War of Resistance

Chapter 400 Beheading!

Chapter 400 Beheading!

"Da da da da da da da da da~"

With the sound of the horn, the officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment and the guard platoon of the regiment headquarters began to launch the final charge!
Seeing that the last line of defense had been breached, the other Japanese soldiers also began to panic. They hurried to the headquarters building, hoping to use this as a way to resist, but in fact it was cruel——

Before the Japanese soldiers reached the floor where the headquarters was located, they were swept down by bullets from light machine guns.

"Everyone, please follow me out! It has reached this point, and there is no reason to escape! Everyone, your luck will last forever!" Jun Sakamoto said in a deep voice, and glanced at the interpreter at the side.

Of course, a commander of Jun Sakamoto's level would naturally not look for a half-baked translator like those in TV dramas. His translator was a Japanese army major who had systematically studied Chinese!
After all, this is a position suspected of being a high-level secret in the Japanese army, and it must be held by the Japanese's own officers to be trusted!

"Fortune is long!" The remaining Japanese officers also said in unison.

While Zhang Tianhai was still thinking about how to blow up the building in front of him, Zhang Tianhai saw a group of Japanese army officers with blood-red plaster and white turbans on their heads and samurai swords in their hands coming out.

If this scene is accompanied by a chilling BGM and a black and white filter, it will be a proper movie classic.

Zhang Tianhai took a closer look and saw that the Japanese officer walking in the front had the rank of major general, and a bright yellow five-pointed gold star was inlaid on the yellow collar badge.

"What kind of tricks do these little devils want to play? Just knock them out." Xu Sangou, who was squatting next to Zhang Tianhai, murmured.

If it weren't for the winning chance, Zhang Tianhai would have finished them off a long time ago. After all, in many movies and TV dramas, villains die because of talking too much...

Taking the lead to an open space in front of the detachment headquarters, looking at the Chinese army officers and soldiers with rifles and light machine guns aiming at them, Jun Sakamoto smiled softly, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

Sakamoto Shun opened his mouth and said something that no Chinese could understand: "Konni Jiwa... (the number of crosses is omitted here)"

The interpreter opened his mouth and translated: "Hello, the commander of the Chinese army on the opposite side, I am Major General Jun Sakamoto, commander of the No. 20th First Brigade of the Japanese Fifth Division, and the current battle in Tangtou Town is your army's battle." I won. This point is already an irrefutable fact. Sakamoto didn't even think about getting out of here alive. Now I want to see the commander of your army. Even if I die, I have to see what it is like Man, beat me."

Hiding behind the bunker, seeing Zhang Tianhai's agitated appearance, Xu Sangou gave him a hand and said, "Tuan Zuo, you can't go out. These little devils are extremely cunning and cruel. Who knew what they were doing?" What a trick."

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "It's okay, there is no better shooting point in the headquarters, and these little devils don't look like they have bombs strapped to them. I will meet Jun Sakamoto when I go out. Satisfy them." A dying wish!"

"Then I'll go out with you." Xu Sangou said quickly.

Zhang Tianhai immediately stopped Xu Sangou's actions, and said, "No, Sangou, you have to bring someone to guard here. If they want to do other things, you can just shoot them."

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou responded.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, then turned around and jumped out, saying: "I am the commander of this army, may I ask if you have fulfilled your request?"

To be honest, Jun Sakamoto was a little surprised to see that the commander on the other side was so young, but looking at the other party's military rank, he was a colonel again.

Then, Jun Sakamoto chattered a lot.

Zhang Tianhai looked at the interpreter next to Sakamoto Shun, and saw the interpreter speak and translate: "Since you are so young, you already have the rank of colonel. You must be a high-achieving student at the Whampoa Military Academy?"

Zhang Tianhai put his hands behind his back, looked coldly at the Japanese officers in front of him, and said, "I am indeed a graduate of Whampoa, whether I am a high-achieving student is another matter. But I advise you not to try to resist to the end." , as long as you can put down the weapons in your hands, I assure you as the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater of the National Revolutionary Army, your lives are absolutely safe."

The translator translated Zhang Tianhai's words to Sakamoto Shun, and saw that Sakamoto Shun laughed and chattered again.

Soon, the translator went on to translate: "We appreciate your kindness, but our Imperial Japanese Army will not be your prisoner. You are young, and you can serve as a commander in a war zone of the Chinese Army." The head of the regiment directly under him is really an excellent talent, and Sakamoto has no regrets to die in the hands of such an outstanding junior like Your Excellency."

But what Zhang Tianhai and others didn't know was that in the silence all around, there was still a Japanese army correspondent inside who was sending telegrams, calling the number of the enemy in front of him, Zhang Tianhai's subordinate, to the Fifth Division. Regiment's Divisional Headquarters.

Zhang Tianhai didn't have the patience to talk to Sakamoto Shun, so he looked at Sakamoto Shun and the others coldly, and shouted loudly: "Now, I'll give you one last chance, will you surrender?! Hand over your guns or not?" kill!!"

"Pay your gun and don't kill!!!"

"Pay your gun and don't kill!!!"

"Pay your gun and don't kill!!!"

