War of Resistance

Chapter 380 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 380 LY Defense Battle ([-])
In this way, the troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater rushed to the direction of LY in the dark.

But this time, Zhang Tianhai didn't ride a horse, but sat on the only off-road vehicle assigned to Zhi Yi Tuan.

If it wasn't for drinking, Zhang Tianhai would still be reluctant to take this off-road vehicle. After all, the cars of this era are far less comfortable than the off-road vehicles of later generations-the suspension is hard, the seat cushion is hard, and they are really not as good as horses.

This is said to be an off-road machine, and it really is an off-road machine, without any exaggeration.

"What's the matter, Zhang, you're a bit abnormal today, and you don't usually take this car very much." Guo Qiliang, who was sitting in the back row, joked about Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said, "Isn't it because I drank some wine? At the beginning, the smell of alcohol hadn't come up in a hurry. After I sat down, the smell of alcohol rushed to my head, so I had to take a car .”

"No wonder. By the way, when do you plan to marry Zheng Man?" Guo Qiliang asked again.

"Let's finish this battle! At least the LY battle must be over. Let's see the situation! After all, our identities are soldiers, which is different." Zhang Tianhai looked at the dark night sky. At this point, as the head of a German armor strengthening regiment, many things are no longer within his control.

Just like he also doesn't know what role he will play in this LY defense battle.

"You are imitating Huo Qubing's spirit. The Xiongnu are not destroyed, how can you call yourself home. Right?" Guo Qiliang joked.

"You say yes, so be it!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Soon, Guo Qiliang straightened his face and said: "But I can tell you Zhang Yulin, this Zheng Man is a good woman. You have to treat her well."

"Understood." Zhang Tianhai responded casually.

The night is dark and the stars are sparse, and the cold wind is howling.

In the dark night, rows of torches are marching forward. From a distance, it looks like a long fire dragon in the dark night.From near to far, it is very spectacular.

At eight o'clock the next morning, the first regiment directly under the third war zone finally arrived in LY City after traveling overnight.

This time was different from the last time. This time, Pang Bingxun, the commander of the Third Army, came out to greet him in person. Apart from showing respect to the friendly army, he also wanted to see the equipment of this regiment with his own eyes.

Last time there was only one battalion, and now he wanted to see what the legendary Zhiyi regiment, which was well-equipped and powerful in combat, looked like.

Pang Bingxun stood with his hands behind his back, standing straight on the head of Xicheng in LY City, but his eyes were looking at the troops of the Zhiyi Regiment, and he saw that the first troops of the Zhiyi Regiment were two infantry battalions.

At the beginning, Pang Bingxun didn't see the clues. After all, he just glanced at it last time. Later, he finally understood that the firepower configuration of the first regiment directly under the third theater has reached the level that each squad is equipped with a light machine gun. degree!Wait... Fifteen people in one of their classes? !
This firepower configuration is already very close to the firepower ratio of the standing divisions of the Japanese army, not to mention that the battalion-level troops have machine gun companies, six heavy machine guns and two mortars!

After the two infantry battalions entered the city, the team directly under the regiment headquarters entered the city-first a small artillery company composed of six 20mm machine guns, followed by a military police company equipped with all Japanese equipment, and then It was the guard platoon of the regiment headquarters, followed by the supply company and the engineering company that was not full.

If we say that the most eye-catching one is the artillery company that walks behind the engineering company and the supply company, but they are all Japanese-made 75mm [-] field guns, a total of eight artillery pieces.

The two infantry battalions, the third battalion and the fourth battalion, were the last to enter the city, and the latter two battalions were arranged in the back of the hall. In case of being attacked by the Japanese army, at least they could keep this batch of belongings.

Watching Zhiyi regiment's troops enter the city, Pang Bingxun's frowning eyebrows finally relaxed.

"Shouwu, I want to hear the truth. If the 116th Brigade of our army is pulled out to fight this group with real swords and guns, what do you think the chances of winning are?" Pang Bingxun looked at Wang Shouwu, the chief of staff beside him.

