War of Resistance

Chapter 397 Onslaught

Chapter 397 Onslaught

"Master, the little devil seems to have started to retreat. After leaving some of the remaining troops behind, he retreated towards Tangtou Town." A staff officer in charge of frontline observation mission ran back and reported to Liu Zhensan.

"Is it true? Could it be the enemy's strategy to lure the enemy into deeper?" Liu Zhensan asked.

The staff officer didn't talk nonsense, and directly stood at attention and saluted: "Reporting to the commander, according to the observation of the humble officer, the enemy's retreat does not seem to have a plan in it. The enemy retreated very hastily. We retreated in the direction of Tangtou Town. I have a hunch that something may have happened to Tangtou!"

Liu Zhensan pondered for a while, and felt that what the combat staff officer said was indeed reasonable: After all, the battle is now at a fever pitch, and no matter which side retreats first, the other side will chase after it. It is really unimaginable that the enemy army can do such an act of cutting off the wrists of such a strong man.

After thinking for a while, Liu Zhensan resolutely said: "Since they are retreating, they would rather leave so many troops behind and come back to help. Then let's divide our troops and draw the [-]th regiment from the battlefield to pursue them! Report!"

"Yes! Master!" the staff officer responded.

In fact, in this counter-offensive campaign, from the sky, the main force of the Japanese army has been divided into three parts: the main force of Nagano Yuichiro No.11 regiment in the Yihe area of ​​Zhuge City, and Sato Masaki No. The main force of the .40 Second Wing, and the Tangtou Town Command where Sakamoto Shun is located.

As for Katano's support team, it is natural that they will be included in the battlefield around Zhuge City. After all, the main force of this reinforcement force is gradually moving closer to the Nagano United.

A sense of desperation filled the heads of the Japanese troops in Tangtou Town. Shun Sakamoto had already taken off his military cap, and tied this white striped cloth that looked like a sun flag on his head—obviously, he was also going to fight on the front line to die.

For Li Chunfei, it was a pity that the first battalion did not break through to the position before the second battalion, which was supported by fierce firepower.

With the support of the artillery battalion, small artillery company, and mortars, Lu Shaojie's second battalion broke through the Japanese army's eastern position in a devastating manner. The troops basically entered the town to fight the Japanese army in street battles.

Seeing that the troops of the second battalion had already entered the city, Zhang Tianhai said to Wang Yongcheng who was beside him: "Battlemaster Wang, you lead your cavalry battalion, and you must make full use of your mobility to go to the first and fourth battalions. Let’s take a look! Little Japan won’t last long, and they may choose to break through, so you must not let them escape.”

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Yong set up the salute.

After giving this order, Zhang Tianhai said directly to Guo Qiliang: "Old Guo, you take the machine gun company and the brothers from the artillery battalion to guard around here first! I'll go into the city to have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai didn't wait for Guo Qiliang to answer, and said directly to Xu Sangou: "Guard platoon, follow me!"

"Yes! Team seat!" Xu Sangou has been waiting for this sentence for a long time. After hearing the order from the team leader, he immediately took out the Mauser pistol in his waist, and led the guards in the squads The brothers followed Zhang Tianhai's pace and charged forward.

The guard platoon is made up of four squads, with four light machine guns, which are definitely not weak in firepower, so this is where Zhang Tianhai's confidence lies.

In less than 15 minutes from the start of the attack, the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment directly broke through the outer positions of the Japanese army with its fierce fire support, which Zhang Tianhai never expected.

Now that the battle was sure to be won, the battle had to be resolved in the shortest possible time. It was absolutely impossible for Zhang Tianhai to wait until the main force of the Japanese army came back to help.

The snake has hit seven inches, and the next step is to smash its head to pieces!

Looking at the back of Zhang Tianhai leading the charge, Guo Qiliang was quite speechless——how does Zhang Tianhai look so similar to Hu Jiaji, the head of Hu Jiaji, in the point of leading the charge?
The street fighting in Tangtou Town has also reached a fever pitch. Obviously, the Japanese army has discovered the weakness of its lack of heavy firepower. After losing more than 100 people in its outer and eastern positions, the Japanese army withdrew its main force to fight street fighting in the town. To gain time to return to the reinforcements!
Bullets flew across the long and narrow street, mixed with debris from the explosion of the grenade. The national army relied on the bunker they had just taken to temporarily avoid the rain of bullets from the Japanese army. They were looking for time to counterattack!

Seeing that the offensive on the main road was stagnant, Major Lu Shaojie, the commander of the second battalion, ran directly to the street bunker to supervise the battle.

"Second Company Commander, how are your company's casualties now?!" Lu Shaojie, who was not too tall, roared and asked the Second Company Commander beside him.

As soon as Lu Shaojie finished speaking, there was another burst of grenade explosions.




Obviously, the Japanese army was driven into a hurry. If the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment were allowed to continue to charge, they would hit the headquarters!

"Battalion Commander! The situation of the Second Company is fine, and we can continue to fight!" The commander of the Second Company, who was not too tall, responded.

