War of Resistance

Chapter 393 LY Counterattack

Chapter 393 LY Counterattack
The commander in charge of the defense north of Tangtou is none other than the commander of the No. 20 [-]st Regiment Katano Satomi.

It's not that he didn't hear the fierce gunfire coming from the direction of Yihe, but because his task is to guard the north of Tangtou Town. Before receiving orders, other parts of the battle are none of his business. .

"Aizhi-kun, it seems that today is another fierce battle day. Even the reserve team has been mobilized for most of the time. It seems that the front line is really in a hurry..." Katano Shudami sighed.

The news of this bad situation was naturally obtained through judgment. There was a lot of fighting in the direction of the Yihe River, and the head of the Sakamoto brigade sent two reinforcements to the past. There must be a reason for the incident.

The strength of the two brigades, even if they are not full of troops, adds up to almost 2000 people. What's more, these two brigades are fully staffed, with a total of 2000 or more than [-] people!

Aizhi Chenger nodded and said: "Suoyoukada, all we can do now is to wait for the order of the brigade commander. Our regiment has been the main offensive force since the beginning of the battle in Ju County. There are more than 800 people, and there are only more than 1000 people in the fight so far. The loss is not insignificant. The No.11 Wing, which is the main offensive task, and the No.40 Second Wing, which is the reserve team, are two relatively complete units. Worrying too much."

"Soga, what Aichi-kun said is very true." Katano Sadaken nodded and said.

Just then, the phone rang.

Seiji Aichi directly picked up the phone and said, "Mexi, this is the headquarters of the No. 20 First Regiment!"

After hearing the other party's words, Aizhi Seiji immediately bowed his head and said, "Hay! I will hand over the phone to Captain Katano right away. Please wait a moment, Your Excellency, Brigade Leader!"

After hearing Aichi Seiji's voice, Katano Shukami didn't think much about it, and directly took the phone in the former's hand: "Mexi, Mr. Brigade Chief, I am Katano Shukami."

On the other end of the phone, Jun Sakamoto said very seriously: "Mr. Katano, I am now ordering the No. 20 Regiment of your department to gather immediately to support the No. 11 Regiment on the front line of Zhuge City. The brigade and regiment department previously transferred your troops. , and immediately return to Jian, under your command. In addition, two teams will be transferred from the brigade and regiment headquarters to strengthen the strength of your department, and set off immediately!"

"Hay!" After Katano agreed, he asked softly: "Your Excellency, brigade commander, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what is the current situation of the No.11 regiment?"

Jun Sakamoto thought for a while, and then directly informed Katano: "Katano-kun, the battle situation in Zhuge City is not good now, and an unknown number of Chinese troops are attacking the headquarters of the No.11 Regiment. Just now, Nagano-kun has already attacked Call me and tell me that the No.11 Regiment is in danger of being crushed. Half an hour ago, the reinforcements I sent were intercepted by the Chinese army in the Tongfoguanzhuang area, and they have not made any further progress. Therefore, your mission is very important. Heavy!"

"Yoxi, I understand! I'm going to gather my troops now and prepare to go!" Katano Shudou said.

Just when Katano Dingjian was about to hang up, Sakamoto Jun specially told him: "I have been waiting for the sack for a long time, Katano-kun, you must be vigilant! Now I only have you as a reserve team in my hands, and you must never there is a problem!"

"Hay!" Katano agreed, and then the other party hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Katano Shujian directly ordered Aichi Seiji who was beside him: "Aichi-kun, call the various departments immediately and gather with us immediately!"


Immediately afterwards, Katano Shudami said to the combat staff next to him: "Ono-kun, immediately blow the assembly call!"


At this time, the sky was gradually getting brighter, and the warm spring sun gradually rose from the horizon and shone on Pang Kui's body.

At this time, there were several militiamen who were much thinner than him lying on the side of Pang Kui. Pang Kui's name was Pang Kui. Because of his fat body and this surname, he got such a nickname.

Pang Kui was the captain of the militia team in Tangtou Town, LY. Since the Japanese army attacked Tangtou, the militia team was broken up into pieces, and began to closely monitor the movements of the Japanese army in groups of three or five people.

Logically speaking, a militia captain may have reconnaissance ability, but it will never be too strong, but the military quality displayed by Pang Kui is extremely high.

Only a few people know that Fat Kui's code name is Migratory Bird.

Lying on his stomach outside Dawangzhuang, north of Tangtou Town, Fat Kui's expression remained the same, his sharp little eyes staring at Dawangzhuang in front of him.

"Brother Kui, this little devil is blowing the rallying call!" A militiaman beside Pang Kui said, patted him.

"This little devil must have blown the horn because the front line was in a hurry. Just watch and see how many little devils come out." Pang Kui said coldly.

