War of Resistance

Chapter 372 Gui Army Counterattack

Chapter 372 Gui Army Counterattack
Persuading people to let go of their grudges is even more difficult than persuading them to love each other. Xu Zuyi is very clear about this, and Zhang Zizhong's department is the party that was attacked by surprise. It is not easy to reinforce the enemy this time.

But Zuzuyi is still willing to give it a try. After all, this is the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, and there is no other reinforcements in the war zone for the time being. The strength of Zhang Tianhai's regiment is too small to be useful. If it can be used as a surprise soldier, Fighting as a large army, it is a matter of being eaten by the enemy every minute.

Zhang Zizhong's troops are good no matter what, at least they are still a military-level force with two divisions and an independent cavalry brigade, but there are nearly 3 people.

"Hello, this is the Commander's Department of the Fifth War Zone, please take me to the Ninth Army Headquarters on the Linhuai Front." Xu Zuyi said into the phone.

Soon, a message came from the phone: "Sir, I can't make a phone call from the Huaihe front line."

Therefore, Xu Zuyi could only think of another way, and then said to the staff around him: "Come here, and immediately draft a telegram ordering the Ninth Army on the Linhuai Front to return to Xuzhou, and in addition to Commander-in-Chief Li Pinxian of the No. 11 Group Army and No. 20 One Commander-in-Chief Liao Lei of the Group Army sent a report, telling them to notify the Ninth Army of the order to return to Xuzhou. And let them cooperate to fight together, so that the victory on the front line must be expanded!"

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded.


Linhuai front line.

This day is the day when several military-level units of the Chinese army and the group army launched a joint counterattack, and Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army was no exception.

As the reinforcements coming up later, Zhang Zizhong's troops suffered relatively less losses, and his troops also had the independent cavalry brigade as a major killer, which was an absolute reserve force on the battlefield.

Li Pinxian, the frontline commander and deputy commander of the fifth theater, also used Zhang Zizhong's troops as a reserve team, which was no ordinary treasure.

After receiving the order from the commander-in-chief of the war zone, Li Pinxian frowned, and said in his Guangxi Mandarin: "It seems that it is not too late. We must return to Huaiguan and Beiguan within two days. If we have such a strong army, we still can't regain the lost ground. Then what face do we have as soldiers?"

"But deputy chief, now the chief department is going to transfer the Ninth Army, we don't have that many reserves anymore." Zhou Zuhuang, the commander of the Seventh Army, persuaded.

Li Pinxian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Even if Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army is transferred, we still have Guangxi soldiers from two group armies, a total of three armies. The Seventh Army is the 'Seventh Steel Army' during the Northern Expedition. Each army of our Guangxi army has three divisions, and there has never been a situation of empty pay. In addition to Yu Xuezhong's army, a [-] army can't regain the south bank of the Huaihe River. In my opinion, we all resigned and went back. Forget cutting sugarcane and farming!"

"Yes, sir! I understand!" Zhou Zuhuang stood at attention and saluted with a very serious expression.

"Then let Zhang Zizhong and the others lead the troops. De Lingong is also short of manpower. It would be good to let them go back earlier. Let the Huaihe war be handed over to our Guangxi army! Since we have gone north to fight the war, we must not lose it." We Guangxi people must not lose the face of De Lingong. Let these little Japanese see what the Gui Army is!" Li Pinxian said confidently.

"Yes, sir." Zhou Zuhuang stood at attention and saluted.

After Zhang Zizhong of the Ninth Army was ordered to transfer away, the war did not stop, but continued as scheduled.

On this day, Li Pinxian, deputy commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone, commanded the national army with the Guangxi troops as the main force to occupy the north bank of Feihe River. The troops searched south and conquered Linhuaiguan, Beiguan and Xiaobengbu successively.

The battle in the southern section of the national army temporarily gained the upper hand.

On the same day, patriotic Zhang Yuzhi led [-] people to attack Liuhe County, which was occupied by the Japanese army, and recovered it.

A series of good news came in a row, which finally restored some confidence in the war of resistance in the Fifth Theater.


The war in the southern section of the Jinpu line went smoothly, but it doesn't mean that the war in southern Shandong was also so smooth.

After learning that the Japanese army had increased their troops in Ju County and other places, the pressure on Shen Honglie and Liu Zhendong became even greater.

No, the chiefs of the two troops have already gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

In a small room in the mountainous area of ​​southeastern Shandong, a candle stubbornly emits dim light, trying hard to dispel the surrounding darkness, but it is obviously in vain.

Inside the room, two senior officers in gray-blue military uniforms and a somewhat dirty woolen overcoat were squatting on the ground to discuss matters.

Under the dim candlelight, their military ranks can still be seen clearly: one is major general and the other is lieutenant general.

The rank of lieutenant general is naturally Shen Honglie, deputy commander-in-chief of the third group army and commander of the third fleet of the national army and navy.

The major general is Liu Zhendong, the first guerrilla commander in the fifth theater.

"Mr. Shen, you are taller and older than me no matter in terms of military position or military rank. Why don't you come and think of a way. My troops have also suffered heavy losses now, with less than one regiment left The strength of the army is gone." Liu Zhendong said with a bitter expression on his face.

Shen Honglie's old face, which was usually flushed by the sea breeze, was also full of bitterness at this time. He said: "The Japanese invaders are advancing. Our troops fought hard with the Japanese invaders for days, and the troops also suffered heavy losses. The troops of the four regiments are also the remaining ones. There is less than one regiment left. If the reinforcements from the Commander’s Department do not arrive, all our troops will have to be wiped out. But we still have to hold on, relying on the mountains, and engage in guerrilla warfare with the enemy! The fate of Commander Han being shot, you too As far as we can see, going forward is death, and retreating is also death. We might as well fight the Japanese army and maybe still have a chance, as long as we can last until the reinforcements arrive, we will be victorious."

"Yes, we have to fight. The overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War is the most important. Even if you and I have finished both, we must fight to the end. We must not be traitors." Liu Zhendong nodded and said.

Shen Honglie nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. At noon today, I have already received a telegram from the Commander's Department of the theater. Commander Li told us to persevere. He has already dispatched a brigade of reinforcements in the direction of LY. , and it is the main force of Pang Bingxun's department."

"Pang Bingxun's No.40 Army?" Liu Zhendong expressed doubts.

"The current No.40 Army is not the former No.40 Army. Pang Bingxun's department has received a large number of ordnance supplements after being transferred to Haizhou. Although the combat effectiveness may not be particularly strong, the combat effectiveness must have been improved." Shen Honglie He said that he knew about this matter, so he also had certain confidence in Pang Bingxun's department.

"That's the only way." Liu Zhendong sighed.


PS: The second update will be delivered, and the fifth update will break out tomorrow, please wait and see!The war is about to kick off, please vote!

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20190922151256296, QQ reading book friends Xue Ye, Can Ye, and Zui Wuqing have two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to Qidian book friends Zhang Dabenshi, Piao Piao Heixue, and 426097 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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