War of Resistance

Chapter 368 Seeing Pang Bingxun for the first time

Chapter 368 Seeing Pang Bingxun for the first time

"Sir, which unit are you from? Please show your ID!"

As soon as Zhang Tianhai rode his horse to the sentry post before entering the city, he was stopped by a sentry, but the soldier's accent didn't sound like he was from the northwest, but rather from the direction of Haizhou.

Although the No.40 Army Headquarters came from the Northwest Army, it also suffered a lot of losses during the July [-]th Incident and the recent Mengyin battle, so it also recruited a lot of local soldiers from Shandong.

However, Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who deliberately makes things difficult for others. He took out his certificate, handed it over to the sentinel immediately, and said at the same time: "We are directly under the first regiment of the third war zone. Commander Li of the war zone ordered the troops to be stationed in Lanling. This time, I am here to visit your Commander Pang.”

After flipping through the military ID card, the sentinel immediately saluted and said, "Sir, please wait a moment, I need to make a call to ask the officer for instructions!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then waited patiently here.

At this time, it was getting dark, and the sky was a little dark. After the sentinel called, the City Defense Command also immediately called the Legion Headquarters to ask whether Commander Pang Bingxun would let them enter the city.

After all, the relationship between them is not just as simple as friendly forces, and the factions belonging to the same army are also different, so these must be treated with caution.

In LY City, Pang Bingxun's Third Army Corps.

To be honest, Pang Bingxun was also very surprised when he received the call from the outpost: he had known about the news that the first regiment directly under the third war zone was stationed in Lanling, but after all, Chief Li did not order this army to cooperate. The Third Army fought.You know, this is a unit of the Central Army, not a unit from the Northwest Army.

"Legion Commander, do we want to see them?" Wang Shouwu, chief of staff of the Third Army Corps, asked.

"If you want to see, how can you not see? Now that the Japanese army is overwhelming the border, our army is in need of friendly troops and reinforcements. How can we keep the friendly troops out at this time?" Pang Bingxun stood up and put on his clothes. A military cap and a woolen coat.

Before Pang Bingxun walked out of his office, he seemed to think of something, and said to Wang Shouwu behind him: "Chief Wang, by the way, let the people below go to the Tianxiang Pavilion to serve a table of food and drink. Although our old Northwest Army is poor, we still have a lot of money. It’s not like there’s no hospitality fee for a meal.”

Half an hour later, Zhang Tianhai finally met the long-famous Commander Pang Jun.

I saw that Commander Pang was slightly fat, but he was tall because of his tall stature, so it was nothing to look at, but the little fat on his face made him look like a "blessed figure" as mentioned in the photo book.

"Hello, Commander Pang, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater of the humble rank, greets you." Zhang Tianhai gave a military salute when he saw Pang Bingxun. are much higher than themselves.

After Pang Bingxun returned the military salute, he said with a smile on his face: "Regimental Commander Zhang is really young and promising. He is indeed the chairman's favorite student. He has served as the commander of a reinforced regiment at a young age. Like me in your At such an advanced age, he still serves as a small surveyor in the Beiyang Army, what a formidable young man."

After all, Pang Bingxun is also a 58-year-old man, and he has been in the army for a long time, so he can speak impeccably.

"Officer Pang was joking. Officer Pang is the one who is really capable. He commanded the troops to recapture Mengyin earlier, but it was a victory. This time, I came to visit Officer Pang to ask for advice." Zhang Tianhai also replied. Flattery, after all, sometimes business bragging is really needed to drive the atmosphere.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Pang Bingxun said with a smile: "If you give advice, Pang will say nothing. It's fundamental to learn from each other. It's getting dark now, and it's time for dinner. Let's go, let's eat first. Chat while eating."

After speaking, Pang Bingxun took Zhang Tianhai to eat.

Faced with Pang Bingxun's enthusiasm, Zhang Tianhai hesitated, and said: "But, the brothers in this battalion of low-ranking officers haven't made arrangements yet. It's so cold, we can't let them sleep on the road, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Chief of Staff Wang, you immediately send someone to settle down the brothers of the Friends Army." Pang Bingxun turned back and said to Chief of Staff Wang Xiaowu.

