War of Resistance

Chapter 366 Fighting?

Chapter 366 Fighting?

Zhang Tianhai didn't lie to her when he said that he wanted to marry Zheng Man, but proved it with practical actions.

For example, submitting a marriage application to the Central Party Headquarters. After all, both parties are soldiers, and some procedural things cannot be bypassed.

Day by day, the war is getting closer.

On February [-], our Air Force bombed the enemy airport in Bengbu.

On February [-], the enemy invaded from Linhuaiguan and Bengbu to the north of the Huaihe River. Yu Xuezhong, the commander of the first army, led his troops to counterattack fiercely when the enemy's foothold was not stable.The Japanese army did not have a firm foothold, suffered heavy blows and was repelled.

On February 20th, on the frontal battlefield of the Jinpu Railway, Sun Zhen, the acting commander-in-chief of the No.[-] Second Army, commanded troops to counterattack the Liangxiadian, and used a detour to the vicinity of Xiaoxue Village, Jiulong Mountain, south of Qufu, to attack the enemy headquarters and kill the enemy major general Yoshie Nakajima.

On February [-]th, our army, together with the local militia, stormed the shop twice, using both guns and knives, charged four times, killed [-] enemies, and then captured the shop twice.

The people of Teng County assisted the troops in fighting against the enemy. Gentlemen Liu Houshan and Huang Futang, both in their [-]s, still stood up and went to the countryside with military and political workers to promote the anti-Japanese war.Urban residents also actively comforted the army.

On February [-], the Japanese army invaded Yishan and was repelled;

After the enemy occupied Jinan, Liaocheng Commissioner Fan Zhuxian vowed not to retreat. He led the guerrillas to fight the enemy more than 20 times. Not only did they save [-] counties in the six districts, but they also recovered Gaotang and Sixian counties outside the district.

On the same day, after days of counterattacks by our army, Xiao Bengbu was conquered.

More than 30 enemy troops on the north bank of the Huaihe River were attacked by the No.40 First Army, No.[-] Eighth Army, the Northeast Army First Army, and the Northwest Army Ninth Army in the fifth theater. After more than [-] casualties , The formation became chaotic, and immediately retreated to the south bank position.

The news of the victorious battles in the past few days made the military spirit of the entire fifth theater cheer up: the enemy is not invincible, no matter how well-equipped they are, if they are hit by bullets, they will die!

The time was ten o'clock in the morning on February [-], [-].

The location, the third theater is directly under the first regiment headquarters and the Lanling City Defense Command.

The meeting room was full of joy, as you can tell by the smiles on the faces of the officers.

As usual, this meeting is now a daily routine meeting every morning.

The frontline battlefield is victorious, and the news of regaining the lost ground has spread to the first regiment directly under the third theater.

The composition of the officers present is similar to usual, but there are some differences. For example, Zheng Man has been replaced by Zheng Man as acting director of the communications department, but as usual, there is no military officer in the cavalry battalion. Come forward and sit down.

After all, the cavalry battalion does not have a real military officer, and the current acting battalion commander is just a small squad leader selected from the army.

Before the cavalry battalion has confirmed the official battalion commander, the current acting battalion commander is not qualified to participate in this type of meeting. The specific situation of the current cavalry battalion is in charge of Zhou Fangjie, deputy head of the cavalry battalion.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has listened to the morning broadcast, right? Yesterday, our army wiped out about [-] enemies on the north bank of the Huaihe River, and successfully defeated the Japanese army's intention to advance northward. What do you think?" Zhang Tianhai sat on the main seat and the old god looked at the people in front of him, but the smile on his mouth had already betrayed his mood.

"Reporting to the regiment, I have something to say." First Battalion Commander Li Chunfei stood up and reported.

"Let's talk!" Zhang Tianhai said.

"Now the southern battlefield and the northern battlefield, our army has achieved brilliant results, but my LY battlefield is silent. Our regiment is at a time when the army is strong and strong. Can we unite with the third army of LY Pang? The enemy of Mengyin launched a counterattack?" Li Chunfei said loudly, with full confidence in his words.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai's heart was a little moved. He leaned forward slightly, put his hands on the table, and concentrated on thinking.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's appearance, everyone didn't dare to disturb him. Based on their understanding of Tuan Zuo, Tuan Zuo was definitely moved!

