Chapter 362
Jun Sakamoto is the proud general under Seishiro Itagaki, head of the Fifth Division, and he has high hopes for this expedition.

This time, Jun Sakamoto led the No.20 No. [-] brigade to the south, with the goal of taking down Mengyin in one fell swoop!
The traffic is rolling, the horses are neighing, and thousands of Japanese troops are advancing along the Mengyin Highway, as if entering the land of no one.

In fact, the national army also organized a militia force to intercept the main force of the Japanese army, but with the strength of the militia, it could not stop the main force of the No.9000 First Brigade with more than 20 troops!

The battle at the outskirts of Mengyin ended not long after, ending in a complete victory for the Japanese army.

The artillery squadrons of the two regiments of the Japanese army and the artillery squadron directly under the brigade have gathered in one place to form a joint artillery position.

"It's okay! Hurry up!" the artilleryman of the Japanese army, Takahashi Sugi, shouted. As the temporary person in charge of the artillery position, he must set up the artillery position in the shortest possible time!

Commander Sakamoto Shun Brigade has issued a clear order that the battle preparation must be completed within an hour, a tentative feint attack must be launched before [-] pm, and the general attack must be launched as scheduled tomorrow morning!
Artillery was originally used to suppress the enemy's firepower, so Takahashi Sugi's task was very heavy. Whether it was a feint attack or a main attack, the role of artillery was crucial!

"Mr. Takahashi, Your Excellency the brigade commander sent me to inquire about the construction of the artillery position!" A Japanese officer who was also in the rank of Zhongzuo ran to Takahashi Shanmu and reported.

In fact, before Takahashi Sugi was appointed as the person in charge of the artillery position, like the officer in front of him, he was the staff officer of the No. 20 [-]st Brigade. Gao, it is most appropriate for him to be the person in charge of this artillery position.

"Souga, please help Matsushita to reply to His Excellency, Brigade Commander Sakamoto, and said, please give me a little more time. After 25 minutes, the artillery fire from the artillery position will definitely be launched as scheduled. Please rest assured, Mr. Brigade Commander! Thank you for your hard work. , Matsushita-kun!" Takahashi Sugi said sternly, with the meaning of a military order in his tone.

"Hay! Thank you for your hard work! Takahashi-kun!" said Lieutenant Matsushita, and gave a military salute to Takahashi Sugi.

"Fortune lasts forever!" Takahashi Shanmu replied with a military salute.

"Fortune lasts forever!" Matsushita responded and then turned and left.

Looking at the head of Mengyin County in the distance, Takahashi Shanmu's face sank slightly, and he said, "Well, speed up!!"

As Takahashi Sugi promised to Jun Sakamoto, he completed the task in half an hour.

A series of cannonballs burst out from the muzzle with a howling sound, rubbed against the air to emit a strong light, and then slammed into the quaint city wall of Mengyin.

This is the second time that the ancient city of Mengyin has suffered such heavy damage, and the perpetrators are still the brutal Japanese soldiers.

The thick city wall seemed a little crumbling under the Japanese artillery fire, and the fragments of the city bricks shattered by the shells were flying outside the city.

Looking at this scene through the binoculars, Jun Sakamoto murmured: "I hate this kind of siege warfare the most. It is difficult to fight and difficult to attack..."

Compared with the ease of the Japanese army, the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army at the head of the city were full of scolding: "Fucking little devil, just don't give us a good life!"

"Stop scolding, save some energy and wait for these little devils to come up! These are their appetizers, and the next battle is the focus." Shao Ensan, head of the 229th regiment, said to the company commander next to him.

As in the past, Shao Ensan always takes the lead in battle.

Since the No.40 Army was refurbished, its firearms and equipment have also been updated. There are a total of about 200 rifles, 300 pistols of various types, about [-] light and heavy mortars, and about [-] heavy machine guns. Sixty, about [-] light machine guns, more than [-] grenade launchers, four mountain cannons, and more than [-] war horses.

It is said that such weapons and equipment can already be compared to the adjustment division. In fact, after Pang Bingxun's department moved to defend Haizhou to make up for the garrison, the military order gave the No.30 Ninth Division (Mafa Five) the title of adjustment division To facilitate procedures.

In addition, Pang Bingxun's special agent regiment was also compressed into the No. 40 Army Special Agent Battalion, and the excess soldiers were formed into a supplementary regiment, headed by Li Zhenqing.

However, Pang Bingxun's troops suffered serious losses after the Anti-Japanese War in Cang County, Hebei Province (now Cangzhou), and also recruited a considerable number of recruits, so their combat effectiveness was also affected to a certain extent.

It was also for this reason that Shao Ensan had no choice but to climb up the tower again to command the battle. Although the 229th Regiment had suffered heavy losses this time around, it couldn't have been lost in the first wave of the enemy's attack, right?
"Brothers, you must hold on to this wave! This is just a tentative feint attack by the enemy! Pay attention to concealment! Pay attention to concealment!" Shao Ensan shouted, for fear that those recruits who had never been on the battlefield would accidentally die because of this!

The officers and soldiers on the city wall live like years, but why not the officers and soldiers outside the city gate?They must stick to the outer positions of the city gate. The city gate is lost, and Mengyin is not far from falling.

Finally, the shelling stopped, and Shao Ensan picked up the binoculars and found that the Japanese army was slowly approaching Mengyin County under the cover of more than ten tanks.

Those Japanese soldiers with steel helmets on their heads and hideous faces were hiding behind the tanks and advancing. At this moment, the shelling started again.

A series of shells with a whistling sound hit the ancient city wall that was riddled with holes again, making a deafening rumbling sound.

"Damn it, these little devils are really hard to mess with." Shao Ensan cursed. It was not the first time he had fought against the Japanese army, and every time he fought, it was very fierce.

He thought that the No. 40 army had changed into so many good equipment, so how can it be possible to run into a little Japan twice?Unexpectedly, the gap is still so big. The Japanese army not only has artillery, but also tanks!
These necessary items happen to be what the national army does not have.

There is no way, the country is poor and weak, and it has just come out of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial state. Before the country became a little bit stronger, it encountered the Japanese war of aggression against China.

This scene can't help but make people sigh: the Chinese nation in modern history is really ill-fated...

When the 115th Brigade, the vanguard of Pang Bingxun's Third Army, was fighting desperately on the front line, Zhang Tianhai's troops had already purchased a batch of war horses in the market.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhai also recruited people who could ride horses from all over the regiment to serve as the foundation for the cavalry battalion.

However, there were only more than 50 people who could ride horses during the solicitation. This made Zhang Tianhai face a difficult situation: How can a cavalry battalion be formed with only such a small number of people?Furthermore, who should be the battalion commander of this cavalry battalion?It seems that there is no officer in the Zhiyi regiment who was born in the cavalry department, right?It's easy to get a background in engineering and artillery, but it's really difficult for cavalry...

It's still the same old saying, a clever woman can't cook without rice...

Unfortunately, he, Zhang Yulin, is now the clever woman who cooks without rice.

"That's all, let's call people back first!" Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting in the office, ruthlessly snuffed out the cigarette butt that was still burning.


PS: The second update is here, good night everyone.

Thanks to QQ for reading Shuyouyuan 306514965 for two monthly tickets!
Thank you for a monthly pass for QQ reading book friend Victory!
(End of this chapter)

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