Chapter 360

"Master, don't you agree with Brigadier Zhu's words?" Huang Shuxun, deputy brigade commander of the 115th Brigade, looked at Ma Fawu and asked.

Ma Fawu nodded and said: "Some people agree, but the other part doesn't. Don't worry about Zhang Liyuan, Commissioner Zhang will naturally help our army, not to mention that our army and Commissioner Zhang have no friendship. But this Central Army The troops don't know what's going on."

As soon as Ma Fawu said this, everyone present was taken aback: It seems that the teacher's words are not unreasonable. The Central Army and the Northwest Army have old grievances. Besides, the Central Army is a veritable direct army. They also look down on the Northwest Army. military.

"But, teacher, the commander of the war zone transferred them to Lunan, didn't they just hope to support LY Mengyin on the front line?" Zhu Jialin frowned slightly.

Ma Fawu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "That's what I said, but haven't you heard the saying that the emperor's life will not be accepted? What if they don't support? Once we are in trouble, If the first regiment directly under the third war zone comes to listen to the announcement, then our No.40 army will have to be buried in southern Lunan!"

"Yes, sir, I understand the lowly position." Zhu Jialin responded. After all, he was also from the Northwest Army, and he was also an officer of the Central Army in the eyes of the miscellaneous army. How could he not understand what the teacher said?
After all, there is a difference between the local miscellaneous army and the central army, even the well-equipped Northeast Army is no exception...

Looking at the map in front of him, Zhu Jialin's face sank: Although the Central Army has good equipment and strong combat effectiveness, it is still a question whether they are willing to fight side by side with the Northwest Army.

Regarding factional struggles, Ma Fawu, who graduated from the eighth batch of Baoding Military Academy, sees it more clearly than anyone else. It is hard to say whether the Central Army will desperately reinforce or stand by when the time comes.

Ma Fawu's somewhat thick eyebrows frowned slightly, and said: "Let's not count this central army unit in our budget for the time being! But the war situation is ever-changing, and it cannot be ruled out that the third theater directly under the One regiment of this army will support us. Next, we will carry out defensive operations according to the No. [-] plan! We must not let the little devil take Mengyin so easily."

"Yes! Sir!" A group of Northwest Army officers in the division headquarters responded.


When Ma Fawu and the others were feeling headaches from the Japanese army's pressing step by step, Zhang Tianhai took Xu Sangou all over the street to find someone.

who?Of course, we should look for a woman with experience in childbirth. Although Zhang Tianhai is a rough guy, he still knows that when this woman is first pregnant, it is the time when she is most likely to lose her baby, so she must focus on protecting her baby.

But as soon as he went to the street, Zhang Tianhai was in trouble: he said he wanted to go to the street to find a job like confinement wife, but it seems that there is no such job at this time, right?Even if there is, he is not easy to ask as an old man. Besides, it is indeed quite difficult for someone who is not familiar with the place.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai once again thought of Mr. Chen, a kind old man...

But it seems that it is not a problem to always catch an old man who is so old, right?
However, with Xu Sangou, a young man, he patrolled for a long time, but found nothing, so Zhang Tianhai had to bring Xu Sangou to look for Chen Dazhi again.

"Tuan Zuo, where are we going?" Xu Sangou asked.

"Find Yuesao." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, then thought for a while, and added: "Don't talk about this matter, if you hear any gossip in the group, I only ask you."

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou quickly straightened his waist and responded. He was able to become a guard platoon leader today because the Tuan Zuo respected him. He didn't want to die...

So the two stepped into the gate of Lanling County Government again.

Unsurprisingly, after Zhang Tianhai came to the door, he was once again welcomed by Chen Dazhi as if he were at home.

After entering Chen Dazhi's office, Zhang Tianhai asked Chen Dazhi to screen everyone else away, and then Xu Sangou stood guard at the door in person, and was not allowed to enter the house to disturb him if there was no urgent matter.

"Commander Zhang came to the door this time, so solemnly, and brought some gifts, which really surprised the old man. Presumably he came to the door for something important?" Chen Dazhi said bluntly.

"Mr. Chen really eats more salt than the rice we young people have eaten. To tell the truth, Mr. Chen really has an important matter to discuss... Ah no, to be precise, it is a request. Fang Zhang came to Lanzhou Not long after the mausoleum, Zhang has to bother Mr. Chen several times, and Zhang feels ashamed." Zhang Tianhai said bitterly.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's appearance like this, Chen Dazhi also guessed that he was in trouble, so he said: "Although this old man doesn't have much contact with Commander Zhang, he can also know from it that Commander Zhang is a man of true temperament. Those who can fight for the country and are not afraid of sacrifices are the ones I admire. Commander Zhang has encountered any difficulties, so let’s talk about it, I will definitely do my best.”

"To tell the truth, Mr. Chen, this is a private matter at this time, and it is inconvenient to disclose it to the outside world. However, Zhang has no acquaintances in Lanling, so I don't feel at ease if he does it rashly." Zhang Tianhai said, "If Mr. Chen can help with this matter, Zhang is very grateful, if you can't help, please tell Chen Laomo."

"Commander Zhang, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is within the scope of the old man's ability, there will be no difference. In terms of confidentiality, Commander Zhang, please rest assured. The old man has been out in the rivers and lakes for decades. There are still basic principles and bottom lines for being a human being. "Chen Dazhi stroked his long beard lightly, and said with a very serious face.

"In that business, since the employer is not suspicious, the suspect is not used. Zhang can be deceived by Mr. Chen, so he can't stop. It's like this. My fiancée is pregnant with my child, but she hasn't held a wedding. I'm afraid she will be punished." Criticism. But Mr. Zhang has to protect this child, I have no relatives in Lanling, and it is not convenient to be in the army, so I can only see if Mr. Chen can help." Zhang Tianhai said, maybe He forgot to say something, so he hurriedly added: "Money is not a problem."

Chen Dazhi thought for a while, and said: "Commander Zhang's busyness, in my opinion, is not a big problem. If Commander Zhang can trust me, you can place your fiancée in the old man's house and let the old man's family take care of it. I will take good care of your lady. As for the money, Commander Zhang doesn’t have to worry, I just hope that Commander Zhang can train the Lanling City’s defense soldiers into an army.”

"It's so good, then I'll take care of Mr. Chen. Training the city defense battalion is Zhang's job, and it will be trained well. Please rest assured Mr. Chen and the people of Lanling." Zhang Tianhai stood up and promised.

"Good." Chen Dazhi nodded and said, "It's not too late for your lady to raise a baby, so please come to my house as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, Old Chen." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, he must owe this favor.

"The old man will send a confidant to follow Commander Zhang to the city defense headquarters to pick him up." Chen Dazhi is not the kind of person who procrastinates, on the contrary, he does things very neatly.

"No need, it's too early to go ahead, let him go to the city defense headquarters in an hour, and wait for me to finish the formalities." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Okay." Chen Dazhi nodded.


PS: The second update is here.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Great China Panzergrenadier for the reward of 100 coins and a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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