War of Resistance

Chapter 395 Onslaught

Chapter 395 Onslaught

Time passed by, Sakamoto Jun didn't seem to be in a hurry, after all, his focus was still on the Yihe battlefield.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, I think it's better to call back the support troops! The enemy army on the outskirts of Tangtou doesn't look like a good guy. I think this army is very well-equipped, and I'm afraid it's not easy!" Adjutant Takeda Sanyuki said very worriedly.

Sakamoto smiled and said confidently: "Don't be afraid, although the enemy army outside is equipped with a lot of light weapons, they don't have heavy weapons after all. With the current defensive force of the headquarters, it is enough to withstand the Chinese army for three days. After three days, the front line must have already decided the victory, and then the army will return to the defense and wipe out the stubborn enemy in Tangtou town!"

But what Sakamoto Jun never expected was that in the next second, a shell with a howling sound sounded near the headquarters.




The headquarters located in a relatively intact room was trembling, lime was slowly falling on the wall, Sakamoto Jun's face changed drastically-these damned Central China Army actually had artillery, and there were quite a few of them.

This shows what?This shows that his estimation of Shun Sakamoto's situation was wrong, and the troops outside the city are very likely to be the ace elite of the Central Army!

How can an ordinary regiment-level unit be equipped with so many artillery pieces? !
Then turn the camera to the outside of the city.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was holding a pair of binoculars, and was watching the Japanese army's position in Tangtou Town opposite was blown up for a while.

"Damn it, they have been bombed by the little devils since Shanghai, and now they should be bombed!" The smile on the corner of Zhang Tianhai's mouth could no longer be concealed. Well, so are the heavy machine guns of the Second Battalion! After the bombardment is over, the whole regiment launched a fierce attack immediately!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" Xu Xun responded, and hurried to notify the frontline troops. At this time, he had already acted as a messenger.

"Old Zhang, are you really not launching a tentative feint?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"No need, the little devil can't give us so much time. Besides, we have a limited number of shells. Just this time, we must capture Tangtou Town!" Zhang Tianhai said very firmly.

Eight wild cannons opened fire at the same time, aiming at a small Tangtou Town, the firepower was not insufferable.It is very interesting that Zhao Chengge, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, first let two of the artillery hit the city, while the other six artillery were concentrated in the main attack direction.

The main attacking force this time is the Second Battalion and the small artillery company and mortar company directly under the regiment headquarters. The equipment of the second battalion is not bad at all, and there are six machine guns from the small artillery company and six mortar company With the strengthening of the mortar, all the firepower is concentrated on one point, and the formation is conceivable.

The bombardment lasted about 10 minutes and ended. The eight artillery fired at the same time. The consumption of shells was not small, and Zhang Tianhai didn't intend to let the artillery battalion fire all the artillery at once.

Ten minutes is enough time for the six machine guns and the six heavy machine guns of the second battalion machine gun company to be erected, and the six mortars of the mortar company, plus the original second battalion machine gun company Two mortars, that's eight mortars!


Look at Jun Sakamoto again.

Jun Sakamoto realized after a few minutes of bombardment by the Zhiyi regiment that the troops surrounding Tangtou Town were indeed not trash troops, but the ace elite of the Chinese army!
"Takeda-kun, you should go back to the headquarters immediately and send a telegram to Colonel Sato to call back one of the two brigades of the No. 40 Second Regiment that is reinforcing the Yihe front line to support the headquarters!" Junbian Sakamoto said. Walking out, he couldn't care so much at this time, the shells blasted into the city were not too many, but the shell explosions in the outer positions outside the city were too dense.

"Hay!" Takeda Sanyuki responded, and hurried back to the headquarters.

The direction Sakamoto Shun was headed for was where Lieutenant Matsushita Isan's troops were located. After all, the sound of gunfire in that direction was the most intensive. If there were no accidents, that would be the main attack direction of the Chinese army.

When Jun Sakamoto arrived at the position where Matsushita Jingsan was, the sound of the artillery had stopped, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the Chinese army on the opposite side launched an attack.

When the Chinese army launched an offensive, the soldiers of the Japanese army also began to run from the artillery fortifications to their defensive positions.

It has to be said that the military quality of the Japanese army is still very high. The shelling of the Zhiyi regiment just now did not kill many Japanese soldiers, at most fifteen or six. It was blown up.

After watching this scene, Sakamoto Shun slowly let go of his hanging heart, and kept nodding: "Yo Xi, the Chinese army is indeed a mob, and they just use these cannons to defeat our Japanese army." Imperial Army, this is impossible!"

Teams of officers and soldiers of the Chinese army began to charge forward in the form of skirmishers. It has to be said that Zhou Fangjie's training method is still very useful, at least the casualties will be much smaller, and it really works. it works.

Before the sound of the cannons stopped, the officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion of the First Regiment had already started to charge, and their speed was not so fast—for war, in many cases, the distance is the life and death line!Only by rushing over can there be victory!

When the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment rushed to about 150 meters, the Japanese army finally opened fire.

"Shoot!!" The grassroots commanders of the Japanese army pulled out their command sabers and held them up to the sky.

