War of Resistance

Chapter 388 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 388 LY Defense Battle ([-])

When the Japanese soldiers rushed about 232 meters in front of the officers and soldiers of the 80nd regiment, the light and heavy machine guns in the national army positions finally fired together.

The ferocious firepower knocked down many of the Japanese troops rushing to the front, and a fierce battle had already begun.

Zhang Tianhai held his breath, his eyes were fixed on the two sides who were fighting fiercely, and he never left.

"Xu Sangou, tell the communications staff that you are ready to call the LY frontline headquarters at any time. The report will be sent immediately after I give an order!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo." Xu Sangou replied, and then withdrew.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, this was a fierce attack launched by the Japanese frontline troops with all their strength, and it was impossible to call Pang Bingxun at this time.

If you call at this moment and tell Pang Bingxun that the headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment has entered the preset area, Pang Bingxun will probably order the frontline troops to retreat immediately. In that case, it is very likely that the frontline troops will not be able to withstand the Japanese army The all-out onslaught and the defeat of the army!

At this moment, the Japanese bombers appeared. The target of the Japanese bombers was very simple and clear, and they directly bombarded the second half of the forward position.

One after another, the aerial bombs exploded on the hillside, and the soil flew up!
What's more, it was directly torn into pieces after being bombed by the Japanese army's aerial bombs. The scene was horrible.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai finally knew how much pressure the officers and soldiers of the 232nd Regiment of the Northwest Army put on to buy them time together.

"This place can't be defended... If we continue to defend, this battalion will be wiped out." Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Zhang Tianhai's heart sank. Besides, this is not the most favorable terrain. .

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhai said directly to Xu Sangou: "Xu Sangou, immediately ask the communications staff to call Pang Bingxun, the commander of the LY Frontline Combat Command, and tell him that all members of the Zhiyi Regiment have entered the position. The meaning of guarding is no longer great, and the troops can be withdrawn at any time!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou responded, and hurried to the communications staff.

Soon, Pang Bingxun, who was in LY, received a telegram from Zhang Tianhai.

Looking at this telegram, Pang Bingxun called Chief of Staff Wang Shouwu, and they stood in front of the sand table together to study the next battle plan.

"Brother Shouwu, in your opinion, is it necessary to retreat from the Tangshan'ao position?" Pang Bingxun looked at Wang Shouwu.

"Since the head of the legion already has a conclusion in his mind, why bother to ask me?" Wang Shouwu said with a wry smile.

"If you don't tell me your opinion, I'm always a little nervous! This battle can be said to bet on the future of my Third Army Corps. If this battle is lost, my No.40 Army and Zhang Tianhai's Third War Zone The first regiment directly under it will fall into a situation of eternal doom, and even the entire army will be wiped out." Pang Bingxun sighed.

Wang Shouwu frowned slightly, and said: "But the regiment commander, do we have any other way out now? Apart from fighting this battle well, is there any other option? Now that Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment has all entered the mountain, From my humble opinion, after Tangshan'ao consumed part of the enemy's army, the main force of the enemy was sent to Tangtou Town, with Tangtou Town as the main battlefield, to fight the Japanese army to the death."

Pang Bingxun nodded and said, "That's the only way. I hope to win a big battle! Whether this wish can be realized depends on Zhang Tianhai."

"Yes, anyway, LY must stick to it, but the main force of the Japanese army must not join forces in Taierzhuang!" Wang Shouwu agreed with Pang Bingxun's opinion.

Ever since, under the order of Pang Bingxun, the 232nd Regiment stationed in Tangtou Town also sent reinforcements to Tangshan'ao with the last battalion, and at the same time Zhang Liyuan's security team rushed to the front line to station in Tangtou Town.

The fierce battle at Tangshan'ao was still going on, and the Japanese army fought this wave of attack for two hours. Just when the Japanese army was about to break through the position, reinforcements from the 232nd Regiment arrived.

With the help of reinforcements, coupled with the fact that the Japanese army did not have a stable foothold, they were immediately driven out of the position. Many Japanese troops almost ran away without obeying the commander's order.

The national army survived this wave of attack, but it also paid a huge price. For example, the entire second battalion was almost wiped out, and even the battalion commander Zou Quan died for the country.

The sacrifice of the national army was great, and the sacrifice of the Japanese army was not small. Two tanks were destroyed, and the hillside was full of dead bodies. At least there were more than 400 casualties!
After the third battalion commander Peng Shouheng took over the position, he immediately ordered the troops to retreat together with firearms and ammunition. Light and heavy machine guns and grenade grenades must be taken away together, and they must not be left behind to serve the enemy!

Even if these firearms are left to expand the security team of the county government, or the militia.In short, these things must be brought to the anti-Japanese team!

The officers and soldiers of the 232rd Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment retreated extremely fast, and they were all evacuated in a short while.

Even the Japanese army withdrew cleanly without reacting.

Seeing that the troops of the 232nd Regiment had completely withdrawn, Zhang Tianhai also breathed a sigh of relief, and then left.

And what is the Japanese army doing now?Katano decided that the captain of the regiment was slapping Yoshimitsu Noda, the captain of the third brigade, in a fit of anger.

"Baga! You are a bunch of horse dung! The whole brigade can't take down a small hill, it's been two days!" Katano Dingjian roared angrily, and then slapped the latter away with another slap face.


This slap was very loud, crisp and audible!

It's no wonder that Katano Dingjian is so anxious, if he can't beat this small Tangshan'ao today, he and Chief of Staff Aizhi Chengji are going to commit seppuku!
"Hay!" Noda Yoshizen's cheeks were flushed by the slap, but he still didn't dare to refute.

"Your Excellency, Captain, please give me another chance to lead the team to launch a fierce attack! If you can't take it again, I will kill myself immediately to thank the emperor!" Everyone has a sense of shame, and Noda Yoshiken is no exception. He is a dignified one It must be embarrassing for Captain Zhongzuo to be slapped like this in public.

"Yoxi, then I will give you another chance! You immediately lead your troops to charge again, and you must take down the enemy's position. If you can't take it down again this time, just wait to fulfill the promise of self-imposed suicide to thank the emperor." !” Katano Sadami said harshly.

This Fifth Division has never lost a single battle across the North China battlefield. If this defeat was created by his hand, Katano, then what face would he have to face the division commander and the emperor?

Therefore, no matter which aspect you start from, Katano decided to attach great importance to the battle of Tangshan'ao, aiming to win!

Soon, the Japanese army organized its troops again to prepare for a new round of attack.

The artillery bombardment is also prepared, and then the tanks open the way and the infantry coordinates to fight. The combat routines are almost exactly the same, and they are still the three axes.

It just makes Noda Yoshiken very strange, why didn't the Chinese army shoot back this time?

After attacking the position, Noda Yoshiken discovered that the position was already empty. There were only dead bodies all over the ground, but no living person...

Noda Yoshiken felt a little disappointed, but also a little lucky, otherwise he would really have committed seppuku.


PS: The first update is here!The climax of this volume is coming soon, starting from the next chapter! ~
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Thank you QQ reading book friend Silence for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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