War of Resistance

Chapter 385 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 385 LY Defense Battle ([-])

Since there were many boatmen who came to help out, and the width of the Yihe River was much smaller than that of the Yangtze River, it didn't take long to cross the Yihe River, and it took about six hours to complete.

It took six hours to transport four main infantry reinforcement battalions and an eight-armor artillery battalion, plus the regiment's supplies, which was already a very good achievement.

When the main force of the Zhiyi Regiment arrived at Tangtou Town, it was already past four o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn in two or three hours.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianhai immediately made a decision to send troops to the village north of Tangtou Town. As for the specific arrangements for the stationing and the negotiation with the people, he directly handed it over to Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang. Li Chunfei's first battalion dispatched a company to follow him.

As for what Zhang Tianhai was going to do, he made it straightforward. He wanted to take a rest immediately, and then take a small group of troops with him into the mountain to observe the terrain during the daytime.

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's decision, both Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang expressed their unconditional obedience. After all, a big battle is about to start, and it must be based on the overall situation of the whole regiment.

As for why they didn't go to Tangshan during the day, the reason was very simple. It was because they were afraid that the enemy's planes and infiltrating spies would find their traces—once their whereabouts were exposed, the mission would be declared a failure.

And the price of mission failure is very heavy: once the Japanese army mobilizes the main force to encircle Tangshan, even if the Zhiyi regiment can break out of the encirclement of the Japanese army, the losses it will suffer must be very heavy!

The moon was dark and the stars were sparse, there were no cicadas and birds singing, only the exhaustion all over the body. Zhang Tianhai and the officers and soldiers of the first battalion and one company took a rest in Lizhuang, north of Tangtou Town, and snored one after another for a while.

Yes, at this time the entire first battalion of the Zhiyi regiment was stationed in Lizhuang, and the artillery battalion was stationed at the same time.

As for the regiment headquarters and the directly subordinate team, they are stationed in the nearby Dachenzhuang. After all, Dachenzhuang is also the closest village to Tangshan. As for the troops closest to Tangshanao, it is Han Xingle's Fourth Battalion.

From the perspective of the three officers of the regiment headquarters, after the appointment of Han Xingle as the deputy battalion commander of the fourth battalion, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, especially in terms of training. The momentum of "compete to compete".

It was dawn, and it was not yet noon, around nine o'clock, Zhang Tianhai set off with the company of the first battalion, and at the same time, Xu Xun, the combat staff officer.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, Xu Xun, a young man from the Northeast, is quite sober in handling affairs, and bringing him along can help a lot.

As in the past, Zhang Tianhai was still riding forward on his steed, but this time Xu Xun came to act as his adjutant.

It's spring, and the entire undulating mountainous area is surrounded by lush greenery, full of vitality. Perhaps it was the continuous spring rain that fell a few days ago that activated this vitality.

Walking on this small plain and looking at the continuous Yimeng mountainous area in front of you, feeling the vitality of this area is also a joyful thing.

Looking at the mountains in front of him, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly: "Two weeks and fourteen days, no more, no less, if he was allowed to go in alone, it would be no problem at all.This is to have these more than 300 troops stationed in, and it is quite difficult to make the enemy unaware.

To do this, the first thing to do is to select the site, and then to look at the strength of the security forces.

The location of Tangshan is not far from Tangshan Col. It can be said that it is the same mountain system. Even the explosion of shells and grenades on Tangshan can be heard clearly.

An hour later, on a weedy hilltop in Tangshan, Zhang Tianhai looked at the surrounding terrain and stood with his hands behind his back. At this moment, his brows were furrowed.

"Is there still a col on the hill opposite here?" Zhang Tianhai pointed to the opposite side of the main battlefield of Tangshan Col, and asked the three local guides beside him.

The officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment were stationed at various main roads in the mountains to guard Zhang Tianhai. After all, this was already very close to the frontline battlefield, and the enemy might touch it at any time.

In case the Japanese army really touches it, if they are not prepared, this will be the 232nd regiment's sword.So in terms of vigilance, Zhang Tianhai also ordered the combat company commander to prepare for a while.

"Sir, there are two hills to go before there will be a col." One of the guides said.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay! Then you guys take us there now!"

At this time, the sun came out, and the cold spring mist hit Zhang Tianhai's clothes. The sultry weather was really uncomfortable, probably because it was still a coastal area. A little refreshing.

"It's only been a month since the Spring Festival, has the weather become so hot?" Zhang Tianhai murmured.

The two hills mentioned by the guide seem to be very close, but in fact they are very far away. Zhang Tianhai and others took a full hour to climb over them. This is already a state of rapid march.

Standing on the top of the mountain pointed out by the guide just now, Zhang Tianhai really saw that behind the top of the mountain there was a large depression, overgrown with weeds and dense trees.

Zhang Tianhai stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were fixed on the valley, but he was constantly thinking about it. The trees above his head were also quite large and green, almost covering the sky.

"That's it." Zhang Tianhai said to Xu Xun beside him.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded.

Then Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to the three guides next to him: "The guides will have to work hard in the next few days, and they will stay with the officers and soldiers of our army."

"But... sir, we have agreed that we will only take it once. If I don't come home in a few days, my mother will be worried." One of the guides scratched his head and said.

"Don't worry about this, I will send people to protect your family members. If you are afraid that the army will not be able to hold on to the soup, I can send people to send your family members to LY, or even Lanling to protect them. The price is easy to say, the three of you One piece of ocean a day. The premise is that you must follow our large army and not leave the Tangshan area within half a month." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Is it not enough for a day?" Another guide asked.

"Don't say a day, even half an hour, this is war! We must not cause our entire army to be buried here because of the three of you!" Zhang Tianhai said coldly.

Zhang Tianhai paused for a moment, then continued: "After the large troops come in, I will give an order to the gendarmerie. After the mountain is closed, anyone who leaves the mountain without receiving an order from the head of the regiment will be shot!"

After hearing this, the hearts of the three guides froze. They were not fools. The officer in front of him did not seem to be joking, but his words were murderous.

If they dared to disobey the order and leave, not only would they lose their money, but they would even lose their lives.

If you obey the order, you will get the money, and your family will be protected by the army. Isn't that great?

So the three guides immediately made the wisest choice: "Sir, the three of us will absolutely obey your orders. We will never run around."


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to the number one fan of this book who loves you 1 Years King for the reward of 100 coins!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Sishui Junjun for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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