War of Resistance

Chapter 377 LY Defense Battle 55

Chapter 377 LY Defense Battle (55) [-] more

"Aizhi is here, thank you, Captain, for your attention." Aizhi Chengji bowed his head at attention, as if he was really overwhelmed by Katano Shudami's personal charm.

"That's not necessary. There are more important things to do next. The troops of the No.11 Regiment are attacking Ju County, and the Chinese Army will definitely not be able to withstand the onslaught of our army." Katano Sato said confidently, as He still has confidence in the commander of the No.40 Second Regiment and the chief commander of the attack on Ju County.

"Hay!" Aichi Seiji responded with a serious face.


The battle in Ju County has entered a fierce state, but Shao Ensan did not immediately issue Huang Shuxun's retreat order, but ordered the artillery to destroy the two mountain cannons before retreating.

Under the effective command of Shao Ensan and Huang Shuxun, the 229th Regiment did not suffer a complete defeat, but retreated in an orderly manner.

The fall of Ju County made Pang Bingxun realize that relying solely on his own Third Army, even if he added Zhang Tianhai's Third War Zone directly under the First Regiment, would not help.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of what Zhang Tianhai said when he left LY, and couldn't help admiring it: it's great to have such a long-term strategic vision at such a young age.

The time went back to the previous day, which was noon on February 27th.

Location, Xuzhou City, the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone.

At this time, Zhang Zizhong led his troops back to Xuzhou from the Linhuai front.

Zhang Zizhong also felt very baffled by this sudden order. After all, the Minister's Department only said in the telegram that he was to lead his troops back to Xuzhou, but he didn't say what he was going to do when he was transferred back to Xuzhou.

This order is very strange. After all, Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army had much fewer casualties than Yu Xuezhong's First Army. It can be said that it was less than two battalions.

If the losses of the two battalions were placed in the first regiment directly under Zhang Tianhai's third theater, the casualties would be huge. The point loss is really not that big.

Perhaps it was because Xu Zuyi could not persuade Zhang Zizhong. After all, when Zhang Zizhong came to Xuzhou, he had privately told Xu Zuyi that in the fifth war zone, anyone could die, but he did not want to be on the same battlefield as Pang Bingxun.

Because Pang Bingxun has higher qualifications (military rank, military position) than Zhang Zizhong, if they are on the same battlefield, the latter must be under the command of the former, so Zhang Zizhong is not willing.

You must know that in the sneak attack during the Central Plains War, Pang Bingxun's troops almost killed Zhang Zizhong, and it is normal to have grudges in his heart.

So Li Zongren went out in person and called Zhang Zizhong to his office.

Walking to the door of Li Zongren's office, Zhang Zizhong immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Report sir, Zhang Zizhong, commander of the Ninth Army of the First Army, has been ordered to report for duty!"

After seeing Zhang Zizhong, Li Zongren stood up with a smile on his face and greeted him: "Xin Chen, long time no see."

After seeing Li Zongren's enthusiastic attitude, Zhang Zizhong felt a little embarrassed, so he said: "Mr. Li, a lowly position is a person who bears a crime, and it is not worthy of the superior's enthusiasm. I feel ashamed of my humble position."

Seeing Zhang Zizhong's attitude, Li Zongren still doesn't know what's going on?
Li Zongren sat down, asked Zhang Zizhong to sit down as well, and then comforted him, saying, "Shen Chen, forget about the past. As long as you are loyal to the country and wholeheartedly support the overall situation of the War of Resistance, that will be enough."

"You are ashamed to accept it. I don't know what the so-called chief Li transferred back to Xuzhou this time?" Zhang Zizhong is the kind of person who likes to speak quickly, so he immediately asked the key point.

"It's like this. There are two things in calling you back to Xuzhou this time. I also encountered difficulties, so I can only transfer you back." Li Zongren said.

"Sir, it's okay to say, sir, Yu Chen has the grace of rebuilding. As long as Xi Chen can help Chief Li, he will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!" Zhang Zizhong stood up, and he was about to clap his fists as a promise.

At this moment, Li Zongren said: "Actually, this matter is not difficult. Let me tell you the first thing! From now on, your troops will be separated from the First Army, and you will be separated from the battle order of the First Theater." Assigned to the battle order of the fifth theater!"

After hearing the news, Zhang Zizhong stood up very excitedly, and said, "It's great, to be able to fight under Chief Li's command, and Chen Chen can finally repay the favor of the chief."

Li Zongren patted Zhang Zizhong on the shoulder and said, "Sit down! Don't get excited, there are still the most important things to say."

"What's the matter, sir, please just tell me!" Zhang Zizhong said very happily, obviously, that kind of joy has not passed yet.

I saw Li Zongren said very sincerely: "That's right, the war in Shandong is tight now, and I have no other troops to mobilize except yours. That's why I ask you to come back and help me with this."

Hearing this, Zhang Zizhong frowned slightly, and then asked cautiously: "But the Sichuan Army that reinforces Sun Zhen's No. 20 Second Army on the front of Jinpu Road?"

Seeing Zhang Zizhong's expression, Li Zongren knew that he still had a grudge in his heart.

So Li Zongren said very sincerely: "You and Pang Bingxun have old grievances, and I understand it very well, and I don't want to make things difficult for others. However, the previous civil wars, no matter who is right or wrong, are all shameful personal grievances. Pang Bingxun Fighting bloody battles in the front right now is a national humiliation and revenge for the country. I hope you put the country first, feel wronged, and let go of your past.

I now order you to lead your troops to fight in LY.You must absolutely obey the command of Commander Pang Jun.Don't hesitate, cause mistakes! "

After Zhang Zizhong heard the words, without hesitation, he stood at attention and saluted: "absolutely obey the order, sir, please rest assured!"

After seeing that Zhang Zizhong was willing to obey the order, Li Zongren immediately ordered Zhang Zizhong to gather the whole army, and then gave a lecture and encouragement to all the officers and soldiers, which raised the morale of the officers and soldiers very high.

After Li Zongren finished his lecture, it was already night, and he ordered Zhang Zizhong to lead his troops to LY immediately at night.

Seeing the back of Zhang Zizhong's army leaving, Li Zongren frowned slightly, as if worried.

Afterwards, Li Zongren returned to the office of the Chief of Staff of the Minister's Department and found Xu Zuyi, and said, "Brother Yan Mou, to be honest, I came to see you this time. It's still because I'm worried about the war in LY, I want you to go to LY this time." , as long as you sit in command, I can rest assured. LY is the barrier to the northeast of Xuzhou, and there is no room for loss..."

After listening to Li Zongren's words, Xu Zuyi thought for a while and said: "I understand what you mean, sir. Don't worry! I will direct this LY myself! I promise I won't lose LY."

Li Zongren nodded and said, "Then brother Yan Mou will take a trip to LY."

"It shouldn't be a big problem to go to LY now. As long as Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun can obey the command, then LY can't be lost." Xu Zuyi laughed.

Li Zongren also smiled and said, "Well, I believe in Brother Yan Mou's ability."


PS: I'm still late for the fifth update, there's no other way, there's a lot of things to do this day, so it's delayed.

Thank you Qidian book friend Piao Piao Heixue for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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