War of Resistance

Chapter 363 Retreat?Dead fight?

Chapter 363 Retreat?Dead fight?
It has to be said that since the Japanese invasion of China, the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people across the country has been very high, and these hardworking and kind-hearted Chinese people have always used actions to prove their love for this land.

In just one afternoon, the conscription office has recruited more than 200 recruits.

Originally, with so many recruits, three regular battalions of 400 to [-] people would be enough to make do, but according to the words of Lanling City Defense Commander Zhang Tianhai, these soldiers had to be selected and screened one by one. .

It was not unreasonable for Zhang Tianhai to do this. In addition to selecting soldiers with better qualities, the most important thing was to screen them out. After all, the war was approaching now, and there might be many spies from the Japanese army sneaking into the city.

Zhang Tianhai didn't want the cavalry battalion or the two city defense battalions to be mixed with Japanese spies, and that would be the end of it.

At the same time, the order to appoint Gu Shi'an, chief of staff of the regiment headquarters, as the deputy commander of Lanling city defense was officially issued, and everything seemed so orderly, and it was being implemented slowly and effectively according to Zhang Tianhai's will.

After returning from inspecting the conscription situation, Zhang Tianhai plunged into his office. As the chief military officer in charge of the military forces of a regiment and a county town, the pressure on him was not easy.

Not only the soldiers and horses of the army, but also the matching sabers and stirrups, etc. What if these funds are not enough?
The cigarettes in the office followed one after another, and in a blink of an eye, snowflakes began to fall outside again.

Blossoming snowflakes floated down from the gray sky, as if coating the whole world with a layer of whiteness, which was very beautiful.

Some landed on the gray tile eaves, and some landed on the hat brims of the soldiers on duty. The cold weather didn't seem to be able to dampen everyone's enthusiasm for joining the army, and the recruiting places were still lively.

"Xu Xun, come in!" Zhang Tianhai called out in the head's office.

When the money is used, one hates the lack of talent, and the same is true for talents. With the growth of Zhiyituan, Zhang Tianhai has already deeply felt that he has too few talents in his hands, and it is completely insufficient.

Soon, Xu Xun came running over. He stood up in front of Zhang Tianhai and saluted, "Reporting to the group, I have been ordered to report here!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Now I have a task for you, which is to immediately select [-] stronger and alert soldiers to join our regiment after the arrival of the recruits tomorrow. As for the manpower On the one hand, if it’s not enough, you can directly go to the spy company to pick it yourself!”

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded.

Zhang Tianhai had no other choice. Now that there was a shortage of manpower in all aspects, he could only suspend the training of the special agent company, and then temporarily pick from the special agent company wherever there was a shortage of soldiers.

In short, the same sentence, the training of the four main battalions of Zhiyi Regiment must not be suspended.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, the four main battalions are the foundation of the current battle. Although the combat effectiveness of the special agent company may be a little stronger than that of the ordinary company, it is only a small reinforcement company after all. Or interspersed with the enemy's heart or vital parts.

Only when the four main battalions can withstand the enemy's attack can this sharp knife be effective.

Fortunately, Liu Houming didn't know what Zhang Tianhai was thinking, otherwise he would have yelled, "Fuck, ruthless! Why do we have to do odd jobs all the time? Our spy company is the elite of the regiment..."

But Liu Houming will not know about these arrangements for at least a period of time. After all, the task he has received now is to protect his sister-in-law...

Well, the kind that gets kicked in the ass if you refuse to accept it.

It wasn’t just Lanling that was snowing, it had already fallen in Mengyin two hours ago, and the white snow covered the head of the ancient city of Mengyin. The cold snowflakes did not dampen the enthusiasm of the two sides to fight fiercely. The fierce battle is still here In progress.

Shao Ensan led his troops to repel the attack of the stubborn bandits again, and the strength of the Japanese tentative feint attack was not ordinary.

The 229 regiment's outer positions on the city wall have basically been cleared by the Japanese army.

If Shao Ensan could learn about the conversation between Sakamoto Shun and Takahashi Shanmu, he would definitely yell: "This is called a tentative feint?! Two feints cleared all of Lao Tzu's outlying positions?!"

The suppressive firepower of the Japanese army was too fierce. In addition, in the deployment of the army headquarters, the troops stationed in Mengyin were still in the vanguard. They were used to test the enemy's situation and inflict certain damage on the enemy.

Under the guidance of this guiding ideology, the 229th regiment did not put a large number of troops outside the city, so the casualties of the troops in the strongholds outside the city were very heavy, and almost all of them were wiped out.

Shao Ensan picked up the Hanyang-made rifle in his hand and shot a Japanese soldier outside the city. In less than a second, the Japanese soldier who was hit fell to the ground.

But in the next second, a bullet with a caliber of 6.5mm and a caliber of [-] mm flew past the left brim of Shao Ensan's helmet.


A spark lit up, and Shao Ensan felt a force pushing his head from the left side, and he rolled to the ground subconsciously.

After stopping, he took off his helmet and saw that there was already a scratch on the brim of the left hat, the paint had peeled off, and there was a slight dent.

Seeing this scene, Shao Ensan couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief: The marksmanship of these little devils is so damn accurate, if they are not careful, they will be hit in the head, this time it is really a fate.If the bullet was slanted another two centimeters, I, Shao Ensan, would be dead...

At this time, Ma Fawu, who was in the division headquarters, received a secret order from Pang Bingxun, the commander of the army——if the enemy's situation or irresistible factors are ascertained, he can abandon Mengyin, but he must inflict a certain amount of damage on the enemy!
Holding this telegram, Ma Fawu sat on a chair with his back facing his desk, and no one behind him could see his face.

At this time, Ma Fawu's face was terribly gloomy, and he was thinking about a series of decisions: should he stick to Mengyin, or should the camera retreat?But when is the right time to retreat?When retreating, will it cause a series of crashes?
Soldiers, the country's major events, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be observed.

A little carelessness would lead to the collapse of the entire army, and how many people would die in that way, Ma Fawu had to think carefully about it.

In the end, Ma Fawu stood up, turned around and said: "Order the troops, prepare for a deadly battle, and do not abandon the position without authorization. Those who violate the order will be dealt with by military law!"

"Yes!" After seeing the teacher's expression, Zhu Jialin and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief: the most fearful thing is that if even the teacher feels that something is wrong, it must be a big deal.

Looking at the back of Zhu Jialin and others leaving, Ma Fawu sat down again. He had already decided that after twelve o'clock tonight, he would issue an order to retreat and break through the encirclement—anyway, the enemy's situation had been clarified, at least a brigade .

If it was just a regiment of Japanese troops, it would be impossible to fight to this level with artillery firepower alone. Coupled with the reconnaissance of the peripheral militia and the battle of the North Gate troops, these all prove that the little devil's strength is definitely one Above the brigade.

If you don't break through at this time, and wait until the main force of the Japanese army surrounds Mengyin, you will be unable to run even if you want to.

Besides, according to the deployment of the Legion Department, Mengyin does not belong to the main battlefield. This is just a small frontier battlefield. If all the troops are exhausted here, what will they do in the decisive battle?So, that's not worth it at all.


PS: The first update is here.

Thank you for the two monthly tickets of Qidian Shuyourenrou!
Thanks to Qidian book friend Cyl903, book friend 130826062630116, and QQ reading book friend zzh for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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