War of Resistance

Chapter 392 LY Counterattack

Chapter 392 LY Counterattack
That day, at four in the morning, teams of national army officers and soldiers drove out from the city of LY and rushed to the battlefield.

LY City, which was still full of troops yesterday, was suddenly empty. Except for Xu Zuyi's guard battalion, all other troops that could be dispatched had already been dispatched.

However, Zhang Tianhai's first regiment directly under the third war zone started to move out of the mountain an hour earlier.

After all, in this mountain, those who can't see their fingers can barely see ahead only by relying on the not-so-bright light of the torch.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Speed ​​up the schedule, speed up the progress!" The company commanders were shouting, after all, they are already in a state of battle, so hurry up...


It was still dark at this time, and the surrounding area was pitch black. The direction of Tangtou Town was the same. Except for the sentinels on guard, most of the people were still asleep, including Captain Sakamoto Shun Brigade, who fell asleep after drinking a few glasses of sake at night.

Just when Sakamoto Shun was dreaming of his dream of being promoted to the commander of the division and the rank of lieutenant general, there was suddenly a very intense gunshot from the direction of Zhugecheng, which woke him up.

"Nani?! What's the situation?!" Sakamoto woke up from his dream.

The camera turns to the front line of Zhuge City, the left rear flank position of the Japanese army.

Time went back to 10 minutes ago, and the five main regiments of the 38th Division of the Ninth Army had begun to approach the Japanese positions, but when the No. 30th Division came, it was in a hurry and did not carry heavy artillery like cannons. Weapons, if carried, would be enough for Little Japan to drink a pot of.

Yoshizawa Yinichiro is a native of Hiroshima. He is only 21 this year. Like most Japanese soldiers who grew up under the influence of militarism, he is also very enthusiastic about war. One private, Takeshi Ozawa, was on duty together.

"Waiting for the sack (wait for a long time), Yoshizawa-kun, I'll go to the toilet first!" Ozawa Takeji, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and said.

"Yoshi, you go, I'll wait for you here!" Saying that, Yoshizawa Yoshiro helped his helmet.

Soon, Ozawa Takeji ran to the nearby grove.

After a while, there was a scream in the grove: "Ah~~"

Feeling that something was wrong, Yoshizawa Yinichiro quickly took down the [-] rifle on his back, and then shouted loudly: "Ozawa-kun! Ozawa-kun!! Are you okay?!"

Without waiting for Takeji Ozawa's reply, in the next second, countless Chinese army officers and soldiers rushed over from all directions.

Looking at this scene, Yoshizawa Yinichiro's pupils shrank slightly, filled with fear—in his military career, only the Japanese troops of their fifth division had ever chased and attacked the Chinese army. With so many people, it should be noted that their troops on the right rear wing only have one squadron...

But the Chinese army in front of me has at least 6000 people!
In a panic, Yoshizawa Yinichiro casually fired a shot at the Chinese army.


In a panic, the shot missed the target, and after the bullet flashed through the air, it shot into the ground.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!" Yoshizawa Yinichiro opened his throat and roared, but in the next second, a 7.92mm bullet hit his helmet, and a bullet appeared there instantly bullet holes!
Yoshizawa Yinichiro's death in battle was not worthless. For example, the gunshot and the slap reminded the teammates of the entire squadron.

The shrill whistle sounded immediately in the Japanese army's right rear wing garrison, and countless awakened Japanese soldiers rushed forward.

But the pace of the Chinese army is getting closer!Although the Japanese army had those two or three heavy machine guns desperately suppressing the opponent's firepower, it was too late - in the face of absolute strength, any resistance force is a paper tiger!

Due to the smooth military operations in the past few days, and the capture of LY City is imminent, the Sakamoto detachment is permeated with a sense of pride and underestimation of the enemy. They have even made preparations for "three days of carnival" after the capture of LY !

However, there is a price to pay for underestimating the enemy. For example, they never expected that the national army would launch such a large-scale counterattack. Facing the fact that countless officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army of the No. 30 Eighth Division are attacking their right rear defense line, they There is no way to resist it!

At this moment, gunshots resounded throughout the world!
After hearing the gunshots, No. 11 Wing Captain No. Yuichiro hurriedly mobilized from the frontal battlefield to prepare for the frontal troops to attack Zhuge City after dawn to block the gap in the right rear wing.

The gunfire became more and more intense, which made Yuichiro Nagano feel distraught. He had a premonition—this long-planned onslaught by the Chinese army could never be the only one!
At this moment, a senior soldier of the Japanese army ran in and reported: "Report to your Excellency, Captain, the Chinese army's offensive is very fierce. Our army's right and back positions were breached by the enemy. Jiataiping, Shalingzi and other places were all broken by the enemy, and our army suffered heavy losses!"

The back position on the right side was broken through, and it was broken so quickly, which was unexpected by Yuichiro Nagano. At the same time, he also knew that these positions fell so quickly, what does this mean——

The offensive of the Chinese army is like a sharp but heavy sword with an unstoppable momentum, and their target is their own heart!
"Quick! Order the captain of the paddy field to withstand the onslaught of the Chinese army! The reinforcements will arrive soon!" Nagano Yuichiro said harshly.

