War of Resistance

Chapter 396 Onslaught

Chapter 396 Onslaught

When the Second Battalion launched a fierce attack, the officers and soldiers of the First Battalion and Fourth Battalion were not idle, and launched a fierce attack in the northwest and southwest directions respectively-from above, it was a triangle, and the three corners hit the exact center respectively.

Just after Jun Sakamoto ordered the correspondent to complete the telegram, the phone at the headquarters rang, and the operational staff officer Takeda Sanyuki picked up the phone directly and said, "What, what, this is the detachment headquarters!"

After a while, Takeda Sanyuki covered the microphone and asked: "Your Excellency, the brigade commander, the enemy troops in the northwest and southwest corners are launching a fierce attack. The attack is very fast. The proportion of light and heavy machine guns is extremely high, and there are also mortars. Cannons and other weapons, now that Major Nakajima is requesting reinforcements, do you want to use the reserves?"

Sakata Shun pondered for a while, stroked the thin face, and said: "The reserve team can be used, but it is absolutely necessary to leave a force to support the eastern battlefield!"

"Hay!" Takeda Sanyuki responded, and then passed Jun Sakamoto's order over the phone.

Seeing Takeda Sanyuki's expression, Sakamoto Jun's heart sank: I don't know if I can survive until the support troops of the Sato Regiment return to Tangtou Town.

Jun Sakamoto himself knew that it was a mistake to underestimate the enemy at the beginning. If he had determined from the beginning that the enemy army was the trump card army, he would not be so passive.

Again, empiricism kills people. Since the battle in Juxian, the Chinese army has never shown the momentum to have heavy weapons.

During the battle in Juxian, the Northwest Army withdrew from Juxian in embarrassment, and even the only two artillery pieces were blown up.

This scene, these signs and the intelligence of the special high school are telling Jun Sakamoto that the opponent in LY is a group of motley crew and mob!
But it was only now that Sakamoto Jun realized that his mistake seemed to be a bit serious. This is what kind of mob, each one is to show weakness to the enemy, and then give a fatal blow!
Then turn the camera to Li Chunfei's [-]st Battalion in the southwest of Tangtou Town.

After Lu Shaojie's Second Battalion launched the attack, Li Chunfei ordered the troops to attack, but compared to the smooth progress of the Second Battalion, the First Battalion and the Fourth Battalion were stubbornly resisted by the Japanese army to varying degrees!

After all, the first battalion and the fourth battalion are not as lucky as the second battalion. Not to mention the reinforcement of an artillery battalion, and the reinforcement of the small artillery company and the mortar company. The firepower is not so fierce.

In contrast, the attacks of the first battalion and the fourth battalion were like feints.

But it was this kind of relatively weak attack that made Major Mingxi Nakajima suffer a lot-in fact, the firepower of the first battalion and the fourth battalion was not bad, each squad had a light machine gun, and then With the addition of a machine gun battery to strengthen the firepower, besides the lack of grenades, which one is weaker than the Japanese army?
Another point is that whether it is Li Chunfei, the commander of the first battalion, or Han Xingle, the commander of the fourth battalion, they have all experienced the tragic scene of the Songhu Battle, especially Li Chunfei. Zhang Tianhai's [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment had been fighting with Zhang Tianhai in Shanghai for almost three months.

Commanders who have experienced such a big scene naturally know the cruelty of war, so they are quite experienced in the use of troops and firepower.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Nakajima Mingxi, who was in charge of the west battle command, received reports of the loss of nearly a hundred people.

A company has three platoons, and a platoon has three squads. A company has nine light machine guns, and a battalion has 27 light machine guns, plus the fire support of six heavy machine guns from the machine gun company and two mortars. , it can be said that their firepower is not weak!

"The brothers of the second squad in the first row are fighting to move forward with light machine guns, trying to block the fire holes of the little devil!" Li Fei shouted, he is the company commander of the first battalion and second company of the first regiment directly under the third war zone , From the beginning of the battle, the battalion commander put the two companies, the first company and the second company, into the battlefield.

"Yes! Company commander!" The second squad leader responded, and then started to move forward with a dozen brothers.

The First Battalion has always regarded itself as "I am the boss of the Zhiyi Regiment". At this time, the failure to win the main attack task has already made the whole of the First Battalion hold their breath, and the battalion commander has already issued a death order: must Break through the enemy lines in front of the [-]nd and [-]th Battalions!

The first battalion was originally the unit with the largest proportion of soldiers in the teaching corps, and Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of the teaching corps, was in charge of training. In terms of combat literacy, it can be said to be the strongest unit among the battalions. up.


The machine guns of the Japanese army were spraying out their anger feebly, but from their angle they couldn't see a regiment of officers and soldiers at all. They knew that the opposite side was trying to get closer, but there was nothing they could do.

This is related to the terrain of Tangtou Town. Tangtou Town is located on a small hill. From the perspective of Feng Shui, it means "there is a young dragon here, suitable for living".

But it was precisely because of this hillside that the Japanese army was very distressed. Originally, several firepower points were arranged here, but unfortunately, the officers and soldiers of the machine gun company of the [-]st Regiment and [-]st Battalion approached and knocked out two points with mortars.

It was precisely because of the misfiring of the firepower of these two machine guns that they were in such a predicament.

At this time, the Japanese army was like a powerless girl locked in a room by a strong man, and it was only a matter of time before she was taken down!

Of course, Li Chunfei is not that kind of indecisive commander. He discovered the weakness of the Japanese defense line from the very beginning, so he invested a whole second company in this direction as an offensive force, and also concentrated the cannon company. The main force attacked in this direction, using a company as a feint attack to contain the firepower of the Japanese army.

Seeing Erlian's progress, Li Chunfei's eyebrows immediately frowned. If he had advanced equipment such as a walkie-talkie in his hand at this time, he would definitely yell at him: "Li Fei, what the hell are you doing? If you don't hurry up, you will People from the Second Battalion took the lead!"

In the past, Li Chunfei would not have been in such a hurry, but listening to the intense gunfire from the second battalion's main attack direction, he could guess that the second battalion should be able to break through the enemy's defense line soon.

But Li Chunfei is the first battalion commander, and he usually prides himself on being the "number one trump card main battalion commander". Lu Shaojie's first achievement will soon be Lu Shaojie's, can you not be in a hurry?
Li Chunfei gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "The heavy machine guns of the machine gun company will immediately suppress the enemy's firepower points, and cover the brothers of the second company to blow up their firepower points!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The commander of the machine gun company responded.

The Japanese army in Tangtou Town was in a predicament, but Masaki Sato led the troops back in a hurry.

Originally, the troops he led had already fought fiercely with the [-]th Division of the Northwest Army, and it was already in a state of inseparability. No matter which side retreated first, it would face huge losses!
But after seeing the telegram sent by the brigade commander Jun Sakamoto, Sato Masaki left some troops to continue fighting with the Northwest Army, and he led the main force back to help. Even if the remaining troops were wiped out by the national army, then There is no way.

If the detachment headquarters is finished, this battle will mean that the main force of the Fifth Division will inevitably fail in the battle in LY!
Which is more important, Sato Masaki can still tell the difference!
The current Japanese army can only abandon the car to save the commander!


PS: The second update will be delivered. I don’t have the expected 3000 words. I overslept. Let’s add another chapter tomorrow!

Thanks to the starting point book friends who can't help but give a yellow hand, don't guess, I must have a monthly ticket that is very, very handsome!
(End of this chapter)

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