War of Resistance

Chapter 391 LY Counterattack

Chapter 391 LY Counterattack
As Xu Zuyi said, Zhang Zizhong and Chief of Staff Zhang Kexia led the main force to LY the next afternoon.

After Zhang Zizhong led the troops to LY, Xu Zuyi immediately called Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong's senior officers to hold a military meeting at the Third Army Corps Headquarters, oh, the LY Front Command, to decide to announce the battle plan.

At the meeting, Xu Zuyi decided to turn the current enemy from defense to offense - adopt frontal defense, outflank the two wings, and copy the enemy's rear, in order to achieve a strategy of annihilation in one fell swoop!

In the meeting room of the Legion Department of the Third Army, the senior officers of the Third Army and the Ninth Army were all sitting on it. Except for Ma Fawu, the front-line commander of the Third Army and the commander of the No. 30 Ninth Division, who was not present, the others All the cadres above the brigade level are here, including Yao Jingchuan, commander of the No. 13 brigade of the Ninth Army Independent Cavalry.

Da Ma sat on the main seat, wearing a goose-green central army uniform Xu Zuyi's face sank like water, his eyes looked around at the officers sitting in front of him and wearing gray-blue military uniforms, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Now that everyone is here, let's start this battle meeting!"

At this moment, the young combat staff officer standing next to Xu Zuyi took out a blue book with a blue sky and white sun badge on it, and read: "According to the information from the frontline troops and the intelligence department behind the enemy: The enemy in front of us is the entire Sakamoto Brigade under the command of Seishiro Itagaki of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, plus a part of the Ninth Brigade, which has more than [-] heavy field artillery, more than [-] tanks, and six planes. , seven planes to help out, trying to trap us and attack the outlying positions of Taierzhuang, but no follow-up troops have arrived yet.”

The voice of the staff officer rang out in the silent conference room, it could be said to be clear and audible.

Then, the combat staff continued to read: "Second, our army's intention: prepare to wipe out all the currently invading enemies in one fell swoop near LY!"

"The deployment points are now declared:
1. With the No.30 Eighth Division of Huang Weigang, Commander of the Ninth Army Commander Zhang Zizhong, we made a violent attack from the left wing of our army in Zhugecheng to the right rear of the enemy.
2. The Artillery Battalion Attached to the 40th Brigade of the No. 30 Ninth Division of the No. [-] Army (one company is missing) still sticks to the positions from Zhugecheng to Yu Jiuqu to contain the main force of the enemy.

3. Li Zhenqing's Division of the Field Supplementary Regiment of the No. 40 Army and the Cavalry Company of the No. 30 Ninth Division attacked the enemy's left rear from the south of Yu Jiuqu, and joined the Ninth Army of our army in Tangtou.

4. The 40th Brigade Engineer Battalion of the No.30 Ninth Division of the No.30 Army and the Military Special Service Battalion are the mobile units, commanded by Ma Fawu, the division commander of the No.[-] Ninth Division, to respond to all parties at any time.

5. The No.13 Independent Cavalry Brigade of Yao Jingchuan of the Ninth Army is the general reserve.

6. This battle is decided to be dispatched at [-]:[-] a.m. on March [-]th. All ministries must fight resolutely to ensure the victory of this battle!
The combat deployment plan has been read out, please give instructions! "After the combat staff read out the combat deployment plan, he immediately put away his notebook and stood at attention to salute Xu Zuyi.

I saw Xu Zuyi stood up from the main seat, his piercing eyes looked around at all the officers present, and asked in a deep voice: "Have all the military chiefs of the various ministries heard the battle plan clearly?"

"Listen clearly!!" The dozen or so senior officers above the brigade level immediately stood up and responded in unison.

Xu Zuyi nodded and said, "Just listen clearly, but do you have any objections to this order? Please raise any objections."

Just listening to this moment, the scene was as silent as water, and a needle could be heard.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's implement this plan directly!" Xu Zuyi put his hands on the table, making the final decision.

"Yes! Sir!!!" All the officers responded excitedly.

In this battle, not only did Pang Bingxun's No.40 Army come in for reinforcements, but it also gave Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army a chance to win the battle!
With such an opportunity to leave their names in history and deal a heavy blow to the Japanese army, how could the generals who had suffered from the Japanese army's anger on the front line not be excited?
"Except for Commander Pang Bingxun Pang and Commander Zhang Zizhong Zhang, the meeting is over!" Xu Zuyi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!!" The generals responded excitedly.


In addition to ordering the troops of Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong to attack, Xu Zuyi immediately ordered Zhang Tianhai's [-]st regiment directly under the [-]rd theater to block the main road of Tangshan'ao at [-]:[-] a.m. on the [-]th to prevent the main force of the enemy troops from going south. Escape from Ly!

In the unknown small mountain near Tangshan'ao, Zhang Tianhai, who was sleeping deeply in the pothole, was suddenly awakened by someone.

