Chapter 371
The way you came is different from the way you go back.

When I came, it was to rush the road, but when I went back, I was more calm.

The sky was still gray, with occasional snowflakes. Zhang Tianhai rode his horse and hurried back towards Lanling leisurely, followed by a battalion of officers and soldiers in four rows behind him.

The journey was very leisurely, and there was some artistic conception of "stealing half a day's leisure".

In the afternoon, Zhang Tianhai finally returned to Lanling City with the officers and soldiers of the first battalion.

After returning to Lanling, Zhang Tianhai immediately issued an order to the whole regiment: to end the training of the whole regiment, and except for the cavalry battalion, other combat units will immediately enter a wartime state!
As for the city defense troops, Zhang Tianhai asked them to continue training. After all, these troops were still mainly recruits, and they had almost no combat effectiveness at all.

"Old Zhang, what happened? Why did you issue a combat order as soon as you came back?" After receiving the order, Guo Qiliang immediately returned to the regiment headquarters to ask Zhang Tianhai, everything was in a hurry.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said with a serious face: "Now Mengyin's Sakamoto brigade has divided up to go to Ju County, and the weather in Ju County will soon change, we have to prepare for battle! Let's go to LY now." , I have reached an agreement with Pang Bingxun, the commander of the Third Army, to support and assist each other in wartime, and if the battle is together, our regiment will definitely go into battle immediately."

Guo Qiliang nodded and said, "I understand. The staff will immediately come up with a battle plan."

Zhang Tianhai shook his head, disapproving: "Don't worry, give the brothers a day off, and come up with a plan tomorrow afternoon, and wait for them to rest and adjust their status. It won't be so comfortable after a war."

"Okay." Guo Qiliang nodded.


On February [-]th, that is, the third day after Zhang Tianhai returned from LY, the Japanese army captured Juxian and Rizhao.

Pang Bingxun was very anxious when he received this news. The 229th regiment had just been repaired. If only one regiment went up, it would undoubtedly be to deliver food to the Japanese army.

"Legion Commander, the situation in Shen Honglie's department is unclear, and Liu Zhen's east is also in a hard fight. Do you want to implement the contingency plan and let the 229th regiment go north?" Wang Shouwu, Chief of Staff of the Legion, asked.

Pang Bingxun clenched his teeth and said, "Call the 115th Brigade immediately and ask about the supply status of the 230th Regiment!"

"Yes!" Wang Shouwu answered, and immediately called the 115th Brigade Headquarters.

It was the brigade commander Zhu Jialin who answered the call himself. He told Wang Shouwu that the headquarters of the 115th brigade had basically been replenished, including the 230th regiment, but because some of them were untrained recruits, the combat effectiveness would be affected.

Wang Shouwu told the truth about the situation, and Pang Bingxun fell into a difficult situation: on the one hand, he was his friendly army; on the other hand, it was his own troops, and most of them were recruits!
After a long time, Pang Bingxun sighed and said: "Forget it, gather the 115th brigade immediately, equip it with two mountain artillery and prepare to attack Juxian immediately! Under the leadership of Liu Shirong, the deputy commander of the 39th Division, we must fulfill the duty of rapid reinforcement!"

"However, Legion Commander, if you send a brigade there, there won't be enough troops to guard LY. Who knows when the Japanese army in the direction of Mengyin will increase their troops?" Wang Shouwu said worriedly.

"I can't control that much anymore, soldiers are very fast. At worst, I will ask the chief for reinforcements in the afternoon!" Pang Bingxun said decisively.

"Yes, sir! I will order the troops to carry out the order!" Wang Shouwu stood at attention and saluted.

Immediately after Pang Bingxun's combat order was issued, a staff officer ran in and reported: "Report to the regiment commander, the commander of the theater, Commander Li, has an urgent call!"

"Read!" Pang Bingxun said, shaking his hands.

The staff officer opened the translation of the telegram and read: "Commander Pang Bingxun, the Third Corps of the Revolutionary Army of the National Army, today the invaders approached Ju County, and Ju County has already fallen to the enemy. Shen Honglie's Marine Corps and Liu Zhendong's First Guerrilla Detachment fought the enemy. We have already fallen into a disadvantage, and the Commander's Department of the current theater immediately ordered your department to immediately send reinforcements to support the troops in Ju County! The Commander's Department of the Theater Command sent an urgent telegram at 27:36 on February [-], [-], [-]!"

After hearing this, Pang Bingxun's eyes flashed with joy, and he said: "Immediately call back the chief's department, saying that our Third Army headquarters has sent a brigade of reinforcements northward to support Shen Honglie and Liu Zhendong's troops, but after sending reinforcements, the LY area is empty. , I am afraid it is not enough to withstand the enemy's front from the direction of Mengyin, I hope the chief can send troops to support the battle in the LY area!"

"Yes, sir!" The staff officer responded, and went out.

Soon, Wang Shouwu came back, and after he entered the door, he asked, "Legion Commander, you just asked the Commander for reinforcements? This is not like your style."

Unexpectedly, Pang Bingxun said with a worried face: "Now our No.40 Army, the combat effectiveness of these two main brigades is slightly stronger. Li Zhenqing's supplementary regiment can be used as the main force, but in the end it is not enough. It’s just an ordinary regiment with only 2000 people. Compared with the reinforced regiment of Zhang Tianhai of the Central Army stationed in Lanling, it’s far behind.”

