War of Resistance

Chapter 399 The Final Attack!

Chapter 399 The Final Attack!
Zhang Tianhai, who was still fighting on the front line, naturally didn't know about Chief Xu's anger. He was leading his troops to charge ahead.

The Zhiyi regiment's troops had just captured another line of defense from the Japanese army, and they were about to approach the command center of the Japanese army step by step.

Looking at the head of the regiment's desperate Saburo, Lu Shaojie was really a little scared, what if something happened to him, what should we do?

So, Lu Shaojie said: "Tuan Zuo, why don't you go back! For such a small problem, just wait for me to lead the team to rush."

Zhang Tianhai was in a rush, how could he agree to Lu Shaojie's request, he said: "What? You want me to go back? No, no, no. How about this, I will lead a troop, and you will also lead a troop. Let's see who rushes first To the headquarters of the Japanese army!"

Lu Shaojie was moved by Zhang Tianhai's tempting idea, and he said, "Okay, troupe, then you can bring the troops from the second company! I'll take our troops from the first company!"

At this moment, a light machine gun from the Japanese army on the commanding height of the house ahead began to sweep towards Zhang Tianhai and others.


The bullet hit the sandbag in front of Zhang Tianhai and the others, and there was a sound of "duk tuk tuk" immediately, and bullet holes began to appear on the sack, but the sand did not flow out of the bullet hole immediately.

Zhang Tianhai grabbed Lu Shaojie who was about to leave, and said, "Wait, wait until we kill that light machine gun above!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai grabbed the Mauser 1924 rifle from the soldier beside him, loaded the bullet, and shouted: "Machine gunner, cover fire!"

Just when the light machine gunners of Zhiyi Group were about to shoot, the machine gunner lying on the roof of the Japanese army immediately aimed his gun in the direction of the machine gunner and fired immediately.


Several consecutive machine gun bullets hit the brick wall, leaving bullet holes.

"Commander! No, he's aiming at me!" The machine gunner shouted, because the street width here is relatively narrow, it can't accommodate too many machine gunners.

"Nothing." Zhang Tianhai cursed, and then removed another grenade from the waist of the officer and soldier beside him.

After unscrewing the screw cap at the end, Zhang Tianhai pulled the drawstring, and the sound of "呲呲" was accompanied by gunpowder smoke.

Zhang Tianhai counted twice, and immediately threw the grenade forward forcefully.

The Japanese machine gunner on the roof moved the muzzle of his gun almost subconsciously.


I saw that the thrown grenade exploded instantly. The violent explosion sound and the instant light emitted during the explosion made the Japanese machine gunner close his eyes reflexively. At this moment, a 7.92mm caliber The bullet pierced his helmet and hit his head.

Blood and head instantly filled his steel helmet, a trace of blood flowed down from the brim of the hat, the scene was very bloody!
"Excellent marksmanship!" Seeing this brave scene, Lu Shaojie couldn't help admiring, the almost perfect marksmanship in one hand, straight to the inside of the group, who else can have it except the group seat?
"Brothers! Go!" Zhang Tianhai roared.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment had already reached their apex, and countless officers and soldiers were roaring and rushing forward.

It is an honor to be able to fall on the way of charging, even if you die in battle!

This is a national war, a national war fought for the survival of the nation!

Compared with Zhang Tianhai's successive victories, Sakamoto Shun's face was ashen as his opponent.

As the sound of the guns approaching, Jun Sakamoto knew that he could not wait for Masaki Sato's reinforcements to arrive. The muscles on his slender horse face were trembling slightly, and the gray beard was also gently shaking. flutter.

"Masters, prepare to be loyal to the Emperor!" Jun Sakamoto said in a deep voice, with a very serious expression.


After burning all the confidential documents, more than a dozen officers and soldiers of the headquarters surrounded Sakamoto Jun.

Looking at the expressions of the people in front of him, Jun Sakamoto pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, and saw that the blade was very sharp and shone brightly.

After seeing the brigade commander draw his sword, the officers of the headquarters also drew out their samurai swords from their waists, while the Japanese soldiers put their rifles on bayonets.

After doing all this, Jun Sakamoto strode up to the last correspondent, and said in a deep voice: "Immediately call His Excellency Seishiro Itagaki, the commander of the division, and say that Jun Sakamoto has high hopes for the commander of the division. Today, Jun Sakamoto and the commander Everyone in the Ministry is about to break the jade. I wish you a prosperous martial arts! No. 20 brigade, brigade commander Jun Sakamoto."

Soon, Seishiro Itagaki, who was in Qingdao, received a telegram from Jun Sakamoto in the direction of LY.


A white porcelain teacup was slammed on the ground, and immediately broke into pieces, which shows how much strength the owner of the teacup used.

"Baga! Baga!" An angry male voice came from the office, accompanied by two slaps.

The one who cursed and beat people was none other than Lieutenant General Seishiro Itagaki, the commander of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, and the one who was beaten was the deputy chief of the communications department who came to deliver the telegram.

The Japanese communications officer was slapped twice, which was very painful, but he didn't dare to rub it, so he could only lower his head and say, "Hay!"

The head of the division is always calm and confident, but this time he lost his composure. What else could it be except that something happened to the front line?