After hearing this, Lu Shaojie clenched his teeth and said, "Organize a death squad immediately! After the mortar bombardment, the machine gunners will cover you up!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The second company commander responded loudly, and hurriedly turned around to organize a death squad to charge.

"Where's the mortar? Where's the mortar?!" Lu Shaojie roared, as if he had returned to the Shanghai battlefield.

Soon, three mortars were brought up from behind, and what Lu Shaojie didn't expect was that the regiment leader Zhang Tianhai also followed.

"Tuan Zuo, why are you here?" Lu Shaojie asked nervously.

Zhang Tianhai ran to Lu Shaojie with Xu Sangou and the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I don't worry about you. After the mortar was fired, the light machine gun immediately suppressed it. The remaining 20 meters, Even a bitch can throw a grenade over there."

"Yes. Regiment seat. Now I have ordered the second company commander to organize a death squad, and I am ready to charge at any time!" Lu Shaojie nodded.

"It's too late." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said to the other brothers: "Machine gunners are ready! Except for the machine gunners, leave a few brothers who charge behind to take grenades, and blow up the gangsters on the opposite side!"

"Yes!!" The officers and soldiers responded in unison, with momentum like a rainbow!
In this battle, even the head of the regiment went up in person, let alone the other leading soldiers. The morale of the frontline troops was greatly boosted.

Even if it is death, I have to kill a few little devils on the opposite side to avenge the hatred of the country and the family!

"Tom!" "Tom!" "Tom!"

There was a crashing sound when three mortars were fired, and the shells of the three mortars immediately hit near the firepower point of the Japanese army. The strong shock wave carried the fragments of the shells and flew towards the surrounding Japanese army, screaming again and again for a while.

Seeing that the shell should have hit the target, Zhang Tianhai directly ordered: "Blow the horn and charge! Charge!!"

When Zhang Tianhai's order to charge was issued, the machine gunners of Zhiyi Regiment also quickly set up light machine guns, and suppressed the Japanese army on the opposite side with fierce firepower!



The muzzles of the three light machine guns were spewing flames, and the bullets emitted light and shot at the Japanese defense line bunker. A burst of debris and dust overflowed, and the Japanese army could hardly lift their heads.

This is the most aggrieved battle that the troops of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army have fought since entering the North China battlefield!
"Da da da da da da da da da~"

With the sound of a melodious charging horn, countless officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment immediately launched a charge under the leadership of the regiment leader, especially the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment's guard platoon, they charged the fastest!



The ends of the grenades were already exuding pungent smoke, and they immediately threw the grenades in their hands over the Japanese defense line.

"Get down!!"

Zhang Tianhai shouted loudly, but his body fell forward, and the reactions of other officers and soldiers were also so quick.




After a series of explosions, there were some screams at first, but then there was no sound at all. Most of the Japanese soldiers responsible for guarding this line died after the series of explosions.

What is hot weapons fighting in the wartime era?It's firepower!

The Japanese army had such good things as grenades, and there were quite a few of them, but when fighting in the streets, their troops were too scattered, and they couldn't organize a particularly effective resistance at all.

There is no way, this is how street fighting is fought, and the opponent has an absolute advantage in strength. If you organize troops to resist in one place, then the other place will inevitably be broken through by the enemy, which will lead to a worrying future!
Therefore, the Japanese army can only exchange space for time, and use blockades to delay the attack of the national army, so as to achieve the purpose of waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

At this moment, under the command of battalion commanders Li Chunfei and Han Xingle, the [-]st Battalion and [-]th Battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment broke through the Japanese outer positions from the southwest and northwest respectively, and entered the stage of street fighting.

So in this way, in less than half an hour, the Japanese army paid nearly 200 casualties, and the troops of the Zhiyi regiment were constantly fighting towards the headquarters of the Sakamoto detachment.

At this time, the Japanese army in Tangtou Town already showed a sense of the end of the world!

Look at Masaki Sato again.

Sato Masaki is a native of Hiroshima City. As the captain of the No.40 Second Regiment of the Fifth Division, he can be regarded as a veteran of the Fifth Division.

As an excellent wing commander, Sato Masaki is very aware that since the accident in Tangtou Town, the battle has already come to an end, and most of the main force of the Sakamoto detachment has fallen into the encirclement of the Chinese army. .

Only by returning to Tangtou Town and saving the current crisis of the detachment headquarters, can the frontline troops not suffer so many casualties, and can hold the Tangtou area and stand by for help!
I believe that at this moment, the head of the division has already found a way to send the main force of the troops to the south for reinforcements.

Just as Masaki Sato was rushing towards Tangtou Town with his troops, a Japanese cavalryman caught up with Masaki Sato and reported, "Report to the regiment commander! The enemy army that is fighting with our army has already separated part of its troops to attack our army." The troops are pursuing! Are our troops intercepting the enemy troops?"


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Xu Chencang for asking for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Kinoshita Zhihe and the farmer who planed the ground for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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