War of Resistance

Chapter 378 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 378 LY Defense Battle ([-])
Ever since, when Pang Bingxun's 229th Regiment was fighting the Japanese army desperately, Zhang Zizhong's reinforcements had already gone north to LY, and at the same time Xu Zuyi, Chief of Staff of the Fifth Theater, also set off.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw! Withdraw in the direction of Xiazhuang! The troops of the [-]th Regiment are there!" Shao Ensan, standing next to the fleeing team, shouted loudly.

Xiazhuang is a village located thirty miles southwest of Ju County. It is also the headquarters of the 230th regiment and the headquarters of the 115th brigade.

After all, when the troops were divided, it had already been decided. The deputy brigade commander Huang Shuxun led the 229th regiment to station in Juxian, while the brigade commander Zhu Jialin led the 230th regiment to station outside the city to support the city.

Therefore, after the troops of the 229th Regiment withdrew from the south gate, they went directly to Xiazhuang in the southwest direction. Only by going there, there was still a glimmer of life!
In a simple and bright house in Xiazhuang, Zhu Jialin, the commander of the 115th brigade, and Peng Shouyu, the commander of the 230th regiment, were both inside. This was their temporary headquarters.

Before Peng Shouyu, who had just come back from the front line, took a breath, Zhu Jialin said to him directly: "Just now, Deputy Brigadier Huang has sent a message. He has led the troops of the 229th Regiment to withdraw from Ju County. Ju County It has already fallen. Now the troops of the 229th regiment are rushing towards our Xiazhuang. Your regiment must immediately prepare for battle!"

"Yes, brigade commander." Peng Shouyu replied, and hurried out again. His thin figure in blue-gray military uniform looked a little thin.

Not long after, the main force of the 229th Regiment, which suffered heavy losses, had withdrawn to Xiazhuang and joined the 230th Regiment led by brigade commander Zhu Jialin. It was already around [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, since the 230th regiment was responsible for defending the forward positions, and it was already dark, which was not conducive to combat, the Japanese army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly drove the officers and soldiers of the 229th regiment to fight.

Generally speaking, since there is no assistance from aircraft and cannons in night combat, the night battle is when the Chinese army and the Japanese army are closest in strength, so the Japanese army has no plans to fight a night battle.

Not only the commanders of the Chinese army are very aware of this, but the commanders of the Japanese army are naturally not fools, so unless it is a surprise attack or an overnight storm, the commanders of the Japanese army will try their best to avoid night battles with the Chinese army!
When the 115th Brigade of the Northwest Army's Pang Bingxun's Department failed in frontline operations, Zhang Tianhai's Department in Lanling also received a telegram from the Chief's Department.

It was already dark in Lanling County, and it was time to eat. According to Zhang Tianhai's combat order, the gates of the city had been closed at this time.

The flames of war have not yet reached Lanling, and Lanling City is not only guarded by the elite troops of the city defense Commander Zhang, but also a corps of Pang Bingxun's department is stationed there in the LY direction, so the people of Lanling are still stable, and there is no panic. , Everyone wants to flee.

As for groups like refugees, there are still relatively few of them. After all, even the LYs on the front line or the people in Mengyin hid in the mountains during the war, and when the war was over, they went back to their residences.

That night, Zhang Tianhai made an exception and came to Chen Dazhi's house to eat.

Yes, it's just eating.

But Cengfan returned to Cengfan, Zhang Tianhai still bought a lot of things, such as pigs, chickens and ducks, etc. These are all thanks to Chen Dazhi's family for helping to take care of Zheng Man.

And this day was because Zhang Tianhai, a busy person, was coming over for dinner, so Chen Dazhi also ordered the kitchen in the house to add more food tonight.So this evening's food and wine is quite rich.

But richness is richness, but it is not the kind that is extravagant and wasteful. The whole family of the Chen family eats together at the table, and their faces are rosy. It is obvious that the nourishing body during this period has given the body a lot of nutrition. Zheng Man.

"Commander Zhang, my father is too old to drink, so let someone come and toast Commander Zhang for my father!" The person who spoke was Chen Dazhi's eldest son, Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng and his father, Chen Dazhi, looked a bit alike, and they both belonged to the kind-looking person in appearance, and they both belonged to the thin-boned person in body.

The so-called skinny people are similar to the kind of people who can't gain weight no matter how much they eat.

I saw Chen Changsheng standing up and holding a wine glass in his hand, he looked quite heroic.

If it was someone else, just a small county government office worker, Zhang Tianhai really didn't want to drink this glass of wine. After all, he was the head of the field force and also the city defense commander of Lanling.

Because of his heavy responsibility, under normal circumstances, Zhang Tianhai didn't want to drink too much.

But this glass of wine was toasted by the eldest son of the Chen family, so this face must be given!
Therefore, Zhang Tianhai also raised his cup and said: "If you say respect, Zhang is ashamed. Zhang is grateful for the care of the whole family of Chen, so that his fiancée can have a baby with peace of mind. The great kindness of the whole family of Chen, Zhang A certain tooth is unforgettable! I will do it first as a respect!"

With that said, Zhang Tianhai raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

A glass of shochu poured into his throat, it was hot, Zhang Tianhai's face remained unchanged.

Seeing how happy Zhang Tianhai was, Chen Changsheng also picked up the wine glass and drank it down. He didn't forget to laugh and said, "Commander Zhang really is a happy person. It's really fun for me to deal with you."

"You all drink less, don't delay the matter. Changsheng, you are drunk, you are fine, and you will be fine when you wake up the next day, but Commander Zhang's military plan is a major matter. It will be bad if it is delayed." Chen Dazhi persuaded.

"It's okay, thank you Mr. Chen for your concern. Now the regiment headquarters is controlled by Deputy Chief Zhou and Chief of Staff Guo, so you can eat and drink at the banquet tonight." Zhang Tianhai comforted everyone.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai only felt a pain in his waist, and he immediately knew what was going on.

At this time, besides Zheng Man's pinching, what else could happen?But with a tough guy like Zhang Tianhai, how could he easily cry out for pain?
He sat down without changing his expression, and said, "Continue to drink!"

Sometimes, shit can be eaten indiscriminately, but words cannot be spoken indiscriminately, and flags cannot be erected casually.

At this moment, Xu Sangou, who was supposed to be on guard outside the Chen Mansion, ran in in a panic, stood at attention and saluted Zhang Tianhai: "Report...report to the regiment, and the regiment sent someone to deliver an urgent report. It is said that there is an emergency order from the Minister's Ministry!"

Seeing Xu Sangou's appearance, Zhang Tianhai was very dissatisfied and said: "If you report urgently, you should report urgently. They are all platoon leaders. How decent is it to still look like this!"

While speaking, Zhang Tianhai didn't forget to stand up and signaled Xu Sangou to wait outside.

Xu Sangou understood and hurried out.

"Old Chen, and everyone in the Chen family, I'll go out first." Zhang Tianhai told Chen Dazhi and others before going out.

After closing the door, Zhang Tianhai asked in a low voice: "What is the order, so impatient?"

"Tuan Zuo, the telegram of the order is here. Take a look." Xu Sangou took out a folded paper and said.

After seeing this telegram, Zhang Tianhai's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Assemble your troops immediately and prepare to go back. Also, call that kid Liu Houming over!"

"Yes! Group seats!" Xu Sangou stood at attention and saluted.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be delivered after twelve o'clock. There is something urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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