War of Resistance

Chapter 364 Cavalry Battalion

Chapter 364 Cavalry Battalion

It was night, at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Ma Fawu called the officers above the battalion level of the garrison troops, and held a meeting on the retreat overnight.

At three o'clock in the morning that day, the 40th Brigade Headquarters of the No. 30 Army No. 115 Ninth Division withdrew from Mengyin overnight under the leadership of the division commander Ma Fawu, leaving only an empty city for the Japanese army.

Even the guns and ammunition scattered outside the city were picked up and taken away. In short, they would not leave a single shot to serve the enemy.

So far, the entire Third Army Corps, together with the security regiment of Zhang Liyuan, Commissioner of the Third Shandong Inspectorate, and the national army have assembled six regiments in the LY area, totaling more than [-] people.

In addition, on the Yishui, Zhucheng, and Juxian lines in the northeast of LY, the marines of Shen Honglie's department and Liu Zhendong, the first guerrilla commander of the fifth theater, were desperately resisting the Japanese attack.

If the LY area is counted as the third theater of Lanling directly under Zhang Tianhai, the first regiment, then there are already seven regiments of the national army gathered here.

On February [-]rd, the day Mafa Wu led his troops to retreat from Mengyin, the Fifth Division of the Japanese Itagaki Seishiro captured Mengyin.

In addition, the day before, the 30th Brigade of the No. 116 Ninth Division, under the leadership of brigade commander Li Yuntong, had entered the line from Tangtou to Gegou to build an advanced position, and started from Baita on the east bank of the Shunyi River to the south to Yu Nine curves and one line built the main position.

At the same time, Pang Bingxun, the commander of the Third Army Corps, sent people to the mountainous area west of LY to scout the terrain, in case LY fell, and carried out guerrilla operations with the Japanese army there.

On the same day, the Chinese air force went south to bomb the Japanese army in Mingguang and Chuxian.

Also on the same day, Li Zongren, commander of the fifth war zone, was ordered to condolence to Deng Xihou and Sun Zhen's troops who fought bravely and had excellent military discipline.

But at this time Deng Xihou had returned to Sichuan to act as an agent for military affairs, and the No.20 Second Army headquarters was taken over by the deputy commander-in-chief Sun Zhen.

As for why Deng Xihou returned to Sichuan, it was because Liu Xiang, chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Government and commander of the Seventh War Zone, passed away on January [-]. Deng Xihou returned to Sichuan to serve as the director of the Sichuan Kang Appeasement Office and the prime minister of military and political affairs in Sichuan.

When it comes to Liu Xiang, many people may have the impression that he only stays in the "Sichuan overlord" and "the princes along the way", but he is a patriotic general and a patriotic warlord in terms of his personality and affairs. Even before his death, there was a will to the various departments of the Sichuan Army: "The war of resistance will be unswerving until the end, that is, if the enemy troops do not withdraw from the border, the Sichuan Army will never return home!"

Looking at the strong men of the Sichuan Army who came out of Sichuan, there is a credit behind Liu Xiang. He was the de facto boss of Sichuan at that time during his lifetime. If he hadn't spoken out, how many generals of the Sichuan Army would have dared to lead the troops out without authorization?Not to mention that a full 400 million strong men came out to fight against Japan later!
The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong men come out of the river, how strong it is!
Cough cough, speaking of this, the old man wants to add a digression. In the book review section, I saw a sentence that said: "Don't insult the word soldier, the soldier of the Republic of China is really not counted."

Here, Xiongying just wants to say: All those who sacrifice themselves for the country and the nation deserve to be respected. They have all sacrificed their lives for the country and the nation. They are also born and raised by their parents. Why? Can't you use the term "children's soldiers"?

Alright, back to the book.

On February [-], Zhang Zizhong, the Ninth Army of the Second Army in the First Theater of the National Army, was ordered to be seconded to the Fifth Theater, and at the same time transferred to the southern section of the Jinpu Line for reinforcements.

On the same day, the enemy captured Zhucheng.