Wang Shouwu thought for a while and said: "Baby believes that if we only look at the weapons and equipment and the number of people, the outcome of the two sides should be five to five. My 116th brigade wins because of the large number of people. It has 24 heavy machine guns and about 120 light machine guns. 24, [-] mortars, about [-] grenades.

In terms of grass-roots firepower, my 116th Brigade is slightly better, and the number of people is larger.But the first regiment directly under the third war zone has an eight-gun battalion in it, plus six machine guns, and it is said that their cavalry battalion and the most elite spy company are still in Lanling. "

After hearing this, Pang Bingxun nodded silently, and said: "Indeed, but in terms of weapons and equipment, they seem to be similar to us, and the number is indeed a little smaller, but don't forget, the soldiers in this regiment are all from The veterans killed in the Songhu battlefield and the Nanjing battlefield are not comparable to our team with a lot of recruits."

Wang Shouwu agreed with Pang Bingxun's statement very much, and said: "It is really great to have such a team as a friendly army, and their commander Zhang Tianhai is not a simple person. If he is commanded properly, our 116th Brigade may Not an opponent."

Pang Bingxun nodded and said, "Okay, then let's meet Zhang Tianhai quickly, otherwise it will appear that we don't understand etiquette."

When Pang Bingxun and Wang Shouwu went down to the city gate, Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang were already waiting here.

"We finally meet again, Brother Pang! This time we meet, you are the superior officer, I'm afraid I should call you Officer Pang." Zhang Tianhai smiled and gave Pang Bingxun a military salute.

"You and I are friends who have forgotten each other. If you call me Officer Pang, you will look down on me, Pang Bingxun." Pang Bingxun replied with a half-truth and half-fake military salute.

"Okay, Brother Pang." Zhang Tianhai laughed.

Pang Bingxun changed the subject and said: "I have long heard that Brother Zhang's Third War Zone is directly under the First Regiment's soldiers with excellent weapons and strong soldiers. When I saw it today, I knew that the reputation is well-deserved. It really is the essence of our army."

"Brother Pang is too famous. The soldiers are soldiers of the party and the country, and the troops are anti-Japanese troops, not Yulin's words. It will be a pleasure to follow Brother Pang to fight the enemy." Zhang Tianhai said modestly.

Then, Zhang Tianhai changed the subject and said: "By the way, this time you and I are fighting side by side. Brother Pang, you are the officer again. This time, Brother Pang plans to arrange where the Zhiyi regiment will fight?"

Pang Bingxun thought for a while, and said: "Your troops have been on the road all night, and the horses and horses are exhausted. First, you should station and rest according to the previously scheduled plan! As for your troops, the main task at present is to defend the city! If there are changes, you will be notified. "

"Brother Pang, you don't believe in my Zhiyi regiment's combat power?" Zhang Tianhai asked as if joking.

Pang Bingxun shook his head, and said sincerely: "No. My brother, your army is an elite army. This good steel must be used on the blade. Now, in addition to the three regiments of our department, there is also the security team of Inspector Zhang Liyuan in LY. Including, for now, the military strength is still sufficient for the time being.”

"Then how is the battle on the front line in Ju County now?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

Mentioning this, Pang Bingxun let out a long sigh: "Hey, at around 115 o'clock in the morning, the Japanese army launched a fierce attack on the headquarters of the 115th Brigade, which I had withdrawn to Xiazhuang, [-] miles southwest of Ju County. Now the [-]th Brigade The troops are already retreating while organizing battles. The situation is very grim..."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, thinking to himself, it seems that the situation on the front line is much more severe than he imagined...


PS: The first update is here!The second update will definitely be completed before twelve o'clock, and it will be next month soon, and the accounts will be cleared~
Thank you Qidian book friends for drinking coffee and two monthly tickets for sleepy and worldly forgetting dust!
Thanks to the starting point book friends Kiss will have a child drop, QQ reading book friend [-] monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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