War of Resistance

Chapter 376 LY Defense Battle 45

Chapter 376 LY Defense Battle (45) [-] more

Blood was bubbling outside.

Liu Zhendong wanted to cover it with his hands, but blood kept gushing out, and his legs seemed to be injected with lead, making it difficult to move an inch.

Finally Liu Zhendong fell limply on the ground, looking up at the bright but gradually dimming sky, he suddenly felt relieved: Maybe in this life, he will never be able to return to his hometown thousands of miles away, even death Be that wandering ghost.

In front of the gradually darkened eyes, like a slide show, scenes are emerging: the kind smile of the mother before she was alive, the beautiful Songhua River, the happy smiles on the faces of the wife and children, and the oath to the young marshal Zhang Xueliang at that time. The appearance of the time of allegiance, these memories are all vivid in my mind...

"These people and these things may not be seen in this life! In the next life... I hope that by then, the Japanese will have been driven away, and the Chinese nation will be able to stay away from the time when it was ravaged by the invaders. Mother, my child, come and accompany me." Here you are, here to do your filial piety..." Liu Zhendong smiled warmly, and the picture was always frozen in this scene, and his wonderful life came to an abrupt end.

On this day, Major General Liu Zhendong, commander of the first guerrilla column in the fifth theater, died with his own body, and his integrity will last forever.

The tragic battle did not stop because of the sacrifice of Major General Liu Zhendong, the first guerrilla commander, but became more intense.

The fall of Liu Zhendong did not break down the morale of the officers and soldiers of the first guerrilla column. The death of Commander Liu aroused the hatred in the hearts of the officers and soldiers even more - Commander Liu led them to fight so many times, and They are all soldiers recruited by Commander Liu!

It can be said that Liu Zhendong is not only their chief, but also their military career guide, and their benefactor who led them to fight against the invaders who destroyed their homeland!

"Fight with these little Japanese!!!" A strong man in the lead shouted loudly, his expression was ready to tear apart!

The bloody bravery of more than 300 officers and soldiers of the first guerrilla column has been fully inspired.

They had already fought with the Japanese army that rushed into the city, and the big swords in their hands were raised and lowered. Even if they all died together, they would kill one of them!
At [-] o'clock in the afternoon when the two sides were fighting fiercely, the Japanese army finally ordered to retreat when they saw that the gap could not be opened, and the troops suffered heavy casualties.

The day's battle is finally over.

The news of the death of Liu Zhendong, commander of the first guerrilla column in the fifth war zone, was transmitted to Xuzhou via Juxian power generation, and then from the commander of the war zone in Xuzhou to the Military Commission.

Wuhan, Chiang Kai-shek's temporary residence, the Chiang mansion.

Looking at the telegram from Xuzhou in the office, Chiang Kai-shek had a complicated expression on his face. After all, Liu Zhendong was the one who followed Zhang Xueliang, Yang Hucheng and others to detain him, Wei Lihuang and other high-ranking officials.

At the beginning, Chiang Kai-shek decided to let Liu Zhendong go to Shandong, but depriving him of his military power actually gave Liu Zhendong a way out.

But now that the news of Liu Zhendong's sacrifice for the country comes, it is inevitable that he has mixed feelings.

In the end, Chiang Kai-shek still wrote a note, and then told his adjutant guard: "Adjutant Yang, take this order note to Minister He! Just say that I asked you to send it over."

"Yes, appointed seat!" Adjutant Yang stood at attention and saluted, took the order paper, and strode out.

After Adjutant Yang walked out, Chiang Kai-shek picked up the phone and said, "Hey, give me the office of Minister He."

Soon, the phone was connected, and Chiang Kai-shek said to the phone: "Hi, respectful, I am Chiang Kai-shek. That's right, Liu Zhendong, the commander of the first guerrilla column in the fifth war zone, died for his country. Let him be named a lieutenant general of the army." !"

"Understood." He Yingqin replied.


At midnight on February 28, a part of the Japanese army rushed in from the gap in the northwest corner of the city wall of Ju County, and fired to the southeast.

Faced with this change, the 229th Regiment, half of the troops were recruits, suddenly fell into chaos. Countless officers and soldiers kept retreating to the south gate, and the situation was suddenly very chaotic.

"No! Don't withdraw! The Japanese army is so small that they are afraid of a ball! Everyone follow me and fight back!" Shao Ensan, the head of the 229th regiment, boarded the tower, holding a gun in his hand.

Seeing that the crowd was still so chaotic, Shao Ensan immediately fired a shot into the sky.

"Bang!!" With the sound of gunfire, the officers and soldiers under the city immediately looked at Shao Ensan on the top of the city, and the team immediately fell silent.

At this time, Huang Shuxun, the commander of the 115th Brigade, appeared beside Shao Ensan, and he asked in a loud voice, "How dare you usually fight Little Japan?! Where did you go?! Come on, follow me and kill Little Japan!" Individuals are turned on their backs!"

At this moment, the only two mountain cannons in the city fired immediately.