The surrounding officers and soldiers shouted in unison, the scene was very shocking!
Looking at the cheering enemy troops around, Jun Sakamoto's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Your Excellency's troops defeated today, and don't forget, our excellent Imperial Japanese Army will avenge us! Long live the Emperor! !!!”

Zhang Tianhai is not a fool either. Seeing Sakamoto Shun's face, how could he still not know what the other party meant?So he raised his left hand and shouted at the same time: "Machine gunner is ready!!"

"Shuh" "Shuh" "Shuh"...

All the light machine guns are ready to shoot at this moment, waiting for the command of the regiment to shoot.

Facing Zhang Tianhai's dominance, the Japanese military translator still translated Sakamoto Shun's words to Zhang Tianhai and others without changing his face. At the end, he did not forget to shout a sentence in Japanese: "Long live the Emperor!!"

Looking at the group of diehard members of the Japanese army in front of him, Zhang Tianhai knew that these people would not surrender, and he immediately clenched his raised right hand. Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie and others saw the group seat's gesture, and immediately shouted: "Open!" Gun shooting!!"

In the next second, countless bullets smashed Jun Sakamoto and other Japanese officers into sieves!
After a while, there was a grenade explosion in the building where the Japanese army headquarters was located.


Zhang Tianhai was not surprised by the sound of the explosion. It should be that a diehard member of the Japanese army committed suicide with some confidential documents or a wounded soldier.

"Go! Search to see if there is anything suspicious and useful!" Zhang Tianhai ordered the people behind him.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Everyone responded, this battle has invisibly reached the peak of Zhang Tianhai's prestige...

Zhang Tianhai strode towards Sakamoto Jun's body, picked up the samurai sword in Sakamoto Shun's hand with his hand wearing a white command glove, and murmured: "What a good samurai sword, the major general level is It's different."

After putting away the samurai sword, Zhang Tianhai turned around, pointed to the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon, and said, "You, go back and tell Chief of Staff Guo to send a report to the LY frontline headquarters, and tell him that my third The theater was directly under the headquarters of the First Regiment, annihilating the headquarters of the No. 20 First Brigade of the Japanese Army in one fell swoop, and killing the head of the enemy brigade, Major General Jun Sakamoto!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The soldier raised his head and chest, stood at attention and saluted. From that look, he looked like the kind who felt that he was very honorable.


The explosion in the Japanese headquarters was caused by the last radio soldier of the Japanese army holding the radio. The purpose was to destroy the radio and commit suicide.

This last telegram from the No. 20 First Brigade Headquarters was sent to the Fifth Division Commander Seishiro Itagaki not long after.

Sitting in the office, Seishiro Itagaki's hands holding the telegram trembled a little. Since he entered the Chinese battlefield, he has won consecutive battles and even set a brilliant record of undefeated brigade against 20 Chinese troops in Shanxi!

However, at such a smooth time, Itagaki Seishiro fell into a big somersault in front of Tangtou Town, a little-known town, and it can be said that he was turned on his back.

"Immediately send a report to the Special High School, I want all the information of the first regiment directly under the third theater of the Chinese Army!" Seishiro Itagaki said, holding back his anger.

"Hay!" It was the telegram delivered by the slapped deputy chief of the communications department. This time, he was smart enough to leave the division chief's office as soon as he got the order.

After the deputy chief of the communication department left, Itagaki Seishiro walked to the map, stared at the two places of Tangtou Town and LY, and said in a deep voice: "Sakamoto-kun, you have a good journey. I will avenge you all !"


Just after Zhang Tianhai sent people to search the headquarters of the Sakamoto Detachment of the Japanese Army, he received news that more than a thousand reinforcements from the Japanese Army were about to arrive in Tangtou Town.

"This Sakamoto Shun has a good idea. I want to wait for the troops to come back for help? It's a pity that it's too late." Zhang Tianhai sneered, and then said to Li Chunfei, Han Xingle, Lu Shaojie and the three people beside him: "You three battalions, Except for the second battalion which is responsible for clearing out the remnants of the enemy in the town, the first battalion and the fourth battalion immediately went into battle! Don't let a single enemy enter the soup!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, and Han Xingle stood at attention and saluted.

After the combat mission was issued, the three battalion commanders all went to work on their own affairs, and Zhang Tianhai also led the guards back to the regiment headquarters outside the town. The little devil hugged him.

After returning to the command post outside the town, seeing Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion, small artillery company, artillery battalion and other troops gathered in one place, Zhang Tianhai finally let go of his hanging heart——

At least he doesn't have to worry about being taken away by the little devil's reinforcements, the most valuable possessions he has worked so hard to save.

"Old Guo, how is the situation now?" Zhang Tianhai went up to him and asked.

Guo Qiliang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Old Zhang, now I have ordered Deputy Head Zhou to lead the remaining troops of the regiment to come from the direction of Tangshan'ao in the name of the regiment headquarters, otherwise our situation may be a little bit bad. "

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said: "That's fine. This time the beheading operation was very successful. The Japanese army headquarters in the LY area has been taken away by our regiment in one fell swoop. Next, it is time to share the results of the battle. The weapons and equipment of the Japanese army , we can't let it go!"


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Kji Ogawa, book friend 170119190202236, Daiyu Lihua 1957, and Wuhua Anti-American Emperor for one monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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