War of Resistance

Chapter 373 Sakamoto Detachment

Chapter 373 Sakamoto Detachment (15 more, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, etc.)
The life of Shen Honglie and Liu Zhendong is difficult, but the life of the Japanese army is much easier than that of the national army.

Qingdao, the headquarters of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army.

Early this morning, Seishiro Itagaki, who was still sipping tea on the tea table in the office, received a combat order from the higher authority, the Second Army Command.

And the order Seishiro Itagaki received was "The Fifth Division should use a detachment to cooperate with the tenth division of the friendly army in the battle in the direction of Jinpu Road, and attack the LY area"!
"Your Excellency, Division Commander, it seems that the higher-ups are really in a hurry. The [-]th Division and the [-]th Division headquarters, the main forces of the two divisions are stagnant in Yanzhou and Qufu. It seems that North China The Front Army will send more troops here soon." Said Takeshi Sakurada, Chief of Staff of the division sitting opposite.

Itagaki Seishiro touched the beard on his upper lip with his finger wearing a white command glove, and then said slowly with a smile: "Chang Ying-kun, you are too underestimating Commander Juichi Terauchi of the front army, your determination is amazing. It's not something you can understand."

"Your Excellency Commander's determination is nothing more than to open up the Jinpu Line with His Excellency General Hata Junliu of the Central China Front Army, and then establish an incomparable miracle?" Takeshi Sakurada took a sip of his tea cup and smiled.

Seishiro Itagaki shook his head lightly, and said with a smile, "Chang Ying-kun, your vision is a bit narrow this time."

"What does your Excellency the head of the division mean?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the commander Sakurada Takeshi.

"Ino-kun is only judging from the battlefield, which is naturally correct. But don't forget, have you given the order given by the General Staff Headquarters to the Commander-in-Chief in August?" Itagaki Seishiro asked with a smile, obviously The good news of success in the past few days made him feel very good.

"The order in August?" Takeshi Sakurada was a little puzzled, obviously forgetting which order it was.

Seeing that Takeshi Sakurada still couldn't remember, Itagaki Seishiro slowly said the content of the order: "The order is: in terms of the Jiaoji Railway, the line that is already occupied or other aspects must not go beyond the Yellow River Line. Combat; in the future, when the [-]th Division is incorporated into your army, it can be placed on standby in Pingjin for the use of the base camp; for the Fifth Division, in order to quickly transfer from the sea to other areas when necessary, its location should be in Jiaotong. Along the economy."

"But we have already occupied Jinan, and have already crossed the Yellow River. My position is dull, and I really don't understand the intention of your Excellency the Commander." Takeshi Sakurada is only in his thirties, and he is not familiar with Terauchi Shouichi. Naturally, it can't compare with Seishiro Itagaki who exists like an old fritter.

Itagaki Seishiro took a sip of warm tea and said: "The base camp does not support the decision of the commander in the temple, and may even transfer our fifth division. If you were the commander, you would not be satisfied. .Life is only a few decades, and the time to serve as the commander of the North China Front Army is even shorter. If it were you, you would continue to fight."

"I understand." Chief Sakurada Takeshi nodded and said, "If your Excellency the commander in the temple wants to establish an incomparable feat, it must be completed in the past few years as the commander. When the base camp is ready, I am afraid The commander of the North China Dispatch Army is no longer the general of the temple.”

Itagaki Seishiro nodded and said: "Yoxi, you are not stupid. Takara (so), the commander in the temple is very dissatisfied with the order of the base camp. Therefore, His Excellency the commander in the temple ordered us to surprise Jinan. Our division and Isoya Rensuke's [-]th Division issued an order to 'actively defend'."

"Souga, your Excellency the head of the division is wise!" said Takeshi Sakurada, head of the division, bowing his head.

"Hohai Sitailu (no need to be like this), about the latest combat order issued by the commander of the Second Army Lieutenant General Hisao Nishio, how do you think it should be implemented?" Itagaki Seishiro asked with a sense of investigation One sentence.

