War of Resistance

Chapter 386 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 386 LY Defense Battle ([-])

In this way, under Zhang Tianhai's decision, the entire Zhiyi regiment entered this unknown small col near Tangshan.


Then turn the camera to the forward position of the 232nd Regiment in Tangshan'ao.

In the middle of the night, Liu Dagen was smoking a cigarette on the battlefield, and the smoke drifted out from the trenches, and was blown away by the wind in a short while, fleeting.

"Battalion Commander, just today, we have repelled four Japanese onslaughts. Will the Second Battalion come up later to take defense?" Liu Dagen asked Liao Han, the battalion commander next to him.

Liao Han was also lighting a cigarette, his left arm was already tightly wrapped with gauze, obviously he was also injured.

Repelling four or five onslaughts of the Japanese army a day may seem glorious, but in fact the casualties were not small.

There is a saying that whoever suffers in his heart knows it himself.

After two consecutive days of fighting, the casualties of the officers and soldiers of the 232st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment have reached a terrible two-thirds!

The good thing is that Li Zongren, the commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone, ordered the No. 40 Army to make up for it. Otherwise, the weapons and equipment of the previous No. 40 Army would not be enough for two days, even half a day.

"Yes, the Second Battalion is about to take over the defense. It is said that the battle at Tangshan'ao was ordered by the army commander himself, and it was a death order." Liao Han sighed.

"I don't know what Chief Pang is thinking. This Tangshan'ao area is not the best location either. Tangtou Town should be the most convenient place for our position to fight." Liu Dagen complained.

"There must be a reason for the superiors to let us hold on. Maybe they are waiting for our reinforcements?" Liao Han smiled, then changed the subject, and said, "Besides, the tactics of the Japanese army are similar with minor differences. The tactics are the same, and we are not afraid. The other problems are not serious, but we are afraid that our fortifications will not last long under the onslaught of the Japanese army..."

"Understood, Battalion Commander." Liu Dagen responded casually.

About an hour later, hundreds of Northwest Army soldiers in gray and blue military uniforms and holding Hanyang-made rifles came from the direction of Tangtou Town.

The leading officer went directly to Liao Han and said, "Old Liao, you can take the troops down now, and take all the wounded soldiers down! The position will be handed over to our second battalion!"

"Okay, then we will withdraw first. Now that the fortifications have been partially destroyed by the Japanese artillery fire, your second battalion needs to be reinforced again." Liao Han reminded.

"Okay, no problem. You can withdraw first." Second Battalion Commander Zou Quan nodded.

"Okay." After speaking, Liao Han left with the only remnants of the First Battalion.


When the No. 40 Army's Tangshanao front position was changed, the mountain where the Zhiyi regiment was located had already become a large construction site.

Under the light of the torches, a regiment of officers and soldiers were sweating profusely, digging ditches for combat use. Most of these ditches have a distinctive feature—that is, they are all under the shade of big trees. of.

Not to avoid the sun's rays during the day, but also to prevent the Japanese planes from discovering that there is a secret barracks hidden here when they pass by.

Zhang Tianhai's request to the troops is that the preliminary goals must be completed tonight: first complete the laying of the trenches, and store the necessities such as military rations, ordnance and ammunition.

As for the trenches for officers and soldiers to rest, they can wait until the next night to dig.

Because Zhang Tianhai knew that the troops of the 232nd Regiment might not be at the top of Tangshan Col for a long time, so all the military supplies and daily necessities had to be transported into the col before the front position of Tangshan Col fell.

Once the troops of the Northwest Army in Tangshan'ao were defeated or evacuated, it was the time for the Zhiyi regiment to close the mountain and wait.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhai also asked the troops to change their work and rest time, rest and sleep during the day, and carry out necessary activities in the evening, but not to make too much noise, so as not to disturb the Japanese scout troops.And the necessary activities of life such as water storage, eating, defecation, etc. must be completed before dawn.

Due to the training and training of Zhiyi regiment's troops in the past two months, the tacit understanding of the troops is still quite high, so the progress of the fortifications throughout the night was extremely fast.

Under the big tree in the col, trenches had already been dug, and the open-air connection of the trenches was covered with planks or sticks, and a layer of grass was spread on top of it. At the speed of Japanese aircraft passing by during the day, it was impossible to It is impossible to see clearly the inner universe hidden in this mountain depression.

When the sky began to shine brightly, the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment stopped working, began to eat dry food, drink cold water, and then resume their life rhythm of rest.

After dawn, the Japanese barracks in front of Tangtouao had already begun to slowly raise hot air balloons. This is the eyes of the artillerymen!

They have to re-observe the situation of the national army's position, and then use the semaphore to convey the latest situation of the national army's position to the commander, and then carry out artillery coverage and organize a new round of onslaught.

"Your Excellency, Captain, these Chinese troops seem to be determined to fight our army at Tangshanao. Captain Sakamoto has just called my frontline troops again and ordered us to take Tangshanao within today. Otherwise We kill ourselves to thank the Emperor!" Seiji Aichi reminded the captain Katano to see the Colonel.

"It seems that Your Excellency, Commander Itagaki, has issued a strict order..." Katano Sadaken sighed, then changed a very serious look in an instant, and said harshly: "Aichi-kun, order the third member of the reserve team The brigade, together with the headquarters of the second brigade, is preparing to attack the Chinese army's position in Tangshan'ao! In addition, order the artillery unit to let me go! Don't save shells!"

"Hay!!" Aizhi Chenger stood at attention and bowed his head. He knew that this time the joint captain understood the real fire, and he was still very anxious!

Fortunately, it was before the spring season, and the nights were long and the days were short, so there was still a lot of time left for the Zhiyi regiment last night. The transportation of ordnance and ammunition, food, artillery shells, etc. had basically been completed. Otherwise, the troops of the 232nd Regiment of the Northwest Army will have to hold on for another day, and the pressure will not be so great...

There is no need to hold on for a day, but Zhang Tianhai still needs half a day of rest. After all, the army is very tired after a busy night.

If the Japanese army sent troops to search the Tangshan area, the Zhiyi regiment would have to fight a chaotic encounter with these Japanese troops.

A good commander, though he cannot prevent these situations from happening, must have anticipated them.

If the Japanese army finds a regiment of troops, then there is only a fight to the death!

PS: The first update is here!This chapter is a bit short, bear with me...

Thanks to the number one fan of this book who loves you 1 Years King for the reward of 2000 coins! !
Thanks to Qidian book friends Lonely Wild Wolf 007, Zhang Dabenshi, and Boiling Water 598 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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