Not long after, teams of heavily armed Japanese troops drove out from Dawangzhuang, clearing the way with three-wheeled motorcycles, followed by cars, and hurried towards Tangtou Town in the south.

"One team, two teams, three teams..." Pang Kui was counting the number of Japanese troops.

It didn't take long for Dawangzhuang, where nearly 400 Japanese troops were stationed, to be empty.

"Almost [-] Japanese troops have gone out. It seems that the situation on the front line is very urgent. It seems that the little devil is going to Yihe to fight the main force of our army..." Pang Kui murmured.

"Captain, what should we do? Let's just watch them go to Tangtou Town for support?" A young militiaman beside Pang Kui said anxiously.

Pang Kui sneered and said, "How is it possible? Don't say that these little devils are going to support the friendly army. Even if they are going to pay respects to their mother-in-law's birthday, I have to make them feel uncomfortable!"

Immediately afterwards, Pang Kui ordered to the small militiaman beside him: "Xiao'an, you set off immediately, go to the east of Dachenzhuang, and advance by Tangshan. It won't be long before you can meet a national army. The troops are from the Central Army. Just tell them that the main force of the Japanese army has gone to Zhuge City for reinforcements. Tangtou Town is empty of troops!"

"But, Captain, how do you know there is a Central Army unit there?" The militiaman named Xiao An scratched his head, as if he didn't really believe Pang Kui's words.

"I said yes, so yes, execute the order!" Pang Kui said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!" The militiaman named Xiao An responded and hurried to their horse hiding place.

Looking at the back of Xiao An leaving, Pang Kui said softly: "Hmph, Little Japan, the main force has already been transferred, you are still not dead this time?!"

"Captain, you are really an expert in combat." A militiaman next to him said flatteringly.

Fat Kui shook his head lightly, and said, "I'm not an expert, it depends on whether Captain Zhang is really as good at fighting as they say."


At this time, the Fifth Division hadn't suffered a single defeat in the North China battlefield, and all its troops had made great achievements in battles. Naturally, the Fifth Division was full of confidence at this moment.

Regarding the matter of dispatching troops to support the No.11 Regiment on the front line, Katano Sato can be said to be "happy to take the order and leave", but he never thought that there is a very well-equipped army behind them , Stretching its fangs towards them like a hungry wolf.


In a small mountain depression two kilometers east of Dachenzhuang, Zhang Tianhai was squatting in the shade of a tree smoking a cigarette in his mouth.

The lingering smoke slowly extended upwards along the tree trunk, but Zhang Tianhai was yawning and muttering: "Grandma, after sleeping in this big mountain for more than ten days, my bones are so soft. Work and rest Time is messed up too..."

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai saw very sharply a horse running towards their troops' hiding place in the distance.

Zhang Tianhai immediately picked up the binoculars and saw a man riding on the horse, who seemed to be wearing ordinary people's clothes, but he had a gun on his back, and he didn't know where it was captured from .

It's a militia!Zhang Tianhai came to a conclusion in an instant.

"Li Chunfei! Tell the frontline troops to stop this militiaman immediately, and don't shoot to expose the target unless the other party shoots!" Zhang Tianhai directly threw away the cigarette in his hand, and then ordered Li Chunfei who was beside him to say.

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Chunfei responded.

It is said that Xiaoan is following the order of the militia captain Pang Kui at this time, and has bypassed Dachenzhuang and is rushing towards Tangshan. He is still wondering whether what the captain said is true or not. It was so quiet that it didn't look like a human being at all.

Just when he was approaching the outer foot of Tangshan Mountain, Xiao An realized that the muzzles of the black holes in front of him were already pointing at him.

Xiao An took a closer look, and saw that the soldiers in front of them were all covered with grass clothes. If they hadn't looked closely, they would have been invisible from a distance!

"Stop! What are you doing?!" A major officer holding a Mauser pistol and wearing a goose-green woolen coat stood up and asked.

Xiao An was almost taken aback, and immediately got off his horse, stood at attention and saluted, "Hello, sir, we are from the LY militia brigade, and we have delivered information to your army under the order of our militia captain!"

Xiao An's expression didn't show much fear—after all, the troops in front of him were, as the captain said, troops of the Central Army. Since Captain Pang could send him to contact these Central Army troops, it proved that these people were not will harm him.

"What information, just tell it directly." Li Chunfei looked at the young militiaman in front of him very vigilantly. After all, anything can happen in wartime.

I saw Xiaoan said without fear: "Reporting sir, our captain asked Xiao to inform your army that most of the Japanese troops in Tangtou Town have been sent to support the Japanese troops in Zhuge City. Now Tangtou Town is empty of troops."

After hearing such important news, Li Chunfei immediately decided to take the militiaman to the group seat and wait for the group seat to make a decision himself.

