War of Resistance

Chapter 379 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 379 LY Defense Battle ([-])
Calling Liu Houming over was naturally not for bragging.

Instead, there are tasks to be issued!

Quickly running in front of Zhang Tianhai, Liu Houming stood at attention and saluted: "Report to the regimental seat, Liu Houming, the adjutant of the regiment headquarters and the commander of the secret service company, reports to the regiment seat!"

Zhang Tianhai could hear the resentment in Liu Houming's words. Liu Houming was reminding himself politely: he is still a person with a military position. Guard here.

Zhang Tianhai stared at Liu Houming, pointed at the latter with his finger and said: "Liu Houming, don't complain to me, I'll tell you, I trust you, so I entrust this task to you. Now I’m putting my wife and children on you.”

Facing Zhang Tianhai's dominance, Liu Houming didn't dare to get angry, and only dared to say softly: "But, Tuan Zuo, I still want to go to the battlefield with you to kill the little devil..."

Seeing Liu Houming's aggrieved look, Zhang Tianhai's anger subsided a little. After all, Liu Houming was also a brother who had died.

Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "To be honest, the front line is in an emergency this time. I really want to bring you all to the front line. But it can't be done. Now the cavalry battalion of the regiment headquarters and the two city defense battalions of the city defense command are both Without training into an army, their combat effectiveness can be said to be very weak."

Before Liu Houming could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Now the front line is in a hurry, and the words of the officer's department are also very strict. I must pull all the troops that can fight to the front line, but I have pulled all the troops up. Lanling It’s empty, what if the Japanese army hit here? Have you thought about this problem?”

"Tuan Zuo, I..." Liu Houming hesitated to speak, but he didn't say it in the end.

"The secret service company is the essence of our entire Zhiyi regiment, and a sharp knife of our regiment. It is precisely because you are elite that I rest assured to keep you here to assist Director Gu Shi'an in defending Lanling. Only in this way can we rest assured Let's fight on the front line!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai patted Liu Houming's shoulder like a thousand weights.

"Tuan Zuo... I understand! I will definitely assist Director Gu to guard Lanling and protect my sister-in-law with all my strength!" After thinking it over, Liu Houming immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly and said, "Very good."

At this moment, the door behind Zhang Tianhai opened, not only Zheng Man was inside, but also Chen Dazhi and others.

"Commander Zhang, did something happen on the front line?" Chen Dazhi said in a hoarse voice.

Zhang Tianhai didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

"No wonder the old man came out straight away when he saw that Commander Zhang didn't even eat. Is the little devil going to hit Lanling?" Chen Dazhi asked.

Zhang Tianhai looked at the crowd and knew that the news could not be concealed. He gritted his teeth and said, "We haven't reached Lanling yet. At present, the main force of the Japanese army is still in the area of ​​Ju County. It's just that Pang Jun, the third The troops of the Legion were severely damaged by the Japanese army in Ju County.

Now the front of the Japanese army is pointing directly at LY, and the commander ordered our regiment to rush to LY immediately to fight against the Japanese aggressors in the LY area! "

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Chen Dazhi nodded silently, and then said: "The old man is here to wish Commander Zhang's troops victory in the front-line battle, what a majesty of our army!"

"Mr. Chen's words are off the table." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai drove towards Zheng Man, "Go to LY, I have no other thoughts. Only my fiancée, I hope you can take good care of Zhang Yulin for me she."

Chen Dazhi lightly stroked his beard in front of him, and said with a very serious expression: "Okay, Commander Zhang, feel free to fight on the front line. Madam, I dare to guarantee with my life that even if the whole Chen family dies, Madam will never be hurt. and a hair."

"Old Chen's words are serious. Zhang Yulin thanked everyone in the Chen family first." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai cupped his fists and said, with the same serious expression.

At this moment, Zheng Man pinched Zhang Tianhai's face lightly, and said: "This time, I will not accompany you to the front line, you have to take care of yourself. My baby and I are here waiting for you to come back."

As she said that, Zheng Man still didn't forget to touch her slightly raised belly, her face was full of maternal love and kindness.

"Got it, daughter-in-law." Zhang Tianhai showed a rare smile on his face, and then gently hugged Zheng Man.

This was the first time he felt at home after he came to this world, with the warmth of home, as if a wanderer who had been wandering for many years suddenly felt the warmth of home in a cold night.

To be honest, at this moment, Zhang Tianhai felt an urge not to go to the battlefield to die: he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the small family he had worked so hard to build.

But in the next second, Zhang Tianhai woke up: he is an upright Chinese soldier, fighting against the invaders, avenging the country, avenging those brothers who died in battle, and avenging the 30 soldiers and civilians who died in Nanjing!
Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai straightened his military cap lightly, and Zheng Man still put on the woolen overcoat that only officers above the school level are eligible to wear.

After getting dressed, Zhang Tianhai said solemnly: "Everyone, I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai turned around and left. Before leaving, he did not forget to take a deep look at Zheng Man, as if he had infinite concern.

Zheng Man also stared at Zhang Tianhai's leaving back in a daze. After a long time, he went into the room to continue eating.


After going out, Zhang Tianhai rushed directly to the regiment headquarters with the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon.

Back at the regiment headquarters, oh, that is, the city defense command, all the officers above the school level of the whole regiment were already in place, including Gu Shian, who was appointed as the deputy commander of Lanling city defense. Everyone was waiting for Zhang Tianhai's report arrival.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting directly!" Zhang Tianhai walked directly into the meeting room and asked everyone to sit in their usual seats.

After seeing everyone sitting down, Zhang Tianhai didn't even sit down, and said directly: "Everyone, I just received an urgent telegram from the commander's department of the war zone about the defeat of the frontline troops in Ju County, which caused the enemy's soldiers to point directly at LY. Things. The battle in Juxian was defeated, and Liu Zhendong, the commander of the first guerrilla column in the theater, also died for the country.

Now the Minister's Ministry ordered me to lead the main force of our regiment to LY to support the operations of the Third Army.Defend LY, defend the northeast barrier of Xuzhou.Do you understand? ! "

"Understood! Sir!" Everyone stood up and said.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down. Next, I will announce the military deployment of our regiment for this battle." Zhang Tianhai said while pressing his hands.

Then, Zhang Tianhai enunciated very clearly: "First of all, the special agent company of our regiment will stay in Lanling to assist Major Gu Shi'an, the director of the regiment's staff department and deputy commander of Lanling city defense, to guard Lanling. In addition, Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion , has not yet formed combat effectiveness, and will stay in Lanling to guard Lanling!"

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Gu Shi'an and Wang Yongcheng responded at the same time.

"The rest of the troops, start immediately, follow me to LY, and fight to the death with the Japanese invaders!" Zhang Tianhai said sharply.

"Yes! Group seats!!" Everyone stood up and saluted in response.


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20180829210002055 for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friends Cat who steals tomatoes, Chen Dashuai, ST Hang, book friend 20190629115734678, book friend 20190704132213641, Moper, and QQ reading book friend Xiyuan for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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