Chapter 394

The sun illuminated the plain in front of this mountainous area, and the grass slowly sprouted buds on the ground, which felt like "the grass grows and the warbler flies to the February sky".

Countless officers and soldiers of the Central Army wearing yellow military uniforms are advancing rapidly towards Tangtou Town. If you look closely, this army is well-equipped. Almost every squad has a light machine gun, and there are definitely a lot of heavy machine guns!

Since the artillery battalion and the small artillery company moved relatively slowly, Zhang Tianhai could only order the second battalion to act together with the artillery battalion and the small artillery company.

After all, the small artillery company and the artillery battalion are both baby lumps, if they are taken away by the enemy.How distressed it must be...

So, Zhang Tianhai could only take the first battalion and the mortar company to Tangtou Town first. If the fourth battalion arrived first, it was very likely that they would have an encounter with the enemy. This was not what Zhang Tianhai wanted. the desired result.

According to the current situation, if we fight an encounter, it must be a direct disadvantage-I have an absolute advantage in firepower, and I have an artillery battalion to help out, so a fool will fight the Japanese army in close combat!Isn't that using one's own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths?
Sometimes, an oversight can have extremely serious consequences.

For example, at this time, Sakamoto made a mistake because of an oversight.

Jun Sakamoto is 42 years old this year. With his rich combat experience, he should not have made such low-level mistakes, but underestimating the enemy is indeed the most fatal mistake.

After occupying Tangtou Town, no troops were sent to search the Tangshan area, which led to the plight of the Sakamoto detachment.

"Report to the head of the brigade! A large number of Chinese Central Army appeared in the direction of Tangshan!" A combat staff officer ran in and reported to Sakamoto Shun.

"Nani?! China's Central Army?!" Sakamoto Shun's face changed. At this time, the most elite enemy's Central Army appeared near Tangtou Town. He knew what it meant!

If there is really a division of the Central Army, Jun Sakamoto is really doomed to escape.

"Yes, according to the report of the reconnaissance force, the number of people is about 1000!" The combat staff officer reported truthfully.

After hearing the news, Jun Sakamoto finally breathed a sigh of relief: The Chinese army with such poor equipment, let alone 1000 people, even if there is a regiment, more than 2000 people may not be able to beat them with more than 600 people .

Jun Sakamoto's self-confidence is not completely blind, but judged based on the weapons and equipment of the Chinese army's recent battles: the battle in Ju County can be said to be a big battle. As it is, according to subsequent statistics, These Chinese troops had only two artillery pieces.

Such a large combat operation, but only two artillery pieces, what can these two artillery pieces do?Can't do anything!
Sakamoto also sniffed out something in his obedience: There are only two cannons in a battle with so many people?In addition, the officers and soldiers of these troops who fought against them were all wearing gray and blue military uniforms, so it can be concluded that these troops are motley crews of the Chinese army.

Judging by this subjective consciousness, coupled with the battles in the LY area these days, Sakamoto Jun has strengthened his thoughts.

Sakamoto Jun didn't realize that he made another fatal mistake, he still underestimated the enemy!
Sakamoto Junzi thought that with the 600-odd people in the headquarters, they could completely withstand the enemy's attack. After all, these 600-odd people were fully equipped with light and heavy machine guns, as well as close-range weapons such as grenades and mortars. Support, with the poor strength of the Chinese army, without the support of heavy weapons, it is completely impossible to attack.

Shun Sakamoto touched the military cap on his head, and then said in a deep voice: "Order the troops to immediately enter the state of combat readiness, with Tangtou Town as the main position, be sure to stick to the position! Do not evacuate the position unless it is a last resort!"

"Hay!" The Japanese combat staff officer responded.

In Sakamoto Jun's view, as long as Tangtou Town is defended, after the battle on both sides of the Yi River is won, the main force of the army will turn around and wipe out the central army of the national army on the outskirts of Tangtou Town, there is absolutely no problem.


Then turn the camera to Dachenzhuang, about three kilometers outside Tangtou Town.

Dachenzhuang is theoretically the closest village to Tangshan, and it is also one of the retreat routes for the Japanese army, so Shun Sakamoto still left a small team in a few nearby villages, even if they may not be able to hold it, it can also serve as a warning. I don't know if the back road is cut off.

The officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment and Battalion of the dozens of Japanese troops in Dachenzhuang wiped them all out in about ten minutes.

The death of the dozen or so Japanese soldiers was considered a report to Jun Sakamoto's headquarters.

"Tuan Zuo, do we have to wait for the troops of the Second Battalion, even if the headquarters of this little devil is empty, there are still hundreds of people?" Li Chunfei asked Zhang Tianhai tentatively.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Then just wait! Anyway, this group of Japanese soldiers probably won't withdraw from Tangtou Town. Then try to surround them in Tangtou and wipe them out!"

