War of Resistance

Chapter 401 Changes in the situation

Chapter 401 Changes in the situation

For Zhang Tianhai, winning the Tangtou Town battle was just the beginning.

This battle in Tangtou Town can be said to be opportunistic, and wiped out the enemies of Tangtou Town with absolute advantage. Then, these Japanese troops will inevitably retaliate wildly against the Zhiyi Regiment, or in order to regain Tangtou Town And launched a desperate attack.

It can be said that the next battle is absolutely tough!
For example, there are more than a thousand Japanese field troops outside Tangtou Town. These troops are different from the enemies of Tangtou Town because they have to disperse their forces to defend various main roads. Iron Fist!
What's more, the Zhiyi regiment's troops had just captured Tangtou Town, and they were in a state of instability, and they wiped out the Japanese defenders in Tangtou, and they also suffered a lot of casualties.

If Zhang Tianhai was given two more hours, he could face the enemy army in front of him calmly, and it would not be a problem to wipe out the enemy army completely, but the problem was that the enemy army did not give them time to face it calmly.

The camera switches to outside Tangtou Town, Sato Masaki's headquarters.

Sato Masaki is 37 years old this year. In theory, he belongs to a relatively young group of Dazuo officers.

After all, there are too many excellent talents in the Japanese army, and those who can take the lead are basically selected from the best.

Sato Masaki's height can be considered tall among the Japanese army. After all, the height of 1.8 meters is placed there, which is quite conspicuous in the team.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain, the brigade headquarters has lost contact!" A communication soldier with a radio on his back ran to Masaki Sato and reported.

"It seems that we are still a step late..." Sato Masaki sighed, "Call the division headquarters immediately and ask about the next battle plan!"

"Hay!" The communications soldier responded.

Not long after, an inquiry order from the Fifth Division came, generally asking about the battle situation on the front line and the positions of the various units on the LY front line.

Looking at this inquiry telegram, Sato Masaki felt mixed feelings in his heart, but he had no choice: the sound of guns can no longer be heard in Tangtou Town, is there still a need to continue the attack?The enemy's elite troops are in front, and the pursuers are in the rear.

Sato Masaki is really difficult to choose.

After taking a deep breath, Sato Masaki said: "Report the truth! Just say that I have led a brigade of troops in front of Tangtou Town."

"Hay!" The communications soldier responded again.


When Sato Masaki led more than a thousand Japanese troops to hesitate outside Tangtou Town, Zhang Tianhai had already led the guard platoon to the front line of the first battalion again.

As for the troops of the second battalion, Zhang Tianhai ordered Lu Shaojie to draw out a company of troops to guard the regiment headquarters, while the rest of the troops were dealing with the wounded soldiers of the first regiment.

Since Zhang Tianhai's troops were on a long-distance attack this time, they did not notify the local government to organize the people to cooperate in the treatment, so they could only rely on the doctors in the medical squad and the cooperation of the rest of the troops.

Fortunately, two Japanese military doctors were captured during the suppression of Tangtou Town, and the Japanese army's medical warehouse was also seized.

The two captured Japanese military doctors did not seem to be completely brainwashed by the idea of ​​"loyalty to the emperor". They did not choose to "kill themselves to thank the emperor" or beg their opponents to kill themselves like most Japanese soldiers did when they were captured. .

Under the coercion of Lu Shaojie, the two Japanese military doctors started to treat the wounded.

Lu Shaojie made an inventory. In this attack on Tangtou Town, thanks to the powerful firepower and the generally small caliber of the Japanese rifles, the number of deaths was not too many, about two hundred people, but the number of injured people was relatively large. , 190 people were seriously injured, and about 200 people were slightly injured.

In terms of this battle loss ratio, it is still relatively large. After all, the Japanese army also killed so many people in battle.

By the way, so many people died in the Japanese army, this has to be related to the difference between victory and defeat: in victory, there is still some hope of survival for the lightly wounded or seriously wounded; , do you think the enemy would have such a good plan to spend so much medical resources to save a life-and-death enemy?

"Damn it, this little Japan's combat strength is still not bad. With the absolute superiority of troops and firepower, we beat them with so many casualties. If we had an encounter with them, we would Great?" Lu Shaojie cursed.

"Battalion Commander, what should we do next?" the guard next to Lu Shaojie asked.

"What else can we do? After dealing with the wounded, immediately count the spoils!" Lu Shaojie said.

"Yes, Battalion Commander! I'm going to notify the two company commanders right now!" The guard responded, and the two company commanders he mentioned were naturally the company commanders of the infantry company. The boss arranged to go to other places to guard the key points.

The camera turned to the [-]st Battalion again.

At this time, the first battalion had already occupied the original Japanese guard position, which was a bit like "occupying the magpie's nest", but the places that were collapsed by the mortar shells had not been repaired in time.

But it's almost the same. After all, the Japanese army has already approached the city at this time, and it's too late to fill up.

"Strange, why don't these little devils attack? Are they here just for fun?" Zhang Tianhai said with a depressed face.