The shell landed on the northwest corner accurately, and seeing that the two largest officers in the army took the lead in charging again, the morale of the officers and soldiers was greatly shaken, and they immediately followed the deputy brigade commander Huang Shuxun and the head of the regiment. Shao Ensan rushed towards the northwest corner.

One of the company commanders named Duo Yinwei led the team to rush very fast.

When they led the troops to the northwest corner, Huang Shuxun and Shao Ensan discovered that the Japanese army that rushed in was only a small group of Japanese troops, not a full-scale attack by the Japanese army.

So they immediately began to organize firepower to launch a fierce counterattack against the advancing enemy in the northwest corner.

The advancing enemy only has about one squadron strength, and it is the kind that is incomplete due to casualties, more than 40 people.

It didn't take long for the more than 40 Japanese troops to be wiped out by the officers and soldiers of the national army.

In this battle, Duoyinwei Company, which led the troops to charge the fastest, captured a light machine gun.

As soon as the news reached the No.40 Army Headquarters, Pang Bingxun, who had not yet fallen asleep, immediately decided to reward the company with a hundred yuan.


At dawn on the same day, the Japanese army sneaked up from the northeast corner of the city with elite troops, and then gradually extended to the west and south.

Shao Ensan, head of the 229th regiment, went into battle and organized a counterattack in person.However, not every counterattack was effective. For example, this time, the officers and soldiers of the 229th regiment desperately organized firepower to counterattack, but it was useless.

The reinforcements outside the city of the 229th Regiment, that is, the 230th Regiment, tried their best to move closer to Juxian County, but they were always restrained and blocked by Japanese troops, and failed to cooperate with the troops in Juxian County.

"Deputy brigade commander, we can't withdraw. We have lost so many brothers, and the brigade commander is bringing reinforcements from the 230th regiment, so we can meet up soon. We should fight the Japanese army in the streets to buy time!" See Huang Shuxun Already having the intention of retreating, Shao Ensan hurriedly persuaded the former.

"However, we are at a disadvantage now. What if the troops are wiped out?" Huang Shuxun looked at Shao Ensan and said.

Shao Ensan, who was also wearing a dirty military uniform, gently wiped the ashes on his face with his good right arm, and said every word with weight: "Then fight them to the end, and we will fight with them." The city lives and dies! Liu Zhendong and Chief Liu can all die in battle, besides, so many of our brothers died in the hands of Little Japan, so we can't just let it go."

"However, we are at a disadvantage now. If we stick to it, it will only increase casualties and kill more people!" Huang Shuxun said.

"But deputy brigade commander, so many of our brothers died at the hands of these Japanese soldiers, so we just left?" Shao Ensan said tragically.

Huang Shuxun looked at the bright sky outside, then at Shao Ensan, who was full of grief, patted the latter's shoulder with both hands, and said, "Head Shao, we shouldn't act rashly anymore! We made mistakes at the beginning. Now, the enemy troops in front of us are not what the intelligence said at all, they are the puppet troops of Liu Guitang's department!"

As he spoke, Huang Shuxun pointed to the outside again, and said, "Because of this piece of wrong information, we have already killed so many good brothers. The outside is part of the Ninth Brigade of the Itagaki Division of the Japanese Army! It's still too late to leave now." , If you don’t leave, our whole group has to explain here!

At that time, even if I wait to die in battle, how will Izumi face Geng Chen (name of Pang Bingxun) in the future? ! "

After hearing this, Shao Ensan finally lowered his head and said, "All right, deputy brigade commander, this time, I'll listen to you."

"A soldier should take obeying orders as his bounden duty. Hurry up and execute the orders, there is still time!" Huang Shuxun said to Shao Ensan who was full of shame in front of him.

"Yes, sir!" Shao Ensan stood at attention and saluted.


The situation inside the city was in jeopardy, but Katano Ding outside the city was in a very good mood when he saw Da Zuo - he was about to take down Ju County again soon, and it was indeed a good record to take down Ju County twice.

Katano Sudami was the captain of the No. 20 First Regiment of the Japanese Fifth Division, and he personally commanded the attack on Ju County.

Seeing that Ju County in front of him was about to be captured again by him, Katano Dingjian felt full of confidence—what an elite should have, and this is what an elite should look like.

Indeed, Katano decided that he had something to be proud of. For example, following the commander of Seishiro Itagaki's division to fight against 20 Chinese troops in front of Xinkou, what a sight it was.

"Congratulations to your Excellency, the captain of the alliance. He is about to win the place of Juxian again soon. The captain of the alliance is indeed a man of long-term martial arts. Whether he entered Shandong, Hebei or Shanxi, he was quite brave. Li Li Military exploits!" Chief of Staff Aichi Seiji flattered him.

Katano sat down with a smug laugh and said, "Haha, Aichi-kun, what's the point of taking down a mere Ju county? Besides, you are also responsible for this. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to do it so easily." So, don’t easily deny your role like this, you are all the elite of the empire, you are my right arm and right arm, and both are indispensable.”


PS: The fourth update will be delivered, and the fifth update will be later!Can't make it in time...

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20180309091033766 for two monthly tickets!
Thank you Qidian book friend for me to sing a monologue for you, and book friend 161212220837643 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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