Chapter 370
When Zhang Tianhai came downstairs to Pang Bingxun's Legion Office, Pang Bingxun was listening to the situation report of the combat staff in the combat conference room.

"Legion Commander, according to the report from the front line, there was a change in the Sakamoto Brigade in the direction of Mengyin at around [-] o'clock this morning. About one regiment of Japanese troops marched in the direction of Ju County, and there was also an artillery squadron." Last night's The staff officer on duty reported during the meeting.

"The Japanese army from Mengyin has gone to Ju County. It seems that there has been a big move recently..." Pang Bingxun sighed. In the direction of Ju County, Shen Honglie's marines and Liu Zhendong's guerrillas are fighting. The Japanese army has increased their troops. Over there The situation is not optimistic...

Before the combat staff officer could speak, a guard ran in and reported: "Report to the regiment commander, Zhang Tianhai, the commander of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, has arrived, please see the regiment commander!"

"It's just in time." Pang Bingxun said, "Please hurry up!"

Like most people, Pang Bingxun also believed that being able to become the leader of a reinforced group at such a young age like Zhang Tianhai was not as simple as his background.

Pang Bingxun had inquired about the situation of Zhang Tianhai before, but the result he learned was shocking - he resisted orders on the Nanjing battlefield, and led a remnant army to break through the encirclement of the Japanese army directly. and went out; took the lead in breaking into the Marine Corps Headquarters during the Songhu Battle;

These things seem simple, but none of them are simple. The most important thing is that Zhang Tianhai has successfully completed the tasks, and at that time his troops were almost all newly recruited soldiers!
It can be seen from this that Zhang Tianhai is very tactical and has a keen strategic vision.This was Pang Bingxun's judgment on Zhang Tianhai.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai came up.

"Brother Zhang, you've come. Hurry up, the situation on the front line has changed. Come here and help me judge their intentions." Pang Bingxun greeted him warmly.

"Has the situation on the front line changed?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and then followed Pang Bingxun to the map.

"Yes, I just received the battle report from the front line. About one regiment of the Sakamoto brigade stationed in Mengyin has gone to Ju County." Pang Bingxun said.

"Ju County?" Zhang Tianhai immediately found out its location on the map, and said after a long time, "Itagaki Seishiro wants to unplug LY's outlying stronghold..."

"Brother Zhang, the strategic intention of the Japanese army is very obvious now. It is to attack Xuzhou and open up the Jinpu line... My third army is defending LY. If LY loses, I'm afraid Xuzhou will not be able to protect..." Pang Bingxun sighed, with a frown between his brows concerns are palpable.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't think so. Li Zongren and Chief Li are not Zhang Xueliang, and we are not the Northeast Army at that time. It is not easy for the Japanese army to capture Xuzhou. If there is no accident, there will be a fierce battle here in Taierzhuang, but The premise is that our troops guarding LY cannot lose LY. If LY is lost, Taierzhuang will be in danger."

"Why did Brother Zhang say that?" Pang Bingxun said hesitantly.

"As long as we don't lose, the Itagaki Division of the Japanese Army will not be able to join forces with the Isoya Division in Taierzhuang. As long as the Isoya Division dares to fight alone, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the fifth theater and the first theater will inevitably give them stitches. Go to a pocket formation." Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

This kind of self-confidence does not come from his own trust in the fighting power of the national army, but because of historical reasons. This is how the Taierzhuang victory was fought in history!This little butterfly of his won't be able to change the trajectory of history!

"Then according to your opinion, what do you think about the transfer of the Sakamoto brigade? If it were you, how would you fight this battle?" Pang Bingxun asked.

"Wait and see. Now Chief Shen Honglie's Marine Corps is in Ju County, and there is also the troops of Liu Zhendong, the first guerrilla commander in the theater. Ju County still has to fight this battle. After the friendly forces wear down the spirit of the Banyuan Division, Let's carry out a key attack on the outstanding part of the Banyuan division." Zhang Tianhai talked eloquently, and described the combat thinking of the LY battle in history.

"Using friendly forces to wear down the enemy's spirit? Is this inappropriate?" Pang Bingxun frowned slightly. After all, doing so is indeed somewhat immoral.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Brother's words are wrong. As a soldier, you should expect the day when the shroud of horse leather will be returned. Even you and I will be unavoidable. This is a war, and it is a national war that gambles on the fate of the country." .Our priority is to defend LY, defend Xuzhou!"

After hearing this, Pang Bingxun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother Zhang is indeed a dragon and phoenix among men, and his ideological awareness is much higher than those of us veterans."

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "When it comes to combat command, Zhang Yulin thinks he is inferior to Brother Pang. My brother has long heard that my brother was born in the Northeast Surveying and Mapping School. He also created the No.40 army with one hand. If my brother wants to say that, my brother will be ashamed."

"Hey, let's not talk about these nonsense between brothers. Then I will listen to your opinion. If my third army is in trouble, please brother Zhang to save someone from the fire and water." Pang Bingxun laughed road.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I, Zhang Yulin, will definitely do my best. But brother, let me tell you first. If the situation is not good, you must ask for reinforcements from the commander of the war zone. Otherwise, the entire two troops of you and me will be buried in the LY! I hope my brother must remember it!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, without the slightest hint of a joke.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Tianhai believed that the combat power of the Itagaki Division was not in vain. In case the commander of the Second Army of the Japanese Army, Hisao Nishio, had a whim and felt that the Lunan National Army was very strong, he then strengthened the Itagaki Division by two Artillery Wing and Cavalry Wing, this situation is very likely to happen!
"Brother understands." Pang Bingxun nodded and said very seriously.

"Then my brother will leave first. With the LY war, the third theater is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and will never stand by!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai gave a military salute, very serious.

"Treasure!" Pang Bingxun also returned a military salute.


After Zhang Tianhai walked away, a staff officer asked Pang Bingxun, "Sir, do we really want to follow the advice of the Central Army commander?"

A trace of worry flashed across Pang Bingxun's face, and then he said: "This Zhang Yulin is really a decisive general. He also has a very vicious vision. Not only can he judge the general intentions of the Japanese army, but he can even judge the subsequent changes in the battle situation. He also expected it. Fortunately, this person is a friendly army, otherwise we will suffer a big loss."

"Oh? The officer really thinks so highly of him?" The staff officer seemed a little unbelievable.

Pang Bingxun nodded, and said: "Yes. If this person had already assumed the post of regiment commander during the Central Plains War, he might be able to take over the division headquarters of our No.14 Division."

The staff officers looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Pang Bingxun said: "Don't be stunned, just follow the suggestion of Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Zhang to draw up a preliminary plan. In addition, give priority to replenishing the 229th regiment. After the replenishment is completed, the 229th regiment will be placed near Ju. In the county direction, if there is an emergency, we will fully support Ju County!"

"Yes! Sir!" All the staff officers stood at attention and responded.


PS: Think about updating a chapter, otherwise the progress is still too slow.

Thanks to the Qidian book friend who digs the ground for the reward of 500 coins and a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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