"Tuan Zuo, isn't that too much for you to say? They didn't attack when we didn't set up a position. It's a good thing for you. After setting up a position, I blame the little devil for not attacking." Li Chunfei laughed. After winning the battle, it is inevitable to feel good.

Zhang Tianhai's expression was very serious, not as relaxed as Li Chunfei's. He said, "Look! The most important thing for these little devils is to retrieve the corpses of their compatriots. Usually those little soldiers have to take them back, let alone now we But if they killed a major general and a lieutenant commander, there would be two or three major commanders."

"Hey, come here if you come, come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair!" Li Chunfei laughed.

"It's easy for you to think! Let me tell you, don't underestimate the combat power of the Japanese army. Don't forget that we fought fiercely in the Battle of Songhu. Now we have at best picked up a loophole. Don't be too careless." Zhang Tianhai said sternly.

The current situation is really confusing for Zhang Tianhai: indeed, he took down Jun Sakamoto's headquarters, but he also changed a bit of history, and he doesn't know how the next battle will develop!
After all, in the original history, after Sakamoto Jun's frontline army was defeated, Sakamoto Juncai had to lead the remnants to escape and retreat, and then waited for support!

When Zhang Tianhai felt that he had encountered a problem, Itagaki Seishiro also felt that he had encountered a problem: he was really in a dilemma about the arrangement of the Sato United team. On the one hand, he wanted Sato Masaki to lead the troops to retake Jun Sakamoto's body; On the one hand, they want to preserve the strength of the Japanese army in the LY area, and wait until the reinforcements arrive before rectifying the attack.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I believe that we should think of a way to achieve the best of both worlds at this time. We can try to contact the troops of the No.11 Wing and the No.20 Wing. If we can get in touch, order They hurried to Tangtou Town, and we will fight another big battle around Tangtou Town. As long as the bridgehead of Tangtou Town is regained, our army's follow-up reinforcements will be able to launch another favorable attack! Besides, at this time, the Isogu Division The commander is leading the [-]th Division to attack Teng County on the front of the Jinpu line, we must not be ashamed of the empire." The chief of staff at the side suggested.

Itagaki Seishiro thought for a while, and felt that what the chief of staff said made sense, so he decided to let Sato Masaki lead his troops to "counterattack Tangtou Town", and at the same time, he ordered the No.11 Regiment and No.20 Regiment No. [-] Regiment to break out in the direction of Tangtou Town. , and take back Tangtou Town!

Of course, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel——

After Itagaki Seishiro issued a new combat order, only No. 20, the captain of the No. 40 regiment, and Sato Masaki, the captain of the No. 11 second regiment, received it, but Nagano Yuichiro of the No. [-] regiment did not. order received.

What happened to Yuichiro Nagano?
That's right, for Yuichiro Nagano, something really happened to him!

At this time, the troops near the headquarters of the No.11 regiment had been wiped out, and only the captain of the regiment, Nagano Yuichiro, led the guards directly under the regiment to guard desperately.

"Shoot!" Nagano Yuichiro held up his command saber, different from Sakamoto Jun's calmness. At this time, he didn't even have time to change into the red plaster and white turban that Japanese soldiers must wear when they die!
The desperate attack of the Chinese army made Nagano Yuichiro unable to hold back at all. The main force of the alliance was dragged down on the right wing, and the remaining troops were also fighting a tug-of-war with the Northwest Army on the frontal battlefield of Zhuge City. !
I have to admit that the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is still quite strong. Although the Japanese army has gradually begun to fall into a disadvantage, the national army did not pay a big price.

For example, in the direction of the No.30 Eighth Division, the brigade commander has already complained to the division commander Huang Weigang, saying that if the fight continues, the troops will be wiped out.

But Huang Weigang has only one sentence here: "Your troops are wiped out, and after the war, find a way to make up. If you dare to lead your troops to retreat without authorization, I will kill you personally without the commander!"

It is also Huang Weigang's cruel words, and the brothers below have always maintained a high enthusiasm for the fight against Little Japan, so some brigade and regiment-level military officers who have begun to complain can only be stubborn. On the scalp.

It's still the same sentence, let's replenish when the troops are exhausted!

While fighting on LY's side was in full swing, Zou County's side was not idle either. The [-]th Division, together with a part of the [-]th Division, had captured the two frontier positions of the National Army, and the troops were divided. Two routes, one with the Segu Detachment as the main force to attack Teng County, and the other to attack Zou County, trying to clear the rear of the attack on Taierzhuang as soon as possible!
The bullets flew across, and the shells with a howling sound slammed into the quaint city wall of Teng County. The whole city wall trembled a little, and it began to look crumbling.

The No. 40 First Army First, Second Second Division of the Sichuan Army is in charge of defending the city here. The division commander is none other than Wang Mingzhang!

"It's a dog day, little Japan, bombing and bombing every day is not in the right shape. Your mother-in-law is going to have sex with others!" A young soldier of the Sichuan Army with a quick mouth was cursing in the middle of the artillery fortifications. , obviously he was very upset in his heart, after all, how many people like being bombed?


PS: Today's first update is here!

Continue to ask for various tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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