War of Resistance

Chapter 390 LY Defense Battle

Chapter 390 LY Defense Battle ([-])

The scenery of the mountain is infinitely good, but the only thing I am not happy about is that there are more and bigger mosquitoes.

By the way, there is another point that I don't have to take a bath, which is very uncomfortable. This is very uncomfortable for Zhang Tianhai, who was a southerner in his previous life. He can only go to the nearby stream to take a bath at night.

Bunches of torches were burning in the middle of the mountain depression. Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, Guo Qiliang, Li Chunfei and others gathered around a fire to keep warm. Fortunately, the weather these few days was sunny and there was no heavy rain. The officers and soldiers of the regiment were miserable.

There is neither shelter nor drying equipment here, and it is spring, so if it rains, it will inevitably lead to the occurrence of flu.

"The days in the mountains are really boring. It's been almost a week, right? I go to sleep every day when I'm full. I can't practice or go out, but I'm bored..." Li Chunfei complained.

In fact, you can’t do anything in this kind of mountain, and it’s really boring. It’s been five full days from the night of March [-]rd to today.

Not to mention anything else, just doing this when you have nothing to do can drive people crazy.

Zhang Tianhai stared blankly at the star-studded night sky, and said, "The gunshots outside the mountain haven't stopped in the past few days. Presumably, the battle has entered a fierce stage!"

"It seems that this is not the time for our army to go to battle...we have to feed the mosquitoes in the mountains for a few days..." Li Chunfei said weakly. Staying in the mountains for several days is more uncomfortable than killing him...

If given a choice, Li Chunfei would rather take the lead in the charge under the hail of bullets than stay here and be a fool...

Looking at the crackling and burning fireworks, Zhang Tianhai said, "Hold it! I'm so tired of feeding mosquitoes in the mountains. Give me enough energy! Tell you boy, if you fight At that time, if you can't get any results in the first battalion, I'm asking for you!"

After hearing these words, Li Chunfei finally summoned up a little strength, stood up and saluted: "Yes, troupe! Let our first battalion take the main attack when the time comes, and you will definitely not be disappointed!"


While Zhang Tianhai and others were still feeding mosquitoes in the mountains, Major General Jun Sakamoto was leading the main force of the Sakamoto Detachment to head south to Tangtou Town at starry night.

Speaking of the temporary formation of the Sakamoto Detachment, we still had to receive from Itagaki Seishiro an order from Lieutenant General Nishio Hisao of the Second Army Headquarters, "The 5th Division should use one detachment to cooperate with the 1th Division of the friendly army in the direction of Jinpu Road. Assault on the LY area," the command started.

In order to enable the 21th Division to join forces with Isoya Rensuke's 21th Division and Taierzhuang, Lieutenant General Seishiro Itagaki, the division commander, organized the main force of the 21st Regiment of the [-]st Brigade and a squadron of the Mountain Artillery into the Katano Detachment. Commanded by the [-]st Regiment Captain Katano Satomi, he launched an attack on Ju County.

After the Katano detachment captured Ju County, Lieutenant General Itagaki, the division commander, strengthened the combat power there, and transferred the 9th Regiment of the 11th Brigade (less than a brigade), the 21nd Battalion of the 42nd Regiment of the 2st Brigade, and the Field Artillery More than 5 people from the 8000th Wing and the Katano Detachment formed the Sakamoto Detachment, commanded by Major General Sakamoto Jun himself, and approached LY.

And this field decided that the Colonel was the vanguard.

In order to keep the rear from being cut off by the national army, Jun Sakamoto still left two brigades in the direction of Ju County, with a strength of more than 9 people, commanded by Nakamura Shaoxiong, the commander of the 11th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade, to ensure that The road from Ju County to LY is absolutely smooth!
Ever since, this time, Major General Jun Sakamoto went south with more than [-] men, nearly a regiment of troops.

These 30 people may not seem like many, but they were equipped with more than [-] cannons and more than [-] tanks and went south together...

These cannons and tanks attached to the army, plus more than 20 cannons on the front line, two or three tanks, the size of this force is definitely not small, not counting their light and heavy machine guns, grenades, and [-] infantry artillery What about these goodies.

In short, they must defeat LY in the shortest possible time. Only after defeating LY can they directly enter Taierzhuang!
If LY didn't win, even if they joined forces in Taierzhuang, there was a danger of being cut off from the rear and being attacked from both sides.

The news that the main reinforcements of the Sakamoto Detachment went south was also transmitted to the headquarters of the Third Army through the rear intelligence station in Ju County.

Pang Bingxun knew in his heart that the strength of his troops had dropped from more than 3000 at full strength to more than [-]. This is not counting the loss of the security regiment, but their Third Army must survive the Japanese army. This wave of main attack!

