War of Resistance

Chapter 374 LY Defense Battle 25

Chapter 374 LY Defense Battle (25) [-] more

The second battalion and the third battalion wanted to enter the preset positions, so they had to start work before they could enter.

Ever since, Dagu Mountain in the north of Lanling County and Wangzhuang in the northwest have become two busy construction sites.

On the "construction site", trenches were being dug, trenches were being dug, bunkers were being piled up, it was so lively.

"The trenches to be dug must be standard! Dig as you usually do in training! But it's your own life, everyone should treat it with caution!" Lu Shaojie, who was not tall, was patrolling the construction site of the preset position. He was stingy with his saliva, but he was very patient and taught.

Occasionally, there were trenches that were not so standardized, and Lu Shaojie pointed them out one by one and ordered them to correct them.

All in all, it was busy.

The main position of the Second Battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment was set up on a commanding height in the north of Wangzhuang. Standing in the trench this time, the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the road. The only way to come to Lanling.

After a day and night of rushing work, both the third battalion position in Dagushan and the second battalion position in Wangzhuang have been completed.

After stationing overnight and exploring the terrain, Zhang Tianhai asked the second and third battalions to withdraw, and then sent the first and fourth battalions to garrison Zhangzhuang in the southwest and Tujiaao in the west respectively, and entered the forewarning camp. Set up positions.

After this series of combat orders, Guo Qiliang, Zhou Fangjie and other officers slowly began to understand: This is an actual combat training, which is used to test the results of the Zhiyi Regiment's two-month training.

After the second battalion and the third battalion withdrew, Zhang Tianhai immediately summoned the two battalion commanders, Lu Shaojie and Wang Ziqing, and asked them to summarize the shortcomings exposed during this actual combat training.

For example, the selection of battle positions, all aspects of trench digging, etc., after making a summary, we must immediately make corrections.

In addition to the four main infantry battalions that have exposed a series of shortcomings, the newly established cavalry battalion is basically not capable of combat and needs time to train.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai simply asked Wang Yongcheng to be directly transferred to the commander of the cavalry battalion, and let him be responsible for the combat training of the cavalry battalion. Han Xingle, the deputy commander of the fourth battalion, was promoted to the commander of the fourth battalion.

So far, the military officers of the four main battalions of Zhiyi Regiment are all composed of officers from the Whampoa faction.

But all this does not mean that the Northeast Army officers in the Zhiyi Regiment will be squeezed out, it just changed a position.

"Brother Fang Jie, our regiment has exposed relatively many problems in this training. The main problem now is that our cavalry battalion was established too late. The cavalry battalion basically does not have combat effectiveness, at least it is It will take two or three months to train." Zhang Tianhai sighed as he walked on the top of the city of Lanling.

"Yulin, although you are a new issue than me, you have a sharper vision than me. The cavalry battalion was established less than a week ago, and most of the soldiers are directly from a farmer's son. They have not even taken a gun, but they are hacking with a medieval saber, which is not bad." Zhou Fangjie said, what he said was the truth.

Zhang Tianhai nodded silently: "That's right, what you said is indeed the truth. Our Zhiyi Regiment is still a fairly young army. Although the soldiers are well-equipped, the talent background is after all inferior to many old troops. Now Ju County The war is tight, let's see, this day. It's about to change."

"According to the news from Commander Pang, in addition to the main force of Sakamoto's brigade, the Japanese army in Ju County also has a large number of puppet troops. It is rumored that they are the puppet troops of Liu Guitang's department, which has almost the strength of a brigade." Zhou Fangjie Stern way.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai stopped advancing, faced the outside of the city, put his hands on the city wall and looked into the distance.

He seemed to be thinking, but who knew what he was thinking?
"Based on this calculation, there are at least [-] Japanese troops in the direction of Ju County. The troops of Shen Honglie and Liu Zhendong alone may not be able to withstand it, and even the Third Army Corps and Zhang Liyuan's security regiment may not be enough. The defense of LY this time is not only a difficult battle for us, but it is also a good opportunity." Zhang Tianhai said, looking back at Zhou Fangjie.

"Opportunity?" Zhou Fangjie asked with a frown.

"Yes, with Pang Bingxun's army and Zhang Liyuan's army as the main force, as long as our regiment can seize the opportunity and stab the Japanese army in the back. There is no guarantee that the Japanese army will be seriously injured." Zhang Tianhai said harshly.

"Understood." Zhou Fangjie nodded and said.

On February 26, the 229th Regiment of the Right Wing of the Third Army Regiment arrived in Ju County.

When Shao Ensan arrived in Ju County with the vanguard of the 229th Regiment, he found that the city was dead silent. The streets of Ju County, where people used to come and go, were already empty.

"Regimental Commander, the city is empty, will there be ambushes from the Japanese army?" Shao Ensan's adjutant asked.

Shao Ensan straightened his military cap, and said: "Probably not, the Japanese army is now in short supply, and the main goal of the Japanese army at this moment is to annihilate our troops in Juxian and Rizhao, rather than occupying cities. There should be no one in the city. A battalion commander!"

"Here!" Behind Shao Ensan, a tall and strong officer responded.

"Lead a battalion into the city immediately, and start a carpet search immediately. Once you find the Japanese and puppet troops, wipe them out on the spot! Make preparations for the entire regiment to enter the city!" Shao Ensan ordered.

"Yes! Commander!" The first battalion commander responded, then turned to the officers and soldiers behind him and said: "Brothers of the first battalion, follow me into the city to kill the enemy and eliminate the bandits!"

After speaking, the commander of the first battalion entered the city first, followed by the officers and soldiers of the first battalion of the 229th regiment, forming a formation and rushing into the city.

However, after the first battalion commander led his troops into the city to start a carpet search, he found that it was really empty, as Shao Ensan expected.

After hearing the news, Shao Ensan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It seems that after the Japanese army captured this city, they concentrated their main forces to chase down Shen Honglie's marines and Liu Zhendong's guerrillas. The whole regiment Listen to the order and immediately enter Ju County!"

When the 229th regiment entered Juxian County, the 230th regiment also entered the villages in the west of Juxian City, echoing the troops in the city.

At dawn the next day, the Japanese army suddenly appeared in the west and north of the city, surrounded the two sides, and cut off the connection between the left and right wings of the 229th regiment, and the artillery fire was also extremely fierce.

A round of shells hit the city of Ju County fiercely, and there were explosions and gunpowder smoke left after the explosion everywhere, as well as the broken city bricks, bloody broken arms and limbs, and the blood flowing on the ground. With bright red blood, not everyone is so lucky to survive the artillery fire.

Compared with the defense battle of Mengyin, this fierce artillery fire is actually worse than worse.

Using four words to describe the Japanese artillery at this time, only full firepower can describe it.

"Regimental Commander! You should retreat! The artillery fire here is too fierce!" On the top of the wall, the adjutant who was hiding from the artillery fire together with Shao Ensan persuaded.

"Hide? Where to hide?! If you hide again, the city will be destroyed!" Shao Ensan clearly knew that this burst of artillery fire was for the siege troops!

PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Nightingale Qianfeng for the two monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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