"Hay!" The private first class responded, and hurried out.

Nagano Yuichiro did not deceive Captain Inada Mori of the third brigade, but he was going to deploy troops from the rear line of defense and the Bronze Buddha Guanzhuang, which was like a back road, to support Inada Mori's troops.

"Mexi, mexi, get me the Bronze Buddha Guanzhuang!" Nagano Yuichiro picked up the phone and said.

The call was connected soon, and Nagano Yuichiro continued: "I am Colonel Nagano Yuichiro, and now our right-wing position has been attacked by the Chinese army. As a front-line commander, I now order you to immediately gather all forces to support the right-wing position. Major Inada Mori's Second Battalion!"

In this way, the Japanese troops in Tongfo Guanzhuang and Zhugecheng's main battlefield were almost completely emptied!
About half an hour later, when the position on the right rear wing was almost stabilized, there was another piece of news that made Nagano Yuichiro very anxious.

I saw another soldier quickly ran into Nagano Yuichiro's headquarters, and then stood at attention and saluted the latter: "Report to your Excellency, the captain, the Chinese army on the frontal battlefield of our army has launched a fierce attack on our army. The frontal battlefield is very difficult. The first Lieutenant Commander Matsushita Takeo, Commander of the Third Battalion, requests military support!"

"Baga Yalu, where did these Chinese troops get so many troops! The intelligence and governance department has not received any news! The intelligence and governance department is full of horse dung!" Nagano Yuichiro cursed.

But if you are angry, you still have to face reality after all, so Nagano Yuichiro can only deploy troops from the left wing to support the frontal battlefield. Otherwise, if the frontal battlefield is broken through, it will be very troublesome!
After giving the combat order, Nagano Yuichiro immediately picked up the phone and called Sakamoto Jun's headquarters: "Mexi, this is the front line of Zhugecheng Village. I am the captain of Nagano Yuichiro. Please answer the phone, Your Excellency Captain Sakamoto!"

Only a heavy voice came from the other side of the phone: "Moxi, I am Jun Sakamoto, the detachment leader. What happened on the front line?"

Seeing that the situation on the front line was not good, Nagano Yuichiro couldn't care less, and said directly: "Your Excellency, the right wing defense line and the front position of our front line troops have been attacked by the Chinese army. The number is still unknown. In order to ensure the security of the front line It's safe, I'm calling this time because I want to ask for reinforcements!"

"Mr. Nagano, Zhuge City is the bridgehead for our army to attack LY. You must not lose anything. You must lead your troops to defend. Now I have drawn the second and third members of the No. 40 Second Regiment from the reserve team in Tangtou Town. The brigade supports you! These two brigades are under your command now, you must stick to your positions!" Jun Sakamoto said very seriously.

"Hay!" Nagano Yuichiro responded, and then hung up the phone.

In Jun Sakamoto's view, the Chinese army's attack this time is nothing more than a dying counterattack. With the strength of their Fifth Division, it is absolutely no problem to hold on to the frontline positions. After all, they were chasing the Chinese army as a unit before. One division fought, but now there are three regiments here, and an artillery regiment has been strengthened, there is no reason why they can't survive!

However, things did not go as smoothly as Jun Sakamoto had expected. His reinforcements ran into the [-]th Division of the Ninth Army head-on.

Liu Zhensan's 30th Division arrived on the afternoon of the [-]th. Since his troops were responsible for transporting the entire army's artillery, supplies, and other reserve supplies and heavy weapons, there was no Huang Weigang No. [-]th Division in terms of troop mobility. And Yao Jingchuan's independent cavalry brigade ran so fast.

Although Liu Zhensan's 30th Division is not as good as No.[-]'s [-]th Division's [-]rd Brigade and [-]th Regiment in terms of organization, it is still a relatively complete unit of [-] brigades and [-] regiments!Don't use bean buns as dry food!

Liu Zhensan, the commander of the [-]th Division, did not hesitate to run into the reinforcements of the Japanese army, and directly commanded the troops to attack.

"Brigade Commander Zhang, you lead your 26th Brigade to outflank the enemy army from the left! This enemy army must be going to reinforce the enemy army in Zhuge City. We must hold them back, and we must not let them escape. !" Liu Zhensan ordered Zhang Zongheng, commander of the 26th Brigade under his command.

"Yes! Teacher!" Zhang Zongheng took the order and left.

"Brigade Commander Qi, your 39th Brigade is directly holding back the Japanese army's pace! Don't let the Japanese army move forward!" Liu Zhensan directly ordered the 39th Brigade Commander Qi Guangyuan to say.

"Yes! Sir! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Qi Guangyuan immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Liu Zhensan also knew that the enemy army in Tangtou Town must not be allowed to support the enemy army on the front line of Zhuge City. After the enemies in Zhuge City were wiped out, the national army would come to attack Tangtou Town with the power of a great victory.