Whether or not the group will fight this battle depends on what the group has to say!

As for what Zhang Tianhai was thinking about?He weighed the pros and cons—

His first regiment directly under the third theater has been resting for nearly a month and a half. The troops were originally composed of veterans recruited on the battlefield. After a period of training, the combat effectiveness of the entire regiment must have improved. Going out to fight the big battle.

According to Zhang Tianhai's estimation, it is no problem for his regiment to have a hardened frontal regiment.But how should we fight this battle?
This is the root of the problem. If you don't occupy it, you must win it, and if you fight, you must win it. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and then said: "This issue can be considered, but how should we fight this battle? The closest enemy to Lanling is the Japanese Sakamoto Brigade stationed in Mengyin. Sakamoto Junzhi No.20 The First Brigade is the main force of Itagaki Seishiro's Fifth Division, and its combat effectiveness is not weak. Let me tell you what you think first, Battalion Commander Li."

"Regiment, I believe that the strength of the first regiment directly under our third theater may be insufficient. We must unite with the troops of Commander Pang of the third army to lure the enemy. Lead the snake out of the hole and gather again Annihilating them is a good way." Li Chunfei said, in his opinion, with the combat power of a regiment and the assistance of friendly troops, the winning rate is very high.

Regarding this very attractive idea, Zhang Tianhai did not agree immediately, but looked at everyone, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you think of Battalion Commander Li's idea? Feel free to speak up."

"Reporting to the group, I have a different opinion on the humble job." Zhou Fangjie, who was sitting next to Zhang Tianhai, said.

"Deputy Captain Zhou, but it's okay to say." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"The humble official believes that the time is not yet ripe to attack the enemy of Mengyin," Zhou Fangjie said directly.

Before everyone could speak, Zhou Fangjie went on to say: "First, the Japanese army's Sakamoto brigade is not weak. According to the news from the front line, the Japanese army still has more than 9000 artillery pieces, and there are no fewer than [-] combat troops. ;
Second, Chief Pang Bingxun’s command was to defend LY, and the 115th Brigade, one of its two main brigades, suffered a lot of casualties during the counterattack against Mengyin and the Mengyin guards. In addition to LY, then supplement the losses of the 115th Brigade;

Third, an unknown enemy has already appeared in Ju County. Shen Honglie, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Third Army, and Liu Zhendong, the first guerrilla commander in the theater, are leading their troops to fight fiercely with the enemy in Ju County and other places.

Juxian County, Yishui and other places are all barriers in the northeast direction of the LY. If the two places are lost, the LY will definitely be shaken. Chief Pang Bingxun may not dare to send troops to support our regiment in combat. "

Zhou Fangjie's opinion can be said to be reasonable and well-founded, and everyone must be convinced, and this is also the reason for careful consideration.

In the north of LY there is a brigade of Sakamoto Shun, and the northeast is in a bitter battle. Any military chief would put the overall situation first, let alone Pang Bingxun, who is known for his good defense and preservation of strength.

Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, and said: "Deputy Commander Zhou's words are also very reasonable, but I summed it up. I think that although our regiment has no chance of fighting for the time being, it is still necessary to strengthen communication and cooperation with friendly forces, otherwise if we fight It is extremely passive to start a war without knowing what the situation of our friendly forces is."

"What the group said is reasonable, but when is it appropriate to communicate with the friendly army?" Guo Qiliang, who was next to him, asked.

"It's better sooner than later. After lunch at noon today, I'm going to LY to pay a visit to Chief Pang." Zhang Tianhai immediately decided, "Is there anything else you want to add?"


PS: The second update is here.If the recommended votes exceed one hundred today, one more update will be added, and now the recommended votes are only around forty.Whether it can be updated or not depends on everyone, hehe.

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20180309091033766 for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend 081124130657600 for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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