War of Resistance

Chapter 365 Battle in the Southern Section

Chapter 365 Battle in the Southern Section
The construction of the cavalry battalion and the city defense battalion has been on the right track, but the position of the commander of the cavalry battalion is still vacant.

Right now, a squad leader is selected from among the more than 50 brothers who can ride horses to act temporarily.

That's right, it's the acting battalion commander, the kind that's so temporary that he can't be temporary again—once a new battalion commander arrives, he'll have to go back to be his squad leader, and if he's lucky, he might even get a company commander or something like that. .

However, according to Zhang Tianhai's behavior style, he probably doesn't have to go back to be a squad leader, at least he has to be a platoon leader.

By the way, not all of the new recruits who entered the army entered the cavalry battalion, and some of them had to go through recruit training and then be added to the positions of more than 50 veterans.

Of course, the current external environment of the Yizhi First Regiment does not allow recruits to train for too long, so the training for these recruits before going to the company is only one week.

As for other running-in and so on, it can only be taught by veterans after these new recruits join the company.

In the following days, the actions of the Japanese army not only stunned Pang Bingxun, Ma Fawu and others, but even Zhang Tianhai felt a little confused-after the Japanese army dispatched a brigade of troops to defeat Mengyin, they did not continue to go to Shandong. South LY direction hit.

In the operational research room of the Lanling City Defense Command, Zhang Tianhai, Guo Qiliang and others looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, they were studying the next move of the Japanese army.

However, after half an hour of research, I still haven't gotten a very reasonable statement, and it's mostly guesswork.

The atmosphere was a bit dull. There were four or five officers standing in this room belonging to the staff department.

Mengyin is lost, and the barrier to the north of LY is lost.

Lanling is about [-] kilometers west of LY, if a little devil gets hot headed and hits Lanling directly, if he is unprepared, wouldn't it be the end of the calf?

Therefore, this is the reason why they gathered here for research.

If Mengyin has not been lost, they don't have to be so nervous.

"Tuan Zuo, I really can't think of what this group of Japanese soldiers want to do, so don't stare at me." Seeing the encouraging eyes of the head of the group, Xu Xun finally expressed his feelings.

"What about you? Brother Qiliang?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Guo Qiliang again.

"Tuan Zuo, I have finished what I want to say. Now the trace of the Japanese Sakamoto Brigade has not been determined, and our regiment seems to have no better strategy than to do active defense." Guo Qiliang said softly, his brows were still tense Wrinkled.

"Then is there any possibility of taking the initiative to attack?" Zhang Tianhai said while supporting the table with both hands.

Guo Qiliang shook his head and said: "Sir, I don't think our regiment has the necessary conditions to take the initiative to attack. Our regiment is mainly infantry, and the cavalry battalion has not yet been trained into an army. If it is fighting in the mountains and forests, there is still the possibility of taking the initiative to attack. But this is the Great Plains, our regiment has no advantage."

Guo Qiliang's words can be regarded as severely shattering the illusion in Zhang Tianhai's heart.

"It would be great if our cavalry battalion could be established quickly, at least we don't have to be as passive as we are now." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

Although the cavalry is gradually being eliminated in this era, for now, the cavalry is still the most mobile unit. After all, the backward productivity at this time has not yet fully popularized mechanized troops.

"I hope!" Guo Qiliang said indifferently.


Although the battle clouds in the direction of Lunan LY were dense, after all, the fighting had not yet started, but the southern section of the Jinpu Line was quite fierce.

On February [-], the enemy on the west bank of the Huaihe River, under the cover of aircraft and artillery, crossed from the vicinity of Huaiyuan to the north bank in rubber boats, and the city of Huaiyuan fell.

On the same day, our army united with the local strong men and the Red Spear Association to launch a counterattack and conquer Dingyuan County.

On February [-], after the enemy entered Linhuaiguan and Bengbu, they immediately crossed the Huaihe River in two places with heavy troops, and bombed Little Bengbu with twelve planes.

On February [-], the main force of the enemy crossed the Huai River again and launched a fierce attack on Xiao Bengbu.

Air Force planes of the Chinese Army bombed the enemy in Beidu. The first army, Yu Xuezhong's headquarters, fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese army after it ran out of ammunition. The battle was once very fierce.


The southern section of the Jinpu Line has been fighting fiercely for several days, but Kelanling is still calm.

Even the people of Lanling had a happy Spring Festival.

This Spring Festival can be said to be Zhang Tianhai's first Spring Festival since he came to the Republic of China.

Although this Spring Festival was indeed a bit shabby in the eyes of Zhang Tianhai, Guo Qiliang and others, it was still a safe and sound one, right?
The streets of Lanling are decorated with colorful lights, very lively, even on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, there are still red lanterns hanging everywhere, which looks very festive.

This is the yearning of the Chinese people for a better life. No matter how hard or difficult it is, we must first live this year well.

It's just that the New Year's wish of the common people this year may be to drive away the little devils as soon as possible, and then live a peaceful life.

Peace is hard-won, and life in troubled times is as cheap as a dog. Everyone understands these principles, but the current situation is not under their control, so they can only choose to accept it, that's all.

Holding Zheng Man's hand, Zhang Tianhai walked slowly on the street, looking at these fairly lively streets, he suddenly smiled.

Letting Zhang Tianhai hold her little hand, seeing the smile on his face, Zheng Man asked, "Zhang Yulin, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm just laughing. It would be great if we didn't have to fight! We can have a few babies when we go back, and live in peace." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Speaking of Zhang Yulin, what should I do with the child in my stomach? It looks like it's going to grow up day by day. If I follow you without a name, it's not a problem." Zheng Man raised his head and asked .

The two of them didn't come out in military uniforms that day, but in casual clothes. Look at that appearance, they are simply young couples in love.

"We must get married. I won't let you follow me so anonymously. We just have to wait until our child is safe before we hold the wedding. Both of you must be well." Zhang Tianhai said He gently scratched the tip of Zheng Man's nose, full of pampering.

"Well, then I'll wait for you. I have already repaired a letter from my father and sent it to him. I believe the old man will be very happy." Zheng Man smiled lightly, still very beautiful, but the smile in the past Hu Mei disappeared completely.

With such a huge contrast, Zhang Tianhai even sometimes asks himself: Which state is the most authentic Zheng Man?When was the beginning?Is it still the way it is now?
Women are really strange, it's hard to guess...

However, all of this doesn't seem to be very important anymore, anyway, she is already her own woman.

Zhang Tianhai was not so nice to his own woman. During the vacation, he assigned a master like Liu Houming as a security officer. This was enough to show Zheng Man's status in his heart.

Perhaps it was because Zheng Man had the bonus of "holding the emperor to command the princes", so Zhang Tianhai was particularly concerned.


PS: Let's send the first update today. It will depend on the situation later to see if we can add more updates tonight. I hope you can continue to support!Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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