Only when the reinforcements arrive, can there be a glimmer of hope for the situation in LY. If not, even if all the troops in the entire LY area are mobilized, it will be difficult to defeat the main force of the Japanese army!
"Shouwu, has the staff's battle plan been prepared?" Pang Bingxun, who came back from inspecting the troops at the front, asked Wang Shouwu directly before he even had time to take a sip of water.

Although it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, for the No.40 Army, which was in full swing and time was short on the front line, what time it was was not important.

What the No.40 Army lacks most now is time, waiting for Xu Zuyi, chief of staff of the theater, to bring Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army to LY for emergency!
"It's done, sir, take a look over it." In front of everyone, Wang Shouwu directly handed over the battle plan written on the paper to Pang Bingxun.

I saw that it was written on this page——

"The gist of the arrangement is as follows:
([-]) The [-]st Regiment and the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Brigade, equipped with two mountain cannons, are the LY frontal defense force, and the brigade commander Li Yuntong is the commander.

([-]) Take the [-]th Brigade (missing the [-]th Regiment) as the right-wing protection force, with Brigadier Zhu Jialin as the commander.

([-]) The [-]th Regiment, the Supplementary Regiment, the Secret Service Battalion, and the Engineer Battalion are the General Reserve, with Regiment Commander Li Zhenqing as the commander.

(30) Ma Fawu, commander of No.[-] Ninth Division, is the commander in chief of the front line. "

After reading it, Pang Bingxun said, "Just follow this plan!"


On March [-], the main force of the enemy's Sakamoto detachment began to continue to advance in the direction of LY after receiving reinforcements.

Among them, its vanguard continued to advance to Taipingzhuang and Baitazhuang again!
The fierce battle lasted for two full days, and after receiving reinforcements, the Japanese army once again showed that strong momentum. After all, they were still a unit of the Fifth Division, the unit called the Steel Army in the Japanese army!
Until March [-]th, the front troops of the Japanese army had advanced to the line from Zhugecheng to Yujiuqu in the north of the city. The situation was once very critical!
It was also on this day that Xu Zuyi, chief of staff of the theater, came to LY's frontline combat headquarters.

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"

When Xu Zuyi's convoy drove into the city of LY, the officers and soldiers on duty on both sides of the road stood at attention and saluted, shouting loudly.

After all, Xu Zuyi is also an officer from the Commander's Department in the war zone, so he must have ostentation, and this ostentation was ordered by Pang Bingxun. Although the frontline operations are tense, the Third Army is not even without such people.

When Xu Zuyi came to LY this time, he didn't bring many people with him, but there was also a guard battalion, and they all went by car, so they set off a long time late, but they rushed ahead of Zhang Zizhong's team.

"Sir, it seems that the front line doesn't seem to be very tight. This Pang Bingxun's call for help was urgent." Zeng Tianlin, the battalion commander sitting in the front passenger seat of the off-road jeep, said.

Xu Zuyi, who was sitting in the back seat and dressed in military uniform, shook his head and said with a smile: "Battlemaster Zeng, you can't just look at the surface. Among the factions of the national army, the Northwest Army is already very low. Pang Bingxun, Zhang Zizhong, Sun Lianzhong, and Sun Tongxuan are already the leaders of the Northwest Department. Although Chief Feng is still alive, he no longer has any real power, so these superficial skills must be done well."

Zeng Tianlin nodded, and said, "I understand, the Northwest Department is already in decline, but there are still people like them in the powerful army, so we must have face. Right? Sir."

"You're only half right." Xu Zuyi said with a smile on his face.

At this time, the city of LY had gradually begun to be bombed by Japanese aircraft, and with the continuous advance of the Japanese army on the front line, there were fewer and fewer people in the city, and they all fled with their families.

Although LY had not yet fallen into the hands of the Japanese army at this time, if the Japanese army's army approached the city, they would not be able to escape at that time.

If someone runs away, there must be someone who chooses to stay. They choose to face the current powerful enemy together with the national army!
Soon, Xu Zuyi's convoy arrived at the place where LY's frontline headquarters was located.

When the convoy stopped, Pang Bingxun was already waiting outside the car. When Xu Zuyi got out of the car, the former immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Sir Xu! Welcome, sir, to come to LY to command the battle!"

Xu Zuyi returned a military salute, and said, "You and I are old acquaintances, and Brother Chen doesn't need to be so polite. How is the situation on the front line?"

This Xu Zuyi didn't say that the situation on the front line was fine, but when he talked about the situation on the front line, Pang Bingxun put on a bitter face and said, "To tell the truth, Mr. Xu, the Japanese army is currently attacking fiercely. Although our army is fighting desperately, we still let the Japanese army's vanguard The troops have reached Zhuge City in the north of the city, the situation is very critical..."

On the way here, Xu Zuyi had expected that the situation on the front line might not be good, but he didn't expect that the situation was so corrupt that the Japanese army was almost approaching the city.

