War of Resistance

Chapter 367 Northwest Army

Chapter 367 Northwest Army

"Reporting to the delegation, I have nothing to add to this humble position," Zhou Fangjie said.

"What about the others?" Zhang Tianhai looked at the crowd again.

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, but in the end no one expressed their opinion.

"Okay, if there is nothing else to add, the meeting will be adjourned. The meeting will be adjourned!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai stood up and strode out.

After the meeting ended, Zhang Tianhai went directly to the Chen Mansion in the north of the city.

The purpose of going to Chen's Mansion was not to visit Chen Dazhi, but to tell Zheng Man, who was temporarily staying in Chen's Mansion, about his going to LY.

After doing the math, Zheng Man has been living in Chen's residence for more than two weeks, so it can be said that he has been raised for nothing.For this reason, Zhang Tianhai also specially gave Chen Dazhi money to express his gratitude.

But Chen Dazhi refused to accept anything, and said that Zhang Tianhai and the others stayed in Lanling County to fight against the Japanese. If they took this money, they would feel sorry for the people of Lanling.

In desperation, Zhang Tianhai could only continue to brazenly let Zheng Man stay in the Chen Mansion temporarily to protect the pregnancy.


The wind was blowing gently, with the chilly spring that had just left in winter, blowing on the faces of Zhang Tianhai and the others.

At this time, the snow has not yet melted, and the spring plowing has not yet started, and the dry leaves are hanging alone on the already somewhat bare trees.

The horse's hooves lightly stepped on the loess, making a rustling sound, and there was no smell of vitality around when spring came.

Zhang Tianhai was riding on the horse, but his eyes were constantly looking around, observing the surrounding terrain.

The closer to the front line, the more likely the danger will happen. Although Zhang Tianhai has an impression of the LY defense battle, he can never guarantee 100% that the trend of history will not change at all.

For example, the historical LY defense war was launched in March [-]; another example is that the main force of the historical LY defense war was Pang Bingxun's Third Army and Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army. The security team is also normal.

However, there is no record in history that the first regiment directly under the third theater participated in the battle.

The fact that the third war zone is directly under the first regiment came about later because of Zhang Tianhai's crossing, which means that the trajectory of history has changed a bit.

With the existence of such a German weapon strengthening regiment, will the Japanese army pay special attention to their regiment?And then send special agents to understand the situation, or even attack the headquarters of the Zhiyi regiment to paralyze the combat effectiveness of the regiment?

To sum up, all of the above are very likely to exist, Zhang Tianhai can't afford to take this risk, and there is no need to take this risk.

He is also a person who is about to have a family now. Zhang Tianhai cherishes his current life very much, and with his talent, it would be a pity if he was killed in an assassination.

Going to LY this time is quite different from Zhang Tianhai's vigorous and resolute style of single-handedly fighting and making quick decisions in the past-this time he went to LY, but he brought the whole battalion with him.

Bringing the first battalion is not only to add a guarantee for their own safety, but also to let Commander Pang Bingxun see the true strength of the first regiment directly under their third theater. Only in this way can we understand each other and Know ourselves and know each other.

"Tuan Zuo, we came out in such a hurry this time, but have we planned to go back to Lanling yet?" Li Chunfei rode his horse and walked to Zhang Tianhai's side and asked.

Zhang Tianhai sighed, and said, "Well, it depends on the situation! If everything goes well, we can leave for our group before noon tomorrow."

"Do you think Commander Pang can trust us? During the Great War in the Central Plains, our Central Army didn't hold back from beating them at the beginning. But they beat them to death." Li Chunfei said worriedly.

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "Oh, you just worry too much. Those are all things about old sesame seeds and rotten millet. Now the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War is the most important thing. Our regiment is also a German-armed strengthening regiment. Is it better than those militias? Let me tell you, this commander Pang Jun may wish that we can come to communicate with them."

"That makes sense." Li Chunfei nodded, then changed the subject and said, "Tuan Zuo, what's the situation with my sister-in-law now?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't. How can there be so much gossip for a big man? Order the troops to speed up the march. You must reach LY before dark!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai ran forward with a whip .


Ly is a city with a relatively long history and culture. It was named because it faces the Ly River. It was named Langya and Yizhou in ancient times.

This place is an important town in southern Shandong. It is connected to Rizhao in the east, Zaozhuang, Jining, and Tai'an in the west, ZB and WF in the north, and Jiangsu in the south. It can be called the northwest barrier of Xuzhou, an important town in northern Jiangsu.

If it is lost, the enemy's soldiers can reach Taierzhuang directly.

The place name of Taierzhuang has not been very well-known throughout the ages, only after the great victory of Taierzhuang did it become famous all over the country.

However, the Taierzhuang battle had not yet started at this time, and naturally not many people paid attention to it, but from a military point of view, Taierzhuang was the last barrier for the important town of Xuzhou-if Taierzhuang was lost, the Japanese army could directly enter Xuzhou.

Therefore, the strategic position of LY is not unimportant. Otherwise, Li Zongren would not have needed to place six regiments in the LY area for guarding. If the first regiment directly under the third theater was added, there would be a total of seven regiments. .

Among the seven regiments, there is also a reinforced regiment, with a combined strength of nearly 9000 people.

At this time, LY, like most cities in China at that time, had not yet started to move towards a modern city. Its city was also antique, as can be seen from its outer city wall, which was still built of bluestone and bricks. .

The only difference from Lanling City is that the city walls and scale of LY are much larger. After all, this is a county with a large population, and it is also an important place for transportation. The economy and other aspects are not comparable to that of Lanling, a small county at this time. .

In addition to being larger in size, the garrison is also different. The soldiers on the top of the city are all the Northwest Army in iron-gray uniforms.

Perhaps it is because the people in the Northwest are used to the wind and cold, so the Northwest Army on the top of the city are all standing very straight. Apart from carrying a rifle on their backs, the most obvious thing is that they also carry a gun on their backs. a big knife.

The most famous of the Northwest Army is the Broadsword Team, so even after the Central Plains War, Feng Yuxiang also resigned, but the Northwest Army still inherited the tradition of the Broadsword Team.

Pang Bingxun's Third Army Corps and Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army Corps are the most typical examples. They all carry a big knife on their backs, which has the charm of the lyrics in the song "March of the Big Sword": "The big knife is to the devils cut off the head..."

Zhang Tianhai was riding a war horse, leading the officers and soldiers of the first regiment and the first battalion and walking forward slowly.

In fact, the frontier sentry already knew that a Central Army unit was coming from Lanling, and they wanted to discuss important matters with Chief Pang Bingxun, so the brothers of the No. 40 Army did not show much surprise.

"The Northwest Army should have just changed their outfits, right? Look at them, the Northwest Army was not that rich." Li Chunfei said in a low voice as he rode beside Zhang Tianhai.

"You haven't participated in the Great War of the Central Plains before, why do you treat the Northwest Army's wealth like a treasure." Zhang Tianhai frowned and said, he was really curious.

"Hey, Tuan Zuo, it doesn't make much sense to say it. Actually, I lived in a relative's house in western Henan for a while. At that time, Commander Feng's Northwest Army occupied our county. So I was very impressed, ever since I joined the army, when I think of what happened at that time, I know about it." Li Chunfei said it outright.

"So that's it. It seems that the LY battle situation is not as bad as we imagined." Zhang Tianhai smiled and helped his military cap.


PS: This is even more important~
The recommendation votes are about 91 votes. I hope everyone can continue to actively vote for the eagle, hehe.

Thanks to the starting point book friends, I hope that there will be two monthly tickets for tomorrow 01!
(End of this chapter)

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