War of Resistance

Chapter 384 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 384 LY Defense Battle ([-])
Walking out of the gate of the frontline combat headquarters, the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment is opposite.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai immediately recruited Zhu Shaohong, chief of logistics, and Guo Qiliang, chief of staff of the regiment, and asked them to jointly take charge of the task of purchasing military rations and work with the chief of supplies of No. 40 Corps to solve the problem of food and pay.

After all, it will take two weeks of military rations at once. This is not as simple as feeding 200 people. Not counting the cavalry battalion and engineer company established later, there are more than 500 people in this regiment. There are more than 200 people, so there are more than 300 people.

More than 300 people ate for two weeks, and they were still in the mosquito-like mountains, and they had to find a place to live.

Stationing in a mountain is not like stationing in a village. The village can still barely survive if you squeeze it, but it is different in this mountain, and there may not be people.

It's such a cold day again, if it rains for days on end, everyone will catch a cold. Once the flu gets up, it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai must not let this happen.

In addition to purchasing military rations, Zhang Tianhai also did one more thing, which was to order the troops to purchase shovels and linen throughout the city, as much as they had.

After entering the mountains, many things have to be self-reliant. Zhang Tianhai didn't plan to meet many people in Tangshan. Anyway, there must be enough to live in.

Ever since, all the subordinates of the Zhiyi Regiment got busy and prepared for the battle. After all, this battle was relatively long, and the preparations were relatively insufficient.

If you compare it with the Battle of Songhu, it is completely different—in the Battle of Songhu, although the Japanese army in front of you is strong, Shanghai is still a part of China, and it is backed by the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, with continuous support from the rear. That situation is different.

And this time?Tangtou Town is about to fall, and the Japanese army's front has already pointed at LY. Once Tangtou Town falls, it means that they are a lone army!
Although the reinforcements are near, they may not be able to come in for rescue!Well, the Battle of Menglianggu is a typical example.

The main task of this day is to collect materials. After the materials are collected, it is already dark.Zhang Tianhai immediately ordered the troops to "seize the time, cross the Yi River at night, and enter Tangshan as soon as possible."

As soon as this order was issued, the pace of the whole Zhiyituan quickened.


In the darkness, each torch was crackling and burning, illuminating the west bank of the Yi River.

The boatmen were busy working all night, and all the people on the water with boats near the Yi River were found.

When these boatmen knew that they were transporting troops across the river to fight Little Japan, they all expressed that they did not want money, because these troops were here to protect their homes. If they took money, the Dragon King of the Yi River would confiscate them rice bowl.

Seeing that the boatmen were determined to not want money, Zhang Tianhai was also very moved, and told the boatmen that they would definitely try their best to beat the little devils, and they would definitely beat the little devils away.

With the cool breeze blowing by the Yishui River, Xu Sangou stood beside Zhang Tianhai like a very loyal guard, still resembling the appearance of "Zhang Lian is my brother" before departure in Xi'an.

But today is different. The former deputy Zhang Lian was already the head of the regiment Zhang, and he, Xu Sangou, was also the leader of the guard platoon.

"Tuan Zuo, how long are we going to stay in the mountain this time?" Xu Sangou asked.

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "It depends on how long the little devil keeps us here."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Sangou suddenly sighed very sadly: "Tuan Zuo, tell me, if Company Commander Li and the others can join us and see our company develop to the current scale, that would be great..."

Zhang Tianhai also knew that Xu Sangou was talking about Li Haocheng, and when he mentioned this matter, Zhang Tianhai's thoughts seemed to return to the Shanghai battlefield where the flames of war were all over the sky and the sound of artillery was as dense as rain.

Zhang Tianhai's throat moved slightly, and he said, "Yes, if he is still alive, he might be promoted to be the head of the regiment earlier than me."

On this point of promotion, Zhang Tianhai knew very well that even if Li Haocheng hadn't sacrificed, given the intensity of the Shanghai battlefield, he, Zhang Yulin, would have been transferred to the first company or the third company as the acting company commander.

In the Battle of Songhu, almost all the grassroots troops of the Whampoa faction were wiped out, and the remaining Whampoa officers were reused.

These Whampoa officers who survived may not necessarily be comparable to those who have already died in terms of ability, but they are lucky. occupies an important position.

Zhang Tianhai was also one of the people who took advantage of this trend. Due to the sharp decline in the number of officers in the Whampoa Clan, there was no one who performed very well on the battlefield for a while, so he, who had always performed well on the battlefield, stood out.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai absolutely believed that if Li Haocheng, who was capable, took the lead in battle, and was very brave, could survive, he would definitely be able to become a regiment leader.

"However, Tuan Zuo, to be honest, we all belong to that kind of lucky people. When we set off from Xi'an, there were not many people in our company who survived." Xu Sangou was a little sad. said.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, it seemed that only he and Xu Sangou were still alive in the second company at that time, and none of the other brothers survived the three-month continuous battle.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai put his right hand on Xu Sangou's shoulder, hugged Xu Sangou hard like a brother, and said, "Sangou, when this battle is over, I will tell you something. Let the house wife go. I can’t let your old Xu’s family be cut off.”

Unexpectedly, when Xu Sangou heard this, his hairs immediately exploded. He stammered and said: "Tuan...Tuan Zuo, that...that I...I'm still young...not suitable for marriage..."

Hearing Xu Sangou's nonsense, Zhang Tianhai became furious. He slapped Xu Sangou's head away, blew his beard and stared and said, "You're still young? Don't pretend to be honest with me. I heard that you went to those small alleys last time? Let me tell you, boy, just go to a housewife honestly, and don’t make yourself sick.”

"Damn it! Who the hell told the secret!" Xu Sangou blurted out.

"Crack!" There was another loud sound from the back of his head, and Zhang Tianhai scolded: "Look at your little talent, let me tell you, you have to straighten out your identity now! You are no longer the person you were a few months ago!" That big soldier! You are now the guard platoon leader of the first regiment directly under the third war zone! You are a dignified officer of the Central Army! How many women do you want, so you have to go to the scoop?!"

"Uh...it seems to be the same..." Xu Sangou rubbed his head and said, "We are officers now...hehe, hehe..."

What Xu Sangou never expected was that the big slap of head Zhang was not over yet, and then another loud slap sounded on the back of his head. In the words of comedian Wen Song in the 21st century, it was "Head buzzing".

"Then it's over. Listen to my brother, after the LY battle is over, I'll find you a good house." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, leaving no room for refutation.

"But, I really..." Just when Xu Sangou wanted to say that he was still young, he saw Zhang Tianhai's high slap again, so he decisively chose to keep his voice down.

Xu Sangou also couldn't figure out why it turned into a slap in the face after a good chat.

Hey, it's really not old-fashioned!Xu Sangou sighed in his heart.

Asking how much you can worry, it's like being slapped by the Yishui River...

Xu Sangou was still thinking in his heart, who on earth reported everything that happened in the east alley of Lanling City to the group seat...


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, 426097, QQ reading book friends, three millimeter tigers, two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to the starting point book friend 081124130657600 for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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