team also has considerable combat effectiveness.

In addition, Lanling, which is very close to LY, also stationed a reinforced regiment of the Central Army. It is said that the first regiment directly under the third theater is fully armed with German weapons, and there is also an eight-door artillery battalion. Very well equipped.

It can be said that our national army has a total of seven regiments in the LY and Mengyin areas.Seven regiments fought against two regiments of the Japanese army. As long as the calculations were done properly, a tie would not be a problem. "

Hearing what Zhu Jialin said, Ma Fawu shook his head lightly, as if he agreed, but he didn't quite agree with what he said.


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friend SKL Qiang for the two monthly tickets!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, boiled water 598, and I am a ghoul, each with a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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