"Are you sure Tangtou's troops are empty?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice to the militiaman in front of him who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Yes, sir. The more than 400 troops of the little devils we saw with our own eyes all evacuated from Dawangzhuang, and then our captain asked me to inform your army about this." Xiaoan said seriously.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and felt that what the little militiaman in front of him said should not be a lie: more than 2 reinforcements from the Ninth Army arrived, and this surprise attack was launched at night, and the Japanese army couldn't stand it, resulting in the loss of troops. It is also very normal to be nervous.As the central point north of Tangtou Town, Dawangzhuang must be the command center to the north of Tangtou Town. Even the troops there have been withdrawn. It seems that the situation is really not an emergency.

"When did their troops leave Dawangzhuang?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"About four or ten minutes ago." Xiaoan replied truthfully.

Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the sound of gunfire. He had already made up his mind, and he immediately said to the communications staff next to him: "Staff Wang, immediately call Deputy Commander Zhou and ask him to transfer the fourth battalion to go to Tangtou immediately." The town supports the battle!"

"Yes! Group seats!" The communication king's staff responded immediately, and then set up the radio station.

Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang walked up to Zhang Tianhai and asked, "Old Zhang, have you really decided to attack Tangtou Town now?"

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes, we are going to fight now. Before their main force leaves, try to take Tangtou Town in one fell swoop."

Guo Qiliang said: "But now is not the best time. The best time should be an hour after the main force of the Japanese army leaves."

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "Of course I know this, but I have made up my mind. As long as Tangtou Town can be conquered in one fell swoop, the frontline troops of the Sakamoto Detachment will fall into a chaotic state of fighting on their own. The Sakamoto detachment is in battle. The attack at this time is to be taken by surprise, and to be caught off guard!"

"However, do you want to ask Commander Xu for instructions? We are disobeying orders by mobilizing troops to leave the Tangshan'ao position without authorization..." Guo Qiliang finally became more rational, and he was not as impulsive as Zhang Tianhai.

Yes, it is impulsive.

To put it bluntly, it is decisive; to put it bluntly, it is reckless.

Zhang Tianhai smiled, and said confidently: "As long as we can take Tangtou Town, it will be a first achievement, and no one has anything to say. In addition, after the commander Sakamoto Shun is killed, my third theater will be directly under the first regiment." All the troops were immediately transferred from Tangshan'ao, and encircled the Japanese army with the No. 40th Army and the Ninth Army's headquarters!"

"But..." Guo Qiliang still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zhang Tianhai: "Don't do it, as long as the Japanese army headquarters is defeated, the enemy commander Sakamoto Shun is killed. Huh, no one wants to shoot me!"

Guo Qiliang shook his head helplessly, and said, "Okay! You are the head of the regiment, since you have already made a decision, then follow your plan!"

Listening to the conversation between the two officers in front of him, and looking at the equipment of the officers and soldiers around him, Xiao An, the militiaman, couldn't help but secretly stunned: "Damn it, it really is the guy in his hand, the waist is so hard...these equipments are too much!" Alright, Tangtou Town can definitely be taken down... No wonder the captain is so confident..."

In fact, it's not that Zhang Tianhai likes battlefield disobedience or is addicted to disobedience, but that his purpose of letting the troops enter the mountain at the beginning was not to block the Japanese army's retreat at all!

Since Zhi Yituan is a sharp knife that cannot be sharper, it should be stabbed in the enemy's heart - only when the knife is stabbed in the enemy's heart can the enemy be killed with one blow!Instead of stabbing the Japanese army in the eyes!

In this way, the troops of Zhiyi Regiment began to act, and the fourth battalion in Tangshanao also went to the front line of Tangtou Town after receiving the order.

As for the subsequent changes in the battlefield, Zhang Tianhai had thought about it a long time ago: the troops fighting the Japanese in the direction of Tongfo Guanzhuang are mostly troops from the [-]th Division of the Ninth Army. Since there are reinforcements, they are not afraid to fight; In addition, the fundamental reason why the Japanese army was able to persist in the LY battle in history for so long before retreating was that the headquarters was still there.

Zhang Tianhai also believed that as long as Sakamoto Shun's headquarters was destroyed, these Japanese troops would definitely become a mess. Even if they could carry out a powerful blockade, they would fight on their own.

So taking some risks and taking away Sakamoto Shun's headquarters, in Zhang Tianhai's view, it was totally worth it. Besides—if there were three main battalions, with the support of artillery battalions and small artillery companies, there would be more than 2000 troops. People can't beat a Tangtou Town with a maximum of 700 people, so don't say anything, everyone can go home and farm.


PS: Today's update is here~
Thank you for the two monthly tickets for the youth who have slept all over the QQ reading book friends!
Thanks to QQ reading book friend Zhang Jiancheng for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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