Xu Zuyi's face immediately changed from a smile to a dignified one, and he said, "Brother Geng Chen, let's put aside our personal relationship for now, and go up to understand the situation on the front line!"

"Okay, Officer Xu, come with me!" Pang Bingxun nodded, turned around and walked to the lobby on the second floor where the headquarters is located, walking hurriedly.Xu Zuyi, Wang Shouwu, Zeng Tianlin and others followed closely behind.

The map of the combat headquarters is already filled with signs, and with the staff skills behind Xu Zuyi, it is natural to see the approximate deployment location at a glance.

But as for the position of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, I couldn't find it on the map no matter how I looked.

Therefore, Xu Zuyi raised his head, and asked in a questioning tone: "Commander Pang Jun, Zhang Tianhai's third theater is directly under the first regiment? Didn't the chief minister send them a telegram to reinforce the battle in the LY area?"

Hearing Xu Zuyi's questioning tone, Pang Bingxun quickly said: "Mr. Xu has misunderstood. The head of the first regiment directly under the third theater has indeed led his troops to the LY battlefield and has established a firm foothold behind the enemy. This is a secret combat mission, so no matter whether it is to the Ministry of Ministers or to our internal staff, the humble officials strictly forbid to reveal their whereabouts!"

"Oh? The battlefield behind the enemy?" Xu Zuyi adjusted his glasses and seemed to be very interested.

"Yes, it's the battlefield behind the enemy lines. I don't know if it's because after the people around have retreated, I will report to Commander Xu again." Pang Bingxun said seriously.

"Yes." Xu Zuyi nodded, then waved to the people behind him, signaling them to go out.

After everyone in the headquarters had gone out, only Pang Bingxun and Xu Zuyi were left behind, Pang Bingxun explained: "Mr. Xu, it's not because of his lowly position that he intends to play tricks on purpose, but because the position of Zhang Tianhai's troops is too important. If there is carelessness, the position may be exposed. This will lead to the danger of annihilation of the entire army."

"Then tell me directly! Where are their troops?" Xu Zuyi's face was very serious. After all, which faction's troops belonged to the first regiment directly under the third war zone, he was very clear. , He was afraid that it would be difficult to explain to Minister He.

I saw Pang Bingxun picked up a pen and tapped the location of Tangshanao, and said: "Mr. Xu, the troops directly under the first regiment in the third theater are here."

Looking at the position pointed by Pang Bingxun, Xu Zuyi began to study, and then he walked to the sand table after a long time, and asked Pang Bingxun with a serious face: "Who came up with this very risky idea?"

Looking at Xu Zuyi's very serious expression, Pang Bingxun thought that Chief Xu was going to ask the teacher for a crime, so he stood at attention and said, "Sir, this idea came from Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, and it was the humble officer who worked with him to perfect and implement this plan." !"

I saw Xu Zuyi nodded lightly, and praised without any concealment: "Very good, your position is very poisonous..."

Then, Xu Zuyi walked up to the map and said, "Tangshan'ao is the main throat from Tangtou Town to Ju County... If this place is used well, the Japanese army in front of us will never return. Now that we have the basic strategy, we just wait for the reinforcements from Zhang Zizhong's troops to arrive."

"Mr. Xu, I have the guts to ask, when will Zhang Jinchen's Ninth Army arrive?" Pang Bingxun said with a wry smile, with a lot of shame in his wry smile.

"There is still one day's travel to go." Xu Zuyi looked at Pang Bingxun and said, "By the way, this time, I came to LY to command you to fight under the order of Commander Li in the theater. It actually has a deep meaning. Believe me, I won't tell you about this." you know too."

Pang Bingxun blushed and said embarrassingly: "Of course I know about this humble job. It's not because of the grievances between me and Chen Chen that I have to work hard on Chief Xu and rush from Xuzhou to LY to command the battle. More Chen, I'm ashamed..."

Xu Zuyi waved his hand and said: "It's useless to talk about these past events. Chief Li asked me to tell you a word: 'No matter what kind of hatred you have before, you have to wait until this battle is over." ! This battle is about the survival of the nation, and we cannot allow you to delay your military opportunity because of personal grievances!'”

After hearing this, Pang Bingxun stood at attention and saluted again and promised: "Yes! I understand! I must let go of the previous grievances and fight together with Commander Zhang to fight for the righteousness of the nation and the survival of the nation! Never reserve strength and fight against Japan. Kou fights to the death!"

"Okay." Xu Zuyi pressed his hand and continued: "It is enough for you to have this kind of heart, let's not talk about the others, just let them in!"


PS: This is a 4400-word chapter, two chapters have been combined into one chapter, and today's one is the only one.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Shuhuang Xiaomo for the two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend 160402000438596, who can't help but give a yellow hand, and QQ reading book friends who are drunk and ruthless each have a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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