War of Resistance

Chapter 402 Itagaki Seijiro Urgent!

Chapter 402 Itagaki Seishiro calls urgently!

"You Guier has a bad mouth. Do you have any skills?" An old squad leader next to the young Sichuan army said while smoking a dry cigarette.

I saw that the old squad leader of the Sichuan Army was about 40 years old, with an unshaven beard, and looked a bit old. Compared with other national army troops, the most conspicuous thing was the old Sichuan-made soil gun on his back. , The equipment is not generally inferior.

Soldiers with two guns like the old squad leader can be regarded as typical in the Sichuan Army-after all, "two-gun soldiers" can be regarded as a special feature in the Sichuan Army, with one smoking gun and one rifle.

"Dog day, don't you want me to curse?" the Sichuan soldier said cursing in Sichuan dialect.

Compared with the old squad leader, this young soldier of the Sichuan Army did not smoke the tobacco. After all, the tobacco also cost a lot of money. Those who are not addicted rarely smoke so much old tobacco.

"But to be honest, little baby, this time the little Japan is coming aggressively. Compared with the previous few battles, it is much more ferocious. This time, we are ready to sacrifice." The old squad leader exhaled a thick smoke road.

"Didn't Master Wang issue a death order to defend Teng County to the death, and to live and die with Teng County? If you die, you will die. Everyone is not afraid of death. Is it just me who retreats alone? Let me tell you, if Little Japan hits In front of me, I will be the first to kill them with this gun." As he said that, the young Sichuan soldier took out the heavy and rough Sichuan-made soil gun on his back, and it looked like It looks very confident.

"To tell you the truth, you are the only one in your family, and you still haven't thought about finding a wife to renew the incense for your old Hao's family. Otherwise, everyone usually calls you a little ghost, and you can't really become that lonely little ghost in the underworld. .” The old squad leader said earnestly.

"Old squad leader, I know what you said. Now both the head of the regiment and the teacher have issued a death order, saying that they will stick to Teng County and fight to the death with Little Japan. If they go back alive, they will definitely marry a wife. Lao Tzu I haven't tasted the taste of a female doll yet." Hao Bin said in a babbling voice, looking very much like the kind of person everyone usually sees, who is forced to pretend to be an old driver.

"That's right, you little brat finally told the truth, hahaha..." The Sichuan soldier next to him suddenly interjected, and there was a burst of laughter in the artillery fortification, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After a while, a soldier ran in and said, "Brothers, get ready to fight. Dog days, little Japanese, come up and chat!"

"Let's go! Brothers!" The old squad leader of the Sichuan Army didn't even have time to extinguish the cigarette, so he went out with the heavy and old Sichuan-made rifle, and the other Sichuan Army brothers did the same.

When the Seya Detachment of the Tenth Division, which was composed of the No.30 Third Brigade as the backbone and strengthened by two tank squadrons and an independent artillery brigade, was attacking Teng County, the Japanese army on the east bank of the Yihe River in the LY battlefield The position was finally captured by Li Zhenqing's supplementary regiment of the No.40 Army.

Nagano Yuichiro was holding a samurai sword in his hand at this time, looking nervously at the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army who surrounded him.

"Company commander, this little devil officer is not a good guy. Commanding the troops to kill so many good brothers of ours, it would be too cheap for him to be captured. Kill him, anyway, kill him, We also have military exploits." A soldier of the Northwest Army persuaded the company commander beside him.

The company commander of the Northwest Army nodded, raised the pistol in his hand, and shot Nagano Yuichiro in the head.


The bullet hit Nagano Yuichiro's head, leaving a bullet hole immediately, and blood flowed out of the bullet hole.

Nagano Yuichiro did not shout "Long live the Emperor" that they would shout before and after the Japanese army's death. He did not understand why the frontline troops of the Sakamoto detachment, composed of the main force of the Fifth Division that existed like a "steel army", were defeated. So quickly, almost overnight, the situation on the front line of Zhuge City was reversed!
Nagano Yuichiro, the captain of the No.11 regiment, died in battle, but his troops did not stop fighting. After all, the main force of the No.11 regiment was still fighting in the right-wing position of the Japanese army in Zhugecheng.

After the main force of the No.11 Regiment of the Japanese Army communicated with the troops of the No.20 Regiment Katano Satomo via the radio, they launched a two-sided attack on the weak part of the defense line of the No.30 Eighth Division of the National Army, and finally pierced No.30. The defense line of the Eighth Division's headquarters, so as to achieve the purpose of joining forces.

"Report to the captain, the wing command has lost contact for nearly half an hour!" A Japanese signal soldier with a radio on his back ran to Ji Jialiang and reported.

Jijia Lianghan is the captain of the No.11 Wing of the Japanese Army, the second battalion, and the second battalion is also one of the troops sent by the wing leader Nagano Yuichiro to fight on the right-wing battlefield.

"It seems that the captain of the Nagano Alliance may be in danger. Our contact with the brigade department has also been cut off." Ji Jialiang sighed, then turned to stand at attention and bowed his head to Katano and said: "Master Katano, now our The headquarters of the No.11 regiment has already contacted the higher-level command organization, and now we directly rely on you to command us!"

Ji Jialiang knew very well how dangerous the situation on the LY battlefield was at this time, and if he was not careful, he might end up with annihilation of the entire army, so he couldn't help but not make such a choice.

I saw Katano nodded and said: "Jijia-san, let me command your troops, this is absolutely no problem, but there is a prerequisite, you must obey my orders unconditionally!"