Because the Japanese army's marksmanship was relatively accurate, and the light and heavy machine guns also fired at the same time, the firepower was quite ferocious, and the troops of Zhiyi regiment also began to suffer casualties.

Leading the team at the forefront was the Second Battalion and the First Company Changjiang Feihai. When the Japanese army started shooting, he immediately got down on the ground, not forgetting to shout: "Get down! Light machine guns suppress fire!!!"

Thanks to the training during this period, when Jiang Feihai yelled, basically everyone got down on the ground, and then began to suppress fire with light machine guns.

Don't forget, each squad has one light machine gun as standard. The second battalion and the first company alone have nine light machine guns, let alone the second and third companies. Connected!



The bullets flew across, and the firepower of the Japanese army was suppressed a lot in an instant!At the same time, the six heavy machine guns of the machine gun company and the six [-]mm Soloton machine guns of the small gun company fired at the same time to suppress. Many Japanese soldiers were hit!

Kuraki Shogo is a second-class Japanese soldier. At first, he thought he was relying on the thick mud wall outside the position, and the bullets on the opposite side could not penetrate it anyway.

Unexpectedly, a [-]mm machine gun bullet directly penetrated the thick mud wall, and then passed through his body. His body was instantly torn in two by this large-caliber bullet!

Even Jun Sakamoto, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, has the urge to vomit when he sees this scene, this scene is really too bloody!
But did Zhiyi Group's firepower stop there?No, because this time the regiment leader issued a deadly order: one strike must win, and they must enter Tangtou Town in the shortest possible time to win the battlefield!

Light and heavy machine guns and machine guns are trying their best to suppress the enemy's firepower. The other infantry are not idle and are crawling forward. After all, 90.00% of them are veterans from the battlefield. Naturally, it has improved a lot.

Except for the officers and soldiers of the infantry company who were trying their best to crawl forward, the officers and soldiers of the mortar company were also crawling forward with weapons.

"Second Lieutenant Yoshizawa, the enemy's firepower is so fierce that we can no longer raise our heads to shoot." A soldier ran to the side of Second Lieutenant Ji Zegeming and reported.

"Where's the grenadier? Where's the grenadier?!" Ji Zege Ming yelled.

Soon, the Japanese army assembled four soldiers carrying grenadiers, and began to drop shells in the direction of the national army's attack.

"Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!"

With four dull pedestal impacts, small shells began to tilt towards the heads of the officers and soldiers of the second battalion.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai, who was already in the position of the small artillery company, immediately ordered: "Stop shooting, give the mortar company time to fire!"

Soon, the heavy machine guns and machine guns stopped firing. Except for the officers and soldiers of the mortar company who were busy loading and unloading shells and adjusting the angle, other people had already launched a charge.

"Tom! tom! tom! tom..."

The scene where the eight mortars fired together was quite shocking. The area where the grenadier shells were fired just now was covered by artillery fire. These Japanese soldiers were either dead or maimed!

The ferocious firepower of the national army was something Jun Sakamoto never expected—the firepower of the Chinese army in front of him was the most fierce firepower he had encountered since entering the Chinese battlefield!
Looking at the scene in front of him, Jun Sakamoto's face was not so ugly. He said to the East Frontline Commander Matsushita Isan Squadron Captain: "Matsushita-san, you lead the troops to defend this place. I will go back to the headquarters now and mobilize the troops. Come to support the battle in Tangtou Town!"

"Hay!" Matsushita Inoue bowed his head very seriously and responded. He knew that the existing troops probably wouldn't be able to last long. If he was lucky, he would be able to last until the No. 40 Second Regiment Captain Masaki Sato The troops returned to aid!

At this time, the Japanese army was at an absolute disadvantage both in terms of firepower and numbers, and it was divided into four parts for guarding. It would be a ghost if it could last for a long time!
So whether it is Matsushita Jingsan or Sakamoto Jun, they are all questioning the matter of sticking to Tangtou Town-they all think that they should be Sato Masaki's troops who can't support it and come back to help!

After all, the Japanese army is also a human being, and they will die if they are hit by bullets, and they will be torn in half if they are bombed by shells!

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless!
After walking quickly into the headquarters, Jun Sakamoto immediately said to the telegraph operator: "Call Masaki Sato immediately and order him to return to Tangtou Town at all costs! Otherwise, let him figure it out!"

"Hay!" the telegraph operator echoed.

Immediately afterwards, Jun Sakamoto said to another telegraph operator: "Immediately, in the name of the detachment, send a telegram to His Excellency Itagaki Division Commander, and tell him that the troops on the front line have been fully counterattacked by the Chinese army, and the offensive is very fierce. Our headquarters has also been attacked by the ace elite troops of the Chinese Central Army, Sakamoto, the headquarters and others are about to be smashed, if anything happens, please re-appoint the commander to command LY to fight on the front line!"

"Hay!" echoed another telegraph operator.

At this time, Sakamoto Junze had already ordered the officers of the detachment headquarters to start burning confidential documents. Otherwise, once the headquarters was captured by the Chinese army and the front-line secrets were leaked, the consequences would be disastrous.


PS: Today's first update is here, and there will be another [-]-word chapter tonight!

Thank you Qidian book friend Piao Piao Heixue for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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