As long as the Tangtou Japanese army can't beat them, the enemy army in the direction of Zhugecheng will become a turtle in the urn, and will be wiped out sooner or later!
The battle started near Tongfoguanzhuang between Tangtou Town and Zhuge City, and the battle was once very fierce.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai also led the two main battalions and the artillery battalion of the first regiment directly under the third theater under his command out of the mountain.

It's just that Zhang Tianhai didn't attack rashly at this time, he was waiting for the opportunity, and his goal was Tangtou Town!

"Tuan Zuo, the two sides of the Yi River are already in a pot of porridge, and we are not ready to go directly to Tangtou Town?" Xu Sangou couldn't help asking.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head lightly, and said: "What's the hurry, the main force of the Japanese army is still fighting against the main force of the No. 40th Army and the Ninth Army. Our two battalions, plus the artillery battalion, are only more than [-] People, wait for the Japanese army to mobilize some more troops before we join the battle, otherwise, with the strength of our two battalions, even if we capture Tangtou Town, we will not be able to defend it.”

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh and said, "If Commander Xu hadn't ordered our regiment to stick to Tangshan'ao, I would have dared to attack Sakamoto Shun's base camp. It's really not the right time for me..."

"Tuan Zuo, how about after the cavalry battalion arrives at Tangshan'ao, then send a main battalion here?" Guo Qiliang made a very tempting suggestion.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Forget it, Tangshan'ao is the last retreat for the enemy. We must stop them at Tangshan'ao and try to wipe out the Japanese army in LY. With our current strength, Still thinking about how to take down Tangtou Town is true. As long as Tangtou is taken down, no one can take away our credit!"

"Understood." Guo Qiliang nodded.


Zhang Tianhai is waiting for a fighter plane, but the No. 40th Army and the Ninth Army's combat plan has been implemented to the final stage.

Just when the Japanese army mobilized the left-wing defense line to the frontal battlefield, Li Zhenqing led the No. 40 Army Field Supplementary Regiment, which had been recharging for a long time, to launch a fierce attack from the right-wing direction of the Japanese army to the empty left-wing defense line of the Japanese army.

The No. 40 Army Field Supplementary Regiment slashed into the Japanese left-wing defense line like a sharp knife, and killed the Japanese army's central headquarters!
One after another, the news of the defeat of the battle came. For Colonel Yuichiro Nagano, it was quite unsatisfactory. It seemed that overnight, the Sakamoto Detachment of their Fifth Division lost all their advantages over the Chinese army.

Since it was a night battle and close combat, they had no effect on the cannons, tanks, and planes that the Chinese army relied on to suppress the attack. They had to engage in close combat with the Chinese army made in Hanyang. The correct army is the Northwest Army, which is famous all over the world for its Broadsword Squad!

Whether it is Pang Bingxun's Legion or Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army, they are all pure Northwest Army!

After learning over the phone that the left-wing position had been breached across the board, Yuichiro Nagano pulled out the samurai sword at his waist and said in a cold voice, "Everyone, today is the time to be loyal to the empire. Get ready to fight! Gentlemen!"

After hearing Nagano Yuichiro's order, all the staff of the No.11 Wing Headquarters of the Japanese Army have already started to prepare for battle. Those who burned documents burned documents, and those who prepared bayonets prepared bayonets. They were very busy.

At this moment, Nagano Yuichiro picked up the phone, took a deep breath, and said in a very calm tone as much as possible: "Mexi, this is the headquarters of the No. 11 regiment, and I am Nagano Yuichiro, the captain of the regiment! I will take over the detachment headquarters!"

At this time, Jun Sakamoto was fully awake. He knew that this was an organized and planned attack by the Chinese army!
At this time, most of the remaining troops in Sakamoto's hand had been assembled.

In addition to the more than 800 people north of Tangtou, he also has a brigade in his hand stationed in Tangtou Town. There are more than 2000 people, not too many, not too many, but they can't all be transferred to the front line. ...

Just when Jun Sakamoto was still hesitating whether to ask Seishiro Itagaki for reinforcements, the phone rang.

Sakamoto Jun didn't even think about it, so he picked up the phone and said, "What, I'm Sakamoto Jun!"

He only listened to the other end of the phone, and said in a very heavy tone: "Captain Sakamoto, I am Colonel Yuichiro No. 11, the captain of the No. 11 regiment. Now the enemy has broken through the left wing position of our front-line troops and is now directing towards our regiment. The Ministry is coming. Nagano Yuichiro and the No.11 Regiment will be smashed today, please send reinforcements quickly, or the No.[-] Regiment will be completely smashed!"

"Nagano-kun, you must persevere. Now the detachment headquarters will send reinforcements to the front line again immediately! You must lead your troops to stand firm!" Jun Sakamoto said in a deep voice. He has decided to deploy all troops to support the front line, otherwise No.11 The alliance is at stake.

After finishing speaking, Sakamoto Jun hung up the phone and picked up the phone again: "Mexi, I'm Sakamoto Jun, connect me to Tangtoubei's headquarters immediately!"


PS: Today's update is here!

After laying the groundwork for so long, the war finally started.

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends for giving 100 point coins for liking z a little bit!

Thanks to Qidian book friends for digging the land, and a monthly ticket for boiled water 598 each!
(End of this chapter)

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