War of Resistance

Chapter 383 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 383 LY Defense Battle ([-])
"Both brothers, the enemy's forward troops have reached Tangtou's forward position. What do you think?" Pang Bingxun put his hands on the table and looked at Zhang Liyuan on the left and Zhang Tianhai on the right.

"My suggestion is to follow the command of Brother Pang and stand firm." Inspector Zhang Liyuan said.

Like most middle-aged military officers in the Republic of China, Zhang Liyuan also had a big back, which looked domineering.

Yes, it is a bit similar to the type of Jiang Tianyang played by Wan Ziliang in "Young and Dangerous".

In contrast, Zhang Tianhai's crew cut looks very capable.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, took a deep breath, and said: "I think we can attack appropriately. Use a small group of elite troops to launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army's flanks to kill and injure the enemy, forcing the enemy to divide their forces. To achieve the intention of alleviating the frontal battlefield."

"However, we still don't know the strength of the enemy's troops in front of us. It should be at least one regiment or more. Will a rash attack cause twice the result with half the effort?" Zhang Liyuan questioned.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "You have to try it out, what if you mobilize the main forward force of the Japanese army?"

Pang Bingxun thought for a moment, looked at Zhang Tianhai and said, "I think brother Yulin's words are justified, we can try this kind of combat idea, can brother Yulin propose a specific combat plan?"

Zhang Tianhai looked at the map carefully and said, "Brother Pang and Commissioner Zhang, let's look at the location of Tangtou. Tangtou Town is backed by Yihe River, and you can reach Yihe River in less than one kilometer. It's not that the location is not dangerous." , Brother Pang’s forward troops of our army are now located in Tangshan’ao, five kilometers away from Tangtou Town. If Brother Pang’s troops in Tangshan’ao can withstand the onslaught of the Japanese army for two days, I have a very bold proposal.”

"Regimental Commander Zhang just said that right now, those who study combat here are all military officers on the frontline battlefield. Only by speaking out can we know whether we can do it." Zhang Liyuan waved his hand and spoke very directly.

Pang Bingxun also nodded, and said, "Brother Li Yuan is right, just say what you have to say."

Zhang Tianhai drew a large circle near Tangshan'ao, and said: "Now this is the main battlefield where our army and the enemy are fighting. I think, while Tangshan'ao is still in our army's hands, we can send an elite force , cross the Yi River now, and lay an ambush in the area of ​​Tangshan Col. When the need arises, troops can come out of Tangshan and attack the enemy's back! At that time, we will unite with the frontline troops to launch a fierce counterattack!"

After Pang Bingxun heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously, this plan was very tempting to him. If this army is used properly, winning the battle will not be a problem.

It just depends on whether this battle is a small victory or a big victory.

"It's just this army, which army is suitable for it?" Pang Bingxun looked at the four people in front of him and said.

The four are Zhang Tianhai, head of the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater, Zhang Liyuan, head of the LY Security Regiment, Li Zhenqing, head of the No.40 Army Supplementary Regiment, and Liu Fusheng, head of the 116st Regiment of the 231th Brigade.

"Military seat, I think that among the regiment leaders present, the troops under his command can be regarded as elite, and only Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Tianhai are the only regiment leaders." Liu Fusheng, the commander of the 231st regiment, was speaking.

Liu Fusheng seems to belong to the kind of honest and honest generation. There is a saying that life is born from the heart. Perhaps it is for this reason that he is straightforward.

The regiment leaders here all know that no matter which regiment it is, if they pull the troops out to fight with real swords and guns, no regiment alone will be the opponent of Zhang Tianhai's regiment.

Just kidding, with the configuration of the Zhiyi Regiment, if it is pulled out, a brigade of an adjustment division like the No. 30 Ninth Division may not be able to win the Zhiyi Regiment, let alone other regiment-level troops.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhang Tianhai also knew that this time it must be the most suitable to be straight.

"Yes, but everyone, our Zhiyi Regiment's troops are lurking in the enemy's rear this time, and it must be extremely dangerous. If we are not careful, our regiment will be encircled by the main force of the Japanese army in Tangshan, and the entire army will be wiped out. Therefore, our regiment will never fight unless it is a critical moment. Can you agree?" Zhang Tianhai looked at the people in front of him.

"There is nothing wrong with this point, but I would like to venture to ask Commander Zhang. When is the critical moment?" Li Zhenqing, head of the No.40 Army Field Supplementary Regiment, asked.

"When the fighter plane appears." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Then I would like to ask Commander Zhang on behalf of our friendly regiment commanders, when will the fighter opportunity appear?" Li Zhenqing was a little bit reluctant, after all, they fought against the troops of the Central Army during the Central Plains War. It's too fierce, so they don't trust the Central Army a little bit.

"Head Li's words are a little underestimating, right? Zhang brought the troops here from Xuzhou for the sake of the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War. Or, let Captain Li lead your field supplementary team to Tangshan for a hidden camp?" Zhang Tianhai said in a somewhat unfriendly tone, after all, he is not a kind person who will be manipulated and kneaded.

Seeing what Zhang Tianhai said, Li Zhenqing couldn't say too much. After all, they all gathered together for the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, not to make enemies.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Pang Bingxun hurriedly said: "Then let Brother Zhang's troops cross the Yi River and enter Tangshan!"

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, he had accepted the task.

"My brother Zhang needs help from me now, just ask, as long as my brother can satisfy me, I will never refuse." Pang Bingxun was not the kind of stingy person in the first place. It is already very good for Zhang Tianhai to give face this time. , so he has to be generous once.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Yes, I need food for two weeks for the whole regiment. It is best to use dry food as the main food. Given the ferocious attack of the Japanese army, I am afraid that the 232nd regiment stationed in Tangtou will not be able to sustain it." It’s been too long. This time, we need to make all kinds of preparations when we enter the mountain, especially the food.”

Pang Bingxun said without hesitation: "No problem. This request must be fulfilled with all my strength. In addition, I will order Peng Shouyu, the head of the 232nd regiment, to try his best to hold Tangshanao for two days, so as to buy time for Yulin's brother Zhiyi regiment to enter Tangshan!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Thank you, brother. In addition, I need two or three locals from Tangtou Town to lead us into the mountain. After entering the mountain, our group will not send you any telegrams about the location." .So as not to reveal his whereabouts, and lead to the end of the world."

"Okay." Pang Bingxun agreed very simply, and then turned to the other three people and said: "This Zhiyi regiment's operation is a top-secret operation. If the information leaks from us, don't blame me for not recognizing Pang Bingxun's bullets." People, they only kill their own people."

"Yes!" Li Zhenqing, Liu Fusheng, and Zhang Liyuan stood at attention and saluted at the same time, but their hearts were awe-inspiring. What the army commander said was by no means a joke.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhang Tianhai's hanging heart finally let go: he is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.He didn't want to imitate Zhang Lingfu who was on Meng Lianggu later...


PS: The second update is here!

It’s another new month, everyone can vote as much as they want~ Don’t take pity on me~
Thanks to starting point book friends Yufengfang, Cyl903, and QQ reading book friend circle Drunk Watching Life for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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