War of Resistance

Chapter 382 Code Name Swallowtail Butterfly

Chapter 382 Code Name Swallowtail Butterfly

Katano's figure is not tall and mighty, but a typical five-short figure, short and stocky.

With a samurai sword across his waist, coupled with the brown-yellow Japanese military uniform and the swollen face, he looked really fierce.

The strong self-confidence in him cannot be imitated by ordinary people, after all, he was killed on the battlefield.

This time the 21st Regiment is the vanguard of the Sakamoto Detachment. Katano Shudou feels that his pressure is not small. Whether the Fifth Division can quickly take down LY depends on their vanguard.

The battle in Ju County was written by his Katano opinion. Although the main attacking force entering the city was one of the No.11 regiments of the Ninth Brigade (Field Brigade), it was still under his command, right? ?

For this battle in Tangtou Town, Katano decided to use troops from his own regiment, so he was cautious in combat.

Whether it was fighting in Mengyin, fighting with Shen Honglie's marines, or Liu Zhendong's guerrilla column, his troops were the main force on the front line.

The advantage of rushing to the front line is to make military exploits, and then all kinds of glory; but the disadvantage is that the most casualties are also your own troops.

Although, since the previous battles, there have been three to five hundred casualties, but the sum is not small, and the casualties of the troops have exceeded one-third!
Because of this, Katano Satoshi launched this tentative attack, and the troops invested were only a small team!
The guns were rumbling, and the devils covering the Japanese Katano Regiment charged forward, which was different from the previous attack—this time, the Japanese army invested a whole brigade!

When the Japanese firepower on the Tangtou battlefield was very fierce, Lanling was still as calm as water.

For the common people, although Commander Zhang's first regiment directly under the third theater has been transferred to LY, but Deputy Commander Gu still has two city defense battalions and Commander Zhang's special agent company guarding here, so the impact is not too big. big.

On this day, to the surprise of Gu Shi'an, the deputy commander of Lanling city defense, Zheng Man, the director of the communications department who had been recuperating before, suddenly came back.

At this time, Zheng Man was dressed in a military uniform, wearing a pair of white command gloves, and was walking quickly into the city defense headquarters of Lanling. With her slightly protruding belly, it was impossible to tell that she was a pregnant woman.

And Liu Houming followed closely behind, like a loyal guard.

Since the group seat left Lanling with the main force, Liu Houming's special agent company became Zheng Man's "guard company". Except for a platoon to assist the city defense force in training, all other troops were here.

Liu Houming also did as Zhang Tianhai ordered him, this is to protect the future wife and children of the leader...

When Zhang Tianhai left Lanling with the main force of the Zhiyi Regiment, he also reserved a radio station at the Lanling City Defense Command.

After Zheng Man returned to the City Defense Command, he walked directly to the communication room.

"Hello Director Zheng!" The correspondent sitting in front of the radio station immediately got up and saluted after seeing Zheng Man.

"You go out and wait, I want to use the radio station." Zheng Man said very seriously, not allowing the slightest rejection.

"Yes, sir!" The correspondent replied, and then went outside to wait.

Then, Zheng Man turned his face and said to Liu Houming: "Adjutant Liu, you also go out and wait outside, no matter who comes in, you must report it!"

"Yes! Sir!" Liu Houming said seriously.

For Liu Houming, neither the Tuan Zuo nor Director Zheng is a simple person, they are dragons and phoenixes among people, so they must be treated seriously.

After Liu Houming went out, Zheng Man sat in front of the radio and began to "beep" and start texting.

If people in the industry saw it, they would know that Zheng Man was typing an encrypted message.

It is not known where this telegram is leading to, but the specific content of the telegram is "The front line of Lanling is fine for the time being, and no spies have been found to infiltrate. Swallowtail butterfly."

In a secret and dark office in Wuhan, a middle-aged man in military uniform was sitting on an office chair correcting documents.

I saw that this man had a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he had a sense of majesty when he looked at it.And his collar badge is a gold star.

This is a major general!
At this moment, a young lieutenant officer who was also wearing the military uniform of the Central Army came in and reported: "Reporting, the swallowtail butterfly is calling!"

"Bring it!" The major general raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The lieutenant replied, and then handed the message in his hand to the major general.

After the major general read the telegram, he continued to use his voice that seemed to have no emotion at all: "The marriage application submitted by the swallowtail butterfly last time, please be approved by the office! Head Zhang is a person who is loyal to the party and the country, and he can be trusted. .”

"Yes, Virgo. Swallowtail Butterfly has a mission. She needs to do the preparatory construction of the frontline intelligence stations in Lanling and LY. I'm afraid it's not good to approve the marriage application now." ?” The young lieutenant said anxiously.

The major general raised his head, staring at the lieutenant with eyes full of majesty, and said coldly: "Our military commander has never treated meritorious men badly. Besides, they all meet the political conditions. You are colleagues, and I don’t care about the brother-sister friendship of comrades-in-arms, but don’t cross the line. Do what you should do, and keep in mind the confidentiality code!”

"Yes, sir!" The young lieutenant replied, but a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.


The battle is intensifying step by step, and the fire of war is slowly burning towards LY.

After Katano Shudami launched an all-out onslaught, the troops of the 232st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment suddenly fell into a bitter fight.

After all, the Japanese army directly invested a brigade of troops. Let’s not talk about the fact that due to the increase in the number of people, the firepower will inevitably be fierce. Let’s just say that the Japanese army also invested in tanks, and the number of grenadiers and infantry artillery equipped with the brigade has increased. Son.

The battle suddenly entered a white-hot process.

"Ding!" A bullet hit the helmet of a charging Japanese soldier, and then broke an irregular round hole.

"Why do you chirp!!!" A squadron leader of the Japanese army held his command knife high, feeling very excited.

Soon, a bullet hit his head, and a round hole immediately appeared on the brown-yellow military cap!
Brain mixed with plasma slowly flowed out from the round hole, very bloody!
The casualties were not limited to the Japanese army, the officers and soldiers of the national army, which were relatively lacking in heavy weapons, also began to suffer casualties.

"Hit! Let me go!" Liao Han shouted, very emotional.


At this time, news of the exchange of fire between Tangtou's forward position and the Japanese army also reached LY's combat headquarters.Oh, that is, the Legion Department of the No.40 Legion.

Since Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment entered the city, Pang Bingxun simply changed the compound where his army headquarters was located into the frontline combat headquarters for the convenience of command.

In this case, Zhang Liyuan, Zhang Tianhai and others can directly accept command here, without the need to make a special call to their regiment headquarters to notify them.


PS: The first update is here!

Thank you Qiqidian book friend Lonely Wolf 007 and QQ reading book friend Youth who slept all over the floor for two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to the starting point book friends Baoshan Zhenren, Jiebian Fengsheng 1111, QQ reading book friends Light Blue De Ai, and Hua Jie for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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