Pang Bingxun is also an honest person, and he can correctly recognize the shortcomings of his own side. Indeed, the artillery battalion of Zhang Tianhai's regiment has eight mountain cannons, but the artillery of his third army is twice as large. The configuration of light and heavy machine guns It is also extremely high.

Wang Shouwu nodded and agreed: "Indeed, after the 115th brigade is transferred, only the 116th brigade and the military supplementary regiment can be relied on. Although Zhang Liyuan's security regiment has a certain combat effectiveness, it is not strong. Zhang Tianhai I am not familiar with it, and I am afraid that the combat style is not what I can predict."

"Although Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment is strong, once they enter the war, the Japanese army will most likely regard them as the number one enemy. If the Zhiyi Regiment is surrounded and wiped out by Japanese troops, LY will really be over." Pang Bingxun sighed.

"Indeed, didn't that kid Zhang Yulin say that before he left, let us get reinforcements and then go all out to support him. This kid is quite cunning." Wang Shouwu said with a smile.

"This kid is really sensitive in this area. He told us in advance that we must reinforce the army, otherwise our troops in LY will be ruined." Pang Bingxun said with a wry smile. Hang wry smile.


While Pang Bingxun was laughing, Li Zongren was not in a good mood. He was frowning in front of the map.

"Reinforcements, reinforcements are needed everywhere! But where did the reinforcements come from?!" Li Zongren scolded with some dissatisfaction.

Although Li Zongren can also understand the difficulties of Pang Bingxun stationed in LY, he really has no reinforcements. The first theater has already supported many troops, and the war on the southern front is in full swing. His company originally wanted to The No. 11 Army and the No. 20 First Army of the Gui Army, which were used as reserves, were all charged up.

The three armies under the jurisdiction of these two group armies are all soldiers brought over by Li Zongren from Guangxi, but his hometown is well established.

At this moment, Xu Zuyi, the chief of staff of the theater, said: "Why don't you transfer Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army from the southern battlefield to LY. Zhang Zizhong has a cavalry brigade, and the maneuvering speed is fast. Besides, there are so many troops on the southern battlefield. Nothing will go wrong."

"However, Chen Chen (expressed by Zhang Zizhong) said that he was willing to fight in the fifth theater, but he was unwilling to fight with Pang Bingxun. Personal enmity, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to reconcile!"

I saw Xu Zuyi said with a look of embarrassment: "But we don't have any other troops in our hands now. Is it true that Zhang Tianhai's small reinforced regiment can withstand the front of the Japanese army? This regiment is Minister He's heart If the meat is just beaten up like this, it will be difficult to explain to Minister He."

Indeed, on the point of which faction Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment belongs to, the commanders of the war zone still have a good idea: it's not a confidant, Minister He can send his nephew to the Zhiyi regiment as a small political training department long?

Therefore, Xu Zuyi's point is not completely unreasonable, and he has indeed talked and dealt with He Jiye.

Li Zongren shook his head and said: "Brother Yan Mou's words are wrong. Since Zhang Tianhai's troops have arrived in my fifth war zone, they must fight, but I will not deliberately let them fight any big battles, and I will send them To be transferred to Lanling, it is not necessary to support the battle in the LY area."

"What does the officer mean?" Xu Zuyi asked curiously.

"Lanling is a good place. It is not only close to LY, but also not very far from the Jinpu line. If the Japanese army wants to cross Teng County, its strategic target must be Taierzhuang, the outer barrier of Xuzhou, and Lanling is also located on the north side of Taierzhuang. , Putting them here might bring unexpected gains." Li Zongren pointed to these places with his fingers while speaking.

"Is Chief Li really so confident in the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone? Are you afraid that if Zhang Tianhai comes to listen to the announcement?" Xu Zuyi has some doubts, although his impression of Zhang Tianhai is very strong. Well, its performance in Kaifeng was indeed very good, but after all, they are all the direct line troops of the Central Army, and they are also the direct line of the direct line, and they are the troops that Minister He is very optimistic about and built by himself.

On the other hand, most of the troops in the Fifth War Zone are composed of some local miscellaneous troops, and in terms of the composition of the commanders of the war zone, it seems that except for Xu Zuyi, the chief of staff, few are from the faction of the Central Army, so Xu Zuyi is also worried. Not without reason.

"I have come into contact with Zhang Tianhai. He is a very good young man with vigor and drive. I believe he can go all out for the cause of the Anti-Japanese War." Li Zongren said with a smile, "Yes, Yan Brother Mou, what you just said is that it is not impossible to transfer Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army to LY. You should be fully responsible for this matter! The process is not important, but the result is important!"

"Yes, sir!" Xu Zuyi replied with a wry smile, obviously because of a hard job.


PS: I had a day off yesterday, and my mental state has improved.The [-]-word chapter is here!

Thanks to the big brother who loves to read books from the starting point, and the QQ reading friend Can Ye, who have two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to Qidian book friends Ming Yin Yang Hua Tianzun, Steve Karl, QQ reading book friends heart, lonely life. , George's monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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