War of Resistance

Chapter 398 The Chief's Wrath

Chapter 398 The Chief's Wrath

Sato Masaki frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Leave a small team to intercept and delay the time! The rest of the troops speed up!"

"Hay!" the soldier responded.

For Sato Masaki, other things came second. First of all, he had to rescue the detachment headquarters, and then think about breaking out and other issues.


The camera turns back to the LY frontline headquarters.

At this time, in addition to Xu Zuyi, the chief of staff of the theater, who is sitting here, there are also Pang Bingxun, the commander of the Third Army, and Zhang Zizhong, the commander of the Ninth Army, who are here to assist in commanding. After all, they know a lot more about their troops than Xu Zuyi, the chief. up.

Once the war started, frontline battle reports flew to the desktop of the combat command like snowflakes. In just one morning, the situation on the battlefield has reversed several times.

At the beginning of the war, the No.30 Eighth Division broke through the enemy's defense line in one fell swoop from Tingzitou, Dataiping, Shenjiataiping, Xujiataiping, and Shalingzi. The enemy suffered heavy casualties. But after dawn, the situation began to reverse.

The Japanese army mobilized the main force of its forward troops to resist the onslaught of the No.30 Eighth Division.

It has to be said that the title of the "Steel Army" of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army is not in vain. After mobilizing the reinforcements of the main force from the side and rear, the ferocity of the No. 30 Eighth Division's main force stopped abruptly. It was like bumping into a hard wall, unable to move forward an inch.

Not only was it impossible to attack, the Japanese army also relied on the favorable terrain to carry out counterattacks. The troops of both sides repeatedly charged and killed on both sides of the Yi River, and blood flowed like a river!
"Brother Chen, my No.40 Army now has only a small fortune. Now that all the troops have been invested in it, it still can't be moved." Pang Bingxun sighed, his expression very melancholy.

Zhang Zizhong's face was sinking, and he didn't know what to say. The main forces of his two divisions had already been invested. The Japanese army's combat effectiveness was too strong. These mid- and lower-level commanders were very good, not most of them It is comparable to the Northwest Army who was born in Mudlegzi.

"The two old brothers don't need to be nervous, don't we still have a card in our hand?" Xu Zuyi laughed.

"Mr. Xu is saying that Zhang Tianhai's third theater is directly under the first regiment? But sir, didn't you say that you want to reserve them as a force to participate in the battle in the later stage?" Pang Bingxun hesitated.

Xu Zuyi said with a smile on his face: "The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. If Zhang Tianhai's German weapon strengthening regiment really stays in the later stage to fight, it will be the biggest waste. Just wait! Wait for the Japanese army to fight." When they show signs of fatigue, put them into battle again, and then there will be a chance to wipe out the Sakamoto brigade!"

At this moment, the urgent call ahead came.

I saw a combat staff officer running quickly to Xu Zuyi's side and reported: "Report to Commander Xu, Liu Zhensan, commander of the [-]th Division, has an urgent call."

Xu Zuyi did not hesitate, and said directly: "Read it!"

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded, and then began to read: "Jun Jian, the commander of the frontline combat command, the Japanese army in front of us has returned to Tangtou Town with all its strength, except for some troops left behind. The Ministry is concentrating all its strength on annihilating the remnants of the enemy army, and has dispatched the 57th Regiment to pursue the enemy. Please give me instructions on the next battle plan. Liu Zhensan, Commander of the [-]th Division, March [-]th Urgent call at [-]:[-] p.m.."

Hearing this news, Xu Zuyi frowned, and said: "The enemy army in front of the [-]th Division should have received an order to quickly reinforce the troops around Zhuge City. Hurry back to Tangtou Town with all your strength? This is a bit unbelievable."

"Mr. Xu, what do you think... Could it be that something happened in Tangtou Town?" Pang Bingxun said very seriously.

"I think it is also possible that something happened in Tangtou Town. Maybe someone is hitting Tangtou Town." Zhang Zizhong agreed with Pang Bingxun's opinion very rarely.

Holding a pencil in his hand, Xu Zuyi tapped the coordinates of Tangtou Town on the map, his brows still frowning: "But this Tangtou Town, apart from its political significance, although its location is important, it is not so important as to give up Zhuge City. The main force of the Japanese army in the area will also return to aid."

"Then there is only one possibility. It is very likely that Jun Sakamoto's headquarters is here." Zhang Zizhong analyzed.

Pang Bingxun also echoed: "Yes, Commander Xu. I also agree with Brother Jinchen's opinion. Only when the headquarters is attacked, and it is not a general violent attack, can the Japanese army be forced to make such a strong man cut off his arms."

Regarding this unexpected situation, Xu Zuyi gritted his teeth, obviously already very upset: At this moment, someone dared to disobey orders and lead troops to attack Tangtou Town without authorization? !

This is not a question of whether we can win the battle, the key is to cut first and then play. No matter who is the commander, he must feel the same in his heart-the key is still those two words, respect.

