War of Resistance

Chapter 389 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 389 LY Defense Battle (Fifteen)

The troops of the third battalion of the 232nd regiment retreated safely with the remnants of the second battalion, but the news that the second battalion of the 232nd regiment was almost wiped out also reached Pang Bingxun's ears.

It was Peng Shouyu, the head of the 232nd Regiment, who personally sent a telegram, informing the news that more than half of the first battalion had suffered casualties, and the second battalion was almost wiped out. Only the third battalion and the regimental guard platoon were left with combat effectiveness.

After learning the news, Pang Bingxun was very anxious: How long is it?Out of the five regiments, two regiments were disabled, and the 230th regiment was also half disabled!

It's only been a week, and two and a half regiments have been disabled. It won't take long for the No.40 Army to be wiped out!

"No, no." Pang Bingxun shook his head, hurried to the communication room, and said to the communication staff: "Quickly call the commander's department of the theater immediately and tell them that if no reinforcements are sent, our No.40 Army will be wiped out!"

It didn't take long for Li Zongren's reply to arrive: "LY is the barrier of Taiwan and Xu, and must be resolutely defended and resist the enemy's advance. In addition to ordering Zhang Zizhong's troops to reinforce, Xu Zuyi, the chief of staff of the headquarters, was sent to command nearby. The commander of the fifth war zone Li Zongren replied at 27:37 p.m. on March [-], [-]."

"It seems that we still need to stick to LY for a while..." Pang Bingxun held the telegram, not knowing how he was feeling, anyway, his face was expressionless.

"Old Pang, you still can't let the enemy army beat the soup. If the soup is beaten, LY will be in trouble, at least you can't lose it until the reinforcements arrive." Wang Shouwu said.

Due to the battle plan proposed by Zhang Tianhai, the historical track has shifted a little again, and Li Zongren's reply telegram also arrived four days earlier. The battle at Tangshan'ao was just a small battle. The first battalion of the 232nd Regiment was involved in this battle It was just a loss of one company.

Now, the 232nd Regiment has lost half of its regiment in Tangshan'ao, and the defense of Tangtou Town has changed from the 232nd Regiment as the absolute defensive force to the main force. The LY Security Regiment, which existed mainly as a reserve team before, also went to Tangtou The town is on the front line.

It was also from this day that the Katano Regiment of the Japanese Army cooperated with the No.11 Regiment of the Ninth Brigade to contact Tangtou Town, and the battle became more and more intense.

The enemy planes bombarded Tangtou town every day, and they continued to bombard it with artillery. The tanks covered the infantry and rushed forward. Compared with the Tangshan'ao battlefield, the artillery fire was even worse.

Perhaps it was because the battle at Tangshan'ao was too fierce, and the Japanese army was eager to advance, so Katano Satoko did not send troops to search the mountains.

After all, in the eyes of these majestic Japanese military officers, would the "China Army" with backward equipment and weak combat capabilities dare to ambush them?What about an ambush?With their bravery, they will definitely defeat each other.

The battle in Tangtou Town lasted for two or three days, and Tangtou Town did not fall because of the bravery of the national army officers and soldiers who were not afraid of sacrifice.

However, due to the heavy losses of the 232nd Regiment stationed in Tangtou Town and part of the LY Security Regiment, Tangtou Town had to be abandoned.

After Tangtou withdrew its defenses, the front-line battles at Taiping and Baita in the south of Tangtou Town became tense.

Katano suggested that he command the troops to go south, and it can be said that they were advancing all the way. Taipingzhuang, Baitazhuang and the enemy fell on the same day.

Seeing this situation, Pang Bingxun ordered Liu Fusheng, the 116st Regiment of the 231th Brigade, to lead his troops to defend the southern village, and must hold back the main force of the enemy.

In addition, Pang Bingxun also transferred back the field supplementary regiment from Duozhuang to copy the enemy's right back from the north of Gegou, and from Xianggongzhuang transferred the Shao Ensan 115th Regiment of the 229th Brigade to copy the enemy's left back along the east bank of the Shu River. .

Fierce fighting broke out once, and there was a tendency to encircle the No. 20th Regiment and part of the No. 11 Regiment of the Japanese Army on three sides!