"Regimental seat, regimental seat, Chief of Staff Xu Zuyi, Chief of Staff of the theater and LY front-line commander, Mr. Xu urgently calls!" The communications staff officer said while patting Zhang Tianhai.

"What?! Urgent call?!" Upon hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai woke up from his dream all at once, looking very refreshed.

"Tuan Zuo, please take a look." The communications staff handed the telegram to Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai received the translation of the telegram, and saw that the telegram read: The third war zone is directly under the Zhang Tianhai Department of the First Regiment. Now that your department is ready to fight immediately after receiving the order, it is ready to fight on the 27th. Block off the main road of Tangshan'ao from [-]:[-] in the morning, and prevent the remnants of the enemy troops from fleeing through Tangshan'ao! Xu Zuyi, the commander-in-chief of the LY front line, sent an urgent call at [-]:[-] pm on March [-], [-]!

After reading the telegram, Zhang Tianhai jumped up excitedly almost immediately, and said, "Damn it, the opportunity has finally come, and finally there is no need to feed mosquitoes in the mountains. Hurry up, immediately gather all the officers above the battalion level to find Hold a military meeting!"

Soon, the military chiefs, who were drowsily asleep, gathered at the root of the banyan tree. This was the temporary meeting place they agreed after they entered the mountain.

"Old Zhang, what's the matter... You called everyone together in such a hurry?" Guo Qiliang yawned and came to the root of the banyan tree. Except for him, no one else in the group dared to talk to Zhang Tianhai. That's it.

The first is the issue of rank, except for Guo Qiliang, that is, Zhou Fangjie, the second-in-command, has the same status in the regiment as him; The classmate and comrade-in-arms of ten years is so familiar.

"Yes, that's right. The superior officer has come to order, it's a combat order!" Sitting on a stone, Zhang Tianhai said excitedly.

Sure enough, when they heard that this was an order, everyone immediately regained their spirits——

"Finally I can go out and exercise my muscles."

"Finally, there is no need to feed mosquitoes in this mountain."

"Ah, who said otherwise, I've been sleeping in this ghost place for ten days, and I'm going crazy."

Looking at the happy faces of the crowd, Zhang Tianhai announced: "Now I announce that the military combat meeting on the LY counterattack is officially held!"

As soon as the head of the regiment was about to announce the combat order, all the officers on the field fell silent immediately.

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhang Tianhai said slowly: "Commander Xu Zuyi, commander-in-chief of the LY front line, ordered us to go straight to the regiment. From [-] o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, immediately block the main road of Tangshan'ao, so as not to let the enemy's main force southward. Escape!"

Then, Zhang Tianhai continued: "All comrades-in-arms, Paoze, the offense and defense of our LY battlefield will soon change hands. Now is a good time to make contributions. Commander Xu must have rushed to LY with reinforcements, and there must be a lot of troops. So , I want to change some of the established battle plans issued by Chief Xu."

"But, troupe, if we change the combat order without authorization, we will be punished..." Zhou Fangjie reminded.

I only heard Zhang Tianhai said firmly: "I can't control that much anymore, we are now mobilizing some troops to follow me to Tangtou Town to share a piece of the pie. With the combat effectiveness of our troops, we can't defend Tangshanao for two days. live?"

"But..." Zhou Fangjie still hesitated, after all, the consequences were indeed serious.

Before Zhou Fangjie could finish speaking, Zhang Tianhai interrupted directly: "Don't worry, when the frontline troops finish fighting, the daylily will be cold. We, the most elite troops, will enjoy the cold in the back? No, we all I have been in the mountains for so long, how can I do without getting some benefits?"

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai had already made up his mind, Zhou Fangjie couldn't persuade him too much. Didn't he see that the military chiefs in front of him were all high-spirited?
"When night falls tomorrow, immediately call Wang Yongcheng to lead the cavalry battalion to detour to support Tangshanao immediately!" Zhang Tianhai said to Guo Qiliang beside him in front of everyone.

"Yes!" Guo Qiliang replied while taking notes.

"Deputy Commander Zhou, at four o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, you will lead the three battalions, the fourth battalion, and the regiment directly under the regiment to block Tangshanao. The engineering company, gendarmerie team, and supply company will be incorporated into the battle order at the same time. Prepare to support the [-]rd Battalion and [-]th Battalion, and do not allow the main force of the Japanese army to break through the Tangshanao blockade!" Zhang Tianhai said, looking at Zhou Fangjie, Wang Ziqing, Han Xingle, He Jiye, Zhu Shaohong and other military officers.

"Yes, sir! I promise to complete the task!" Zhou Fangjie, Wang Ziqing and the other five responded in unison, then stood up and saluted.

"The first battalion, the second battalion, the artillery battalion, and the regiment headquarters are directly under the small artillery company, mortar company, and guard platoon. Follow me and Chief of Staff Guo to attack in the direction of Tangtou, and put a knife in the heart of Little Japan!" Zhang Tianhai watched. To five people including Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, Zhao Chengge, Guo Qiliang and Xu Sangou.