It was also on this day that the cavalry battalion of the first regiment directly under Zhang Tianhai's third war zone finally selected its recruits, and more than [-] recruits from the cavalry battalion were lined up in a row at the city defense headquarters. In the courtyard.

Looking at the rows of recruits in brand-new military uniforms in front of him, a stern look flashed in Zhang Tianhai's eyes: He must train these loose recruits into a screaming iron-blooded army!

In fact, this batch of recruits is at least better in appearance than any batch of soldiers received before. After all, this batch of recruits are all Shandong big men. They are indeed tall, but they just don’t have that kind of soldier. Bloody, not to mention the murderous spirit of the group of veterans who followed Zhang Tianhai from Nanjing!
"Brothers have just come out of their homes and came to the glorious group of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. Maybe you are not particularly familiar with the First Regiment directly under our Third War Zone."

"But let me tell you, our third theater is directly under the first regiment, and it has fought against the current army since the beginning of the War of Resistance! There are countless Japanese soldiers who died under our hands." Zhang Tianhai was roaring, he had to give This batch of recruits is infused with something called a sense of honor.

Of course, what Zhang Tianhai said was not bragging, but he didn't tell these recruits how many people and good brothers they died along the way!

"I, Zhang Tianhai, am the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, that is, your commander. From now on, you will be under my jurisdiction. Now I want to ask you, what is the purpose of your joining the army?! " Zhang Tianhai looked at the crowd and asked.

"Fight Little Japan!" Some recruits in the team began to respond.

"Yes, hit Little Japan!!" The people around agreed.

"Okay, please tell me loudly, what is your purpose of joining the army?!" Zhang Tianhai asked loudly.

"Hit Little Japan!!!" The recruits replied loudly.

"Let me tell you, since it's a war! There will be sacrifices! Let me ask you, are you afraid of death?!" Zhang Tianhai put his hands behind his back, and his eyes were as sharp as eagles.

"Don't be afraid!!!"

The recruits are shouting, the war is approaching their homeland, no one can understand this kind of urgency and suffering better, if they don't stand up to fight, then what awaits them in Lanling will be ruined families, wives and children!

Looking at these young faces, Zhang Tianhai felt as if he had returned to the Battle of Songhu. Xu Mu, Li Haocheng and many other brothers who died in battle seemed to appear before his eyes.

War is a huge meat grinder, Zhang Tianhai is not a machine, he is a living person, he also has emotions, a big stone hits his chest, it will also hurt.

The tragedy of the Songhu battlefield will be an unforgettable memory that he will never get rid of in his life. That battle was also the first time that he faced the cruelty of war.

If possible, he would rather not be the head of this so-called reinforcement regiment, and wish the world peace and prosperity, happiness and well-being.

Thinking of those good brothers who have passed away, Zhang Tianhai's eyes were a little moist, and he pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone quieted down, Zhang Tianhai said: "Brothers recruits, to be honest, seeing you is like seeing me six months ago. At that time, I was as young as you, and I had never experienced that It is a pain of parting from life and death. But that battle is a memory I will never forget."

Zhang Tianhai paused, and continued to say in his slightly hoarse voice: "Our No.30 Sixth Division has fought in Shanghai for three full months. Every day is life and death, except for fighting or fighting.

At that time, all the brothers who set out with us from Xi'an were dead.The supplementary troops coming up from the rear also died batch after batch. The scene was too terrifying and cruel.

But let me tell you, the war has just begun. Little Japan invaded our land, wantonly destroying our homeland, and massacring our relatives, brothers and sisters.We should pick up our guns and knives to fight them, and tell them that our sons and daughters of China will never surrender!

We have to tell them with blood that our heads can be broken and our blood can be shed, but our ambition is indispensable!Starting today, since you have become the officers and soldiers of the first regiment directly under my third theater, you will receive the most rigorous training and practice your killing skills hard!do you understand? ! "

"Understood! Sir!!!" The recruits were shouting, and the whole scene was already full of excitement!


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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