Takeshi Sakurada thought for a while and said, "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, regarding this order, my subordinates feel that it is important to use soldiers quickly. The Katano Detachment sent out earlier, together with the No.20 First Brigade who stayed in Mengyin What does the commander of the division think about the formation of the No.40 Second Regiment and the strengthened artillery regiment to form a southward detachment?"

"Mr. Chang Ying, your field of vision is indeed a little narrow. Even if you strengthen an artillery regiment with an infantry brigade that has suffered many casualties, I am afraid that the strength of the troops will still appear a little thin. It is better like this. The ninth The main force of the No.11 Brigade of the brigade should also be strengthened to the No.20 20st Brigade! Formed into the Sakamoto detachment, commanded by the brigade leader Jun Sakamoto of the No.[-] [-]st Brigade.” Seishiro Itagaki’s few words But in the meantime, the direction of the main force of the Fifth Division was decided.

"Hay!" Chang Sakurada Takeshi bowed his head in response.

So, just like that, the Sakamoto Detachment, which exists like an enhanced brigade, was born.

The morale of the Japanese army at this time can be said to be at its peak since the war of aggression against China. To put it bluntly, it is very arrogant.

From top to bottom, the Japanese army in the North China Front believed that now that China had lost Nanjing, the foundation of its governance, and that the march in North China was going smoothly, China would soon return to the state of warlord melee.

Once China enters the chaotic state of warlords, their chance will really come.

Moreover, General Toshiichi Terauchi always believed that the moment of warlord chaos is coming soon, and as long as they work harder, the moment of victory will come.

If you don't believe me, let's see, when the main force of the Fifth Division and the Tenth Division entered Shandong, Han Fuqu's Third Army was already shaken. As long as the troops continue to fight all the way, the rest of the Chinese army will definitely flee like Han Fuqu's army. .

If it weren't for the guidance of this kind of thinking, Terauchi Shouichi would not have hinted that Seishiro Itagaki and Rensuke Isotani below should "actively defend" and then send a brigade of troops to search for power.


At this time, Zhang Tianhai still didn't know the news of the establishment of the Sakamoto detachment of the Japanese army. He had already ordered the troops to enter the preset positions around Lanling.

In fact, these places are said to be pre-set positions, but Zhang Tianhai and the combat staff prepared to spend their spare time to conduct on-the-spot investigations before drawing out the specific locations on the map.

For example, the second battalion entered Wangzhuang in the northeast, and the third battalion entered Dagushan in the north. The cavalry battalion was commanded by Wang Yongcheng, the commander of the fourth battalion, and the military affairs of the fourth battalion were represented by Han Xingle, the deputy battalion commander.

This Wang Yongcheng had served as the deputy battalion commander of the cavalry battalion when he was in the Northeast Army, so Zhang Tianhai wanted to transfer him to the cavalry battalion as the battalion commander.

But after all, Wang Yongcheng has also served as the battalion commander of the infantry battalion for a long time, and now he is the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion, I am afraid that he will not adapt.

Therefore, considering this aspect, Zhang Tianhai didn't lose Wang Yongcheng's title of Battalion Commander of the Fourth Battalion. If he didn't adapt to this role, he would come back to be the Battalion Commander of the Fourth Battalion at worst. Can he be forced?

Then, the [-]st Battalion and [-]th Battalion were stationed in the city to help train the recruits of the city defense battalion, and also served as the city defense force and the general reserve force.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Tianhai transferred more than 20 people from the supply company, and another ten people from the communication company to form a shelf company-the engineer company.

The company commander of this company was directly transferred from the regiment headquarters by a staff officer who was born as an engineer.

There is no way, the war is getting closer, and Zhang Tianhai can't help but think of a way to continue to expand the army. Although the regiment's finances are indeed a little difficult now, it's better than fighting off the whole regiment.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai recruited more than 50 new recruits, and they were dedicated to supplying the supply company, the communication company, and these companies. After all, the engineering company had transferred people from others, so they had to make up for it, right?
As for the engineering company, Zhang Tianhai also knew that the regiment couldn't afford the money for the time being before recruiting at full strength, and had to wait for the money to be full before recruiting.


PS: The first update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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