If you really want to fight Tangtou Town, can you ask for instructions, do I, Xu Zuyi, seem to be such a hard-to-talk person?Xu Zuyi has already scolded Blossom in his heart.

At this time, the troops that can attack Tangtou Town with the strength and can beat the Japanese army in pain and in a hurry, except for the troops that are directly under the First Regiment of the Third War Zone that was ordered to garrison Tangshan’ao, which other troops have such strength ?

Xu Zuyi is very clear about the strength of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. Let alone the fact that the unit was already well-equipped and strong in combat effectiveness. After entering Lanling County, a cavalry battalion with more than 300 people was expanded. .

Regarding the expansion of the army, the chiefs of the commander's department of the theater turned a blind eye. After all, this is the time when the front line is in a hurry. Food requires payment, they are most welcome.

Xu Zuyi knew that before the expansion, the first regiment directly under the third war zone was already in an overstaffed state, with more than 600 people, and its strength was already close to a brigade. This expansion, except that the number is not a brigade, is already in strength. A whole trip.

That's why Xu Zuyi didn't immediately put Zhang Tianhai's troops into battle. He didn't expect this kid to be so restless that he mobilized his troops to join the battle without authorization.

"Call Master Liu back and tell him to attack Tangtou Town immediately after he wiped out the enemy in front of him!" Xu Zuyi said, holding back the unhappiness in his heart.

"Yes, sir!" The staff officer took a notebook to record what Officer Xu said.

"Also, immediately call the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone and ask about the situation of their troops!" This sentence was squeezed out by Xu Zuyi, which shows how dissatisfied he is with Zhang Tianhai's disobedience and unauthorized mobilization of troops .

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded, his heart already awe-inspiring.


Soon, Guo Qiliang, who was staying at the outskirts of Tangtou, received the stern inquiry telegram from Chief Xu of the LY frontline headquarters.

Well, yes, to put it bluntly, it means questioning, which is a bit similar to accountability.

"Chief of staff, what should we do? Do you want to reply truthfully?" Xu Xun looked at Guo Qiliang's uncertain face and asked.

Guo Qiliang thought for a while, and said: "Reply truthfully, just say that the main force of the first regiment directly under my third war zone has already attacked Tangtou Town, and it won't take long for Tangtou Town to be captured."

"Yes! Sir." After Xu Xun responded, he went to order the communications staff.

Not long after, Xu Xun came back again, and he asked Guo Qiliang: "Chief of Staff, you said, if we mobilize troops to attack Tangtou Town without authorization, will we be punished later?"

I saw Guo Qiliang glared at Xu Xun, and scolded: "The sky has fallen and there is a tall roof, it's nothing to do with you, just follow the order."

"I understand." Xu Xun replied with some trepidation.

In fact, whether it was Guo Qiliang, Zhou Fangjie, or Zhang Tianhai himself, he was already prepared to accept punishment before taking action. Disobedience is not a trivial matter.It can be said that the impact is extremely bad!
It can be seen from this telegram that Chief Xu is really angry!


Not long after, LY's frontline headquarters received a reply from the Zhiyi regiment headquarters.

Holding that piece of telegram, Xu Zuyi's face was uncertain, he was considering gains and losses: Judging from the reaction of the Japanese army, it is really possible for Zhang Tianhai and the others to hit the headquarters, which is definitely good news; but condoning disobedience This is not a good start. If this is a bad start, how will the theater chief command the troops in the future?

"Mr. Xu, what's the situation?" Pang Bingxun asked. After all, he still had some friendship with Zhang Tianhai, so he asked worriedly.

Xu Zuyi smiled wryly and said, "You two really guessed right. It's really Zhang Tianhai who is attacking Tangtou Town. And he has already entered Tangtou Town."

Both Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong knew that the influence of disobedience was not good, and looking at Chief Xu's face, he didn't seem too happy.

After thinking about it, Pang Bingxun still asked, "Then what are you going to do, sir?"

Xu Zuyi smiled wryly and shook his head: "What else can we do? Since Zhang Yulin has created a good opportunity for us, why don't we continue to fight? We can't give up the elite Zhiyituan, right? As for Zhang Tianhai's charge of disobedience , When he comes back, I will punish him for the crime."

Before Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun could speak, Xu Zuyi went on to say to the staff officer: "Order Commander Liu Zhensan to wipe out the enemy in front of him as soon as possible, and then cooperate with the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater to wipe out Tangtou Town The nearby Japanese military headquarters!"

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded again.

In fact, Xu Zuyi knew better than anyone else how rare the fighter created by Zhang Tianhai was, but this sign of disobedience really couldn't be opened casually.

After all, it wasn't the first time that Zhang Tianhai had disobeyed orders when he was included in Nanjing. Xu Zuyi felt that it was necessary to kill Zhang Tianhai at this sign.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is a habitual offender.


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friend windinwing for the two monthly tickets!
Thanks to starting point book friend 426097, QQ reading book friend you in the rainy night, and cuimingda118 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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