War of Resistance

Chapter 369 Reaching Collaboration

Chapter 369 Reaching Collaboration
The banquet between warriors is not only drinking, but also drinking.

To use the most famous saying during the banquet, it is "to drink with a big gulp, to eat with a big gulp".

After drinking for three rounds, Pang Bingxun finally said, "How about it, brother Zhang, is the food and drink here still to your liking?"

"Although the food here is good, my brother, I still think Mengyin's food might be more delicious." Zhang Tianhai seemed to be implying something.

Of course Pang Bingxun could understand Zhang Tianhai's implication. He said with a wry smile: "Mengyin is good, but it is not our place. The Japanese army has assembled heavily, and the main force of the Sakamoto Brigade is still in Mengyin. Although they have not invaded now For us, but if we want to take back Mengyin, I am afraid that we will be unable to do so.”

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Pang Bingxun went on to say: "To be honest, since the July 40th Incident, my No. 40 Army has fought against the Japanese in Jinghai and Cang County, and suffered heavy losses. Until it was merged into the battle order of the Fifth Theater Afterwards, the situation improved. Soldiers, weapons and equipment, etc. were restored. However, most of the troops were still recruits, and in the battle of counterattacking Mengyin and defending Mengyin, the No. 115 Army's main brigade No. The [-]th Brigade lost one-third of its combatants during the battle. It’s not that I don’t want to fight Mengyin, but it’s because I don’t have the ability. If we fight again, the troops won’t have veterans to guard LY!”

"Brother's situation, I understand." Zhang Tianhai nodded, raised his glass and said, "But don't worry, brother, as long as the first regiment directly under my third war zone is still stationed near Lanling, if the Japanese invaders, we will The regiment has nothing to say, and will definitely go all out to help your army defend Daly!"

"Come on, cheers to my brother!" Pang Bingxun raised a glass of white wine, but he did it first as a respect.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhai also drank a glass, and then said: "Brother Pang, don't be polite, let's not talk about the fact that we are all soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War, let's talk about the relationship between LY and Lanling! Lips are cold, if there is no expensive The third regiment of the Ministry of Defense is in the front, and the focus of the Japanese army must be Lanling. With the strength of the first regiment directly under our third theater, if we fight against the Sakamoto brigade, I am afraid there is only a dead end."

"Okay, brother Zhang's words, my brother, I feel more at ease. In this case, let's have another drink so that we can fight against the Japanese invaders together." Pang Bingxun raised his glass again and said.

"Do it!" Zhang Tianhai also raised the wine glass that had just been filled, and drank it down in one gulp.

So far, Zhang Tianhai's purpose of coming to LY this time has also been achieved. Pang Bingxun can know the attitude of the third theater directly under the first regiment. It can be said that the guests have enjoyed themselves and are very happy.

In short, the cooperation goals of both parties have been achieved.


This night, Zhang Tianhai was not directly arranged to live in restaurants and inns, but found a room to sleep in Pang Bingxun's army headquarters camp.

Zhang Tianhai drank too much that night and slept very deeply.

This night, he also dreamed many things, not only about his and Zheng Man's future life, but also the memories of Zhang Yulin's biological father, Zhang Fuhan.

It was still the dilapidated small courtyard, and the tall Zhang Fuhan was holding a book in his hand, which seemed to be the "San Zi Jing".

The young Zhang Yulin was sitting on a small bench listening to his father's teachings.

"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. You are a child from a scholar's family. You should learn to be kind to others. It is absolutely impossible to do such things as bullying men and women. You must study hard and study for the rise of China. Don't lose us from the old Zhang family in Hankou!" Zhang Fuhan, whose face was somewhat similar to Zhang Tianhai, said very seriously.

When Zhang Tianhai dreamed about his father's memory in this life, he always had a serious face, and he didn't know if he had always been so serious, or if he became so serious after he became a husband.

"Understood, father." The young Zhang Tianhai glanced at Zhang Fuhan, then nodded and said, and then glanced at Zhang Tiannan who was still in his infancy.

It was through this movie-like memory that Zhang Tianhai learned that his home in this life was in Hankou.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is good.At that time, Zhang Yulin was like a blank sheet of paper, but he was indoctrinated with the need for patriotism and human morality.

Through these, Zhang Tianhai knew what kind of person his father was in this life. Apart from the four words "Mr. Patriotic", is there a better generalization?I'm afraid it's gone.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Tianhai had another dream, which was about his future with Zheng Man——

It was a piece of green grass, and there were peace doves flying above the grass. At that time, he and Zheng Man were no longer in military uniforms, but in civilian clothes.

He, Zhang Tianhai, was wearing a tunic suit with a sense of the times, while Zheng Man was wearing a floral skirt, which looked youthful and beautiful.

At the end of the grass is a church. The fountain in the pool in front of the church is spewing water, and the shapes are extremely beautiful.

Their children were running in the sunset wearing typical small suits, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on everyone's faces, as if they were a little more beautiful.

It can be seen from the surrounding buildings that this is a typical American style.

Soon, the sound of practice came to his ears, and Zhang Tianhai woke up from his dream.

Looking around and recalling the dream just now, Zhang Tianhai asked himself with a wry smile: Am I yearning for peace too much?

Only those who have experienced war will understand how hard-won peace is, how terrible war is, and the sense of fear shrouded in the cloud of death all day long.

Everything that happens in wartime is inhumane: hunger, hardship, and death looming over the head all day long.

War is not only extremely harmful to soldiers, but also to ordinary people.

It only takes two or three days to destroy a city, but it takes decades to build a city.

It is said that war is the catalyst that catalyzes the progress of mankind, but the process involved is very terrifying, death and destruction exist all the time.

Flowers have a day of re-blooming, and people are no longer young!

I have to say that one hour of good sleep quality can be worth three hours, no, just look at Zhang Tianhai's current appearance.

This is not an ordinary spirit...

After waking up in the morning, Zhang Tianhai didn't fall asleep again, and this was the case for his daily routine.

A good wine is one that wakes up without any aftereffects after being drunk the next day; but it is different with those bad wines, the kind that will definitely cause a headache the next day, which can last all night.

Now Zhang Tianhai is in a good state, alive and kicking, so it proves that the wine that Pang Bingxun used to entertain him last night is all good wine.

Zhang Tianhai didn't plan to stay with the Third Army for a long time, after all, his regiment headquarters still had various matters to deal with.

So after breakfast early in the morning, Zhang Tianhai came to the office building of Pang Bingxun's army headquarters, and was about to say goodbye.


PS: This is to make up for yesterday's second update, let's take a day off today, I need to take it easy.Dog lives matter.

By the way, I would like to recommend "The Strongest Dog Trainer" written by my friend's masterpiece, Bald Ghost. If you are interested, ah, you can read it if you are interested.

Thank you Qidian book friend 20190203103223064, Yougu Kanke, and QQ reading book friend [-] for each two monthly tickets!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20190915182453633, Dugou old fisherman, sis40, and boiled water 598 for each monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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