"Yes, sir!" Wang Xiaowu replied, then turned around to make arrangements.

The role of the chief of staff during the Republic of China was like this. He was responsible for everyone from the big to the small. It was a bit like the steward of the entire army.

Of course, Wang Xiaowu will still attend tonight's dinner after arranging for the officers and soldiers of the First Regiment of the Third War Zone.

To treat friendly troops, you must be enthusiastic. If your troops are surrounded by enemy troops, you can count on friendly troops to rescue them.

According to his Pang Bingxun's information, the strength of this German armor reinforcement regiment should not be underestimated. Except for the engineering company, other arms are readily available, and its main force is still four full reinforcement battalions. Used as a brigade.

Usually, the strength of nearly one brigade is already very strong, let alone when it is urgent to use troops in wartime.

When he walked out of the Legion Headquarters, Pang Bingxun did not forget to take a closer look at this army with the designation of the third war zone.

As a result, it turned out that they really had the demeanor of an elite teacher—these soldiers all held their heads high and confident, and then looked at the guys they held in their hands, they were all good guys, and then looked at their The cannon company, alas, even Pang Bingxun, the majestic commander of the army, was a little envious.

In fact, during this period of training, in addition to practicing marksmanship and learning basic skills such as digging standard trenches, they also trained cooperative combat and other content, and platooning is one of the basic daily items.

Tianxianglou is located on the busiest street in the center of the city. It occupies a rather large area. It is quite like "LY's No. [-] Restaurant". The chefs here are skilled, the environment is good in all aspects, and even the service attitude is excellent.

The only downside is that it's a bit pricey.

Of course, the fees are expensive, and that's one of the reasons why dignitaries like to come: the fees are expensive, and ordinary people can't afford them, and that's also a way to show their strength.

Since Pang Bingxun was ordered to bring the Third Army to LY, Inspector Zhang Liyuan hosted a banquet here to invite him to clean up the dust. He tasted the taste and the environment here is very good, so he also regarded it as a place for entertainment. .

Of course, because Pang Bingxun, Zhang Liyuan and others are high-ranking officials of the anti-Japanese army in the city, the boss did not kill them. Anyone who hosted a banquet here with Pang Bingxun's Northwest Army or Zhang Liyuan's security team would only charge the cost price. Not a cent.

"Mr. Pang, the environment here is good." After Pang Bingxun entered Tianxiang Building with Zhang Tianhai's shoulders on his shoulders, Zhang Tianhai sighed for a while.

Zhang Tianhai did not resist Pang Bingxun's attitude of showing intimacy by putting his shoulders together, after all, this is the most straightforward way between men.

"Although the Northwest Army is poor, it can't compare with your Central Army, but there is still enough money to entertain the friendly army. Pang is not so stingy. Haha." Pang Bingxun smiled heartily, the same as when he complained in front of Li Zongren It looked quite different then.

"I am ashamed of my lowly position." Zhang Tianhai said resolutely.

"Let me tell you, Commander Zhang, today, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates, only friendly troops and comrades-in-arms. If Commander Zhang doesn't dislike it, and I'm crazy about how old you are, you can call me Brother Bingxun." It's okay." Pang Bingxun's words were sincere, and in Zhang Tianhai's view, there was no adulteration in these words.

"However, how would you dare to advance to a humble position?" Zhang Tianhai hesitated. After all, the difference in age and military rank between the two was too great.

At this time, Pang Bingxun's boldness of the northern man was revealed. He waved his hand and said: "There is no one who is not high-ranking. They all lead soldiers to fight. It's just that I am a few years older than you. This can't be done." What does it mean. I told you to call it that, it’s too natural to call the officer.”

Seeing that Pang Bingxun has said this to this extent, it would be shameless if he refused, so Zhang Tianhai could only try to call out: "Brother Pang?"

Pang Bingxun responded with a smile: "Hey, Brother Zhang!"

This scene can be described as very harmonious.


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome for the reward of 500 point coins and a monthly pass!
Thanks to Qidian book friend Fengyufang for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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