War of Resistance

Chapter 375 LY Defense Battle 35

Chapter 375 LY Defense Battle (35) [-] more

At this moment, a shell exploded near Shao Ensan.

A shattered shrapnel pierced Shao Ensan's left arm, and the blood flowed continuously. The scene was very bloody.

"Regiment commander, your hand!" The adjutant exclaimed, and then hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Medical soldier! Medical soldier!!"

Soon, a nurse wearing a white nurse uniform rushed up with a toolbox to bandage Shao Ensan's wound.

But Shao Ensan was still commanding the troops to fight against the Japanese troops rushing down the city. Once the city gate was blown open by them, Ju County would be in danger!

"Hit! Let me go! Don't save bullets! Hit the Japanese army that is closer first!" Shao Ensan was roaring, obviously very excited.

The battle was once very fierce!
The Japanese army below the city has begun to approach, and the artillery fire of the long-range artillery has also stopped, but those Japanese troops who have approached have begun to take out grenadiers, mortars and other short-range support weapons and continue to bombard the Northwest Army above the city wall. officers and soldiers!
"Tom! Tom! Tom!..."




Although the shells of mortars and grenades are not as powerful as heavy weapons such as mountain cannons and field cannons, they are superior in lightness, flexibility and fierce and dense firepower.

"Fuck you!" Shao Ensan cursed a very classic national curse, dragged his injured left arm, stood up and shouted: "First destroy their mortars and grenades!"

Stray bullets flew through the air one after another, and some bullets even whizzed past the helmet on Shao Ensan's head.

That is to say, Shao En's three lives are good, otherwise he would have been hit long ago, and the other officers and soldiers who were not so lucky were even pierced through their helmets, and then fell limply on the ground. guarded land.


Liu Zhendong, who was in charge of the western city wall, had a hard time. The Japanese artillery fire not only visited the northern city wall, but also bombarded the western city wall, especially the joint at the northwest corner of the city wall.

The West City Wall was defended by Liu Zhendong's No. [-] Guerrilla Column. Although the No. [-] Guerrilla Column had a divisional establishment, due to the hasty establishment and insufficient military expenditure, this division-level unit had never been fully staffed. At the peak, there were only more than [-] people, which was equivalent to the strength of a brigade.

Looking at it this way, the division-level unit of the First Guerrilla Column in the Fifth Theater is indeed a bit shabby, and Liu Zhendong seems to be quite miserable.

But that time was not the worst time, now is.

Before Liu Zhendong led his troops into the city, there were only about [-] troops left in his troops, which amounted to only one battalion.

Because of this, Huang Shuxun, the deputy brigade commander of the 115th brigade in Juxian County, assigned Liu Zhendong's department to the west city wall and was responsible for guarding tasks.

The ferocious artillery fire from the Japanese Artillery Wing soon bombarded the surface of the city wall with pits and pits one after another.

When the shell hit the city wall, the whole city wall shook a little.

Liu Zhendong is from the Northeast. He used to be a lieutenant general in the Northeast Army. Because he led his troops to participate in the Xi'an Incident at that time, he was demoted by one rank, and his military power was also taken back, and then he was "demoted" Come to the fifth war zone and serve as a guerrilla column commander.

At the beginning, this guerrilla column had only 200 people who could not be shot. After it cleaned up the local stubborn people, it slowly began to expand its army with some military expenses. Shen Honglie, the mayor and member of the Navy's Third Fleet, partially assisted in expanding the troops to more than [-] people.

Later, in order to strengthen the strength of the Shandong anti-Japanese troops, Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth war zone, allocated some firearms to Liu Zhendong's troops, and only then did the troops expand to more than [-] people.

Days of fierce fighting caused Liu Zhendong's troops to suffer heavy losses. His troops fought from Zhucheng to Juxian.

Like most Northeast Army officers, Liu Zhendong also had a dream in his heart, that is to fight off the Japanese devils as soon as possible and return to his hometown in the Northeast as soon as possible.

So Liu Zhendong led his troops to fight resolutely. He fought side by side with Shen Honglie, who was also from the Northeast Army and had a similar experience. He fought bitterly with the Japanese army several times in order to kill one more devil.

At this time, Liu Zhendong was holding a large official pistol that had been seized, which is the bastard box mentioned in the anti-Japanese dramas, and shouted loudly: "Fight! Don't shrink back. There are few little devils. If you kill one, you will lose one more!" Kill one of these little bastards, and they will get out of China as soon as possible!!"

After hearing Liu Zhendong's shouts of encouragement, the national hatred and family hatred between the officers and soldiers and the Japanese army suddenly surged up in the past few days, and they fought even harder.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Zhendong believed that he was confident that he could lead his brothers to defend the west city wall of Ju County. According to this strategy, the casualties of the Japanese army would not be small. retreat.

Just when Liu Zhendong was full of confidence and Ren Wei could lead his troops to defend the western city wall, an accident happened——

Under the fierce bombardment of the Japanese artillery, the city wall in the northwest corner began to look crumbling, but at this moment, the city wall suddenly collapsed!
It was noon, and the collapsed city wall was very obvious under the observation of the telescope.

Sure enough, after the city wall collapsed, the frontline grassroots commanders of the Japanese army began to organize a fierce attack on the collapsed city wall, and some of the defending troops even started hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army.

The broadswords were brandished by the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army and rushed towards the Japanese army. However, the pitifully small number of troops in the northwest corner did not help at all.

Soon, the officers and soldiers who rushed forward were all killed and injured.

The collapsed city wall, like a bloody mouth, was devouring the lives of officers and soldiers of the national army, and it was also devouring the lives of the Japanese army.

The Japanese combat troops began to attack along the gap, one after another.

Liu Zhendong was really anxious watching this scene, you can see his honest and honest face was already sweating profusely in this cold weather.

"Brothers, follow me to kill! Don't let the little devils enter the city! Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one! Kill!!" Liu Zhendong picked up a big knife that did not know that it was the brother of the Northwest Army who died He rushed forward, followed by more than 300 remnants of his troops.

Don't be afraid if you run out of bullets, there is still a big knife!In short, as long as you are still alive, you can't let the little devil step into Ju County!
Liu Zhendong took the lead, and his tall body was very conspicuous in the crowd. A Japanese soldier who was charging in front stopped, loaded his bullets, and aimed at Liu Zhendong who was charging in the front.


A bullet blasted out from the [-] cap in the Japanese soldier's hand, grinding out a streak of light in the air, then pierced Liu Zhendong's chest fiercely, and then brought out a trace of residual blood.

Liu Zhendong only felt his body go numb, but he could no longer charge forward. He looked down and found that his left chest was bleeding. It turned out that his heart had been pierced by a Japanese bullet.

As a soldier who has fought in the battlefield for a long time, Liu Zhendong naturally knows what this means!

It means death!


PS: The third one is sent!

Thanks to the starting point book friend tiankanshu65 for the two monthly tickets!
Thank you Qiqidian book friends Feng Yufang, military division is doing things, book friends 1212220837643, and QQ reading book friends Brave Heart, each with a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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