Chapter 361 A Letter to the People of Lanling
In order to allow Zheng Man to raise the baby safely and with peace of mind, Zhang Tianhai granted her a month's leave on his own initiative, and even transferred a platoon from the secret service company to protect her safety.

Zhang Tianhai has never been the kind of person who doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, but everyone has selfishness, and he is no exception. He doesn't want to cause any accidents to the woman who follows him.

As for Shen Wei, Zhang Tianhai thought about it, it should only be regarded as an unreliable promise he made to others when he was ignorant when he was young.

Now the sea of ​​people is vast, and you can't find it if you look for it. In this chaotic world, even I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow, let alone stick to it.

All he can do now is cherish the people in front of him.

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of irresponsible person, so when he learned that Zheng Man was pregnant, not only did he not want to escape, but he wanted to settle her down and get married.

It can be said that most of the day, Zhang Tianhai was busy with the arrangement of Zheng Man, and at the same time, the conscription of the city defense command started.

Since this work was in charge of by the deputy head Zhou Fangjie, it was said that Zhang Tianhai had another chance to be lazy.

During Zheng Man's vacation, the deputy director of the communications department, Xiong Shaokang, was in charge of the work. In addition, Zhang Tianhai also specially transferred his adjutant Liu Houming, who is also the commander of the secret service company, to be in charge of Zheng Man's security work.

The training of the secret service company was in charge of Qin Tian, ​​the deputy company commander of the secret service company, and Liu Houming was the acting company commander before Liu Houming returned to the team.

There is no other reason, just because Liu Houming is sober and skilled.


At noon that day, a table was set up on the four gates of the east, west, north, south, and a staff officer was in charge, and behind him was a squad of officers and soldiers of the special agent company.

I saw a white tablecloth was spread on that table, and the tablecloth was near the front end, with a line of big characters written on it: Recruitment by the City Defense Command.

After the staff officer took out the stack of thick paper, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company also began to stand up and maintain order, and arranged the "Letter to the People of Lanling" pasted on the board.

This "Letter to the People of Lanling" is actually very simple, only a few pages, and it says——

"Tell the people of Lanling that the Japanese invaders are now heading south, and the situation is very critical.

The Japanese aggressors were determined to destroy China, and they massacred 30 soldiers and civilians in Nanjing. The methods were extremely vile and dehumanizing.

Today, the vanguard troops of the Japanese invaders are already approaching Mengyin, and the city of Lunan, an important town, is in danger of war. The troops of our city defense headquarters alone may not be enough to guard Lanling.

Posting this notice today is actually to recruit soldiers from Lanling to fight against the Japanese invaders, and to return China and Lanling to a bright future.

——Lanling City Defense Command
February 27, [-]th year of the Republic of China".

As soon as the notice came out, countless people immediately watched it, and those who were literate had already started to read the notice.

After someone read this notice, the crowd was excited, and some even signed up to enlist in the army on the spot, and the registration office was bustling.

The news that the City Defense Command wanted to recruit soldiers from Lanling to participate in the defense of Lanling and Lunan spread throughout the ancient city of Lanling as if it had wings. We talked about these things.

At that time, the population of Lanling County was not large, probably less than 10, only about [-] to [-].

But as soon as the news got out, the four recruiters clicked to sign up and was crowded with people, it was very lively.

"Xu Jinghu, from Xujiazhuang..." The staff officer who was marking the name read and wrote, as if he was afraid that he would make a mistake in writing his address and hometown. After all, if a person died, the family letter or pension would have to be sent back to the family of.

It is a very sad thing that the officers and soldiers took their lives and sacrificed in front of tears until they died, and their family members did not receive a pension.So this job is the most important thing, but it must not be mistaken.

"Tuan Zuo, these are quite lively now, and I guess they will be fully recruited in the next two days." said Gu Shi'an, the director of the regiment's staff who followed Zhang Tianhai to inspect the situation at the city gate.

"It's probably coming soon. I've worked hard these few days, old classmate." Zhang Tianhai said.

Gu Shi'an shook his head and said: "It's okay, this is a job of a humble job, and it's not considered hard work. But you, our group is slowly starting to grow, and there are quite a lot of things that need you to worry about.

The main force of the Itagaki Division of the Japanese Army is approaching Mengyin, and the battle of LY is imminent. It is estimated that our regiment will have to go to the front line in a short time. "

"The training within the regiment is almost done now, and the next focus is on the construction of the cavalry battalion and the construction of the Lanling City Defense Battalion.

It can be said that this cavalry battalion was given to me by the people of Lanling father to the first regiment directly under the third theater, so we have to pay back this debt. "Speaking, Zhang Tianhai looked at Gu Shi'an.

"What do you mean by Tuan Zuo?" Gu Shi'an asked with a frown, he knew that Zhang Tianhai would not mention this for no reason.

"Our regiment's promise of this cavalry battalion is to train the city defense battalion for the folks and elders in Lanling, but this city defense battalion has just been formed into an army. The construction of the company will stagnate. I am really worried and want to keep a member of staff here for training." Zhang Tianhai looked at Gu Shi'an and said slowly.

Gu Shi'an naturally understood what Zhang Tianhai meant. The latter wanted him to stay in the Lanling training city defense camp, but considering the face of his old classmates, he couldn't force himself to give orders.

Gu Shi'an thought about it, and it seems that staying in Lanling is also a good choice. After all, staying in Lanling can still command the troops of the two battalions, and it is better than being the chief of staff in the regiment headquarters.

"Okay, that group seat, I will lead my troops to stay in Lanling. But you have to leave some veterans here for me, or if I stay here alone, even if I have three heads and six arms, it will be difficult to handle .” Gu Shi’an nodded and smiled, as if he didn’t think it was a hard job.

"That's fine. I'll draft a document later and appoint you as the deputy commander of the Lanling city defense. As for the veterans, I will reserve a platoon for you. I will also leave you the staff officers of the training team." , Is this enough?" Obviously, Zhang Tianhai is quite satisfied with this answer, otherwise he really doesn't know who is more appropriate to keep.

"That's enough, old classmate. This time you can give me a chance to be alone, I am grateful." Gu Shi'an made a military salute to show his gratitude.

"No need to thank you, we are all brothers of our own family. We are brothers and sisters who fought together from Nanjing, and we are classmates at the same time. I just hope that if one day you can be promoted, don't forget me as a classmate." Zhang Tianhai half-heartedly Jokingly said, after all, he is single and weak in the Whampoa department, it is better to have more friends.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, the more the Anti-Japanese War went on, the number of Whampoa students after the sixth period would be fewer and fewer, like Gu Shi'an, who also graduated from the seventh period of Whampoa like him, and he was also a member of the teaching team. It will be a matter of time before he gets promoted.

We only hope that we will be friends rather than enemies.


While Zhang Tianhai and others were busy expanding their armies and preparing for war, Mengyin finally ushered in a major enemy.

The No.20 [-]st Brigade under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, under the command of Major General Jun Sakamoto, the brigade commander, came to Mengyin City...

The cloud of war has shrouded Mengyin again, and a great battle has slowly begun...

"Report to the division commander, there is a call from the north city gate, a large number of Japanese troops are approaching, and the artillery positions have been set up!" A staff officer ran to Ma Fawu's side and reported.

Hearing this news, Ma Fawu took off his military cap, revealed his shining bald head, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the time to die has come, prepare to fight!"


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks for the 500-point reward from the Qidian book friend who digs the ground!

Thanks to Qidian book friend 130826062630116 for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Bai Boiled Water 598 and book friend 20190915182453633 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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