"Yes, group seat!" Li Chunfei stood at attention and saluted.

Li Chunfei can be said to be Zhang Tianhai's number one confidant general. The first battalion has the largest proportion of veterans and the strongest combat effectiveness among all battalions. When fighting tough battles, the first battalion always goes first!
It's not that Zhang Tianhai doesn't trust the fighting power of the first battalion, but the enemy's equipment and fighting power are not weak, so he must clenched his fists before giving the opponent a fatal blow.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, if he hadn't been afraid of disobedience and would be punished, he would have already mobilized the entire regiment to regain Tangtou Town!

After a while, a fast horse ran into Dachenzhuang and went directly to Zhang Tianhai to report the situation.

The soldier got off his horse and ran directly in front of Zhang Tianhai and said, "Report to the regiment, the vanguard of the Fourth Battalion is ready to arrive at Dachen Village!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Very well, order the Fourth Battalion to move faster! I want to see them within half an hour!"

"Yes! Group seat!" After standing at attention and saluting, the soldier hurriedly got on his horse and left Dachenzhuang.

This time Zhang Tianhai is full of confidence - he has guns, cannons, and troops in his hands. This time, the time is ripe to capture Tangtou Town!

"Communication staff officer, call Deputy Commander Zhou immediately and ask if the cavalry battalion has arrived at Tangshan'ao." Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Yes, group seat!" The communications staff responded.


The camera turned to the Tangshan'ao position. At this time, Zhou Fangjie was already arranging troops, and deployed the third battalion and gendarmerie troops on both sides of Tangshan'ao, forming fire suppression on the main road of Tangshan'ao.

On the main road of Tangshan'ao, some roadblocks and landmines were arranged. If the remnants of the Japanese army wanted to pass this road, they would definitely not be able to pass without paying some price.

What distressed Zhou Fangjie the most was that Zhang Tianhai transferred the fourth battalion away. If the strength of the two battalions, plus the regiment directly under the battalion, plus a cavalry battalion, it would be absolutely difficult for these little Japanese to gain wings. fly out.

But fortunately, there are still three battalions here, plus the cavalry battalion and the regiment directly under the regiment, there are also three battalions of troops.

Just when Zhou Fangjie was thinking about how to use the cavalry battalion on this battlefield, the communications staff officer turned to him and said, "Sir, the regiment is calling."

"Huh?" Zhou Fangjie had an ominous premonition, and wondered if there was going to be trouble in the direction of Tangtou Town.

After all, the fourth battalion was transferred, plus the original first battalion, second battalion, artillery battalion, small artillery company, and mortar company. This kind of troop configuration and weaponry is enough to fight a big battle.

Don't forget, the four battalions of the Zhiyi Regiment are all reinforced battalions, and their organization is larger than that of ordinary infantry regiments. The three battalions plus the artillery battalion, small artillery company, and mortar company are already full. There are more than 2000 people.

There are more than 2000 people in other ordinary units, such as the No. 40 Army, which is a whole infantry regiment.

Aren't infantry regiments like the 229th regiment only about [-] people?

"The regimental seat asked the chief whether the cavalry battalion has reached Tangshan'ao." The communications staff officer asked.

"Return to the group seat and say that the cavalry battalion has just arrived at Tangshan'ao." Zhou Fangjie said truthfully.

"Yes!" The communications staff replied, and then began to send telegrams.

After a while, the communications staff received a call back from Zhang Tianhai.

This time, the communications staff began to record it formally on electronic paper.

Looking at the appearance of the communication staff officer, Zhou Fangjie knew that this was an official order from the regimental commander, and maybe the cavalry battalion would be transferred away.

Sure enough, after the communication staff finished translating, Zhou Fangjie took the telegram and read it.

I saw the telegram read——

"Commander Zhou, Deputy Commander of Tangshan'ao, most of the Japanese troops near Tangtou Town have supported the Yihe front line. Now that Tangtou Town is empty of troops, it is the best time to recover Tangtou Town. Now transfer the cavalry battalion under your command Go to Tangtou Town to support the main force of the regiment to participate in the battle. Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, sent an urgent call at 27:[-] am on March [-], [-]!"

After reading this telegram, Zhou Fangjie looked towards the side of the road outside the trench, but his mind was constantly spinning.

For this extremely formal order, Zhou Fangjie knew that Zhang Tianhai wanted to take the responsibility of disobeying the order on himself, and if something happened, Zhou Fangjie didn't have to take the responsibility.

"It seems that the fighter in Tangtou Town has really appeared, but Zhang Yulin is not very sure. This is a gamble!" Zhou Fangjie sighed and came to such a conclusion.

"The messenger!" Zhou Fangjie shouted directly.

"Here!" The orderly standing at the corner of the temporary headquarters stood up and responded.