You know, this Sakamoto detachment has concentrated the main infantry force of the Fifth Division, two and a half infantry regiments, plus a strengthened artillery unit?That's three regiments, a whole brigade and a half.

Jun Sakamoto's headquarters are all "broken", what does this mean?This means that the troops of the Fifth Division in LY will suffer a devastating blow!

"Order the cavalry regiment, set off immediately! Set off immediately!" Shouted Itagaki Seishiro, his eyes were already flushed with anger.

"Hay!" The communications officer responded.

Itagaki Seishiro knew that even if all the cavalry regiments could be concentrated at this time, and they were traveling all day and night, it would probably be too late, but he couldn't just sit and watch the entire army of the Sakamoto detachment wiped out, right?

The camera turns back to the battlefield in Tangtou Town.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai led the troops to break through two more intersections. On the other side, Li Chunfei's [-]st Battalion and Han Xingle's [-]th Battalion were also fighting in the center of Chaotangtou Town. The battle was not so fierce.

This regiment of troops was originally equipped with fine weapons, and the caliber of the rifles in their hands was indeed larger than that of the Japanese army's [-]th cover, and the troop establishment was indeed relatively large, and its firepower was comparable to that of the Japanese army. Not weak at all.

Ever since, the progress of the first battalion and the fourth battalion was relatively smooth.

Less than four or ten minutes after the start of the battle, the officers and soldiers of the three battalions advanced to the last line of defense of Jun Sakamoto's headquarters, and there was a faint tendency to encircle them, and the progress was not smooth.

But just when Zhang Tianhai was about to lead his troops to break through the last line of defense of the Japanese army, Guo Qiliang, who was outside the city, received very bad news that the reinforcements of the Japanese army were about to arrive, and the number of them was around a thousand!

As the chief of staff, Guo Qiliang knew very well what it meant when the reinforcements of the Japanese army arrived at this time. It was very likely that the main force of the Zhiyi regiment would be stabbed fiercely behind the main force, so that the troops would face the enemy from the side. Then the loss is heavy!
"Quickly, quickly notify the commander of the first battalion and the commander of the fourth battalion, let them prepare for battle, and rely on strong terrain to block the enemy!" Guo Qiliang said to the messenger beside him.

"Yes! Sir!" The orderly responded.

Then, Guo Qiliang said to the cavalry who had just come to report the letter: "You, go back to the cavalry battalion immediately to convey the order of the regiment headquarters, and tell you Battalion Commander Wang to immediately withdraw to the regiment headquarters, and at the same time ask him to send someone to notify the first battalion and the fourth battalion. Pao Company, retreat into the town immediately, and wait for the big troops to return!"

"Yes! Sir!" The cavalryman responded.

Guo Qiliang was very clear about the little devil's fighting power. He didn't have the slightest intention of underestimating the enemy, and he couldn't afford to lose even if he was a group. If he was severely injured in this battle, how long would it take to recover his fighting power?

Therefore, Guo Qiliang walked to the communications staff again and said, "Call the troops guarding Tangshan'ao immediately, and ask Deputy Commander Zhou to lead all the troops immediately and return to Tangtou Town immediately!"

"Yes! Sir!" The communications staff responded.

Guo Qiliang is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to adapt. He also knows that anyway, he is already charged with disobedience. As long as the battle in Tangtou Town is fought well, nothing will happen. He, Zhang Tianhai, and Zhou Fangjie were also to blame for not allowing a single Japanese soldier to run past Tangshan'ao!
At this time, the battle in Tangtou Town is at its last moment!

"Mortar! Bomb me!!" Zhang Tianhai yelled. The bombing he said was to blow up the firepower of the last line of defense of the Japanese army, where the last two heavy machine guns of the Japanese army were defending.

The grenadiers of the Japanese army kept dropping bombs in front of Zhang Tianhai and the others, and many brothers fell under the bombardment!
Zhang Tianhai knew very well that as long as the mortars could knock out the firepower of the Japanese army in front of him, the main force of the troops would be able to rush over.

Don't forget that compared to the grenades that exist like ultra-light mortars, mortars not only have a much larger caliber, but also have a much longer range.

Soon, the two mortars of the mortar company came up to support.

"Tom!" "Tom!"

The sound of two mortar shells firing came out, and the two mortar shells drew an arc in the air, and then hit the ground hard and exploded.



It's just a pity that the two shells were blown crookedly, and the artillery immediately adjusted the direction of the muzzle and fired two shells again!

"Tom!" "Tom!"

Only two muffled crashing sounds were heard, and two mortar shells slammed into the direction of the firepower formed by the last heavy machine gun of the Japanese army, and the seven or eight Japanese soldiers were killed instantly!

After seeing the explosion on the opposite side through the corner, Zhang Tianhai immediately shouted: "Come on!"

Another melodious charge horn sounded, and a regiment of officers and soldiers launched the final attack on the headquarters of the Sakamoto Detachment!

PS: The first update is here, and there will be another update tonight!
Thank you for the two monthly tickets of the starting point book friend Rongcheng school official!
Thanks to the starting point book friends Smiling Kuzu, Can't help but yellow hands, boiled water 598, QQ reading book friends sleeping all over the youth, and Li Shange's monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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