"Hay! There is absolutely no problem with this!" Ji Jialiang stood at attention again and lowered his head.

At this moment, Katano decided to see the No. 20 [-]st Wing's communications soldier running over and reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Captain, the brigade and regiment headquarters have lost contact for nearly [-] minutes, please give instructions to the wing leader!"

"Nani?! Something happened to the brigade department too?!" Katano Shujian almost subconsciously exclaimed.

Before the communicator could answer, the mobile telegraph on the communicator's back beeped, and the indicator light kept flashing. The communicator immediately found a relatively flat place, put down the telegraph, and began to translate the content of the message.

After a while, the Japanese signal soldier handed over the translated contents of the telegram to Katano for advice.

I saw that the contents of the telegram read—"Here is the headquarters of the No. 20 First Regiment, the headquarters of the Sakamoto detachment headquarters has been completely destroyed, and now the headquarters of the Fifth Division directly commands your department. After the order, you should actively contact the headquarters of the No.11 Regiment to strive for a joint force, and then return to Tangtou Town to assist Tangtou Town. Be sure to capture Tangtou Town to ensure that the imperial army’s attack on the bridgehead of LY will not fall to the enemy. Fifth Division Headquarters, division commander Seishiro Itagaki urgently calls!"

After seeing this order, Katano's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately handed the telegram to Ji Jialiang to watch, and said very seriously: "Ji Jiasan, the situation is urgent now, and even the detachment headquarters has an accident. The front line I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense to stick to it. The division commander ordered us to return to Tangtou Town, and you are responsible for contacting the remaining troops of your No.11 Regiment! In addition to the tank troops and artillery troops, we must gather to be the main force. The power rushes in the direction of Tangtou!"

"Hay!" Ji Jialiang responded, and then took the telegram translation in Katano Yasumi's hand and read it carefully.

After reading the telegram, Ji Jialiang bowed his head to Katano Sudami and said: "Master Katano, I will carry out your order immediately!"

Katano nodded and said: "Go! The martial arts will last forever!"

"Fortune lasts forever!" Ji Jialiang nodded, then turned and left.


When the main force of the remaining troops of the No. 11 Regiment and the remnants of the No. 20 Regiment joined forces to form an eastward advance force, Sato Masaki also received an urgent telegram from the commander of the division, Seishiro Itagaki. What about the offense?

It's a pity that Sato Masaki didn't know how elite the troops in front of him were - after all, he didn't participate in the battle where the guards of the command headquarters defended Tangtou Town. If he had participated, he wouldn't dare to act rashly!

It was still the Japanese army's inherent tendency to underestimate hostility. Sato Masaaki knew that the troops that could capture Tangtou Town so quickly would not be simple, but his knowledge of the Chinese army since entering the Chinese battlefield told him: No matter how strong the Chinese army is, it is nothing more than an army that possesses a large number of light weapons but lacks heavy weapons.

As for the reason why the security forces of the detachment headquarters lost so quickly, Sato Masaaki consciously attributed the reason to the fact that the security forces underestimated the enemy, which led to the destruction of the Sakamoto detachment headquarters.

However, in fact, the troops commanded by the Sakamoto detachment not only did not underestimate the enemy, but also displayed super combat power, because the disparity in support firepower between the two sides was the reason why the detachment's guards were wiped out!

Lying behind a bunker, Zhang Tianhai kept yawning and whining, "Damn it, these little devils didn't attack until they were sleepy. This biological clock is messed up. It's really hard..."

Li Chunfei, the commander of the first battalion next to him, was not in much better condition, and was also yawning profusely.

"Tuan Zuo, why don't you go and squat for a while! I'll call you again when the little devils attack. According to my humble opinion, these little devils will attack soon..." Li Chunfei also hit One yawned.

Looking at the formation of the Japanese army on the opposite side, this is indeed the case.

Zhang Tianhai was also idle and bored, just at this time Xu Sangou finally put on his dedicated [-] with an [-]x optical sight.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai immediately took off his holster and began to adjust his shooting accuracy.

"A gamble?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Li Chunfei with great interest and said.

Unexpectedly, when Li Chunfei heard this word, he immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said, "No, no, Mr. Tuan, we are all soldiers with a good morale. We don't like gambling, we don't like gambling."

"Look at your cowardice. According to the distance between us and the little devil, there must be 600 meters, right? The little devil's three-eighth cover, after the range exceeds 400 meters, the bullets start to drift, and the ballistics drop sharply. What's the matter? Don't even dare to bet on this?" Zhang Tianhai glanced at Li Chunfei provocatively.

Unexpectedly, this kid Li Chunfei wasn't fooled at all, and he still said righteously: "Don't do business at a loss, who doesn't know that you are the number one sharpshooter of our group, and betting with you is not asking for trouble." What? With this little money, after the war is over, wouldn’t it be good for me to go to the streets to add a few dishes?”

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but sighed in his heart: I really don't have old hearts... people nowadays are all monkeys and monkeys, so let's treat it as a bribe in a disguised form, and invite him to have a meal Can't you?Hey, it would be better if there are more fools in this world...


PS: The second update is here!

Another day's update has been completed, and tomorrow's update will only be one more, with a word count of about [-] words!Because I'm going back to my hometown for a wedding tomorrow, it's just so miserable for those who haven't saved their manuscripts...

Thanks to Qidian book friends Smiling Kuzu and Daiyu Lihua 1957 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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