"Your Excellency, Captain! The Bronze Buddha Guanzhuang troops have been attacked by the Chinese army, and they have suffered heavy losses now! Do you want to withdraw the troops now?" A combat staff officer ran to the side of Katano Sudami and reported.

Seeing his teeth clenched, Katano was already very displeased. Of course, he was clear about his own situation——

Attacking Tangshan'ao, Tangtou's forward position, had already caused the loss of more than 600 people in the forward force composed of more than 500 people. When attacking Tangtou Town, it lost another [-] people.

Excluding the troops on the left and right flanks, more than 600 people went there. He decided that the offensive force used on the south line of Tangtou Town was less than two brigades, that is, more than [-] people.

Katano decided to think about it carefully, if the troops on the left and right flanks were wiped out, then his [-]-odd frontline troops would undoubtedly become the shackles!
Not long after, Seiji Aichi, who was in the rear, also ran over to Tadami Katano, and said: "Your Excellency, Captain, it is really impossible, let's retreat first! It doesn't matter if we fight this LY a day later, there are still reinforcements." One day will be here. If we don’t withdraw, the forward troops will be surrounded and wiped out. You and I can’t escape the blame. His Excellency Commander Shouichi Terauchi’s plan to have our division and the [-]th division join forces in Taierzhuang will come to an end!”

Katano Sudami let out a long breath, punched the ground with the samurai sword in his hand, and then turned and left unwillingly.

"Withdraw troops from Tangtou Town, stand firm and wait for reinforcements!" Katano Jomi resentfully issued an order to withdraw troops.

On March [-]th, under the pressure of every step, the Japanese commander Katano Satomo was forced to give up the occupied villages around Taiping and Baita.

It is worth mentioning that when Wang Dazhang, the commander of the 229rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment, jointly attacked Tongfo Guanzhuang with the [-]nd Battalion of the regiment, he took the lead and charged into the battle, so that he was hit by the enemy and died heroically. More than [-] people were also hit.

LY, Third Army Corps Front Enemy Command.

When the news that the frontline troops regained the southern line of Tangtou Town was sent back to the headquarters, the entire headquarters cheered for it—after all, this was the only time since the reinforcements in Ju County that the situation had recovered a bit.

Seeing Pang Bingxun's calm face, Wang Shouwu sighed and said, "Old Pang, you are so angry. If I were the commander, I would have already ordered the supplementary regiment and the 229th regiment to launch a counterattack. Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment has been mobilized. Let them block the Japanese army's retreat and directly encircle and annihilate the outstanding enemy of the unit."

Pang Bingxun pointed to Tangtou Town on the map with the baton in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "The fighter plane has not arrived at this time. According to the information sent back by the frontline combat troops, there are still more than [-] enemy troops in this department." Everyone, they just need to retreat to Tangtou Town and wait for reinforcements. With the strength of our army, we may not be able to take Tangtou Town. When the Japanese reinforcements arrive, we can launch a two-sided attack on the first regiment directly under Zhang Yulin's third theater. Their group is over."

"But as long as we can annihilate this enemy army, we will slow down the situation in LY." Wang Shouwu said.

Pang Bingxun shook his head and said: "It can't be slowed down. The enemy's reinforcements will immediately take over the stick to continue the attack. At that time, the situation for our army will only be more unfavorable. It's better to wait for the Japanese reinforcements to arrive, and we will have another big attack." of!"

"Do a big one? But we can't even protect ourselves now. How can we talk about counterattack?" Wang Shouwu expressed concern.

"Brother Shouwu, don't forget that not only the Japanese army has reinforcements, but we also have them. As long as we can survive until Chief of Staff Xu arrives with Zhang Zizhong's reinforcements, it will be the end of this arrogant enemy! At that time, Zhang Tianhai's regiment will be of great use!" After speaking, Pang Bingxun poked his baton on the table, obviously full of confidence!

"You've been taught, sir." Saying that, Wang Shouwu gave a military salute.

"Actually, starting from your point of view, there is no problem. But your combat thinking is too conservative, because you are afraid of losing LY. But I want to fight a big victory in the southeast of Shandong." Pang Bingxun concluded.

"What if we are defeated?" Wang Shouwu asked again.

Pang Bingxun smiled and said, "It's a big deal. We will stick to LY in the end. We will live and die with LY."


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friends Kji Ogawa and Cyl903 for a monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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