War of Resistance

Chapter 381 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 381 LY Defense Battle ([-])
In the division of the city defense garrison, Pang Bingxun divided Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment into Beicheng District, facing Zhang Liyuan's security regiment.

As for the issue of stationing in the north or south of the city, Zhang Tianhai has always believed that this is not a problem. The south of the city and the north of the city also have to fight on the front line.

It's just that a special agent company was suddenly missing, which made Zhang Tianhai feel a little uncomfortable. After all, this special agent company was brought out by himself.

In terms of the training of the special agent company, except for the firepower that cannot keep up, other training aspects are trained according to the requirements of special forces. It can be said that Zhang Tianhai regards this special agent company as a weapon when he takes the lead in the charge. sharp edge.

At this time, he suddenly understood Hu Jiaji's feelings. It would be so boring to be a simple commander——

You must take the lead in the charge in person in order to experience the thrill of killing the enemy on the battlefield.

On March 30, following the fall of Ju County, the Japanese army pursued to Xiazhuang and launched a fierce attack on the headquarters of the 115th Brigade of the No. [-] Ninth Division of the Northwest Army stationed in Xiazhuang.

The brigade commander Zhu Jialin led the 115th Brigade to fight and retreat, along both sides of the Shu River, retreat to the Xianggongzhuang area east of LY to rest and recuperate.

In the Battle of Ju County, the headquarters of the 115th Brigade and the 229th Regiment had a total of more than [-] casualties, including the loss of two mountain artillery pieces and hundreds of rifles. It is estimated that the Japanese army suffered more than [-] casualties.

Also on the same day, the enemy approached from Xiazhuang and Huangzhuang in the southwest of Ju County to Tangtou, the advance position of the national army LY.

Finally on March 30rd, Tangtou and the 116nd Regiment of the 232th Brigade of the No. [-] Ninth Division exchanged fire.

Tangtou Town, this is a place name that could not be found on the maps before the Republic of China, but now it has become the place where the Chinese and Japanese armies fought and fought.

Tangtou's forward position is a relatively steep and gentle slope in the open land northeast of Tangtou's position. The 232nd Regiment's position is here, and it happens to be able to suppress people coming from the road leading to LY from Ju County.

From the perspective of military position, no matter how you look at it, it is an excellent place.

But this is an excellent place, and it didn't have much effect on the defense of the Chinese army at this time.

The reason is the Japanese bombers flying around and the Japanese artillery roaring and firing in the distance.




A series of shells with a howling sound slammed into the hillside made of mud, and a handful of loess scattered in the sky, and then scattered to the surroundings.

Some roadblocks and barbed wire fences were even blown away, turned over in the air, and then hit the ground fiercely, deformed or scattered.

Some soil was directly sprinkled into the trenches and fell on the heads of the officers and soldiers of the national army. The smoke from the explosion of the shells fluttered into the sky, and the surrounding area was like a purgatory on earth.

"Grandma, wait, these little Japanese will not be rampant for long!" Liao Han, the deputy head of the 232nd regiment and the first battalion, cursed fiercely.

Finally, after the Japanese artillery fire stopped, Liao Han raised his head and found that the Japanese tanks were ready.

Three or four Japanese tanks were advancing with rumbling roars, and several Japanese soldiers were hiding behind the tanks and trailing forward—these tanks were no different from walking bunkers for them.

A bullet made by Hanyang hit the small thin-skinned tank, leaving only small and shallow white spots before bouncing off. There is no possibility of penetration!
"Don't waste bullets, focus on hitting the little devils behind the tank!" Liao Han shouted, "The little devils' tanks, wait for them to get close before blowing them up with grenades!"

At this moment, the Japanese tanks began to suppress fire, and the machine guns on the turrets began to emit long tongues of flame, shooting towards the national army positions on the slope.

But the officers and soldiers of the national army were unmoved. After dodging the bullets of the Japanese machine guns, they still aimed their sights at the Japanese soldiers behind the tank.

After getting close to a certain distance, the Japanese soldiers behind the tanks began to stop, took out the grenades, and began to use the firepower of the grenades to suppress the firepower of the officers and soldiers of the [-]nd, [-]nd Regiment of the National Army.

"Where's our grenadier?! Show little Japan some color!" Liao Han shouted.

Soon, the grenadiers of the officers and soldiers of the 232st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment also followed, and began to suppress the Japanese army with reverse firepower.

The stop of the soldiers behind did not stop the Japanese thin-skinned tanks from advancing. Thick black smoke was emitting from the rear of the tanks, which was a characteristic of diesel engines.

It's just that before the tanks reached the throwing distance of the grenade, the Japanese tanks turned their heads and retreated.

At this moment, the familiar "recipe" came again——




Following a burst of screams, there was another burst of earth-shaking explosions, which indicated that the wave of Japanese probing attacks just now was officially over.

Although the artillery of the Japanese army is not too much, there are at least eight 75mm mountain cannons bombarding the mountain.

Only those who have been bombarded by artillery can understand the sense of powerlessness and despair.


In a very secret corner on the opposite side of the Tangtou National Army's position, Katano Sasumori was watching the opposite position with a pair of binoculars.

Looking at the scene of the mud flying across the hill, Katano Satobu was not as happy as he imagined, because his opponent was still standing on the opposite side, as long as they didn't take down the opposite hill for a day, they couldn't be said to be taking it lightly victory.

Through the sound of guns and cannons from the opposite side, Katano Dingzhi probably knew the opponent's strength in this area.

Katano Sudami sighed and said: "Aichi-kun, from the tentative attack just now, we can see that our opponent is still very tenacious. The brigade commander has set a limit for us to take down the soup within three days. Town..."

"Captain, our army suffers from unfamiliarity with the terrain, so we have to make great efforts to find out the bottom line on the opposite side. Otherwise, the fighting will of the Chinese army may have collapsed long ago." Aizhi Chengji said confidently Said.

Aichi Seiji, like most officers of the Fifth Division, believes that the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army does not count for a single blow-after all, whether it is in the Hebei battlefield or the Shanxi battlefield, the performance of the national army is really bad.

Not only the troops of the Jinsui Army and the Northwest Army were defeated, but even the troops of the Central Army were defeated for thousands of miles, making most of the Japanese army divisions think that the Chinese army was vulnerable.

Only Toshiichi Terauchi and other high-ranking Japanese troops knew that although the Chinese army was in a state of distress at this time, it also prevented the Japanese army from completing its strategic intention of annihilating the absolute main force of the Chinese army in North China.

"That's right. That's the end of the fight! The next wave of attack must be attacked with all your strength!" Katano Shudami said harshly.

"Hay!" All the officers of the Japanese army at the wing headquarters responded in unison.


PS: The second update is here.A new month has begun again, and I hope everyone can continue to support the Eagles!
Thank you Qiqidian book friends Lonely Wolf 007 and www683683 for two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to Qidian Book Friends Happy 1969 and FinalFire for one monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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