War of Resistance

Chapter 387 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 387 LY Defense Battle ([-])

The artillery fire of the Japanese army began to bombard again, but this time it was really covered by artillery fire.

Intensive artillery fire covered the main position of the national army in Tangshan'ao. Fortunately, Zou Quan's second battalion reinforced the position when it took over the position.

Continuous explosions took place at the main position on the hillside. Fragments of the shells mixed with the kicked-up soil were thrown and splashed in the air, and the gunpowder smoke burst out when the shells exploded, which was very pungent.

The officers and soldiers on the main position of the Second Battalion of the 232nd Regiment in the center of the bombing area were like being in the collapsed space of the end of the world, and all around meant death.

They hid in the artillery fortifications and covered their ears tightly, for fear that they would be deaf in both ears and their eardrums would be ruptured by the violent explosion!

The sound of intensive artillery bombardment also reached Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai, who had just fallen asleep for less than three hours, had to get up to observe the frontier situation, and at the same time, he also brought the radio of the communication company.

The first-line combat intelligence must be collected by himself!

Since Zhang Tianhai has always had good exercise habits, he has not fallen behind in terms of physical fitness, and the speed of advancing with the outpost observation troops is not ordinary fast.

Finally, half an hour later, Zhang Tianhai appeared on the commanding height of a nearby mountain, holding a pair of high-powered binoculars in his hand.

After finding the cover, Zhang Tianhai lay down on the ground to observe the battle situation on the front line.

"Xu Sangou, give me the gun!" Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to the guard platoon leader Xu Sangou behind him.

Since Liu Houming was ordered by Zhang Tianhai to stay in Lanling, Xu Sangou was used by Zhang Tianhai as an adjutant.

There's no way around it, there's no such thing as a follower behind a dignified leader of the reinforcement regiment, doesn't it look shabby?

Ever since, this was the main reason why Zhang Tianhai wanted to use Xu Sangou as a security adjutant.Furthermore, without an adjutant, it would be inconvenient for him to direct actions...

The firearm that Zhang Tianhai asked Xu Sangou to carry must be his [-]th gun with an [-]x optical mirror.

After getting the gun, Zhang Tianhai took it and began to observe the rising hot air balloon hanging in mid-air opposite.

The distance of the hot air balloon is about 800 meters to 900 meters.

Zhang Tianhai has every reason to believe that if a shot penetrates the surface of the hot air balloon, the hot air balloon will slowly land.

It's just that if you shoot, you will definitely pay the price.

The price of shooting is that Zhi Yituan's hiding position may be exposed. After all, this shot was fired from his direction. As long as the Japanese commander is not an idiot, he will definitely send a small group of troops. An area is searched.

After some thought, Zhang Tianhai still put down his gun—a small inability to bear will lead to a big conspiracy, and it's not worth exposing the entire Zhiyi group's position for the sake of this hot air balloon.

So Zhang Tianhai could only watch helplessly as the enemy's artillery bombarded his friendly positions, but he was helpless.

This was a very helpless but powerless thing. If possible, Zhang Tianhai would definitely lead the Zhiyi Regiment's troops to attack the Japanese artillery positions.

But obviously there is no fighter plane, and there is no plan to assist Tangshan'ao's frontline troops in launching a large-scale counterattack in the scheduled operation.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai felt a little regretful that he didn't bring the spies on board.

If the spy company is brought along, it will be possible to carry out raids and harassment operations on the rear positions of the Japanese army.

But there is no way, as a man and the duties of Lanling City Defense Commander, he had to keep the spy company in Lanling.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhai has a particularly sinister intention, which he has never mentioned to anyone.

Zhang Tianhai's troops must not change hands with others!

It is impossible to stick to Lanling.

As the city defense commander of Lanling, Zhang Tianhai never thought that blindly defending Lanling was a good thing.

Intensive fighting will only destroy the ancient city of Lanling. Fighting is necessary, but the Japanese army must be severely damaged before the Japanese army hits Lanling. This is the best way to defend!

Just then, the artillery fire ceased.

The Japanese army all over the mountains and plains has launched an attack on the position of the Second Battalion of the 232nd Regiment.

"It seems that the Japanese army is still the old style, and it is still the three axes!" Watching the Japanese attack through the binoculars, Zhang Tianhai said slowly.

After hearing the words, Xu Sangou smiled wryly and said: "But Tuan Zuo, the little Japanese's three tricks have caused our army to suffer a lot! The artillery bombarded, the plane bombed, and then the tanks went up first, and the infantry followed. But we don’t have such good things as anti-aircraft guns. If we had, we wouldn’t have suffered so much.”

Zhang Tianhai wanted to tell him that there would be a better support weapon in the future, and that was the bazooka.

Among them, the RPG is the best among the rocket launchers. If it is used to deal with the thin-skinned tanks of the Japanese army, it is simply a matter of grasping. Once the trigger is hooked, it is almost sure to hit within 80 meters.

But Zhang Tianhai thinks about it or forget it, this kind of support weapon is probably still under development!

If the rocket launcher, an advanced individual support weapon, came out on the Soviet-German battlefield, with the steel torrent of almost equal strength on both sides, it is not certain who will win.

The Japanese army began to charge under the cover of five tanks. Seeing that there were two burnt Japanese tanks in front of the national army's position, Zhang Tianhai knew that the tanks that were charging were most likely the newly arrived support troops. .

The Japanese army was attacking, but the officers and soldiers of the national army had not yet launched a counterattack, because their main targets were the infantry behind the tanks—anyway, the tanks were impenetrable, so why not concentrate their firepower on the infantry?
This is also the combat experience gained by the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army when fighting the Japanese army.

"Prepare the cluster grenades and explosives, and when the little devil's tank approaches, I will find a way to get rid of them!" Zou Quan, the second battalion commander, shouted.

The second battalion was busy, all preparing to meet the Japanese army that was about to rush in front of them!
And Zhang Tianhai, who was watching the scene in front of him with a high-powered telescope in the distance, looked equally nervous.

"The Japanese army dispatched a lot of troops. Roughly, there must be at least a brigade. It seems that these little devils received the order to die, otherwise they would not have invested so many troops at once. The artillery fire just now lasted for four to ten minutes. It's..." Zhang Tianhai murmured to himself, making the people around him nervous.

No, you can tell by the look in their eyes: they are staring at the frontline battlefield, as if they are afraid of missing any details.


PS: The second update is here. . .

This update is also short, and seems to have a sense of exhaustion...

Thanks to the starting point book friends who couldn't help but buy two monthly tickets for Huangshou!
(End of this chapter)

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