With his hands behind his back, Zhou Fangjie said in a deep voice, "Immediately send an order to Battalion Commander Wang Yongcheng of the Cavalry Battalion, saying that it is an order from the regimental commander to lead his troops to reinforce Tangtou Town to fight on the front line immediately, and set off immediately!"

"Yes! Sir!" The orderly responded and hurried out.

Not long after, after receiving the order from the head of the regiment, Wang Yong established a horse and led the cavalry battalion under his command to set off.

It has to be said that Wang Yongcheng is a master at training cavalry. In less than a month, he has trained the cavalry battalion to a decent level. At least he looked like an elite division when he was taken out.

Teams of cavalry in goose-yellow military uniforms and holding sabers rode their horses and galloped around the minefield and roadblocks, and headed directly to Tangtou Town.

When Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion set off from Tangshan'ao, Zhang Tianhai, who was in Dachenzhuang, finally waited for Han Xingle's fourth battalion.

After the Fourth Battalion arrived, Zhang Tianhai immediately called Li Chunfei and Han Xingle to issue combat missions.

This time, he wants soldiers to surround Tangtou Town!
Looking at Li Chunfei and Han Xingle standing straight in front of them, Zhang Tianhai directly ordered: "First Battalion Commander, Fourth Battalion Commander, this time you two must fight together to encircle Tangtou Town. In the Artillery Battalion and the Small Artillery Company Before arriving, don’t let a little devil in Tangtou Town get out of Tangtou Town alive! Now I have dispatched the cavalry battalion as a mobile force to support the battle between the two of you at any time!"

"Yes! Sir!" Han Xingle and Li Chunfei responded in unison.

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the two main infantry battalions directly under the first regiment in the third theater began to march towards Tangtou Town. If you count the second battalion, artillery battalion and cavalry battalion, there are a total of five battalions. yes...

In addition, the Zhiyi Regiment has regarded itself as an elite trump card since it became an army, but in fact it has not officially participated in any major battles under the Zhiyi Regiment's designation, and the main component of the Zhiyi Regiment's troops still participated in the Battle of Songhu Or the veterans of the Nanjing Defense War, the anti-Japanese sentiment of the officers and soldiers has already been rising day by day, and this momentum can be said to be fierce and powerful!
The camera then turns to Tangtou Town, the headquarters of the Sakamoto Detachment.

"Report to the head of the brigade, the enemy army that just captured Dachenzhuang has already advanced towards Tangtou Town!" A Japanese soldier ran in and reported.

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Jun Sakamoto sneered: "With their more than 1000 troops without heavy weapons, they dare to attack Tangtou Town? I'm afraid they will lose their good teeth. Order the troops to fight immediately Get ready! I want to see what they can do!"

"Hay!" The soldier responded.

Under Sakamoto Shun's order, the guards in the entire Tangtou Town began to be alert and ready for battle.

But what Sakamoto Jun didn't expect was that his punch full of power actually hit an empty space-Sakamoto Junben thought that these Chinese troops would launch a fierce attack on their defensive positions, but after a long time, he couldn't help it. No shots were heard.

Ever since, Sakamoto decided to go out to see what happened in person.

When Sakamoto Shun arrived at the outlying positions, he found that these Chinese troops were relying on a favorable position, and they had vaguely begun to encircle Tangtou Town.

Shun Sakamoto hid behind a wall and began to observe the situation outside with binoculars. As the sentinel said, these Chinese troops seemed to have no intention of attacking.

"Nani? What do these Chinese soldiers want to do? They surrounded Tangtou Town, but they didn't do anything. Are they here to make a joke?" Jun Sakamoto murmured.

Based on Jun Sakamoto's decades of life experience, it can be judged that these Chinese troops must have their backs, but no one knows what their backs are.

The more the Chinese army is like this, the more cautious Sakamoto Shun is, and the same sentence: there must be monsters when things go wrong!
After a while, Jun Sakamoto put down the binoculars and said to Matsushita Jingsan beside him: "Mr. Matsushita, you have to keep an eye on the situation here. These Chinese troops, with so many people coming, can't just come here for fun. Yes! Their large army must still be behind! The safety of Tangtou Town will be entrusted to you!"

"Hay!" Matsushita Jingsan bowed his head and responded brightly.

Ever since, the two armies confronted each other quietly, neither shooting nor scolding each other, just looking at each other across the shore, the years are quiet...

Cough cough, it seems that the wording is a bit inappropriate...

Both armies are waiting, but the difference is that the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment are waiting for the arrival of the support troops of the artillery battalion and small artillery company.

The Japanese army was looking at what the Chinese army on the opposite side was doing. Anyway, neither side would fire indiscriminately until they received orders from their commanders.

In short, just a word, just wait and see!

PS: Today's update is sent, and today has passed again. The progress of the latest update is indeed a bit slow, and there are indeed more foreshadowing plots. Let's read it slowly!You won't be disappointed.

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20170818201413208 for two monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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