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Chunfei and other five people responded in unison, full of confidence and momentum.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai said sincerely to Zhou Fangjie: "Deputy Commander Zhou, now including the three companies of the cavalry battalion and the regiment directly under the regiment, Tangshan'ao has assembled nearly four battle battalions of our regiment." Once the troops are strong, we must rely on favorable terrain to hold on."

"Regiment, don't worry. Most of the troops of the regiment have been assembled in my hands now. If I can't last for two days, you can remove me from my post!" Zhou Fangjie promised.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, let's announce the preparations for battle with the brothers tonight, so that everyone can start to exercise their muscles and bones, so that they can be mentally prepared."

In this way, the Zhiyi Regiment's combat action plan in the early morning of March [-] has basically been decided.

After the meeting ended, Zhang Tianhai did not leave immediately, but left Zhou Fangjie alone.

"Brother Fang Jie, I was abrupt about today's matter, please don't take it to heart!" Zhang Tianhai said an apology, after all, he refuted it in front of so many people. Not too pretty either.

Zhou Fangjie smiled very easily, and said: "Everyone is for the future of the regiment. As the deputy commander, it is also my duty to express worries. As the commander, Yulin, you decide the direction of the battle. Then It's also your responsibility. I can understand. Don't think of me so mean, okay?"

"It's good to understand. This time, I risked being shot for disobedience on the battlefield, and I took the initiative to go to war. Apart from wanting to get some credit, I also wanted something else. That's why I had to make a bad move." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangjie said with surprise on his face: "Isn't our regiment just short of rifles from the cavalry battalion? What else is missing?"

"The cavalry battalion is missing some guns. We can definitely get them back on the battlefield of Tangshan'ao. Now, in addition to the guns of the cavalry battalion, I also want to arm another city defense battalion in Lanling." Zhang Tianhai looked serious, With a look of concern for the country and the people, he suddenly turned to a mysterious smile and said, "By the way, don't you think our artillery battalion now has fewer eight cannons?"

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Zhou Fangjie was taken aback, and said, "You're actually thinking about cannonballs!"

"Well... and our army's grenadiers are also short, so we have to get them back." Zhang Tianhai chuckled.

"Okay, but if you do that, will Chief Xu and the others have any objections?" Zhou Fangjie continued with a worried expression on his face.

"What do you think, our regiment can't just feed the mosquitoes for so many days for nothing? If all the benefits are given to the friendly army, what should our regiment do? At least we need some interest? As for the matter of disobedience, as long as you Zhou Fangjie can If Tangshan'ao is guarded, who dares to shoot me, Zhang Yulin?" Zhang Tianhai said in an eloquent manner, with the appearance of "I am a businessman".

I saw Zhou Fangjie pointing to Zhang Tianhai with a smile, and said: "You, you...you really have exhausted all the tricks. If the commander of Pang Bingxun's army can see through your true face as soon as possible, he probably won't let you enter this mountain. Bar?"

"If he sees it through, then it's okay?" Zhang Tianhai smugly said.


The camera turns to Tangtou Town, Jun Sakamoto's detachment headquarters.

Time, March [-]th at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Sitting on the ponytail in the headquarters, Sakamoto held a cup filled with sake and lightly touched Katano Sudami on the opposite side, and said: "As long as Zhuge City is captured, the Chinese army in LY City won't be able to last long." .After winning LY, I will definitely pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor for Katano-kun!"

Katano Dingjian hurriedly said: "Thank you, brigade commander, for your kindness! The humble job will definitely do its best to die!"

Jun Sakamoto took a sip of the sake, and smiled arrogantly: "Wait! The Chinese Army won't last long! After a while, I will call the Commander Seishiro Itagaki, and let the Commander prepare for victory! Ha ha ha ha……"

Not only Jun Sakamoto thinks that LY will be won soon, but even Katano Satoshi thinks so-now it is the No.11 team that has been recharging for a long time, and I believe that the No.11 team will win With Captain Nagano Yuichiro's ability, it is not difficult to take down a mere Zhuge City. Even if you fail to take it tomorrow, you can take it the day after tomorrow. Their "Steel Army" fifth division will definitely win before the tenth division Taierzhuang!
"Brigade Commander, for the future of the Fifth Division, and for the longevity of the empire's martial arts, here's another toast!" Katano Shudami said proactively.

"Yoxi, for tomorrow's victory! Cheers!" Jun Sakamoto laughed.


PS: Today's update is sent, and for future updates, I will try to adjust to 4400 words per day, and change two to one.

Thanks to the number one fan of this book, starting point book friend, who loves you, the 1-year king for rewarding 1000 points! !
Thanks to the starting point book friend, the farmer who digs the ground, and the book friend 081124130657600 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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